The Variete case is an elegant cover distinguished by raised wounds around the screen and a built-in camera island with protective glass for lenses. The sides of the case are made of TPU (thanks to single casting, its color doesn’t wear down). The shade palette includes several colors that are fashionable in 2024. Variete is a product with a matte design in uniform colors. Made of good quality plastic, it reduces the risk of damage or scratches during everyday use. Moreover, the expressive frame around the screen retains its color for a long time thanks to dyeing in one mass. The case also guarantees the protection of the camera island. The most sensitive part of the phone is preserved not only by the raised edge but also by precise cutouts and lens glass (they can be removed once if necessary). Material: TPU (side edges, single casting), plastic (back), plastic (camera island frame and buttons - painted with oil paint) Available colors: apricot crush, pistachio, dark green, black, steel, navy blue, purple
199 Kč

The Dual Pocket case is a combination of functionality and style. High-quality material protects the front, back, and left side of the phone, and thanks to the elegant design, it will complement various styles. The model has two practical, wide pockets in the inner part. Dual Pocket is characterized by solid, careful workmanship – the durable structure provides adequate preservation for the device, and the soft finish inside protects the screen from scratches and minor damage. Unlike other cases, the Dual Pocket has two wide inner pockets resembling wallet compartments. Thanks to this, it will fit not only credit cards but also banknotes or folded sheets of paper. In addition, a convenient magnetic fastener ensures that the phone will not fall out of the case, and rounded edges make it easy to put the device in a pocket. Material: artificial leather, plastic
199 Kč

The Dual Pocket case is a combination of functionality and style. High-quality material protects the front, back, and left side of the phone, and thanks to the elegant design, it will complement various styles. The model has two practical, wide pockets in the inner part. Dual Pocket is characterized by solid, careful workmanship – the durable structure provides adequate preservation for the device, and the soft finish inside protects the screen from scratches and minor damage. Unlike other cases, the Dual Pocket has two wide inner pockets resembling wallet compartments. Thanks to this, it will fit not only credit cards but also banknotes or folded sheets of paper. In addition, a convenient magnetic fastener ensures that the phone will not fall out of the case, and rounded edges make it easy to put the device in a pocket. Material: artificial leather, plastic
199 Kč

The Dual Pocket case is a combination of functionality and style. High-quality material protects the front, back, and left side of the phone, and thanks to the elegant design, it will complement various styles. The model has two practical, wide pockets in the inner part. Dual Pocket is characterized by solid, careful workmanship – the durable structure provides adequate preservation for the device, and the soft finish inside protects the screen from scratches and minor damage. Unlike other cases, the Dual Pocket has two wide inner pockets resembling wallet compartments. Thanks to this, it will fit not only credit cards but also banknotes or folded sheets of paper. In addition, a convenient magnetic fastener ensures that the phone will not fall out of the case, and rounded edges make it easy to put the device in a pocket. Material: artificial leather, plastic
199 Kč

The Dual Pocket case is a combination of functionality and style. High-quality material protects the front, back, and left side of the phone, and thanks to the elegant design, it will complement various styles. The model has two practical, wide pockets in the inner part. Dual Pocket is characterized by solid, careful workmanship – the durable structure provides adequate preservation for the device, and the soft finish inside protects the screen from scratches and minor damage. Unlike other cases, the Dual Pocket has two wide inner pockets resembling wallet compartments. Thanks to this, it will fit not only credit cards but also banknotes or folded sheets of paper. In addition, a convenient magnetic fastener ensures that the phone will not fall out of the case, and rounded edges make it easy to put the device in a pocket. Material: artificial leather, plastic
199 Kč

A Smart Magneto with a magnetic fastener is a classic phone case with a wallet and TV stand function. It is made of a metalized material, lined with a soft fabric that protects the screen from scratches. All-time eleganceThe black, matt design creates an effect of visible elegance. An inner black TPU insert fits perfectly the entire cover design. The case is a perfect addition to any wardrobe. Functional and usefulThe case has many features that make every using comfortable. There is an inner pocket where you can store cash cards or documents. Setting in horizontal position allows you to conveniently browse the Internet or watch movies. The magnetic fastener prevents any opening of the case and with buttons cutouts you will not have a problem when using the phone. Strong protectionThe inner part of the TPU case is made of a soft fabric that protects the screen against scratches. Moreover, you do not have to worry that your phone will drop out, because it sticks firmly inside. Material: Plastic & TPUFastener: magnet
199 Kč

