Nabíjecí USB kabel 3in1 (micro USB, iPhone, USB C), 07705
do 3 dnů

USB kabel 3in1 délky 75 cm. Kabel je opatřen konektory pro iPhone, microUSB a USB-C. Vhodné pro MP3 přehrávače, mobilní telefony a další zařízení, která se nabíjejí či napájejí běžným USB zdrojem 5V až do příkonu 2100mA. Technická data Délka USB kabelu 75 cm výstupní konektory microUSB, USB-C, iPhone

125 Kč

Držák telefonu LUKE-A rose gold, 06312
do 3 dnů

Univerzální držák telefonu řady LUKE pro upevnění do mřížky ventilace a umístěním telefonu jednou rukou. Držák je opatřen gravitačním systémem uchycení telefonu, kdy telefon svojí vahou působí na spodní rameno držáku, díky čemuž se stáhnou boční ramena, která telefon upevní. Tělo držáku je dále opatřeno kloubem s aretačním prstencem, díky kterému je možné držák nastavit pro potřebný sledovací úhel a dotažením zajistit. Držák lze navíc rozšířit, co do možnosti uchycení, dokoupením některé z nabízených patek držáků řady LUKE (06321 s aretací do mřížky, 06322 klipovou patku, s aretací pomocí přísavky 06323 s nastavitelným, 06324 pevným, ale i 06325 ohebným ramenem). Technická data Vhodné pro telefonydo 6,5" (šířka 65-95 mm)Umístěnímřížka ventilaceUchycení telefonugravitační systémOtáčeníkloubem s aretacíBarvarůžově zlatá

105 Kč

Patka Z04 k držáku telefonů řady LUKE, 06324
do 3 dnů

Klasická patka s přísavkou pro držáky telefonů řady LUKE. Výška patky 8 cm. Pro lepší schopnost přísavky je v balení umístěna i samolepící podložka s průměrem 72 mm. Zakončení patky je opatřeno kloubem, na který lze upevnit libovolný LUKE držák telefonu.

101 Kč

Datový a nabíjecí kabel SPEED USB-A / USB-C 480 Mb/s 1,5m, 07707
do 3 dnů

USB kabel pro rychlý přenos dat a rychlé nabíjení mobilních telefonů, tabletů a dalších zařízení.Kabel podporuje vysokorychlostní přenos dat 480 Mbit/s a vysokorychlostní nabíjení Fast Charging.Kabel je tvořen ohebným jádrem s odolným nylonovým opletem zajišťujícím vysokou životnost a pohodlnou manipulaci. Technická data zakončení AUSB-Azakončení BUSB-Cvýstupní výkon5 A Fast chargingrychlost přenosu dat480 Mbit/sdélka kabelu1,5 mpovrch kabelunylonový oplet

98 Kč

Nabíječka telefonu 12/24V MICRO USB, 07658
do 3 dnů

Cestovní nabíječka mobilních telefonů do automobilu s Micro USB. Zástrčka do zásuvky automobilového zapalovače s automatickou volbou napájení 12V nebo 24V. technická data: nápájení 12 - 24 V výstupní proud 800 mA délka cca 130 cm výstupní konektor Micro USB vhodné pro telefony Samsung, HTC, Nokia a další

88 Kč

Nabíječka telefonu 12/24V iPhone 4, 07648
do 3 dnů

Cestovní nabíječka mobilních telefonů do automobilu. Zástrčka do zásuvky automobilového zapalovače, automatická volba napájení 12V nebo 24V.technická data:nápájení12 - 24 Vdélkacca 130 cmvýstupní konektoriPhone4vhodné pro telefonyiPhone 3, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3Gs, iPhone 4, iPhone 4s, iPod nano 1-4. gen., iPod mini 1-2. gen.

86 Kč

Datový a nabíjecí kabel SPEED USB-C / USB-C 480 Mb/s 1,5m, 07711
do 3 dnů

USB kabel pro rychlý přenos dat a rychlé nabíjení mobilních telefonů, tabletů a dalších zařízení.Kabel podporuje vysokorychlostní přenos dat 480 Mbit/s a vysokorychlostní nabíjení Fast Charging (Power Delivery 60W).Kabel je tvořen ohebným jádrem s odolným nylonovým opletem zajišťujícím vysokou životnost a pohodlnou manipulaci. Technická data zakončení AUSB-Czakončení BUSB-Cvýstupní výkon3 A Fast charging (PD 60W)rychlost přenosu dat480 Mbit/sdélka kabelu1,5 mpovrch kabelunylonový oplet

84 Kč

Protiskluzová podložka SILICON GRANDE černá, 06245
do 3 dnů

Jedinečná podložka s velmi silnou přilnavostí, i na velmi šikmých plochách pevně drží a zajišťuje různé předměty před samovolným sklouznutím. Vysoké bočnice zadrží i rozměrnější předměty. Jedinečný tvar s výřezy na stranách umožňuje umístit telefon jako do držáku. Díky výřezům v horní i dolní části je možné položit telefon i s napájecím kabelem tak, že bočnice nepřekážejí.Pokud podložka časem díky prachu ztratí svou přilnavost, stačí ji jen omýt vlažnou vodou se saponátem a efekt přilnavosti bude obnoven.technická data: rozměry vnější10 x 15 x 2 cmrozměry vnitřní76 x 129 mmbarvačerná

78 Kč

Držák telefonu ORION dřevo, 06238
do 3 dnů

Plastový držák mobilního telefonu s kovovým úchytem, určený k nalepení ve voze, nebo k připevnění na žebra ventilace automobilu. Nastavitelný úhel sklonu, nastavitelná šířka. Lze použít pro většinu běžně používaných mobilních telefonů. Barva imitace dřeva.

