![SENSITIVE Book for XIAOMI Redmi NOTE 11 PRO / 11 PRO 5G light pink 107249](
Pouzdro SENSITIVE Book. Poskytuje ochranu zařízení před poškozením, chrání nejen jeho kryt, ale také obrazovku. Složený do podoby televizního stojanu. Dvojitá ochrana - pouzdro chrání zařízení z obou stran, snižuje riziko poškození a poškrábání. Silný magnet zajišťuje snadné zavírání a otevírání pouzdra a zabraňuje jeho náhodnému otevření. Forma TV stolku pro pohodlné sledování filmů a brouzdání po internetu. Nezbytné výřezy poskytují snadný přístup ke všem portům a ovlivňují pohodlné používání smartphonu. Vestavěná kapsa na doklady umožňuje bezpečné uložení platebních karet. Trendy, mužný design zdůrazňuje jedinečný charakter uživatele. Dostupné v několika barvách.
269 Kč
![TENDER Book Case for XIAOMI Redmi Note 11 Pro / 11 Pro 5G brown 499170](
Pouzdro Forcell TENDER. Vyrobeno z měkkého, na dotek příjemného materiálu. Vybaveno třemi kapsami na bankovky a doklady. Upevnění na magnet. Pouzdro Forcell TENDER poskytuje plnou ochranu zařízení, zajišťuje nejen jeho záda, ale i obrazovku. Vestavěná spona na magnet zabraňuje náhodnému otevření pouzdra a udržuje váš telefon v bezpečí. Tři vnitřní kapsy, viditelné po otevření klopy, umožňují bezpečné uložení dokumentů a bankovek. Díky perforaci na ohybu se pouzdro složí do polohy TV stojanu. Jedná se o pohodlný stojan, který usnadňuje sledování filmů. Instalace pouzdra je extrémně jednoduchá: flexibilní vložka umožňuje snadné umístění telefonu. Materiál: eko kůže
269 Kč
![TENDER Book Case for XIAOMI Redmi Note 11 Pro / 11 Pro 5G black 499171](
Pouzdro Forcell TENDER. Vyrobeno z měkkého, na dotek příjemného materiálu. Vybaveno třemi kapsami na bankovky a doklady. Upevnění na magnet. Pouzdro Forcell TENDER poskytuje plnou ochranu zařízení, zajišťuje nejen jeho záda, ale i obrazovku. Vestavěná spona na magnet zabraňuje náhodnému otevření pouzdra a udržuje váš telefon v bezpečí. Tři vnitřní kapsy, viditelné po otevření klopy, umožňují bezpečné uložení dokumentů a bankovek. Díky perforaci na ohybu se pouzdro složí do polohy TV stojanu. Jedná se o pohodlný stojan, který usnadňuje sledování filmů. Instalace pouzdra je extrémně jednoduchá: flexibilní vložka umožňuje snadné umístění telefonu. Materiál: eko kůže
269 Kč
![RAZOR Book for XIAOMI Redmi Note 11 Pro / 11 Pro 5G blue 583258](
A luxury Razor Book is a guarantee of phone security in a prestigious style. Reinforced rims, soft inner material, and a magnetic clasp protect the device against scratches and knocks. Safety all overThe unique Razor case will be a perfect addition to your smartphone in any situation. Reinforced rims, extra camera protection, and magnetic clasp ensure that the device remains safe and will not fall out of its holder regardless of the circumstances. Functional interiorThe cover is designed for convenient storage not only of a smartphone but also of frequently used documents. The inner pocket can accommodate a credit card, ID, or a small piece of paper, e.g. a shopping list, so you do not have to take your entire wallet everywhere. Exclusive lookThe carbon, dark-colored cover refers to the design of sports cars and gives the device an elegant character. The inner material is so soft that it additionally protects the display against damage, while the honeycomb pattern on a rubber part supporting the phone highlights the aesthetics of the entire case. Material: PU leather (outer side), microfiber (inner side with a pocket), TPU (inner side supporting the phone)
269 Kč
![RAZOR Book for XIAOMI Redmi Note 11 Pro / 11 Pro 5G black 542076](
A luxury Razor Book is a guarantee of phone security in a prestigious style. Reinforced rims, soft inner material, and a magnetic clasp protect the device against scratches and knocks. Safety all overThe unique Razor case will be a perfect addition to your smartphone in any situation. Reinforced rims, extra camera protection, and magnetic clasp ensure that the device remains safe and will not fall out of its holder regardless of the circumstances. Functional interiorThe cover is designed for convenient storage not only of a smartphone but also of frequently used documents. The inner pocket can accommodate a credit card, ID, or a small piece of paper, e.g. a shopping list, so you do not have to take your entire wallet everywhere. Exclusive lookThe carbon, dark-colored cover refers to the design of sports cars and gives the device an elegant character. The inner material is so soft that it additionally protects the display against damage, while the honeycomb pattern on a rubber part supporting the phone highlights the aesthetics of the entire case. Material: PU leather (outer side), microfiber (inner side with a pocket), TPU (inner side supporting the phone)
269 Kč
![RAZOR Book for XIAOMI Redmi Note 11 Pro / 11 Pro 5G dark green 542077](
