Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.
222 Kč
Fotografie typů mobilních telefonů jsou pouze ilustrační. Rozměry a výřezy pro tlačítka, kameru a konektor odpovídají produktu uvedeného v NÁZVU! Forcell Armor Armor je perfektní řešení pro lidi, kteří hledají dokonalou ochranu svého zařízení. Pouzdro je skvělé v extrémních podmínkách, které chrání záda, boky a obrazovku smartphonu. Hybridní dvoudílná konstrukce je vyrobena z odolného PC a termoplastického TPU. Kombinace těchto prvků činí pouzdro extrémně silnou a trvanlivou a telefon pečený proti poškrábání, poškození a znečištění. Struktura pavučiny uvnitř absorbuje šoky a mírně vyčnívající okraje chrání obrazovku a fotoaparát. Technologie Air Cushion se navíc dobře pracuje v extrémních situacích, které ovlivňují tlumení během pádů a otřesů.Případ se vyznačuje ergonomickým tvarem, ale i dokonale přizpůsobí tomu určených zařízení, zahušťovat ji a neposkytuje úplný přístup k tlačítkům, fotoaparát a nabíječka. Pouzdro je snadno sestavitelné a rozebíratelné.
222 Kč
Fotografie typů mobilních telefonů jsou pouze ilustrační. Rozměry a výřezy pro tlačítka, kameru a konektor odpovídají produktu uvedeného v NÁZVU! Forcell Armor Armor je perfektní řešení pro lidi, kteří hledají dokonalou ochranu svého zařízení. Pouzdro je skvělé v extrémních podmínkách, které chrání záda, boky a obrazovku smartphonu. Hybridní dvoudílná konstrukce je vyrobena z odolného PC a termoplastického TPU. Kombinace těchto prvků činí pouzdro extrémně silnou a trvanlivou a telefon pečený proti poškrábání, poškození a znečištění. Struktura pavučiny uvnitř absorbuje šoky a mírně vyčnívající okraje chrání obrazovku a fotoaparát. Technologie Air Cushion se navíc dobře pracuje v extrémních situacích, které ovlivňují tlumení během pádů a otřesů.Případ se vyznačuje ergonomickým tvarem, ale i dokonale přizpůsobí tomu určených zařízení, zahušťovat ji a neposkytuje úplný přístup k tlačítkům, fotoaparát a nabíječka. Pouzdro je snadno sestavitelné a rozebíratelné.
222 Kč
Fotografie typů mobilních telefonů jsou pouze ilustrační. Rozměry a výřezy pro tlačítka, kameru a konektor odpovídají produktu uvedeného v NÁZVU! Forcell Armor Armor je perfektní řešení pro lidi, kteří hledají dokonalou ochranu svého zařízení. Pouzdro je skvělé v extrémních podmínkách, které chrání záda, boky a obrazovku smartphonu. Hybridní dvoudílná konstrukce je vyrobena z odolného PC a termoplastického TPU. Kombinace těchto prvků činí pouzdro extrémně silnou a trvanlivou a telefon pečený proti poškrábání, poškození a znečištění. Struktura pavučiny uvnitř absorbuje šoky a mírně vyčnívající okraje chrání obrazovku a fotoaparát. Technologie Air Cushion se navíc dobře pracuje v extrémních situacích, které ovlivňují tlumení během pádů a otřesů.Případ se vyznačuje ergonomickým tvarem, ale i dokonale přizpůsobí tomu určených zařízení, zahušťovat ji a neposkytuje úplný přístup k tlačítkům, fotoaparát a nabíječka. Pouzdro je snadno sestavitelné a rozebíratelné.
222 Kč
Fotografie typů mobilních telefonů jsou pouze ilustrační. Rozměry a výřezy pro tlačítka, kameru a konektor odpovídají produktu uvedeného v NÁZVU! Forcell Armor Armor je perfektní řešení pro lidi, kteří hledají dokonalou ochranu svého zařízení. Pouzdro je skvělé v extrémních podmínkách, které chrání záda, boky a obrazovku smartphonu. Hybridní dvoudílná konstrukce je vyrobena z odolného PC a termoplastického TPU. Kombinace těchto prvků činí pouzdro extrémně silnou a trvanlivou a telefon pečený proti poškrábání, poškození a znečištění. Struktura pavučiny uvnitř absorbuje šoky a mírně vyčnívající okraje chrání obrazovku a fotoaparát. Technologie Air Cushion se navíc dobře pracuje v extrémních situacích, které ovlivňují tlumení během pádů a otřesů.Případ se vyznačuje ergonomickým tvarem, ale i dokonale přizpůsobí tomu určených zařízení, zahušťovat ji a neposkytuje úplný přístup k tlačítkům, fotoaparát a nabíječka. Pouzdro je snadno sestavitelné a rozebíratelné.