77 Kč

Datový a nabíjecí kabel SPEED USB-A / micro USB 480 Mb/s 1,5m, 07706
do 3 dnů

USB kabel pro rychlý přenos dat a rychlé nabíjení mobilních telefonů, tabletů a dalších zařízení. Kabel podporuje vysokorychlostní přenos dat 480 Mbit/s a vysokorychlostní nabíjení Fast Charging. Kabel je tvořen ohebným jádrem s odolným nylonovým opletem zajišťujícím vysokou životnost a pohodlnou manipulaci. Technická data zakončení AUSB-Azakončení Bmicro USBvýstupní výkon2 A Fast chargingrychlost přenosu dat480 Mbit/sdélka kabelu1,5 mpovrch kabelunylonový oplet

69 Kč

pinzeta s LED světlem, délka 95mm, nerez 9696
do 3 dnů

59 Kč

Patka Z06 k držáku telefonů řady LUKE, 06322
do 3 dnů

Speciální klipová patka pro držáky telefonů řady LUKE. Patka je složena z klipu šíře 2 cm s délkou 3 cm. Lze ji upevnit na hranu s max. výškou 1,5 cm a pomocí křídlaté matice zajistit. Tělo patky je v zadní části opatřeno kloubem, na který lze upevnit libovolný LUKE držák telefonu.

57 Kč

Nabíječka telefonu 12/24V SONY ERICSSON II., 07656
do 3 dnů

Cestovní nabíječka mobilních telefonů do automobilu. Zástrčka do zásuvky automobilového zapalovače, napájení 12V nebo 24V.Pro telefony SONY ERICSSON:D5060, D750i, K200i, K220i, K310i, K510i, K550i, K610i, K750i, K790i, K800i, K810i, K850i, M600i, M610i, P1i, P990i, S600i, T650i, W200i, W300i, W550i, W580i, W600i, W610i, W660i, W700i, W710i, W800i, W810i, W850i, W880i, W900i, W910i, W950i, Z250i, Z310i, Z320i, Z520i, Z530i, Z550i, Z610i, Z710i

55 Kč

Nabíječka telefonu 12/24V SIEMENS II., 07654
do 3 dnů

Cestovní nabíječka mobilních telefonů do automobilu. Zástrčka do zásuvky automobilového zapalovače, napájení 12V nebo 24V.Pro telefony SIEMENS:A55, C55, S55, SL55, M55, A60, MC60, C60, C62, CF62, A65, C65, CFX65, CX65, CT65, CV65, CT65, M65, S65, SL65, SF65, SFX65, SK65, SP65, CX66, S66, S66, C70, CT70, CX70, CX70E, AX72, C72, A75, AX75, C75, CL75, CF75, CX75, M75, ME75, S75, SL75, CL75, SXG75, AL21, F110

55 Kč

Nabíječka telefonu 12/24V SIEMENS I., 07653
do 3 dnů

Cestovní nabíječka mobilních telefonů do automobilu. Zástrčka do zásuvky automobilového zapalovače, napájení 12V nebo 24V.Pro telefony SIEMENS:A35, A36, A40, A50, C25, S25, C35i, M35i, S35i, S45, ME45, S45, S45i, SL42, SL45, SL45i, M50, MT50

55 Kč

Nabíječka telefonu 12/24V SAMSUNG I., 07652
do 3 dnů

Cestovní nabíječka mobilních telefonů do automobilu. Zástrčka do zásuvky automobilového zapalovače, napájení 12V nebo 24V.Pro telefony SAMSUNG:A800, C100, C200N, D140, D500, D600, E100, E300, E310, E330, E340, E350, E600, E610, E700, E770, E800, E820, E850, N400, N500, N620, P400, P510, R210, S300, S300M, S500, T100, T400, V200, X100, X450, X460, X480, X600, X640, X660, X800

55 Kč

Nabíječka telefonu 12/24V NOKIA II., 07655
do 3 dnů

Cestovní nabíječka mobilních telefonů do automobilu. Zástrčka do zásuvky automobilového zapalovače, automatická volba napájení 12V nebo 24V.technická data:nápájení12 - 24 Vdélkacca 130 cmvýstupní konektorNokia 2,5 mmvhodné pro telefonyE50, E61, E65, N70, N72, N73, N80, N90, N91, N92, N93, 3250, 5500, 6070, 6080, 6101, 6102, 6103, 6111, 6125, 6131, 6151, 6233, 6234, 6270, 6280, 6300, 7360, 7370

55 Kč

Nabíječka telefonu 12/24V ERICSSON I., 07650
do 3 dnů

Cestovní nabíječka mobilních telefonů do automobilu. Zástrčka do zásuvky automobilového zapalovače, napájení 12V nebo 24V.Pro telefony SONY ERICSSON:Ericsson: T20, T28, T29, T39, T65, T66, T68, R310, R320, R380, R520, R600, A2618, A2628Sony Ericsson: T290, T68i, T100, T200, T230, T300, T310, T600, T610, T630, P800, P900, Z1010, Z200, Z600, K500i, K700i, S700i, F500i, J300i, K300i, K508i, K600i, P910i, Z800i

55 Kč

Car Charger, ET301
do 3 dnů

52 Kč

Pouzdro za opasek na mobilní telefon černá-červená, YT-7420
do 3 dnů

Nylonová kapsa s velkou krycí klopou přizpůsobenou pro uložení mobilního telefonu. V pase má poutka na zapínání.Technická data Materiálnylon Váha67 g

