Matte back case with ring. It protects the delicate casing of the device from scratches and damage. Equipped with a special ring that makes it easy to watch movies in a horizontal position. Compatible with magnetic car holders. Made of one casting, it has an inner lining. Made of the highest quality TPU; the flexible material facilitates the assembly / disassembly of the case and absorbs shocks during a fall. Integrated button covers made of flexible material maximize the comfort of working with the smartphone. Matte texture shows anti-slip properties, so the case lies securely in the hand and reduces the risk of the phone slipping out of the hand. Moreover, it is easy to clean; just a little water is enough to remove any debris. Retractable ring on the back ensures a secure grip of the device in any situation and allows you to set the phone in a horizontal position, which makes it easier to watch movies and photos. The ring can be rotated 360 degrees, compatible with magnetic holders. Material: TPU
159 Kč

Functional back case with a retractable ring. It protects the delicate casing of the device from scratches and damage. Equipped with a ring that makes it easy to watch movies in a horizontal position. Suitable for magnetic holders. Made of pleasant to the touch, silicone material; facilitates assembly and disassembly of the case and perfectly absorbs shocks when the device falls. Integrated button covers made of flexible material maximize the comfort of working with the smartphone. Stable grip! The matte texture of the case shows anti-slip properties, so the case lies firmly in your hand and reduces the risk of the phone slipping out on the floor. What’s more, it is easy to clean and does not fade over time. Retractable ring on the back ensures a secure grip of the device in any situation and allows you to set the phone in a horizontal position to make it easier to watch movies and photos. The ring can be freely rotated, compatible with magnetic holders. Specification:Material: plastic
159 Kč

Functional back case with a retractable ring. It protects the delicate casing of the device from scratches and damage. Equipped with a ring that makes it easy to watch movies in a horizontal position. Suitable for magnetic holders. Made of pleasant to the touch, silicone material; facilitates assembly and disassembly of the case and perfectly absorbs shocks when the device falls. Integrated button covers made of flexible material maximize the comfort of working with the smartphone. Stable grip! The matte texture of the case shows anti-slip properties, so the case lies firmly in your hand and reduces the risk of the phone slipping out on the floor. What’s more, it is easy to clean and does not fade over time. Retractable ring on the back ensures a secure grip of the device in any situation and allows you to set the phone in a horizontal position to make it easier to watch movies and photos. The ring can be freely rotated, compatible with magnetic holders. Specification:Material: plastic
159 Kč

Functional back case with a retractable ring. It protects the delicate casing of the device from scratches and damage. Equipped with a ring that makes it easy to watch movies in a horizontal position. Suitable for magnetic holders. Made of pleasant to the touch, silicone material; facilitates assembly and disassembly of the case and perfectly absorbs shocks when the device falls. Integrated button covers made of flexible material maximize the comfort of working with the smartphone. Stable grip! The matte texture of the case shows anti-slip properties, so the case lies firmly in your hand and reduces the risk of the phone slipping out on the floor. What’s more, it is easy to clean and does not fade over time. Retractable ring on the back ensures a secure grip of the device in any situation and allows you to set the phone in a horizontal position to make it easier to watch movies and photos. The ring can be freely rotated, compatible with magnetic holders. Specification:Material: plastic
159 Kč

The Candy Case combines aesthetics with practicality, offering not only functionality but also an attractive design. Made of flexible, pleasant-to-touch material, Candy Case ensures perfect fit to the phone, protection, and comfort during use. The soft lining protects the device against scratches and abrasions from the inside, and the raised edge around the camera island provides additional protection for the lens. Pastel colors give a unique style and allow you to personalize the device while maintaining a professional look.
159 Kč

The Candy Case combines aesthetics with practicality, offering not only functionality but also an attractive design. Made of flexible, pleasant-to-touch material, Candy Case ensures perfect fit to the phone, protection, and comfort during use. The soft lining protects the device against scratches and abrasions from the inside, and the raised edge around the camera island provides additional protection for the lens. Pastel colors give a unique style and allow you to personalize the device while maintaining a professional look.
159 Kč

The Candy Case combines aesthetics with practicality, offering not only functionality but also an attractive design. Made of flexible, pleasant-to-touch material, Candy Case ensures perfect fit to the phone, protection, and comfort during use. The soft lining protects the device against scratches and abrasions from the inside, and the raised edge around the camera island provides additional protection for the lens. Pastel colors give a unique style and allow you to personalize the device while maintaining a professional look.
159 Kč

The Candy Case combines aesthetics with practicality, offering not only functionality but also an attractive design. Made of flexible, pleasant-to-touch material, Candy Case ensures perfect fit to the phone, protection, and comfort during use. The soft lining protects the device against scratches and abrasions from the inside, and the raised edge around the camera island provides additional protection for the lens. Pastel colors give a unique style and allow you to personalize the device while maintaining a professional look.
159 Kč

The Candy Case combines aesthetics with practicality, offering not only functionality but also an attractive design. Made of flexible, pleasant-to-touch material, Candy Case ensures perfect fit to the phone, protection, and comfort during use. The soft lining protects the device against scratches and abrasions from the inside, and the raised edge around the camera island provides additional protection for the lens. Pastel colors give a unique style and allow you to personalize the device while maintaining a professional look.
159 Kč

The Candy Case combines aesthetics with practicality, offering not only functionality but also an attractive design. Made of flexible, pleasant-to-touch material, Candy Case ensures perfect fit to the phone, protection, and comfort during use. The soft lining protects the device against scratches and abrasions from the inside, and the raised edge around the camera island provides additional protection for the lens. Pastel colors give a unique style and allow you to personalize the device while maintaining a professional look.
159 Kč