A luxury Razor Book is a guarantee of phone security in a prestigious style. Reinforced rims, soft inner material, and a magnetic clasp protect the device against scratches and knocks. Safety all overThe unique Razor case will be a perfect addition to your smartphone in any situation. Reinforced rims, extra camera protection, and magnetic clasp ensure that the device remains safe and will not fall out of its holder regardless of the circumstances. Functional interiorThe cover is designed for convenient storage not only of a smartphone but also of frequently used documents. The inner pocket can accommodate a credit card, ID, or a small piece of paper, e.g. a shopping list, so you do not have to take your entire wallet everywhere. Exclusive lookThe carbon, dark-colored cover refers to the design of sports cars and gives the device an elegant character. The inner material is so soft that it additionally protects the display against damage, while the honeycomb pattern on a rubber part supporting the phone highlights the aesthetics of the entire case. Material: PU leather (outer side), microfiber (inner side with a pocket), TPU (inner side supporting the phone)
269 Kč
![SENSITIVE Book case for XIAOMI Redmi 10C black 581553](
Pouzdro SENSITIVE Book. Poskytuje ochranu zařízení před poškozením, chrání nejen jeho kryt, ale také obrazovku. Složený do podoby televizního stojanu. Dvojitá ochrana - pouzdro chrání zařízení z obou stran, snižuje riziko poškození a poškrábání. Silný magnet zajišťuje snadné zavírání a otevírání pouzdra a zabraňuje jeho náhodnému otevření. Forma TV stolku pro pohodlné sledování filmů a brouzdání po internetu. Nezbytné výřezy poskytují snadný přístup ke všem portům a ovlivňují pohodlné používání smartphonu. Vestavěná kapsa na doklady umožňuje bezpečné uložení platebních karet. Trendy, mužský design zdůrazňuje jedinečný charakter uživatele. Dostupné v několika barvách.
269 Kč
![SENSITIVE Book for XIAOMI Redmi 10C light blue 581554](
Pouzdro SENSITIVE Book. Poskytuje ochranu zařízení před poškozením, chrání nejen jeho kryt, ale také obrazovku. Složený do podoby televizního stojanu. Dvojitá ochrana - pouzdro chrání zařízení z obou stran, snižuje riziko poškození a poškrábání. Silný magnet zajišťuje snadné zavírání a otevírání pouzdra a zabraňuje jeho náhodnému otevření. Forma TV stolku pro pohodlné sledování filmů a brouzdání po internetu. Nezbytné výřezy poskytují snadný přístup ke všem portům a ovlivňují pohodlné používání smartphonu. Vestavěná kapsa na doklady umožňuje bezpečné uložení platebních karet. Trendy, mužský design zdůrazňuje jedinečný charakter uživatele. Dostupné v několika barvách.
269 Kč
![SENSITIVE Book for XIAOMI Redmi 10C light pink 581555](
Pouzdro SENSITIVE Book. Poskytuje ochranu zařízení před poškozením, chrání nejen jeho kryt, ale také obrazovku. Složený do podoby televizního stojanu. Dvojitá ochrana - pouzdro chrání zařízení z obou stran, snižuje riziko poškození a poškrábání. Silný magnet zajišťuje snadné zavírání a otevírání pouzdra a zabraňuje jeho náhodnému otevření. Forma TV stolku pro pohodlné sledování filmů a brouzdání po internetu. Nezbytné výřezy poskytují snadný přístup ke všem portům a ovlivňují pohodlné používání smartphonu. Vestavěná kapsa na doklady umožňuje bezpečné uložení platebních karet. Trendy, mužský design zdůrazňuje jedinečný charakter uživatele. Dostupné v několika barvách.
269 Kč
![SENSITIVE Book for XIAOMI Redmi 10C gold 581556](
Pouzdro SENSITIVE Book. Poskytuje ochranu zařízení před poškozením, chrání nejen jeho kryt, ale také obrazovku. Složený do podoby televizního stojanu. Dvojitá ochrana - pouzdro chrání zařízení z obou stran, snižuje riziko poškození a poškrábání. Silný magnet zajišťuje snadné zavírání a otevírání pouzdra a zabraňuje jeho náhodnému otevření. Forma TV stolku pro pohodlné sledování filmů a brouzdání po internetu. Nezbytné výřezy poskytují snadný přístup ke všem portům a ovlivňují pohodlné používání smartphonu. Vestavěná kapsa na doklady umožňuje bezpečné uložení platebních karet. Trendy, mužský design zdůrazňuje jedinečný charakter uživatele. Dostupné v několika barvách.
269 Kč
![MEZZO Book case for XIAOMI Redmi 10C dreamcatcher purple 581565](
Pouzdro MEZZO se vzorem lisované mandaly nebo lapače snů. Můžete v něm uchovávat karty a bankovky; má speciální kapsy na doklady. Díky připojenému provázku vám umožní mít zařízení stále nablízku. Upevnění na magnet. Vzor pouzdra MEZZO na rozdíl od většiny pouzder tohoto typu není nalakovaný ani potištěný, ale nalisovaný na materiál lisem, díky čemuž je odolný, neotírá se a povrch pouzdra se vyznačuje měkký, nerovný povrch, který je cítit pod prsty. Pouzdro má dvě kapsy na doklady, do kterých můžete uschovat karty i bankovky. Šňůra připevněná k pouzdru zaručuje bezpečné uchopení pouzdra a umožňuje vám jej mít vždy blízko u sebe. Povrchová úprava z ekokůže dodává pouzdru elegantní vzhled a flexibilní vložka z TPU usnadňuje instalaci zařízení do pouzdra. Magnetický uzávěr zajišťuje pevné uchopení a zabraňuje náhodnému otevření peněženky.