50 Kč

Nabíječka telefonu USB SONY ERICSSON I., 07660
do 3 dnů

Cestovní nabíječka mobilních telefonů s USB konektorem. Určeno pro dobíjení telefonu z USB konektoru běžného počítače, notebooku, autorádia atp.Pro telefony SONY ERICSSON:Ericsson: T20, T28, T29, T39, T65, T66, T68, R310, R320, R380, R520, R600, A2618, A2628Sony Ericsson: T290, T68i, T100, T200, T230, T300, T310, T600, T610, T630, P800, P900, Z1010, Z200, Z600, K500i, K700i, S700i, F500i, J300i, K300i, K508i, K600i, P910i, Z800i

45 Kč

Nabíječka telefonu USB SAMSUNG I., 07662
do 3 dnů

Cestovní nabíječka mobilních telefonů s USB konektorem. Určeno pro dobíjení telefonu z USB konektoru běžného počítače, notebooku, autorádia atp.Pro telefony SAMSUNG:A800, C100, C200N, D140, D500, D600, E100, E300, E310, E330, E340, E350, E600, E610, E700, E770, E800, E820, E850, N400, N500, N620, P400, P510, R210, S300, S300M, S500, T100, T400, V200, X100, X450, X460, X480, X600, X640, X660, X800

45 Kč

Patka Z05 k držáku telefonů řady LUKE, 06321 černá
do 3 dnů

Speciální patka do mřížky ventilace pro držáky telefonů řady LUKE. Patka je složena ze dvou dílů. Háček jištěný posuvným členem s pružinou, pro zaháknutí za mřížku ventilace a samotný kloub s podpěrnou částí. Tyto díly stačí jednoduše zacvaknout do sebe a umístit na své místo. Tělo patky je dále opatřeno kloubem, na který lze upevnit libovolný LUKE držák telefonu.

43 Kč

Protiskluzová podložka 20 x 22cm, 06240
do 3 dnů

Podložka se silnou přilnavostí, na šikmých plochách pevně drží a zajišťuje různé předměty před samovolným sklouznutím. Pokud podložka časem díky prachu ztratí svou přilnavost, stačí ji jen omýt vlažnou vodou se saponátem a původní přilnavosti se obnoví.Technická data velikost20 x 22 cmbarvačerná

28 Kč

 UAG Urban Armor Gear case MONARCH for IPHONE 14 Plus kevlar black 585991
do týdne

Premium protection case - UAG Monarch. Perfectly protects the device from scratches and damage. Equipped with large touch buttons for easy smartphone use. Made of the highest quality materials polycarbonate and TPU, protects the phone and minimizes shocks. Lightweight construction with five layers of protection absorbs shocks and bumps, protecting the phone during a drop, and also affects comfortable use. High-quality grain leather and metal parts guarantee an attractive design and long life metal screws connect and secure all layers of the housing. Honeycomb pattern prevents the case from slipping when you hold it. Enlarged touch buttons allow free use of all phone functions. Protection twice the military standard MIL STD 810G 516.6, determining the degree of shock resistance in the event of a fall.

1 224 Kč

UAG Urban Armor Gear case MONARCH compatible with MagSafe for IPHONE 14 Plus black 585992
do týdne

Premium protection case - UAG Monarch. Perfectly protects the device from scratches and damage. Equipped with large touch buttons for easy smartphone use. Compatible with Apple MagSafe accessories. Made of the highest quality materials polycarbonate and TPU, protects the phone and minimizes shocks. Lightweight construction with five layers of protection absorbs shocks and bumps, protecting the phone during a drop, and also affects comfortable use. High-quality grain leather and metal parts guarantee an attractive design and long life metal screws connect and secure all layers of the housing. Honeycomb pattern prevents the case from slipping when you hold it. Enlarged touch buttons allow free use of all phone functions. Protection twice the military standard MIL STD 810G 516.6, determining the degree of shock resistance in the event of a fall. Compatible with Apple MagSafe accessories! There is a magnetic ring inside the case that makes it compatible with Apple MagSafe accessories without removing the case.

1 187 Kč

SPIGEN case THIN FIT ”PRO” for IPAD Pro 12.9 2021 / 2022 black 591694
do týdne

Ultra thin phone case - SPIGEN Thin Fit. Protects the device against damage and scratches, and thanks to its slim shape and lightweight housing, it doesn't thicken the phone. One of the thinnest overlays from the SPIGEN collection - Thin Fit, is a product dedicated to minimalists who value reliable protection for their phone. The case is made of high quality polycarbonate that make it resistant to scratches and provides perfect protection against damage. Holes for function buttons, in which the case is equipped, allow efficient operation of the smartphone. The lightweight housing allows the device to be protected without abundance, e.g. during a fall, and also allows to keep the original, slim shape of the smartphone. Has a place for a special metal plate and allows using a magnetic car holder.

1 066 Kč

UAG Urban Armor Gear case CIVILIAN compatible with MagSafe for IPHONE 14 Plus black 585997
do týdne

Premium protection case – UAG Civilian. Perfectly protects the device from scratches and damage. Equipped with large touch buttons for easy smartphone use. Compatible with Apple MagSafe accessories. Made of high quality materials - polycarbonate and TPU, ensures long-term use. Composite design makes it both light and durable, thanks to that the product ensures comfortable use and effectively protects the device. Impact-resistant soft honeycomb core reduces the risk of damage. Raised edges provide additional protection for the display. Protection confirmed by certificates - the product complies with the military standard MIL STD 810G 516.6, determining the degree of shock resistance in the event of a fall. Compatible with Apple MagSafe accessories! There is a magnetic ring inside the case that makes it compatible with Apple MagSafe accessories without removing the case.