222 Kč
Fotografie typů mobilních telefonů jsou pouze ilustrační. Rozměry a výřezy pro tlačítka, kameru a konektor odpovídají produktu uvedeného v NÁZVU! Forcell Armor Armor je perfektní řešení pro lidi, kteří hledají dokonalou ochranu svého zařízení. Pouzdro je skvělé v extrémních podmínkách, které chrání záda, boky a obrazovku smartphonu. Hybridní dvoudílná konstrukce je vyrobena z odolného PC a termoplastického TPU. Kombinace těchto prvků činí pouzdro extrémně silnou a trvanlivou a telefon pečený proti poškrábání, poškození a znečištění. Struktura pavučiny uvnitř absorbuje šoky a mírně vyčnívající okraje chrání obrazovku a fotoaparát. Technologie Air Cushion se navíc dobře pracuje v extrémních situacích, které ovlivňují tlumení během pádů a otřesů.Případ se vyznačuje ergonomickým tvarem, ale i dokonale přizpůsobí tomu určených zařízení, zahušťovat ji a neposkytuje úplný přístup k tlačítkům, fotoaparát a nabíječka. Pouzdro je snadno sestavitelné a rozebíratelné.
222 Kč
Fotografie typů mobilních telefonů jsou pouze ilustrační. Rozměry a výřezy pro tlačítka, kameru a konektor odpovídají produktu uvedeného v NÁZVU! Forcell Armor Armor je perfektní řešení pro lidi, kteří hledají dokonalou ochranu svého zařízení. Pouzdro je skvělé v extrémních podmínkách, které chrání záda, boky a obrazovku smartphonu. Hybridní dvoudílná konstrukce je vyrobena z odolného PC a termoplastického TPU. Kombinace těchto prvků činí pouzdro extrémně silnou a trvanlivou a telefon pečený proti poškrábání, poškození a znečištění. Struktura pavučiny uvnitř absorbuje šoky a mírně vyčnívající okraje chrání obrazovku a fotoaparát. Technologie Air Cushion se navíc dobře pracuje v extrémních situacích, které ovlivňují tlumení během pádů a otřesů.Případ se vyznačuje ergonomickým tvarem, ale i dokonale přizpůsobí tomu určených zařízení, zahušťovat ji a neposkytuje úplný přístup k tlačítkům, fotoaparát a nabíječka. Pouzdro je snadno sestavitelné a rozebíratelné.
222 Kč
SPECIFIKACE PRODUKTU.Armored Forcell Phantom je ideální pro amatérské extrémní sporty a lidi, jejichž telefony jsou vystaveny pádům nebo mechanickému poškození. Dvojitá výztuha neutralizuje vibrace a praktický stojan vám umožňuje pohodlně používat kufřík, například při cestování. Skříň se skládá ze dvou částí: tlustá a pružná pryž a pevný odnímatelný kryt, který slouží jako dodatečné vyztužovací těleso. Na zadní části překryvu je rozkládací stojan, který vám umožňuje pohodlněji používat telefon při sledování filmů nebo sledování fotografií.
222 Kč
Fotografie typů mobilních telefonů jsou pouze ilustrační. Rozměry a výřezy pro tlačítka, kameru a konektor odpovídají produktu uvedeného v NÁZVU! Forcell Armor Armor je perfektní řešení pro lidi, kteří hledají dokonalou ochranu svého zařízení. Pouzdro je skvělé v extrémních podmínkách, které chrání záda, boky a obrazovku smartphonu. Hybridní dvoudílná konstrukce je vyrobena z odolného PC a termoplastického TPU. Kombinace těchto prvků činí pouzdro extrémně silnou a trvanlivou a telefon pečený proti poškrábání, poškození a znečištění. Struktura pavučiny uvnitř absorbuje šoky a mírně vyčnívající okraje chrání obrazovku a fotoaparát. Technologie Air Cushion se navíc dobře pracuje v extrémních situacích, které ovlivňují tlumení během pádů a otřesů.Případ se vyznačuje ergonomickým tvarem, ale i dokonale přizpůsobí tomu určených zařízení, zahušťovat ji a neposkytuje úplný přístup k tlačítkům, fotoaparát a nabíječka. Pouzdro je snadno sestavitelné a rozebíratelné.