269 Kč
![MEZZO Book case for XIAOMI Redmi 10C mandala rose gold 581568](
Pouzdro MEZZO s lisovaným vzorem mandaly nebo stromu. Můžete v něm uchovávat karty a bankovky; má speciální kapsy na doklady. Díky připojenému provázku vám umožní mít zařízení stále nablízku. Upevnění na magnet. Vzor pouzdra MEZZO na rozdíl od většiny pouzder tohoto typu není nalakovaný ani potištěný, ale nalisovaný na materiál lisem, díky čemuž je odolný, neotírá se a povrch pouzdra se vyznačuje měkký, nerovný povrch, který je cítit pod prsty. Pouzdro má dvě kapsy na doklady, do kterých můžete uložit karty i bankovky. Šňůra připevněná k pouzdru zaručuje bezpečné uchopení pouzdra a umožňuje vám jej mít vždy blízko u sebe. Povrchová úprava z ekokůže dodává pouzdru elegantní vzhled a flexibilní vložka z TPU usnadňuje instalaci zařízení do pouzdra. Magnetický uzávěr zajišťuje pevné uchopení a zabraňuje náhodnému otevření peněženky.
269 Kč
![TENDER Book Case for XIAOMI Redmi 10C black 581570](
TENDER pouzdro. Vyrobeno z měkkého, na dotek příjemného materiálu. Vybaveno třemi kapsami na bankovky a doklady. Upevnění na magnet. Pouzdro TENDER poskytuje plnou ochranu zařízení, zajišťuje nejen jeho záda, ale i obrazovku. Vestavěná spona na magnet zabraňuje náhodnému otevření pouzdra a udržuje váš telefon v bezpečí. Tři vnitřní kapsy, viditelné po otevření klopy, umožňují bezpečné uložení dokumentů a bankovek. Díky perforaci na ohybu se pouzdro složí do polohy TV stojanu. Jedná se o pohodlný stojan, který usnadňuje sledování filmů. Instalace pouzdra je extrémně jednoduchá: flexibilní vložka umožňuje snadné umístění telefonu. Materiál: eko kůže
269 Kč
![RAZOR Book for Xiaomi Redmi 10C black 581573](
A luxury Razor Book is a guarantee of phone security in a prestigious style. Reinforced rims, soft inner material, and a magnetic clasp protect the device against scratches and knocks. Safety all overThe unique Razor case will be a perfect addition to your smartphone in any situation. Reinforced rims, extra camera protection, and magnetic clasp ensure that the device remains safe and will not fall out of its holder regardless of the circumstances. Functional interiorThe cover is designed for convenient storage not only of a smartphone but also of frequently used documents. The inner pocket can accommodate a credit card, ID, or a small piece of paper, e.g. a shopping list, so you do not have to take your entire wallet everywhere. Exclusive lookThe carbon, dark-colored cover refers to the design of sports cars and gives the device an elegant character. The inner material is so soft that it additionally protects the display against damage, while the honeycomb pattern on a rubber part supporting the phone highlights the aesthetics of the entire case. Material: PU leather (outer side), microfiber (inner side with a pocket), TPU (inner side supporting the phone)
269 Kč
![RAZOR Book for Xiaomi Redmi 10C blue 583259](
A luxury Razor Book is a guarantee of phone security in a prestigious style. Reinforced rims, soft inner material, and a magnetic clasp protect the device against scratches and knocks. Safety all overThe unique Razor case will be a perfect addition to your smartphone in any situation. Reinforced rims, extra camera protection, and magnetic clasp ensure that the device remains safe and will not fall out of its holder regardless of the circumstances. Functional interiorThe cover is designed for convenient storage not only of a smartphone but also of frequently used documents. The inner pocket can accommodate a credit card, ID, or a small piece of paper, e.g. a shopping list, so you do not have to take your entire wallet everywhere. Exclusive lookThe carbon, dark-colored cover refers to the design of sports cars and gives the device an elegant character. The inner material is so soft that it additionally protects the display against damage, while the honeycomb pattern on a rubber part supporting the phone highlights the aesthetics of the entire case. Material: PU leather (outer side), microfiber (inner side with a pocket), TPU (inner side supporting the phone)
269 Kč
![RAZOR Book for SAMSUNG A23 5G black 583224](
Luxusní Razor Book je zárukou bezpečnosti telefonu v prestižním stylu. Zesílené okraje, měkký vnitřní materiál a magnetická spona chrání zařízení před poškrábáním a nárazy. Bezpečnost všude Jedinečné pouzdro Razor bude perfektním doplňkem vašeho smartphonu v každé situaci. Zesílené okraje, extra ochrana fotoaparátu a magnetická spona zajistí, že zařízení zůstane v bezpečí a bez ohledu na okolnosti nevypadne z držáku. Funkční interiér Kryt je určen pro pohodlné uložení nejen smartphonu, ale i často používaných dokumentů. Do vnitřní kapsy se vejde kreditní karta, průkazka nebo malý papírek, např. nákupní seznam, takže nemusíte všude tahat celou peněženku. Exkluzivní vzhled Karbonový kryt tmavé barvy odkazuje na design sportovních vozů a dodává zařízení elegantní charakter. Vnitřní materiál je tak měkký , že navíc chrání displej před poškozením, zatímco voštinový vzor na gumové části podpírající telefon podtrhuje estetiku celého pouzdra. Materiál: PU kůže (vnější strana), mikrovlákno (vnitřní strana s kapsou), TPU (vnitřní strana podporující telefon)
269 Kč
![RAZOR Book for SAMSUNG A23 5G blue 583246](
Luxusní Razor Book je zárukou bezpečnosti telefonu v prestižním stylu. Zesílené okraje, měkký vnitřní materiál a magnetická spona chrání zařízení před poškrábáním a nárazy. Bezpečnost všude Jedinečné pouzdro Razor bude perfektním doplňkem vašeho smartphonu v každé situaci. Zesílené okraje, extra ochrana fotoaparátu a magnetická spona zajistí, že zařízení zůstane v bezpečí a bez ohledu na okolnosti nevypadne z držáku. Funkční interiér Kryt je určen pro pohodlné uložení nejen smartphonu, ale i často používaných dokumentů. Do vnitřní kapsy se vejde kreditní karta, průkazka nebo malý papírek, např. nákupní seznam, takže nemusíte všude tahat celou peněženku. Exkluzivní vzhled Karbonový kryt tmavé barvy odkazuje na design sportovních vozů a dodává zařízení elegantní charakter. Vnitřní materiál je tak měkký , že navíc chrání displej před poškozením, zatímco voštinový vzor na gumové části podpírající telefon podtrhuje estetiku celého pouzdra. Materiál: PU kůže (vnější strana), mikrovlákno (vnitřní strana s kapsou), TPU (vnitřní strana podporující telefon)