918 Kč

UAG Urban Armor Gear case METROPOLIS for IPHONE 14 Plus black kevlar 586000
do týdne

Premium protection case - UAG Metropolis. Perfectly protects the device from scratches and damage. Equipped with large touch buttons that facilitate the use of a smartphone. Water resistant. The hard coating and soft, impact-resistant interior make the product extremely durable, reducing the risk of phone damage. Extremely light design affects the comfortable use of the smartphone. Non-slip back protectors, as well as a soft, rubber coating around the display, protect the entire surface of the device from scratches and damage. Enlarged touch buttons allow free use of all phone functions. Protection confirmed by certificates - the product complies with the military standard MIL STD 810G 516.6, determining the degree of shock resistance in the event of a fall. The water resistant surface of FrogSkin Technology ™ provides protection in the event of flooding. Pocket for handy documents allows you to store payment cards and money.

913 Kč

UAG Urban Armor Gear case PATHFINDER compatible with MagSafe for IPHONE 14 Plus black 586006
do týdne

Premium protection case – UAG Pathfinder. Perfectly protects the device from scratches and damage. Equipped with large touch buttons for easy smartphone use. Made of high quality materials – polycarbonate and TPU, ensures long–term use. Composite design makes it both light and durable, thanks to that the product ensures comfortable use and effectively protects the device. A special hook allows you to attach a leash and carry the case in a comfortable way. Impact–resistant soft honeycomb core reduces the risk of damage. Enlarged touch buttons allow free use of all phone functions. Raised edges provide additional protection for the display. Protection confirmed by certificates – the product complies with the military standard MIL STD 810G 516.6, determining the degree of shock resistance in the event of a fall.

908 Kč

UAG Urban Armor Gear case PATHFINDER for IPHONE 14 Plus midnight camo 586008
do týdne

Premium protection case – UAG Pathfinder. Perfectly protects the device from scratches and damage. Equipped with large touch buttons for easy smartphone use. Made of high quality materials – polycarbonate and TPU, ensures long–term use. Composite design makes it both light and durable, thanks to that the product ensures comfortable use and effectively protects the device. A special hook allows you to attach a leash and carry the case in a comfortable way. Impact–resistant soft honeycomb core reduces the risk of damage. Enlarged touch buttons allow free use of all phone functions. Raised edges provide additional protection for the display. Protection confirmed by certificates – the product complies with the military standard MIL STD 810G 516.6, determining the degree of shock resistance in the event of a fall.

906 Kč

HOCO wireless speaker bluetooth + wire microphone BS52 black 583392
do týdne

HOCO karaoke set: wireless speaker and microphone Billowing BS52. A reliable accessory for any party! Portable speaker allows you to easily transport the product wherever it is needed, for example to play with friends, providing excellent sound quality. Wired microphone allows you to connect it to the speaker, and thus – great karaoke fun. The built-in lights perfectly reflects the atmosphere of any karaoke fun, allowing you to dance and sing like at a real disco. 5 playback modules: Bluetooth, FM, USB, card FM, AUX, for wired and wireless operation of the product, as desired. Built-in handle makes it easy to carry the speaker. Specification:Speaker: 6.5 inch; 2 × 10 WSize: 494 * 211 * 188 mmWeight: 2150 gBluetooth version: 5.0 Blue trum AB5365CCharging time: 3 hMusic playing time: 3 hBattery: 2200 mAh

888 Kč

UAG Urban Armor Gear case PATHFINDER compatible with MagSafe for IPHONE 14 Plus green 586007
do týdne

Premium protection case – UAG Pathfinder. Perfectly protects the device from scratches and damage. Equipped with large touch buttons for easy smartphone use. Made of high quality materials – polycarbonate and TPU, ensures long–term use. Composite design makes it both light and durable, thanks to that the product ensures comfortable use and effectively protects the device. A special hook allows you to attach a leash and carry the case in a comfortable way. Impact–resistant soft honeycomb core reduces the risk of damage. Enlarged touch buttons allow free use of all phone functions. Raised edges provide additional protection for the display. Protection confirmed by certificates – the product complies with the military standard MIL STD 810G 516.6, determining the degree of shock resistance in the event of a fall.

886 Kč

UAG Urban Armor Gear case PLYO compatible with MagSafe for IPHONE 14 Plus transparent 586014
do týdne

A premium class UAG Plasma case. Perfectly protects the device against scratches and harm. It has large touch buttons that enable easy use of the smartphone. The hard coating and the soft, impact-resistant interior make the product extremely durable, thus reducing the risk of damage. Very light design ensure a comfort using. Anti-slip pads, as well as a soft, rubber surround of the display, protect the entire surface against scratches and damage. The enlarged touch buttons allow you to freely use all the functions of the phone. The unique shape of the UAG Plasma case increases a durability and consistency of the entire structure, providing even better protection of the device. Protection confirmed by certificates—this product is up to the military standard MIL STD 810G 516.6, which determines the degree of resistance to impact when dropping.