222 Kč
Fotografie typů mobilních telefonů jsou pouze ilustrační. Rozměry a výřezy pro tlačítka, kameru a konektor odpovídají produktu uvedeného v NÁZVU! Forcell Armor Armor je perfektní řešení pro lidi, kteří hledají dokonalou ochranu svého zařízení. Pouzdro je skvělé v extrémních podmínkách, které chrání záda, boky a obrazovku smartphonu. Hybridní dvoudílná konstrukce je vyrobena z odolného PC a termoplastického TPU. Kombinace těchto prvků činí pouzdro extrémně silnou a trvanlivou a telefon pečený proti poškrábání, poškození a znečištění. Struktura pavučiny uvnitř absorbuje šoky a mírně vyčnívající okraje chrání obrazovku a fotoaparát. Technologie Air Cushion se navíc dobře pracuje v extrémních situacích, které ovlivňují tlumení během pádů a otřesů.Případ se vyznačuje ergonomickým tvarem, ale i dokonale přizpůsobí tomu určených zařízení, zahušťovat ji a neposkytuje úplný přístup k tlačítkům, fotoaparát a nabíječka. Pouzdro je snadno sestavitelné a rozebíratelné.
222 Kč
Fotografie typů mobilních telefonů jsou pouze ilustrační. Rozměry a výřezy pro tlačítka, kameru a konektor odpovídají produktu uvedeného v NÁZVU! Forcell Armor Armor je perfektní řešení pro lidi, kteří hledají dokonalou ochranu svého zařízení. Pouzdro je skvělé v extrémních podmínkách, které chrání záda, boky a obrazovku smartphonu. Hybridní dvoudílná konstrukce je vyrobena z odolného PC a termoplastického TPU. Kombinace těchto prvků činí pouzdro extrémně silnou a trvanlivou a telefon pečený proti poškrábání, poškození a znečištění. Struktura pavučiny uvnitř absorbuje šoky a mírně vyčnívající okraje chrání obrazovku a fotoaparát. Technologie Air Cushion se navíc dobře pracuje v extrémních situacích, které ovlivňují tlumení během pádů a otřesů.Případ se vyznačuje ergonomickým tvarem, ale i dokonale přizpůsobí tomu určených zařízení, zahušťovat ji a neposkytuje úplný přístup k tlačítkům, fotoaparát a nabíječka. Pouzdro je snadno sestavitelné a rozebíratelné.
222 Kč
Fotografie typů mobilních telefonů jsou pouze ilustrační. Rozměry a výřezy pro tlačítka, kameru a konektor odpovídají produktu uvedeného v NÁZVU! Forcell Armor Armor je perfektní řešení pro lidi, kteří hledají dokonalou ochranu svého zařízení. Pouzdro je skvělé v extrémních podmínkách, které chrání záda, boky a obrazovku smartphonu. Hybridní dvoudílná konstrukce je vyrobena z odolného PC a termoplastického TPU. Kombinace těchto prvků činí pouzdro extrémně silnou a trvanlivou a telefon pečený proti poškrábání, poškození a znečištění. Struktura pavučiny uvnitř absorbuje šoky a mírně vyčnívající okraje chrání obrazovku a fotoaparát. Technologie Air Cushion se navíc dobře pracuje v extrémních situacích, které ovlivňují tlumení během pádů a otřesů.Případ se vyznačuje ergonomickým tvarem, ale i dokonale přizpůsobí tomu určených zařízení, zahušťovat ji a neposkytuje úplný přístup k tlačítkům, fotoaparát a nabíječka. Pouzdro je snadno sestavitelné a rozebíratelné.