A Smart Magneto with a magnetic fastener is a classic phone case with a wallet and TV stand function. It is made of a metalized material, lined with a soft fabric that protects the screen from scratches. All-time eleganceDeep colors and a metallic gloss finish create an effect of visible elegance. The case is a perfect addition to any wardrobe. Functional and usefulThe case has many features that make every using comfortable. There is an inner pocket where you can store cash cards or documents. Setting in horizontal position allows you to conveniently browse the Internet or watch movies. The magnetic fastener prevents any opening of the case and with buttons cutouts you will not have a problem when using the phone. Strong protectionThe inner part of the TPU case is made of a soft fabric that protects the screen against scratches. Moreover, you do not have to worry that your phone will drop out, because it sticks firmly inside. Material: Plastic & TPUFastener: magnet
199 Kč

A Smart Magneto with a magnetic fastener is a classic phone case with a wallet and TV stand function. It is made of a metalized material, lined with a soft fabric that protects the screen from scratches. All-time eleganceDeep colors and a metallic gloss finish create an effect of visible elegance. The case is a perfect addition to any wardrobe. Functional and usefulThe case has many features that make every using comfortable. There is an inner pocket where you can store cash cards or documents. Setting in horizontal position allows you to conveniently browse the Internet or watch movies. The magnetic fastener prevents any opening of the case and with buttons cutouts you will not have a problem when using the phone. Strong protectionThe inner part of the TPU case is made of a soft fabric that protects the screen against scratches. Moreover, you do not have to worry that your phone will drop out, because it sticks firmly inside. Material: Plastic & TPUFastener: magnet
199 Kč

Kabura Smart Magneto to klasyczny pokrowiec na telefon z funkcją portfela oraz TV stand. Wykonana z materiału o metalizującej strukturze, w środku wyścielona miękką tkaniną chroniącą ekran telefonu przed zarysowaniami. Posiada zapięcie na magnes. Ponadczasowa elegancjaGłębokie kolory oraz metaliczny połysk tworzą efekt niebanalnej elegancji. Kabura sprawdza się jako doskonały dodatek do każdej garderoby. Funkcjonalna w użyciuPokrowiec ma wiele cech, które sprawiają, że korzystanie z etui jest bardzo komfortowe. Wewnątrz znajduje się kieszonka, w której można przechowywać karty bankomatowe lub dokumenty. Ustawienie kabury w pozycji poziomej umożliwia wygodne przeglądanie internetu czy oglądanie filmów. Zapięcie na magnes zapobiega przypadkowemu otwarciu się etui. Wycięcia na przyciski funkcyjne umożliwiają swobodne korzystanie z telefonu. Wysoka ochronaWnętrze pokrowca wykonane jest z miękkiej tkaniny, chroniącej ekran przed zarysowaniami. Nakładka z TPU solidnie utrzymuje telefon i zapobiega jego przypadkowemu wysunięciu się. Materiał: Tworzywo sztuczne i TPUZapięcie: Magnes
199 Kč

Držák telefonu s extra silnou přísavkou a klipsem pro uchycení telefonu či navigace až do šířky (nebo výšky) 9 cm. Díky možnosti otáčení o 360° je možné snadno nastavit vhodnou polohu. Telefon v klipsu pevně drží pomocí silné pružiny, a proti pohybu je zajištěn pomocí protiskluzové vrstvy uvnitř klipsu.Technická datapro telefonydo 9 cm (šířka nebo výška)nastavitelný úhelano, 360°upevněnípřísavka s aretacíbarvačerná
200 Kč

Karta, se kterou vždy budete v kontaktu. Co karta obsahuje: - Balíček ke kartě 1,5 GB dat a volání v síti Vodafone neomezeně na první měsíc v ceně - 150 Kč extra kredit s platností 45 dní Jak karta funguje: - Na první měsíc máte v ceně karty balíček 1,5 GB dat a volání v síti Vodafone neomezeně. - Po uplynutí této doby se vám bude balíček automaticky obnovovat za cenu 149 Kč měsíčně. V době obnovy je nutné mít dostatek kreditu. - Za služby, které nejsou obsaženy v balíčku, platíte dle ceníku níže. - Ceník: 3 Kč za minutu volání, SMS nebo 10 MB dat Odměny za dobíjení Stačí zaslat SMS zdarma ve tvaru ODMENY na číslo 7700 a za každé dobití nad 250 Kč získá zákazník jako dárek až 20 % extra kreditu navíc. Výše extra kreditu závisí na tom, jak dlouho je dané telefonní číslo u Vodafone. Pokud méně než 3 měsíce, získá 10 %, pokud 3 a více měsíců, získá 20 % extra kreditu navíc. Více informací na
200 Kč