786 Kč

FORCELL F-ENERGY multifunctional charger 20W 5in1 with USB-C/lightning cable, power bank 10000mAh and wireless charging 15W 440722
do týdne

The perfect travel set: FORCELL 5in1 multi-charger. Equipped with built-in connectors: USB-C, Lightning, and a power bank. Allows for wireless charging.Built-in charging cables: USB-C, Lightning (compatible with iPhone), allow simultaneous charging to several different devices. The second of the two cables is a hybrid - it is a combination of two connectors in one: Micro USB-Lightning. A set of 3 interchangeable tips  UK, US, EU, allows you to use various power sources almost anywhere in the world. Wireless charging allows you to charge devices without having to connect the cable. Built-in power bank (10,000 mAh) with high capacity allows for multiple powering of devices without access to the power source.Supported charging standards: Power Delivery, Quick Charge 3.0 and 4.0, enable instant charging of devices that support these functions. Supports AFC function in Samsung phonesThe built-in display shows the current charge level of the power bank. Specification:Input voltage: 110-240V~ AC input frequency: 50-60Hz, 3A Output voltage: 5.0V, 3.0A Output power: 20W Power bank: 10,000 mAh Wireless charging: 15W Built-in ports: USB, USB C CE, LVD, ERP, ROHS certificates guarantee the highest product quality.Size: A: 12 cm B: 16 cm C: 5 cm Boost your business with Forcell!See what you gain as an official distributor of the brand. Do you have any questions? Contact your sales representative who will provide you with the details of the offer.

737 Kč

BASEUS car holder with wireless charging automatic for air vent / windshield / console 15W WXHW03-01 silver 445633
do týdne

A car holder with wireless charging. Automatically detects which smartphone is placed in the holder to ensure maximum watts of charge. Intelligent infrared sensor detects the phone, thanks to which the holder automatically closes. The firm fit ensures stabilization and safety of the phone even on uneven roads. After inserting, the wireless charging process will start, which can reach 15W. The holder will automatically detect which smartphone is placed in the holder to ensure maximum watts of charge. Supports Android fast charging up to 10W/15W. Can be charged in a case. LED backlight on the frame informing about the charging status. Large 360 ??degree adjustment range. The triangular design of the device allows for full phone stabilization. Soft silicone in the contact areas with the phone for the safety of devices. The set includes a double mounting system for a ventilation grille or cockpit / glass. Specification: Finish: PC, silicone Type of fastening: clamping Place of installation: air conditioning grille / cockpit / glass Compatibility: devices with a width of 55-92 mm Power: 5W 7.5W 10W 15W

689 Kč

SPIGEN case RUGGED ARMOR ”PRO” for SAMSUNG Galaxy Watch 6 (40 mm) matte black 594483
do týdne

The original Rugged Armor case with matte finish. Provides advanced smartphone protection against damage and scratches. The product has convex edges for additional screen protection. The Rugged Armor case is very thin, so it does not thicken the phone, maintaining its original shape and design perfectly. The product was made of a high quality TPU material, which is resistant to scratches and abrasion. Precise cutouts and touch buttons provide quick access to all phone functions and do not interfere while working with the device. Lightweight housing ensures easy application and is pocket friendly. The characteristic appearance of the carbon fiber and matte finish give the case a timeless look and make it an elegant addition to the phone.

666 Kč

FORCELL F-GRIP HS4 car holder for air vent with wireless charging 15W black 585789
do týdne

The Forcell HS4 car holder mounted to the air vent is designed for devices that support inductive charging, including the latest foldable Samsung Z Flip and Fold phone series. It allows you to charge them with a power of up to 15 W. The rotating swivel and automatically extending arms (after pressing a button) make it easy to mount the smartphone. Thanks to the Forcell holder, you will always have your phone at hand during any trip. Mount the device vertically or horizontally thanks to the 360° swivel and automatically extendable arms (after pressing a button). Strong clamps and bottom legs keep the smartphone stable even during dynamic driving. Various adjustment options make it easy to adjust the holder to your own needs, which will be useful when several drivers share one car. The Forcell holder is suitable for both standard smartphones and those foldable from the latest Samsung Z Fold and Flip series. Moreover, it is mounted to the air vent, minimizing visibility problems and thus increasing safety while driving. At the same time, it supports wireless charging with a maximum power of 15 W. The set includes the 1 m charging cable with USB-C connectors. Specification:Mounting: air ventInput voltage: 5 V/2 A; 9 V/2 APower: 5 W/7.5 W/10 W/15 W (max.)Wireless charging distance: 6 mm (max.)Interface: USB-CCable: USB-C to USB-C (1 m)

661 Kč

FORCELL F-ENERGY multifunctional charger 15W 4in1 with USB/USB-C socket, power bank 8000mAh and wireless charging 440723
do týdne

The perfect travel set: FORCELL 4in1 multi-charger. Equipped with built-in ports: USB, USB-C, and a power bank. It allows inductive charging.Built-in ports: 2x USB and USB C, allow simultaneous charging to several different devices. 3 interchangeable tips: UK, US, EU, allows you to use various power sources almost anywhere in the world. Wireless charging allows you to charge devices without having to connect the cable. Built-in power bank (8,000 mAh) with high capacity allows you to power the devices multiple times without access to the power source. Supported charging standards: Quick Charge 3.0, allow you to instantly charge devices that support these functions. The built-in display shows the current charge level of the power bank. Specification:Input voltage: 110-240V~ AC input frequency: 50-60Hz, 3A Output voltage: 5.0V, 2.4A Output power: 15W Power bank: 8,000 mAh Wireless charging: 5W 3 interchangeable charger tips: UK / US / EU Built-in ports: 2x USB, USB C CE, LVD, ERP, ROHS certificates guarantee the highest product quality.Size: A: 12 cm B: 16 cm C: 5 cm Boost your business with Forcell!See what you gain as an official distributor of the brand. Do you have any questions? Contact your sales representative who will provide you with the details of the offer.