269 Kč
![SENSITIVE Book case for SAMSUNG A23 5G black 583214](
Holster SENSITIVE Book. Provides protection of the device against damage, protecting not only its housing, but also the screen. Folded to form of a TV stand. Double protection - the holster protects the device from both sides, reducing the risk of damage and scratches. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally. Form of a TV stand for comfortable watching movies and browsing the internet. Necessary cutouts provide easy access to all ports and affect the convenient use of the smartphone. Built-in document pocket allows you to securely store payment cards. Trendy, masculine design emphasizes the unique character of the user. Available in several colors.
269 Kč
![SENSITIVE Book case for SAMSUNG A23 5G light blue 583215](
Holster SENSITIVE Book. Provides protection of the device against damage, protecting not only its housing, but also the screen. Folded to form of a TV stand. Double protection - the holster protects the device from both sides, reducing the risk of damage and scratches. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally. Form of a TV stand for comfortable watching movies and browsing the internet. Necessary cutouts provide easy access to all ports and affect the convenient use of the smartphone. Built-in document pocket allows you to securely store payment cards. Trendy, masculine design emphasizes the unique character of the user. Available in several colors.
269 Kč
![SENSITIVE Book case for SAMSUNG A23 5G gold 583217](
Holster SENSITIVE Book. Provides protection of the device against damage, protecting not only its housing, but also the screen. Folded to form of a TV stand. Double protection - the holster protects the device from both sides, reducing the risk of damage and scratches. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally. Form of a TV stand for comfortable watching movies and browsing the internet. Necessary cutouts provide easy access to all ports and affect the convenient use of the smartphone. Built-in document pocket allows you to securely store payment cards. Trendy, masculine design emphasizes the unique character of the user. Available in several colors.
269 Kč
![TENDER Book Case for SAMSUNG A23 5G green 583223](
TENDER holster. Made of soft, pleasant to the touch material. Equipped with three pockets for banknotes and documents. Fastened with a magnet. The TENDER holster provides full protection of the device, securing not only its back, but also the screen. Built-in magnet clasp prevents accidental opening of the case, keeping your phone safe. Three internal pockets, visible after opening the flap, allow for safe storage of documents and banknotes. The perforation on the bend makes the holster fold to the TV stand position. It is a comfortable stand that facilitates watching movies. Installation of the case is extremely simple: the flexible insert allows you to easily place your phone in it. Material: eco leather
269 Kč
![TENDER Book Case for SAMSUNG A23 5G black 583221](
TENDER holster. Made of soft, pleasant to the touch material. Equipped with three pockets for banknotes and documents. Fastened with a magnet. The TENDER holster provides full protection of the device, securing not only its back, but also the screen. Built-in magnet clasp prevents accidental opening of the case, keeping your phone safe. Three internal pockets, visible after opening the flap, allow for safe storage of documents and banknotes. The perforation on the bend makes the holster fold to the TV stand position. It is a comfortable stand that facilitates watching movies. Installation of the case is extremely simple: the flexible insert allows you to easily place your phone in it. Material: eco leather
269 Kč
![TENDER Book Case for SAMSUNG A23 5G brown 583222](
TENDER holster. Made of soft, pleasant to the touch material. Equipped with three pockets for banknotes and documents. Fastened with a magnet. The TENDER holster provides full protection of the device, securing not only its back, but also the screen. Built-in magnet clasp prevents accidental opening of the case, keeping your phone safe. Three internal pockets, visible after opening the flap, allow for safe storage of documents and banknotes. The perforation on the bend makes the holster fold to the TV stand position. It is a comfortable stand that facilitates watching movies. Installation of the case is extremely simple: the flexible insert allows you to easily place your phone in it. Material: eco leather
269 Kč
![RAZOR Book for Samsung S23 5G black 0903396185878](
A luxury Razor Book is a guarantee of phone security in a prestigious style. Reinforced rims, soft inner material, and a magnetic clasp protect the device against scratches and knocks. Safety all overThe unique Razor case will be a perfect addition to your smartphone in any situation. Reinforced rims, extra camera protection, and magnetic clasp ensure that the device remains safe and will not fall out of its holder regardless of the circumstances. Functional interiorThe cover is designed for convenient storage not only of a smartphone but also of frequently used documents. The inner pocket can accommodate a credit card, ID, or a small piece of paper, e.g. a shopping list, so you do not have to take your entire wallet everywhere. Exclusive lookThe carbon, dark-colored cover refers to the design of sports cars and gives the device an elegant character. The inner material is so soft that it additionally protects the display against damage, while the honeycomb pattern on a rubber part supporting the phone highlights the aesthetics of the entire case. Material: PU leather (outer side), microfiber (inner side with a pocket), TPU (inner side supporting the phone)
269 Kč
![RAZOR Book for SAMSUNG S23 5G dark green 0903396185885](