Díky maximálnímu výkonu 18 W nabíječka dobíjí mobilní telefony i tablety nejvyšší možnou rychlostí. Technologie Quick Charge 3.0 umožňuje rychlejší nabíjení podporovaných zařízení než běžná USB nabíječka. Tělo napájecího adaptéru má příjemný tvar a velikost, lze jej tak snadno vyjmout z auto zásuvky. Kromě auto-nabíječky je součástí balení také Type-C kabel.
200 Kč

Practical car holder designed to be mounted on the windshield or cockpit. It has an elegant design - the carbon motif makes your interior car luxurious.Universal useThe handle has a wide arm spacing (50-85 mm) and comes with devices with screen sizes from 3"- 6";.Highly adjustableThe handle has a 360 degree adjustment. Use the phone or navigate vertically or horizontally - as you like!Stable mountingThe handle is attached with a suction cup, which additionally has a locking clip. You can mount it to the windshield or the smooth surface of the dashboard. Silicone tabs protects against slipping out. The clamp release button makes it easy to remove the phone from the holder.Modern designThe Forcell HT1 handle is an accessory reminiscent of the futuristic carbon fiber. It looks great with the interior of a modern car.Features:Place of installation: windshield or dashboardRotation: 360 degreesCompatibility: 3"-6" devices
201 Kč

POPIS PRODUKTU Magnetický držák do auta Winner WG 34 je ideálním řešením, jak mít telefon během jízdy bezpečně na dosah. Díky 4 mimořádně silným neodymovým magnetům zajišťuje pevné uchycení telefonu i na nerovných silnicích. 360stupňová rotace umožňuje nastavit telefon v libovolném úhlu pro optimální zobrazení. Pevné 14,6 cm dlouhé rameno držáku udržuje telefon během jízdy v pohodlné vzdálenosti. Součástí balení jsou také dvě kovové destičky, které se připevňují na zadní stranu krytu. PARAMETRY PRODUKTU Klíčové parametry produktu Bluetooth show_tooltip Ne Šířka 69 mm Výška 175 mm Hmotnost 158 g Hloubka 90 mm Pro značku Univerzální Fyzické vlastnosti a barva Šířka 69 mm Výška 175 mm Hmotnost 158 g Hloubka 90 mm Konektivita Bluetooth show_tooltip Ne Další vlastnosti Značka Winner Pro značku Univerzální
203 Kč

Držák telefonu s extra silnou přísavkou a klipsem pro uchycení telefonu šířky 5,5 – 8,5 cm.Díky možnosti otáčení o 360° je možné snadno nastavit vhodnou polohu.Telefon v klipsu pevně drží pomocí silné pružiny, a proti pohybu je zajištěn pomocí protiskluzové vrstvy uvnitř klipsu.Technická datapro telefonyšířka 5,5 – 8,5 cmnastavitelný úhelano, 360°upevněnípřísavka s aretacíbarvačerná
204 Kč

Zástrčka pro 12V či 24V zásuvky autozapalovače s rychlým USB nabíjením (protokol QC 3.0 / PD 3.0 / PPS).Zařízení se vyznačuje drobnými rozměry a svým nízkým profilem, díky kterému téměř nevyčnívá ze zásuvky zapalovače. Umožňuje rychlé nabíjení běžných USB zařízení pomocí USB-A a USB-C konektoru s maximálním výstupem 30W. Je schopné napájet či nabíjet mobilní telefony, MP3 přehrávače a další zařízení schopné dobíjení či napájení pomocí USB kabelu. Technická data Vstup12/24V= (DC) Max. výstup30WVýstup USB-A (QC 3.0)5V= 4,5A; 9V= 3A; 12V= 2,5AVýstup USB-C (PD 3.0)5V= 3A; 9V= 3A; 12V= 2,5A; 15V= 2A; 20V= 1,5AVýstup USB-A+C5V= 2,4A*2 (24W max)
204 Kč