616 Kč

FORCELL F-AUDIO Clear Sound wireless earphones bluetooth TWS black 593766
do týdne

The Forcell F-Audio Clear Sound TWS headphones are synonymous with innovation in audio. Advanced features guarantee exceptional sound quality, comfort, and reliability that every audiophile will surely appreciate. The essential feature of Forcell Clear Sound is the ANC (Active Noise Canceling) technology, effectively reducing surrounding noise and allowing you to focus on important conversations or music without disturbance. This solution is ideal for those who work in noisy environments or travel frequently. Additionally, the headphones—thanks to the capacious battery—offer a playing time of approximately 6–8 hours and up to 4 hours for calls. This means that users can enjoy expressive sound without frequent charging. Intuitive touch operation on the headphones allows you to easily control music and calls, as well as activate the ANC function without having to reach for your phone. This solution is perfect for those who value speed and convenience of use. Moreover, the headphones are suitable for wireless charging, so you do not need to have the appropriate cable to replenish the energy in the case. 3 LEDs indicate the charging level. Specification:Bluetooth version: V5.3Talk time: 4 hoursStandby time: 140 daysCharging time: 1.5 hoursHeadphone battery capacity: 40 mAhCharging voltage: DC 5VTransmission range: 10–15 mMusic play time: 6–8 hoursFrequency response: 20–20000 HzCharging case battery capacity: 320 mAhActive Noise Cancellation (ANC): yesCable: USB-C Boost your business with Forcell!See what you gain as an official distributor of the brand. Do you have any questions? Contact your sales representative who will provide you with the details of the offer.

599 Kč

FORCELL F-AUDIO Clear Sound wireless earphones bluetooth TWS white 593768
do týdne

The Forcell F-Audio Clear Sound TWS headphones are synonymous with innovation in audio. Advanced features guarantee exceptional sound quality, comfort, and reliability that every audiophile will surely appreciate. The essential feature of Forcell Clear Sound is the ANC (Active Noise Canceling) technology, effectively reducing surrounding noise and allowing you to focus on important conversations or music without disturbance. This solution is ideal for those who work in noisy environments or travel frequently. Additionally, the headphones—thanks to the capacious battery—offer a playing time of approximately 6–8 hours and up to 4 hours for calls. This means that users can enjoy expressive sound without frequent charging. Intuitive touch operation on the headphones allows you to easily control music and calls, as well as activate the ANC function without having to reach for your phone. This solution is perfect for those who value speed and convenience of use. Moreover, the headphones are suitable for wireless charging, so you do not need to have the appropriate cable to replenish the energy in the case. 3 LEDs indicate the charging level. Specification:Bluetooth version: V5.3Talk time: 4 hoursStandby time: 140 daysCharging time: 1.5 hoursHeadphone battery capacity: 40 mAhCharging voltage: DC 5VTransmission range: 10–15 mMusic play time: 6–8 hoursFrequency response: 20–20000 HzCharging case battery capacity: 320 mAhActive Noise Cancellation (ANC): yesCable: USB-C Boost your business with Forcell!See what you gain as an official distributor of the brand. Do you have any questions? Contact your sales representative who will provide you with the details of the offer.

599 Kč

HOCO wireless speaker bluetooth HC8 white 592880
do týdne

Portable wireless speaker. It allows you to connect a smartphone or any audio device equipped with the Bluetooth function. LED RGB lighting pulses to the rhythm of the music being played. Listen to music wherever you are! All you need is a portable speaker and any audio device with Bluetooth technology. A capacious battery (1800 mAh) allows you to play music for a long time, up to several hours. The compact size makes the speaker convenient to transport. LED RGB lighting pulses to the rhythm of the music being played. Specification:Bluetooth version: 5.0 chip: JLCapacity: 1800 mAhCharging time: 2.5 hWorking time: 4 hSpeaker: 57 mmPower: 10 WSize: 210 × 95 × 95 mmWeight: 670 gSupport: Bluetooth, FM, TF card, USB flash, AUX and others

599 Kč

HOCO wireless speaker bluetooth HC8 red 592881
do týdne

Portable wireless speaker. It allows you to connect a smartphone or any audio device equipped with the Bluetooth function. LED RGB lighting pulses to the rhythm of the music being played. Listen to music wherever you are! All you need is a portable speaker and any audio device with Bluetooth technology. A capacious battery (1800 mAh) allows you to play music for a long time, up to several hours. The compact size makes the speaker convenient to transport. LED RGB lighting pulses to the rhythm of the music being played. Specification:Bluetooth version: 5.0 chip: JLCapacity: 1800 mAhCharging time: 2.5 hWorking time: 4 hSpeaker: 57 mmPower: 10 WSize: 210 × 95 × 95 mmWeight: 670 gSupport: Bluetooth, FM, TF card, USB flash, AUX and others

599 Kč

HOCO wireless speaker bluetooth HC8 blue 592882
do týdne

Portable wireless speaker. It allows you to connect a smartphone or any audio device equipped with the Bluetooth function. LED RGB lighting pulses to the rhythm of the music being played. Listen to music wherever you are! All you need is a portable speaker and any audio device with Bluetooth technology. A capacious battery (1800 mAh) allows you to play music for a long time, up to several hours. The compact size makes the speaker convenient to transport. LED RGB lighting pulses to the rhythm of the music being played. Specification:Bluetooth version: 5.0 chip: JLCapacity: 1800 mAhCharging time: 2.5 hWorking time: 4 hSpeaker: 57 mmPower: 10 WSize: 210 × 95 × 95 mmWeight: 670 gSupport: Bluetooth, FM, TF card, USB flash, AUX and others

599 Kč

HOCO wireless bluetooth earphones TWS EA1 milky white 599266
do týdne

Stay connected to your favorite music thanks to the EA1 TWS headphones with a charging case from Hoco. Handheld, easy-to-use TWS headphones fit well into your ears, so you won't feel any discomfort even after many hours of use. Use Bluetooth to listen to music or audiobooks, as well as make calls thanks to the built-in microphone. A portable case with a charging function ensures that the headphones will always be charged, and thanks to the compact design you can take them anywhere and store them safely. Specification:Bluetooth version: 5.3; Chip: JL7003D4 Battery capacity: 500 mAh (charging station); 90 mAh (headphones)Talk/music time: 10 hSize: 105 × 70 × 30 mmWeight: 98.5 g