A luxury Razor Book is a guarantee of phone security in a prestigious style. Reinforced rims, soft inner material, and a magnetic clasp protect the device against scratches and knocks. Safety all overThe unique Razor case will be a perfect addition to your smartphone in any situation. Reinforced rims, extra camera protection, and magnetic clasp ensure that the device remains safe and will not fall out of its holder regardless of the circumstances. Functional interiorThe cover is designed for convenient storage not only of a smartphone but also of frequently used documents. The inner pocket can accommodate a credit card, ID, or a small piece of paper, e.g. a shopping list, so you do not have to take your entire wallet everywhere. Exclusive lookThe carbon, dark-colored cover refers to the design of sports cars and gives the device an elegant character. The inner material is so soft that it additionally protects the display against damage, while the honeycomb pattern on a rubber part supporting the phone highlights the aesthetics of the entire case. Material: PU leather (outer side), microfiber (inner side with a pocket), TPU (inner side supporting the phone)
269 Kč
![RAZOR Book for SAMSUNG S23 5G blue 0903396185946](
A luxury Razor Book is a guarantee of phone security in a prestigious style. Reinforced rims, soft inner material, and a magnetic clasp protect the device against scratches and knocks. Safety all overThe unique Razor case will be a perfect addition to your smartphone in any situation. Reinforced rims, extra camera protection, and magnetic clasp ensure that the device remains safe and will not fall out of its holder regardless of the circumstances. Functional interiorThe cover is designed for convenient storage not only of a smartphone but also of frequently used documents. The inner pocket can accommodate a credit card, ID, or a small piece of paper, e.g. a shopping list, so you do not have to take your entire wallet everywhere. Exclusive lookThe carbon, dark-colored cover refers to the design of sports cars and gives the device an elegant character. The inner material is so soft that it additionally protects the display against damage, while the honeycomb pattern on a rubber part supporting the phone highlights the aesthetics of the entire case. Material: PU leather (outer side), microfiber (inner side with a pocket), TPU (inner side supporting the phone)
269 Kč
![MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A14 4G / A14 5G dreamcatcher purple 590109](
MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.
269 Kč
![MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A14 4G / A14 5G mandala green 590106](
MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.
269 Kč
![MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A14 4G / A14 5G tree green 590105](
MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.
269 Kč
![MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A14 4G / A14 5G dreamcatcher green 590108](
MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.
269 Kč
![RAZOR Book for SAMSUNG A14 4G / A14 5G black 590120](
A luxury Razor Book is a guarantee of phone security in a prestigious style. Reinforced rims, soft inner material, and a magnetic clasp protect the device against scratches and knocks. Safety all overThe unique Razor case will be a perfect addition to your smartphone in any situation. Reinforced rims, extra camera protection, and magnetic clasp ensure that the device remains safe and will not fall out of its holder regardless of the circumstances. Functional interiorThe cover is designed for convenient storage not only of a smartphone but also of frequently used documents. The inner pocket can accommodate a credit card, ID, or a small piece of paper, e.g. a shopping list, so you do not have to take your entire wallet everywhere. Exclusive lookThe carbon, dark-colored cover refers to the design of sports cars and gives the device an elegant character. The inner material is so soft that it additionally protects the display against damage, while the honeycomb pattern on a rubber part supporting the phone highlights the aesthetics of the entire case. Material: PU leather (outer side), microfiber (inner side with a pocket), TPU (inner side supporting the phone)
269 Kč
![RAZOR Book for SAMSUNG A14 4G / A14 5G blue 590122](
A luxury Razor Book is a guarantee of phone security in a prestigious style. Reinforced rims, soft inner material, and a magnetic clasp protect the device against scratches and knocks. Safety all overThe unique Razor case will be a perfect addition to your smartphone in any situation. Reinforced rims, extra camera protection, and magnetic clasp ensure that the device remains safe and will not fall out of its holder regardless of the circumstances. Functional interiorThe cover is designed for convenient storage not only of a smartphone but also of frequently used documents. The inner pocket can accommodate a credit card, ID, or a small piece of paper, e.g. a shopping list, so you do not have to take your entire wallet everywhere. Exclusive lookThe carbon, dark-colored cover refers to the design of sports cars and gives the device an elegant character. The inner material is so soft that it additionally protects the display against damage, while the honeycomb pattern on a rubber part supporting the phone highlights the aesthetics of the entire case. Material: PU leather (outer side), microfiber (inner side with a pocket), TPU (inner side supporting the phone)
269 Kč
![RAZOR Book for SAMSUNG A14 4G / A14 5G dark green 590121](