222 Kč
Fotografie typů mobilních telefonů jsou pouze ilustrační. Rozměry a výřezy pro tlačítka, kameru a konektor odpovídají produktu uvedeného v NÁZVU! Forcell Armor Armor je perfektní řešení pro lidi, kteří hledají dokonalou ochranu svého zařízení. Pouzdro je skvělé v extrémních podmínkách, které chrání záda, boky a obrazovku smartphonu. Hybridní dvoudílná konstrukce je vyrobena z odolného PC a termoplastického TPU. Kombinace těchto prvků činí pouzdro extrémně silnou a trvanlivou a telefon pečený proti poškrábání, poškození a znečištění. Struktura pavučiny uvnitř absorbuje šoky a mírně vyčnívající okraje chrání obrazovku a fotoaparát. Technologie Air Cushion se navíc dobře pracuje v extrémních situacích, které ovlivňují tlumení během pádů a otřesů.Případ se vyznačuje ergonomickým tvarem, ale i dokonale přizpůsobí tomu určených zařízení, zahušťovat ji a neposkytuje úplný přístup k tlačítkům, fotoaparát a nabíječka. Pouzdro je snadno sestavitelné a rozebíratelné.
222 Kč
Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.
222 Kč
Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.
222 Kč
Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.
222 Kč
Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.
222 Kč
Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.
222 Kč
Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.
222 Kč
Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.
222 Kč
Ironclad pouzdro Forcell Armor je vynikajícím řešením pro lidi, kteří hledají dokonalou ochranu svého zařízení. Pouzdro dobře funguje v extrémních podmínkách, chrání záda, boky a displej smartphonu. Dvoudílná hybridní konstrukce je vyrobena z odolného PC a termoplastického TPU. Spojení těchto prvků způsobuje, že pouzdro je mimořádně pevné a odolné a mobilní telefon je chráněn před poškrábáním, poškozením a nečistotami. Struktura pavoučí sítě uvnitř pouzdra tlumí nárazy a mírně vyčnívající okraje chrání displej a fotoaparát. Technologie Air Cushion je užitečná v extrémních situacích a poskytuje amortizaci během pádu. Pouzdro vyniká ergonomickým tvarem a velmi dobře padne na vyhrazený mobilní telefon. Nezahušťuje ji a zajišťuje plný přístup k tlačítkům, fotoaparátu a nabíječce. Pouzdro je jednoduché na montáž i demontáž.
222 Kč
A luxury Razor Book is a guarantee of phone security in a prestigious style. Reinforced rims, soft inner material, and a magnetic clasp protect the device against scratches and knocks. Safety all overThe unique Razor case will be a perfect addition to your smartphone in any situation. Reinforced rims, extra camera protection, and magnetic clasp ensure that the device remains safe and will not fall out of its holder regardless of the circumstances. Functional interiorThe cover is designed for convenient storage not only of a smartphone but also of frequently used documents. The inner pocket can accommodate a credit card, ID, or a small piece of paper, e.g. a shopping list, so you do not have to take your entire wallet everywhere. Exclusive lookThe carbon, dark-colored cover refers to the design of sports cars and gives the device an elegant character. The inner material is so soft that it additionally protects the display against damage, while the honeycomb pattern on a rubber part supporting the phone highlights the aesthetics of the entire case. Material: PU leather (outer side), microfiber (inner side with a pocket), TPU (inner side supporting the phone)
222 Kč
A luxury Razor Book is a guarantee of phone security in a prestigious style. Reinforced rims, soft inner material, and a magnetic clasp protect the device against scratches and knocks. Safety all overThe unique Razor case will be a perfect addition to your smartphone in any situation. Reinforced rims, extra camera protection, and magnetic clasp ensure that the device remains safe and will not fall out of its holder regardless of the circumstances. Functional interiorThe cover is designed for convenient storage not only of a smartphone but also of frequently used documents. The inner pocket can accommodate a credit card, ID, or a small piece of paper, e.g. a shopping list, so you do not have to take your entire wallet everywhere. Exclusive lookThe carbon, dark-colored cover refers to the design of sports cars and gives the device an elegant character. The inner material is so soft that it additionally protects the display against damage, while the honeycomb pattern on a rubber part supporting the phone highlights the aesthetics of the entire case. Material: PU leather (outer side), microfiber (inner side with a pocket), TPU (inner side supporting the phone)
222 Kč
Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.
222 Kč
Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.
222 Kč
Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.
222 Kč
Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.
222 Kč
Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.
222 Kč
Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.
222 Kč
Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.
222 Kč
Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.
222 Kč
Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.