583 Kč

FORCELL F-GRIP automatic car holder for windshield / air vent with wireless charging Qi 15W red 440818
do týdne

Automatic car holder with wireless charging and an infrared sensor. Automatically opens and closes the arms. Supports inductive charging. Thanks to the built-in infrared sensor, the holder automatically recognizes the device when it is close to the accessory (5-20 cm), and then automatically opens and closes the arms when the phone is inside. The holder supports fast wireless charging. For devices that do not support inductive charging technology, use the supplied magnetic tips. The product has a built-in protection system: against overvoltage, overheating, magnetic field, short circuit. Mounted on the air vent or windshield. Specification: Model identifier: HS1 Material: PC, ABS Input: 5V / 2A, 9V / 1.67A Output: 5V / 1.5A, 9V / 1.2A Power: 15W, 10W, 7.5W, 5W depending on the phone model Charging frequency: ?80% 110K-205K Hz Charging efficiency:> 72% Charging distance: < 10mm Support: Qi wireless charging Arm spacing: 4.7"-7.2" Dimensions: 130 * 65 * 24 mm Cable length: 100 cm Weight: 97 g Place of installation: air vent, windshield

564 Kč

LED Ring Stream RGB lamp 12" FULL COLOR with holder for mobile + tripod black 445371
do týdne

LED lamp with a phone holder. Equipped with a wired control panel. It allows a wide range of changing the color in RGB mode (rainbow). It is an indispensable element of every streamer's stand. The ring light is used not only in the gaming world, but also in other areas of streaming. The accessory has a telephone holder attachment that allows the smartphone to be placed in the center of the illumination circle. Compactness, the ability to change the color of light, RGB mode and ideal lighting conditions will be appreciated by the content creators of such platforms as Tik Tok or Instagram. The LED lamp with a phone holder is also a perfect accessory for video meetings and online learning. Specification: Lamp diameter: 33 cm Product size: 31.5 × 32.2 × 3.3 cm Tripod height: 68–210 cm Material: aluminum alloy + ABS plastic + PP Light: white warm / RGB colors Light gear: white warm 10 gears / RGB 15 gears Color temperature: 2700–7000K LED bulbs: 120 + 39 RGB CRI: 80 Power: 12W Lumen rate: 900–1700 lm Working temperature: 45° Voltage: 5V/2–3A

499 Kč

HOCO wireless bluetooth earphones TWS EW55 army green 596036
do týdne

Stay tuned to your favorite music with the TWS EW55 headphones from Hoco. Handy, comfortable TWS headphones fit your ears well, so you will not feel any discomfort even after many hours of using them. The Bluetooth connectivity enables listening to music or audiobooks, as well as making calls, thanks to the built-in microphone. The portable case with a charging function ensures that the headphones will always be charged, and the compact design allows you to take them anywhere while storing safely. Specification:Bluetooth version: 5.3; Chip: JL AC6973D4 Battery capacity: 300 mAh (charging case); 30 mAh (headphones)Talk/music time: 4 hStandby time: 150 hSize: 64 × 51 × 23.5 mmTotal weight: 53 g

499 Kč

HOCO wireless bluetooth earphones TWS EW55 gold 596035
do týdne

Stay tuned to your favorite music with the TWS EW55 headphones from Hoco. Handy, comfortable TWS headphones fit your ears well, so you will not feel any discomfort even after many hours of using them. The Bluetooth connectivity enables listening to music or audiobooks, as well as making calls, thanks to the built-in microphone. The portable case with a charging function ensures that the headphones will always be charged, and the compact design allows you to take them anywhere while storing safely. Specification:Bluetooth version: 5.3; Chip: JL AC6973D4 Battery capacity: 300 mAh (charging case); 30 mAh (headphones)Talk/music time: 4 hStandby time: 150 hSize: 64 × 51 × 23.5 mmTotal weight: 53 g

499 Kč

Sluchátka bluetooth Earbuds wireless TWS JELLIE MONSTER Monster YLFS-06BT blue 448659
do týdne

Bluetooth sluchátka s motivem kreslených příšer. Perfektně padnou do každého ucha. Dodává se s pouzdrem s dokovací funkcí. Navrženy pro dlouhou dobu používání Fungují až 5 hodin s plně nabitou náhlavní soupravou, až 30 hodin při použití nabíjecího pouzdra. Doba nabíjení je cca 1 hodina. Pohodlné používání Sluchátka perfektně padnou na každé uši a nevypadnou. Jsou ideální na běhání nebo cyklistiku. Vestavěný mikrofon vám umožní mluvit. Ochrana před poškozením Přenosné pouzdro s powerbankou nejen ochrání sluchátka před poškozením nebo ztrátou, ale také umožňuje sluchátka nabíjet. Vlastnosti Materiál:ABS Bluetooth 5.0 Kapacita powerbanky: 650 mAh Kapacita sluchátek: 45MA Reproduktor: 15mm Vzdálenost: 10m Pracovní doba: 5h Doba nabíjení: 1h