A luxury Razor Book is a guarantee of phone security in a prestigious style. Reinforced rims, soft inner material, and a magnetic clasp protect the device against scratches and knocks. Safety all overThe unique Razor case will be a perfect addition to your smartphone in any situation. Reinforced rims, extra camera protection, and magnetic clasp ensure that the device remains safe and will not fall out of its holder regardless of the circumstances. Functional interiorThe cover is designed for convenient storage not only of a smartphone but also of frequently used documents. The inner pocket can accommodate a credit card, ID, or a small piece of paper, e.g. a shopping list, so you do not have to take your entire wallet everywhere. Exclusive lookThe carbon, dark-colored cover refers to the design of sports cars and gives the device an elegant character. The inner material is so soft that it additionally protects the display against damage, while the honeycomb pattern on a rubber part supporting the phone highlights the aesthetics of the entire case. Material: PU leather (outer side), microfiber (inner side with a pocket), TPU (inner side supporting the phone)
269 Kč
![SENSITIVE Book case for SAMSUNG A14 4G / A14 5G black 590149](
Holster SENSITIVE Book. Provides protection of the device against damage, protecting not only its housing, but also the screen. Folded to form of a TV stand. Double protection - the holster protects the device from both sides, reducing the risk of damage and scratches. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally. Form of a TV stand for comfortable watching movies and browsing the internet. Necessary cutouts provide easy access to all ports and affect the convenient use of the smartphone. Built-in document pocket allows you to securely store payment cards. Trendy, masculine design emphasizes the unique character of the user. Available in several colors.
269 Kč
![SENSITIVE Book case for SAMSUNG A14 4G / A14 5G light blue 590150](
Holster SENSITIVE Book. Provides protection of the device against damage, protecting not only its housing, but also the screen. Folded to form of a TV stand. Double protection - the holster protects the device from both sides, reducing the risk of damage and scratches. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally. Form of a TV stand for comfortable watching movies and browsing the internet. Necessary cutouts provide easy access to all ports and affect the convenient use of the smartphone. Built-in document pocket allows you to securely store payment cards. Trendy, masculine design emphasizes the unique character of the user. Available in several colors.
269 Kč
![SENSITIVE Book case for SAMSUNG A14 4G / A14 5G light pink 590151](
Holster SENSITIVE Book. Provides protection of the device against damage, protecting not only its housing, but also the screen. Folded to form of a TV stand. Double protection - the holster protects the device from both sides, reducing the risk of damage and scratches. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally. Form of a TV stand for comfortable watching movies and browsing the internet. Necessary cutouts provide easy access to all ports and affect the convenient use of the smartphone. Built-in document pocket allows you to securely store payment cards. Trendy, masculine design emphasizes the unique character of the user. Available in several colors.
269 Kč
![SENSITIVE Book case for SAMSUNG A14 4G / A14 5G gold 590152](
Holster SENSITIVE Book. Provides protection of the device against damage, protecting not only its housing, but also the screen. Folded to form of a TV stand. Double protection - the holster protects the device from both sides, reducing the risk of damage and scratches. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally. Form of a TV stand for comfortable watching movies and browsing the internet. Necessary cutouts provide easy access to all ports and affect the convenient use of the smartphone. Built-in document pocket allows you to securely store payment cards. Trendy, masculine design emphasizes the unique character of the user. Available in several colors.
269 Kč
![TENDER Book Case for SAMSUNG A14 4G / A14 5G brown 590102](
TENDER holster. Made of soft, pleasant to the touch material. Equipped with three pockets for banknotes and documents. Fastened with a magnet. The TENDER holster provides full protection of the device, securing not only its back, but also the screen. Built-in magnet clasp prevents accidental opening of the case, keeping your phone safe. Three internal pockets, visible after opening the flap, allow for safe storage of documents and banknotes. The perforation on the bend makes the holster fold to the TV stand position. It is a comfortable stand that facilitates watching movies. Installation of the case is extremely simple: the flexible insert allows you to easily place your phone in it. Material: eco leather
269 Kč
![TENDER Book Case for SAMSUNG A14 4G / A14 5G black 590103](
TENDER holster. Made of soft, pleasant to the touch material. Equipped with three pockets for banknotes and documents. Fastened with a magnet. The TENDER holster provides full protection of the device, securing not only its back, but also the screen. Built-in magnet clasp prevents accidental opening of the case, keeping your phone safe. Three internal pockets, visible after opening the flap, allow for safe storage of documents and banknotes. The perforation on the bend makes the holster fold to the TV stand position. It is a comfortable stand that facilitates watching movies. Installation of the case is extremely simple: the flexible insert allows you to easily place your phone in it. Material: eco leather
269 Kč
![TENDER Book Case for SAMSUNG A14 4G / A14 5G green 590104](
TENDER holster. Made of soft, pleasant to the touch material. Equipped with three pockets for banknotes and documents. Fastened with a magnet. The TENDER holster provides full protection of the device, securing not only its back, but also the screen. Built-in magnet clasp prevents accidental opening of the case, keeping your phone safe. Three internal pockets, visible after opening the flap, allow for safe storage of documents and banknotes. The perforation on the bend makes the holster fold to the TV stand position. It is a comfortable stand that facilitates watching movies. Installation of the case is extremely simple: the flexible insert allows you to easily place your phone in it. Material: eco leather
269 Kč
![MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A14 4G / A14 5G mandala magenta 592024](
MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.