222 Kč
Ironclad pouzdro Forcell Armor je vynikajícím řešením pro lidi, kteří hledají dokonalou ochranu svého zařízení. Pouzdro dobře funguje v extrémních podmínkách, chrání záda, boky a displej smartphonu. Dvoudílná hybridní konstrukce je vyrobena z odolného PC a termoplastického TPU. Spojení těchto prvků způsobuje, že je obal mimořádně pevný a odolný a mobilní telefon je chráněn před poškrábáním, poškozením a nečistotami. Struktura pavoučí sítě uvnitř pouzdra tlumí nárazy a mírně vyčnívající okraje chrání displej a fotoaparát. Technologie Air Cushion je užitečná v extrémních situacích a poskytuje amortizaci během pádu. Pouzdro vyniká ergonomickým tvarem a velmi dobře padne na vyhrazený mobilní telefon. Nezahušťuje jej a zajišťuje plný přístup k tlačítkům, fotoaparátu a nabíječce. Pouzdro se snadno sestavuje i rozkládá.
222 Kč
Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.
222 Kč
Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.
222 Kč
Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.
222 Kč
Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.
222 Kč
Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.
222 Kč
Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.
222 Kč
Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.
222 Kč
Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.
222 Kč
Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.
222 Kč
Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.
222 Kč
Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.
222 Kč
Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.
222 Kč
Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.
222 Kč
Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.
222 Kč
Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.
222 Kč
Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.
222 Kč
Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.
222 Kč
Originální stylus ET-PP600SBE pro Galaxy Note 10.1 2014. Zajistí vám přesné a pohodlné ovládání vašeho zařízení. Stylus má vylepšený moderním design a pohodlně se drží v ruce. S tímto perem kreslíte, malujete, píšete poznámky s dokonalou přesností, atd. Usnadní vám spoustu funkcí. - Flexibilní, vysoká citlivost - Perfektně se drží v ruce - Široká kompatibilita
223 Kč
Ochranné pouzdro Winner Magic Eye (MagSafe) v černém provedení určeno pro chytrý telefon uvedený v názvu produktu. Spolehlivě chrání zadní a boční stranu telefonu před poškozením a znečištěním. Vestavěné magnety umožňují nabíjení některými bezdrátovými nabíječkami tím, že je uchytí na správném místě. Slouží také k uchycení telefonu na magnetický držák. Všechny výřezy jsou přizpůsobené tvaru telefonu a jeho ovládacím prvkům včetně kamery. Kvalitní odolný materiál zaručuje dlouhou životnost. Transparentní zpracování nenarušuje originální design telefonu.
223 Kč
FULL GLUE - NOVINKA NA TRHU ! SKLO PŘILNE PO CELÉ PLOŠE DISPLEJE, COŽ JE ZNAČNÁ VÝHODA OPROTI "OBYČEJNÉMU 3D SKLU" 5D tvrzené sklo má proti 3D sklu perfektně zaoblené hrany, takže při pádu podstatně méně praská a je také lepší ochranou pro váš displej. Kvalitní sklo s tvrdostí 9H je perfektní volba pro ochranu Vašeho iPhone. Jednou z největších výhod oproti konkurečním sklům je, že přilne po celé ploše displeje a nevznikají tak vzduchové kapsy. Balení objahuje: Tvrzené sklo, suchý a mokrý hadřík pro instalaci skla.
224 Kč
Nástěnná nabíječka s funkcí rychlého nabíjení PD / QC 4.0 a zásuvkou typu C, určená pro nejmodernější smartphony s příkonem do 25W. Vyrobeno z odolných, bezpečných materiálů, zajišťuje pohodlí a komfort používání a je odolné proti nárazům a poškození. Nabíječka podporuje protokoly rychlého nabíjení: Power Delivery a Quick Charge 4.0 . Jde o technologii, která umožňuje zkrátit dobu nabíjení zařízení na minimum. Perfektní, když úroveň baterie telefonu rychle klesne a uživatel nemá 2 hodiny na tradiční nabíjení. Produkt podporuje funkci adaptivního rychlého nabíjení zařízení Samsung (AFC). Specifikace: Vstupní napětí: 110-240V~ AC vstupní frekvence: 50-60Hz, 0,5A Výstupní napětí: 5V 3A / 9V 2,2A Výstupní výkon: 25W Průměrná účinnost při práci: > 85,46% Účinnost při nízké zátěži (10%): > 75,46 % Spotřeba energie bez zátěže: < 0,1 W Zásuvka: USB-C
224 Kč