449 Kč

HOCO wireless speaker bluetooth HC2 red 440879
do týdne

Portable wireless speaker. It allows you to connect a smartphone and any audio devices equipped with the Bluetooth function. Listen to music wherever you are! All you need is a portable speaker and any audio device with Bluetooth technology. A large battery (2400 mAh) allows you to play music for up to several hours. The compact size makes the speaker convenient to transport. Built-in "legs" allow easy positioning of the accessory on a hard surface. The product is available in several color versions. Specification: Size: 194.4 * 81 * 82mm Weight: 598 g Bluetooth version: 5.0 JL Battery capacity: 2400 mAh Charging time: 3 h Talk / music time: 6 h Speaker: 52mm * 2 Power: 5W * 2 Support: Bluetooth, TF card, USB, AUX, FM

449 Kč

HOCO wireless bluetooth earphones TWS EW55 silver 596037
do týdne

Stay tuned to your favorite music with the TWS EW55 headphones from Hoco. Handy, comfortable TWS headphones fit your ears well, so you will not feel any discomfort even after many hours of using them. The Bluetooth connectivity enables listening to music or audiobooks, as well as making calls, thanks to the built-in microphone. The portable case with a charging function ensures that the headphones will always be charged, and the compact design allows you to take them anywhere while storing safely. Specification:Bluetooth version: 5.3; Chip: JL AC6973D4 Battery capacity: 300 mAh (charging case); 30 mAh (headphones)Talk/music time: 4 hStandby time: 150 hSize: 64 × 51 × 23.5 mmTotal weight: 53 g

445 Kč

HOCO wireless bluetooth earphones TWS EQ6 white 594614
do týdne

Stay tuned to your favorite music with the TWS EQ6 headphones from Hoco. Handy, comfortable TWS headphones fit your ears well, so you will not feel any discomfort even after many hours of using them. The Bluetooth connectivity enables listening to music or audiobooks, as well as making calls, thanks to the built-in microphone. The portable case with a charging function ensures that the headphones will always be charged, and the compact design allows you to take them anywhere while storing safely. Specification:Bluetooth version: 5.3; Chip: JL AC6973D4Battery capacity: 320 mAh (charging case); 40 mAh (headphones)Talk/music time: 7 hStandby time: 180 hSize: 62 × 53 × 28.5 mmTotal weight: 47 g

419 Kč

HOCO wireless bluetooth earphones TWS EQ6 blue 594616
do týdne

Stay tuned to your favorite music with the TWS EQ6 headphones from Hoco. Handy, comfortable TWS headphones fit your ears well, so you will not feel any discomfort even after many hours of using them. The Bluetooth connectivity enables listening to music or audiobooks, as well as making calls, thanks to the built-in microphone. The portable case with a charging function ensures that the headphones will always be charged, and the compact design allows you to take them anywhere while storing safely. Specification:Bluetooth version: 5.3; Chip: JL AC6973D4Battery capacity: 320 mAh (charging case); 40 mAh (headphones)Talk/music time: 7 hStandby time: 180 hSize: 62 × 53 × 28.5 mmTotal weight: 47 g

419 Kč

BASEUS car charger 2 x USB A + 2 x Type C with cable PD3.0 QC4.0 3A 120W CCBT-A0G 1,5 m gray 594123
do týdne

The Baseus Share Together car charger allows for efficient and safe charging of devices while driving. Equipped with four ports – two USB-A and two USB-C – it offers a mighty charging power of 120 W. Compatible with Samsung AFC, Quick Charge 2.0, 3.0, 4.0+, and Power Delivery 3.0 fast charging standards. A hub with a 1.5-meter cable emphasizes the device's functionality, facilitating access to the ports for passengers in the rear seats. The high-temperature-resistant material used in the production and its compact size makes it easy to store and transport the charger. Protective technologies used in the charger minimize the risk of short-circuiting, overheating, overcharging, and other undesirable factors, and the intelligent system automatically stops charging when the device's battery is full. Specification:Color: greyMaterial: Aluminum + PCCharging standards: QC3.0/QC2.0/AFC/MTK PE/PPS, PD 3.0, PD 2.0Ports: 2x USB-A + 2x USB-CUSB-A 1/2 output: 5V/3A, 9V/2A, 10V/2A, 12V/2.5A 30WUSB-C output : 5V/3A, 9V/2.22A, 12V/2.5A, 15V/2A, 20V/1.5ATotal output power:  30W + 30W + 30W + 30W

399 Kč

HOCO wireless speaker bluetooth HC17 navy blue 593035
do týdne

Portable wireless speaker. It allows you to connect a smartphone or any audio device equipped with the Bluetooth function. It has a built-in carabiner. Listen to music wherever you are! All you need is a portable speaker and any audio device with Bluetooth technology. A capacious battery (500 mAh) allows you to play music for a long time, up to several hours. The compact size makes the speaker convenient to transport. Specification:Bluetooth version: 5.3 chip: JL AC6965ECapacity: 500 mAhCharging time: 2 hWorking time: 4 hSpeaker: 45 mmPower: 5 WSize: 133.4 × 85 × 49 mmWeight: 244 gSupport: Bluetooth, FM, TF card, USB flash, AUX and others

399 Kč

HOCO wireless speaker bluetooth HC17 wine red 593038
do týdne

Portable wireless speaker. It allows you to connect a smartphone or any audio device equipped with the Bluetooth function. It has a built-in carabiner. Listen to music wherever you are! All you need is a portable speaker and any audio device with Bluetooth technology. A capacious battery (500 mAh) allows you to play music for a long time, up to several hours. The compact size makes the speaker convenient to transport. Specification:Bluetooth version: 5.3 chip: JL AC6965ECapacity: 500 mAhCharging time: 2 hWorking time: 4 hSpeaker: 45 mmPower: 5 WSize: 133.4 × 85 × 49 mmWeight: 244 gSupport: Bluetooth, FM, TF card, USB flash, AUX and others

399 Kč