269 Kč
![MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A14 4G / A14 5G dreamcatcher magenta 592025](
MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.
269 Kč
![RAZOR Book for SAMSUNG A34 5G black 590127](
A luxury Razor Book is a guarantee of phone security in a prestigious style. Reinforced rims, soft inner material, and a magnetic clasp protect the device against scratches and knocks. Safety all overThe unique Razor case will be a perfect addition to your smartphone in any situation. Reinforced rims, extra camera protection, and magnetic clasp ensure that the device remains safe and will not fall out of its holder regardless of the circumstances. Functional interiorThe cover is designed for convenient storage not only of a smartphone but also of frequently used documents. The inner pocket can accommodate a credit card, ID, or a small piece of paper, e.g. a shopping list, so you do not have to take your entire wallet everywhere. Exclusive lookThe carbon, dark-colored cover refers to the design of sports cars and gives the device an elegant character. The inner material is so soft that it additionally protects the display against damage, while the honeycomb pattern on a rubber part supporting the phone highlights the aesthetics of the entire case. Material: PU leather (outer side), microfiber (inner side with a pocket), TPU (inner side supporting the phone)
269 Kč
![RAZOR Book for SAMSUNG A34 5G dark green 590128](
A luxury Razor Book is a guarantee of phone security in a prestigious style. Reinforced rims, soft inner material, and a magnetic clasp protect the device against scratches and knocks. Safety all overThe unique Razor case will be a perfect addition to your smartphone in any situation. Reinforced rims, extra camera protection, and magnetic clasp ensure that the device remains safe and will not fall out of its holder regardless of the circumstances. Functional interiorThe cover is designed for convenient storage not only of a smartphone but also of frequently used documents. The inner pocket can accommodate a credit card, ID, or a small piece of paper, e.g. a shopping list, so you do not have to take your entire wallet everywhere. Exclusive lookThe carbon, dark-colored cover refers to the design of sports cars and gives the device an elegant character. The inner material is so soft that it additionally protects the display against damage, while the honeycomb pattern on a rubber part supporting the phone highlights the aesthetics of the entire case. Material: PU leather (outer side), microfiber (inner side with a pocket), TPU (inner side supporting the phone)
269 Kč
![RAZOR Book for SAMSUNG A34 5G blue 590129](
A luxury Razor Book is a guarantee of phone security in a prestigious style. Reinforced rims, soft inner material, and a magnetic clasp protect the device against scratches and knocks. Safety all overThe unique Razor case will be a perfect addition to your smartphone in any situation. Reinforced rims, extra camera protection, and magnetic clasp ensure that the device remains safe and will not fall out of its holder regardless of the circumstances. Functional interiorThe cover is designed for convenient storage not only of a smartphone but also of frequently used documents. The inner pocket can accommodate a credit card, ID, or a small piece of paper, e.g. a shopping list, so you do not have to take your entire wallet everywhere. Exclusive lookThe carbon, dark-colored cover refers to the design of sports cars and gives the device an elegant character. The inner material is so soft that it additionally protects the display against damage, while the honeycomb pattern on a rubber part supporting the phone highlights the aesthetics of the entire case. Material: PU leather (outer side), microfiber (inner side with a pocket), TPU (inner side supporting the phone)
269 Kč
![SENSITIVE Book case for SAMSUNG A34 5G light pink 590155](
Holster SENSITIVE Book. Provides protection of the device against damage, protecting not only its housing, but also the screen. Folded to form of a TV stand. Double protection - the holster protects the device from both sides, reducing the risk of damage and scratches. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally. Form of a TV stand for comfortable watching movies and browsing the internet. Necessary cutouts provide easy access to all ports and affect the convenient use of the smartphone. Built-in document pocket allows you to securely store payment cards. Trendy, masculine design emphasizes the unique character of the user. Available in several colors.
269 Kč
![SENSITIVE Book case for SAMSUNG A34 5G gold 590156](
Holster SENSITIVE Book. Provides protection of the device against damage, protecting not only its housing, but also the screen. Folded to form of a TV stand. Double protection - the holster protects the device from both sides, reducing the risk of damage and scratches. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally. Form of a TV stand for comfortable watching movies and browsing the internet. Necessary cutouts provide easy access to all ports and affect the convenient use of the smartphone. Built-in document pocket allows you to securely store payment cards. Trendy, masculine design emphasizes the unique character of the user. Available in several colors.
269 Kč
![SENSITIVE Book case for SAMSUNG A34 5G black 590153](
Holster SENSITIVE Book. Provides protection of the device against damage, protecting not only its housing, but also the screen. Folded to form of a TV stand. Double protection - the holster protects the device from both sides, reducing the risk of damage and scratches. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally. Form of a TV stand for comfortable watching movies and browsing the internet. Necessary cutouts provide easy access to all ports and affect the convenient use of the smartphone. Built-in document pocket allows you to securely store payment cards. Trendy, masculine design emphasizes the unique character of the user. Available in several colors.