Popis produktu: Mocolo 5D je velice kvalitní tvrzené sklo, které zajišťuje ochranu celé přední dotykové části mobilního telefonu. Jeho tvrdost je 9H a je odolné proti poškrábání. Na skle jsou přesně vyřezané otvory na tlačítka, reproduktor, atd. Jeho tloušťka je pouze 0,3mm. Díky speciální oleofobní povrchové úpravě se na povrchu nezanechávají otisky prstů. Vlastnosti: - tloušťka: 3mm - tvrdost 9H - sklo vyrobené na konkrétní typ telefonu - odolné proti poškrábání - ochrana proti zanechání otisků prstů a odleskům - vyhlazuje a zaceluje již drobně poškrábaný displej - nesnižuje dotykové vlastnosti displeje - nesnižuje čitelnost displeje
160 Kč

In-ear headphones designed for devices with a Lightning type input. A specially designed structure guarantees comfort of use and good quality of the sound reproduced. Play music, make calls The included remote control with a microphone allows not only to play music and conveniently switch songs, but also to make calls. Stay in touch with your loved ones at any time - on the road or while running. Designed for you The comfortable design of the Forcell headphones makes them stable in the ear and does not fall out while moving, for example while running. In-ear headphones are also characterized by better ear ventilation than their intrathecal counterparts. Specification: Sensitivity: 106 dbImpedance: 32 ohmsFrequency response: 20-20000 HzWeight: 3 gCable: 1.2 m
161 Kč

Popis produktu Datový kabel Swissten USB-C/USB-C s kvalitním textilním opletením a kovovými kryty konektorů. Díky délce 1,2m je vhodný do auta, na stůl v kanceláři nebo na noční stolek. Kabel je zesílený a přenese tak větší proud (až 3A) a zvládne i rychlý přenos dat 480 Mb/s. Životnost kabelu v ohybu je více než 10000 ohybů. Kovový kryt konektoru je odolnější proti mechanickému poškození než běžné plastové kryty konektorů. Technické parametry: Tloušťka kabelu dva pocínované měděné vodiče, kde každý 22 AWG 70/0,01 (to znamená, že každý vodič má 70 pramenů tenkých 0,01 mm, (např originální kabel Apple MD818 má 37 pramenů o tloušce 0,08 mm) + vnější plášť TPE (měkký plast) dva pocínované měděné datové prameny, kde každý 28 AWG-12 + vnější plášť TPE (měkký plast) Kryt konektoru - materiál: eloxovaný hliník Eloxování neboli anodizace je druh chemicko-tepelné povrchové úpravy výrobků z hliníku (zkratka ELektrolytická OXidace hliníku). Spočívá ve vytvoření ochranné vrstvy oxidu hliníku na upravovaném povrchu. Tato vrstva již dále neoxiduje, a tím před oxidací chrání i samotný hliník. Používá se například v letecké (i automobilové) výrobě ale nejčastěji v případech, kde je hliník použit v exteriéru, např. u hliníkových oken atd. Výhodou je, že po vytvoření tenoučké vrstvy je materiál chráněn proti povětrnostním vlivům.
165 Kč

Bluetooth headset for businessmen. It provides good quality, uninterrupted sound and enables comfortable, hands-free conversations. Convenient one-hand operation! The handset connects to the device via Bluetooth technology, so it reproduces high-quality, clear sound without connecting a cable. Thus, it frees the user's hands. Ultra compact size and lightweight design allow for hours of listening to music without load. A capacious battery ensures extended, several hours of work. Specification: Material: ABS Size: 67 × 16 × 28 mm Weight: 8 g Bluetooth version: 5.0 Battery capacity: 150 mAh Charging time: 1 h Working time: 10 h Standby time: 200 h
166 Kč

Datový kabel, Délka kabelu: 0,5 m, Druh konektoru 1: USB C, Typ konektoru 1: Samec, Druh konektoru 2: USB, Typ konektoru 2: Samec. Nabíjecí a datový kabel Winner v černém provedení o délce 0,5 m poslouží při nabíjení či přenosu dat mezi telefonem a počítačem. Kabel je kompatibilní s mobilními zařízeními s USB-C konektorem. PARAMETRY PRODUKTU Klíčové parametry produktu Délka kabelu 0.5 m Redukce Ne Druh kabelu USB
166 Kč

Popis produktu Univerzální datový kabel USB s délkou 1,2m. Disponuje všemi konektory. MicroUSB, USB-C a certifikovaný Lightning MFi. Díky tomu je vhodný pro všechny typy smartphonů. Baleno v blistru SWISSTEN. Technické parametry: Tloušťka kabelu dva pocínované měděné vodiče, kde každý 22 AWG 70/0,01 (to znamená, že každý vodič má 70 pramenů tenkých 0,01 mm, (např originální kabel Apple MD818 má 37 pramenů o tloušce 0,08 mm) + vnější plášť TPE (měkký plast) dva pocínované měděné datové prameny, kde každý 28 AWG-12 + vnější plášť TPE (měkký plast) Kryt konektoru - materiál: eloxovaný hliník Eloxování neboli anodizace je druh chemicko-tepelné povrchové úpravy výrobků z hliníku (zkratka Elektrolytická Oxidace hliníku). Spočívá ve vytvoření ochranné vrstvy oxidu hliníku na upravovaném povrchu. Tato vrstva již dále neoxiduje, a tím před oxidací chrání i samotný hliník. Používá se například v letecké (i automobilové) výrobě ale nejčastěji v případech, kde je hliník použit v exteriéru, např. u hliníkových oken atd. Výhodou je, že po vytvoření tenoučké vrstvy je materiál chráněn proti povětrnostním vlivům. Parametry produktu Souhrn Výrobce Swisttenopravit
166 Kč