Záložní zdroje

APC Smart-UPS 1000VA LCD 230V SmartConnect, SMT1000IC
skladem eshop

APC Smart-UPS 1000VA LCD 230V SmartConnect

17 916 Kč

APC Smart-UPS 750VA LCD RM 2U 230V Smart Connect, SMT750RMI2UC
skladem eshop

APC Smart-UPS 750VA LCD RM 2U 230V Smart Connect

18 372 Kč

APC Smart-UPS C 1500VA LCD 230V with SmartConnect, SMC1500IC
skladem eshop

APC Smart-UPS C 1500VA LCD 230V with SmartConnect

20 510 Kč

APC Smart-UPS C 1000VA LCD RM 2U 230V with SmartConnect, SMC1000I-2UC
skladem eshop

APC Smart-UPS C 1000VA LCD RM 2U 230V with SmartConnect

20 896 Kč

APC Rack PDU, Switched, 1U, 12A/208V,10A/230V,AP7920B, AP7920B
skladem eshop

Rack PDU, Switched, 1U, 12A/208V,10A/230V,AP7920B

22 793 Kč

APC Smart-UPS 1500VA LCD 230V with Smart Connect, SMT1500IC
skladem eshop

APC Smart-UPS 1500VA LCD 230V with Smart Connect

24 226 Kč

APC Smart-UPS 1000VA RM 2U 230V Smart Connect, SMT1000RMI2UC
skladem eshop

APC Smart-UPS 1000VA RM 2U 230V Smart Connect

24 928 Kč

APC Smart-UPS C 1500VA LCD RM 2U 230V with SmartConnect, SMC1500I-2UC
skladem eshop

APC Smart-UPS C 1500VA LCD RM 2U 230V with SmartConnect

26 506 Kč

APC Smart-UPS X 1000VA Rack/Tower LCD 230V, SMX1000I
skladem eshop

APC Smart-UPS X 1000VA Rack/Tower LCD 230V

26 506 Kč

APC Smart-UPS 750VA LCD RM 2U 230V net., SMT750RMI2UNC
skladem eshop

APC Smart-UPS 750VA LCD RM 2U 230V net.

27 172 Kč

APC Smart-UPS 1500VA RM 2U 230V Smart Connect, SMT1500RMI2UC
skladem eshop

APC Smart-UPS 1500VA RM 2U 230V Smart Connect

31 274 Kč

APC Smart-UPS X 750VA Rack/Tower LCD w.NC, SMX750INC
skladem eshop

APC Smart-UPS X 750VA Rack/Tower LCD w.NC

35 797 Kč

APC Smart-UPS 2200VA LCD 230V with SmartConnect, SMT2200IC
skladem eshop

APC Smart-UPS 2200VA LCD 230V with SmartConnect

38 352 Kč

APC Smart-UPS SRT 1500VA 230V, SRT1500XLI
skladem eshop

APC Smart-UPS SRT 1500VA 230V

40 706 Kč

APC Smart-UPS 1500VA RM 2U 230V w.net, SMT1500RMI2UNC
skladem eshop

APC Smart-UPS 1500VA RM 2U 230V w.net

41 582 Kč

APC Smart-UPS SRT 1000VA RM 230V Network Card, SRT1000RMXLI-NC
skladem eshop

APC Smart-UPS SRT 1000VA RM 230V Network Card

45 939 Kč

APC Smart-UPS X 2200VA Rack/Tow LCD 230V, SMX2200HV
skladem eshop

APC Smart-UPS X 2200VA Rack/Tow LCD 230V

51 049 Kč

APC Smart-UPS 2200VA LCD RM 2U 230V with Smart Connect, SMT2200RMI2UC
skladem eshop

APC Smart-UPS 2200VA LCD RM 2U 230V with Smart Connect

53 077 Kč

APC Smart-UPS 3000VA LCD 230V with SC, SMT3000IC
skladem eshop

APC Smart-UPS 3000VA LCD 230V with SC

57 635 Kč

APC Smart-UPS 2200VA LCD RM 2U 230V, SMT2200RMI2UNC
skladem eshop

APC Smart-UPS 2200VA LCD RM 2U 230V

63 846 Kč

APC Smart-UPS X 3000VA Rack/T LCD 230V, SMX3000HV
skladem eshop

APC Smart-UPS X 3000VA Rack/T LCD 230V

66 475 Kč

APC Smart-UPS X 2200VA RM/Tower LCDw.net, SMX2200HVNC
skladem eshop

APC Smart-UPS X 2200VA RM/Tower LCDw.net

67 528 Kč

APC Smart-UPS 3000VA LCD RM 2U 230V with SmartConnect, SMT3000RMI2UC
skladem eshop

APC Smart-UPS 3000VA LCD RM 2U 230V with SmartConnect

67 978 Kč

APC Smart-UPS X 2200VA Rack/Tower LCD, SMX2200RMHV2U
skladem eshop

APC Smart-UPS X 2200VA Rack/Tower LCD

70 509 Kč

APC Smart-UPS X 3000VA Rack/Tower LCD, SMX3000RMHV2U
skladem eshop

APC Smart-UPS X 3000VA Rack/Tower LCD

81 377 Kč

APC Smart-UPS X 3000VA Rack/Tower LCD 230V, SMX3000HVNC
skladem eshop

APC Smart-UPS X 3000VA Rack/Tower LCD 230V

83 130 Kč

APC Smart-UPS X 2200VA Rack/Tower LCD w.net, SMX2200R2HVNC
skladem eshop

APC Smart-UPS X 2200VA Rack/Tower LCD w.net

87 864 Kč

APC Smart-UPS X 3000VA Rack/Tower LCD, SMX3000RMHV2UNC
skladem eshop

APC Smart-UPS X 3000VA Rack/Tower LCD

92 772 Kč

APC Smart-UPS 5000VA 230V Rackmount/Tower, SUA5000RMI5U
skladem eshop

APC Smart-UPS 5000VA 230V Rackmount/Tower

128 460 Kč

skladem eshop

APC Smart-UPS SRT 6000VA 230V

160 016 Kč