269 Kč
![SENSITIVE Book case for SAMSUNG A34 5G light blue 590154](
Holster SENSITIVE Book. Provides protection of the device against damage, protecting not only its housing, but also the screen. Folded to form of a TV stand. Double protection - the holster protects the device from both sides, reducing the risk of damage and scratches. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally. Form of a TV stand for comfortable watching movies and browsing the internet. Necessary cutouts provide easy access to all ports and affect the convenient use of the smartphone. Built-in document pocket allows you to securely store payment cards. Trendy, masculine design emphasizes the unique character of the user. Available in several colors.
269 Kč
![MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A34 5G tree green 590110](
MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.
269 Kč
![MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A34 5G mandala green 590112](
MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.
269 Kč
![MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A34 5G mandala magenta 592027](
MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.
269 Kč
![MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A34 5G tree rose gold 590111](
MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.
269 Kč
![MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A34 5G mandala rose gold 590113](
MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.
269 Kč
![MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A34 5G dreamcatcher magenta 592026](
MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.
269 Kč
![TENDER Book Case for SAMSUNG A34 5G black 586303](
TENDER holster. Made of soft, pleasant to the touch material. Equipped with three pockets for banknotes and documents. Fastened with a magnet. The TENDER holster provides full protection of the device, securing not only its back, but also the screen. Built-in magnet clasp prevents accidental opening of the case, keeping your phone safe. Three internal pockets, visible after opening the flap, allow for safe storage of documents and banknotes. The perforation on the bend makes the holster fold to the TV stand position. It is a comfortable stand that facilitates watching movies. Installation of the case is extremely simple: the flexible insert allows you to easily place your phone in it. Material: eco leather
269 Kč
![TENDER Book Case for SAMSUNG A34 5G green 586304](
TENDER holster. Made of soft, pleasant to the touch material. Equipped with three pockets for banknotes and documents. Fastened with a magnet. The TENDER holster provides full protection of the device, securing not only its back, but also the screen. Built-in magnet clasp prevents accidental opening of the case, keeping your phone safe. Three internal pockets, visible after opening the flap, allow for safe storage of documents and banknotes. The perforation on the bend makes the holster fold to the TV stand position. It is a comfortable stand that facilitates watching movies. Installation of the case is extremely simple: the flexible insert allows you to easily place your phone in it. Material: eco leather
269 Kč
![TENDER Book Case for SAMSUNG A34 5G brown 586302](
TENDER holster. Made of soft, pleasant to the touch material. Equipped with three pockets for banknotes and documents. Fastened with a magnet. The TENDER holster provides full protection of the device, securing not only its back, but also the screen. Built-in magnet clasp prevents accidental opening of the case, keeping your phone safe. Three internal pockets, visible after opening the flap, allow for safe storage of documents and banknotes. The perforation on the bend makes the holster fold to the TV stand position. It is a comfortable stand that facilitates watching movies. Installation of the case is extremely simple: the flexible insert allows you to easily place your phone in it. Material: eco leather
269 Kč
![RAZOR Book for SAMSUNG A54 5G blue 590136](
A luxury Razor Book is a guarantee of phone security in a prestigious style. Reinforced rims, soft inner material, and a magnetic clasp protect the device against scratches and knocks. Safety all overThe unique Razor case will be a perfect addition to your smartphone in any situation. Reinforced rims, extra camera protection, and magnetic clasp ensure that the device remains safe and will not fall out of its holder regardless of the circumstances. Functional interiorThe cover is designed for convenient storage not only of a smartphone but also of frequently used documents. The inner pocket can accommodate a credit card, ID, or a small piece of paper, e.g. a shopping list, so you do not have to take your entire wallet everywhere. Exclusive lookThe carbon, dark-colored cover refers to the design of sports cars and gives the device an elegant character. The inner material is so soft that it additionally protects the display against damage, while the honeycomb pattern on a rubber part supporting the phone highlights the aesthetics of the entire case. Material: PU leather (outer side), microfiber (inner side with a pocket), TPU (inner side supporting the phone)
269 Kč
![RAZOR Book for SAMSUNG A54 5G dark green 590135](
A luxury Razor Book is a guarantee of phone security in a prestigious style. Reinforced rims, soft inner material, and a magnetic clasp protect the device against scratches and knocks. Safety all overThe unique Razor case will be a perfect addition to your smartphone in any situation. Reinforced rims, extra camera protection, and magnetic clasp ensure that the device remains safe and will not fall out of its holder regardless of the circumstances. Functional interiorThe cover is designed for convenient storage not only of a smartphone but also of frequently used documents. The inner pocket can accommodate a credit card, ID, or a small piece of paper, e.g. a shopping list, so you do not have to take your entire wallet everywhere. Exclusive lookThe carbon, dark-colored cover refers to the design of sports cars and gives the device an elegant character. The inner material is so soft that it additionally protects the display against damage, while the honeycomb pattern on a rubber part supporting the phone highlights the aesthetics of the entire case. Material: PU leather (outer side), microfiber (inner side with a pocket), TPU (inner side supporting the phone)
269 Kč