Sluchátka, reproduktory, handsfree

HOCO wireless bluetooth headset E36 black 437233
do týdne

Wireless headset - HOCO E36. Allows you to enjoy your favorite music and chat without having to use a cable. Wireless range allows you to enjoy high-quality, clear sound without having to reach for the cable. Compact size makes it easy to carry and store. Lightweight design does not burden your ears, ensuring comfortable use even during prolonged listening to music. Built-in microphone allows you to talk freely. Perfect in many situations - when cycling and driving, on the way home and work, whenever you need both hands. Specification: Bluetooth version: V4.2 Charging Voltage: DC5V Charging time: 2h Talk time: 4h Music playing time: 4h Standby time: 170h Battery capacity: 70 mAH Size: 54 × 14 × 20 mm Weight: 7 g

199 Kč

HF Stereo 3,5 mm jack sluchátka (Bílá), 5430
Skladem >5 ks

Kompatibilní s většinou zařízení díky 3,5 mm jack konektoru.

199 Kč

HF Stereo 3,5 mm jack sluchátka (Červená), 5431
Skladem >5 ks

Kompatibilní s většinou zařízení díky 3,5 mm jack konektoru.

199 Kč

Earphones JELLIE MONSTER Deman YLFS-01 Jack 3,5mm yellow 448652
Skladem 1 ks

Sluchátka do uší pro děti s motivem kreslených příšerek a silikonovým pouzdrem pro uložení sady. Mají vestavěný mikrofon. Použijte je s jakýmkoli zařízením s 3,5mm konektorem. Kabelová sluchátka s kreslenými monstry jsou perfektní vychytávka pro každé dítě! Nabízejí čistý, hluboký zvuk, dobře padnou do každého uší a hlavně nevypadnou. Perfektní kvalita zvuku! Sluchátka jsou vybavena robustním zvukovým systémem, který lze pohodlně nastavit pomocí dálkového ovladače. Díky mikrofonu můžete mluvit s přáteli bez použití rukou. Sada obsahuje silikonové pouzdro , které napomáhá k uložení sluchátek a prodlužuje jejich životnost. Funkce Materiál: ABS + PVC Délka kabelu: 1,2m Reproduktor: 10 mm Typ konektoru: 3,5 mm Hlasitost: větší než rovna 95 dB

199 Kč

Earphones JELLIE MONSTER Orange YLFS-01 Jack 3,5mm orange 448654
Skladem 2 ks

Sluchátka do uší pro děti s motivem kreslených příšerek a silikonovým pouzdrem pro uložení sady. Mají vestavěný mikrofon. Použijte je s jakýmkoli zařízením s 3,5mm konektorem. Kabelová sluchátka s kreslenými monstry jsou perfektní vychytávka pro každé dítě! Nabízejí čistý, hluboký zvuk, dobře padnou do každého uší a hlavně nevypadnou. Perfektní kvalita zvuku! Sluchátka jsou vybavena robustním zvukovým systémem, který lze pohodlně nastavit pomocí dálkového ovladače. Díky mikrofonu můžete mluvit s přáteli bez použití rukou. Sada obsahuje silikonové pouzdro , které napomáhá k uložení sluchátek a prodlužuje jejich životnost. Funkce Materiál: ABS + PVC Délka kabelu: 1,2m Reproduktor: 10 mm Typ konektoru: 3,5 mm Hlasitost: větší než rovna 95 dB

199 Kč

Earphones JELLIE MONSTER Tiger YLFS-01 Jack 3,5mm purple 448653
Skladem 2 ks

Sluchátka do uší pro děti s motivem kreslených příšerek a silikonovým pouzdrem pro uložení sady. Mají vestavěný mikrofon. Použijte je s jakýmkoli zařízením s 3,5mm konektorem. Kabelová sluchátka s kreslenými monstry jsou perfektní vychytávka pro každé dítě! Nabízejí čistý, hluboký zvuk, dobře padnou do každého uší a hlavně nevypadnou. Perfektní kvalita zvuku! Sluchátka jsou vybavena robustním zvukovým systémem, který lze pohodlně nastavit pomocí dálkového ovladače. Díky mikrofonu můžete mluvit s přáteli bez použití rukou. Sada obsahuje silikonové pouzdro , které napomáhá k uložení sluchátek a prodlužuje jejich životnost. Funkce Materiál: ABS + PVC Délka kabelu: 1,2m Reproduktor: 10 mm Typ konektoru: 3,5 mm Hlasitost: větší než rovna 95 dB

199 Kč

HF Stereo 3,5 mm jack sluchátka (Černá), 8591194072000
Skladem >5 ks

Kompatibilní s většinou zařízení díky 3,5 mm jack konektoru.

199 Kč

HF Stereo 3,5 mm jack Magnetické sluchátka (Černá) 8591194074097
Skladem 1 ks

Kompatibilní s většinou zařízení díky 3,5 mm jack konektoru.

200 Kč

SONY sluchátka MDR-EX15AP, handsfree, bílé, MDREX15APW.CE7
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SONY sluchátka MDR-EX15AP, handsfree, bílé

201 Kč

SONY sluchátka MDR-EX15AP, handsfree, růžové, MDREX15APPI.CE7
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SONY sluchátka MDR-EX15AP, handsfree, růžové

201 Kč

NATEC sluchátka s mikrofonem CANARY, černé, NSL-1295
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NATEC sluchátka s mikrofonem CANARY, černé

201 Kč

Huawei Semi in-ear sluchátka, 3-button, mikrofon, 22040280
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Huawei Semi in-ear sluchátka, 3-button, mikrofon

210 Kč

Jabra Speak 710 Secure Mount, 14101-75
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Jabra Speak 710 Secure Mount

217 Kč

Outdoor bluetooth reproduktor Swissten i-Metal stříbrná  52104432
Skladem 2 ks

Popis produktu Bluetooth mini reproduktor. Slot pro SD karty.Baterie o kapacitě 300 mAh. Doba provozu 2,5 hodin. Propojení s chytrým zařízením přes Bluetooth verze V4.0. Funkční vzdálenost až 10 metrů. Kompaktní rozměry 71 x 71 x 42 mm.

217 Kč

Herní sluchátka C-TECH Midas (GHS-17BK), casual gaming, RGB podsvícení, černá, GHS-17BK
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Herní sluchátka C-TECH Midas (GHS-17BK), casual gaming, RGB podsvícení, černá

232 Kč

Herní sluchátka C-TECH Midas (GHS-17W), casual gaming, RGB podsvícení, bílá, GHS-17W
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Herní sluchátka C-TECH Midas (GHS-17W), casual gaming, RGB podsvícení, bílá

232 Kč

X4D Fonestar sluchátka 05-1-1054
do 3 dnů

Elegantní HIFI sluchátka do uší kombinující lehkost a vysokou kvalitu zvuku, vybavená kabelem s pozlaceným konektorem Jack 3,5mm pro optimální připojení. S mikrofonem a tlačítkem na kabelu se tyto sluchátka stávají nejen vynikající volbou pro poslech hudby, ale také jako praktická handsfree sada pro mobilní telefony, včetně iPhonů a smartphonů Samsung a dalších populárních značek.Mikrofon s tlačítkem na kabelu umožňuje snadné přijímání hovorů, což zvyšuje jejich všestrannost a praktičnost. Kabel má ideální délku 1,2 metru pro pohodlné používání bez omezení pohybu. Sluchátka jsou dodávána s třemi páry silikonových náušníků různých velikostí, což zajišťuje pohodlné a individuální nasazení pro každého uživatele.Tyto sluchátka spojují špičkový zvuk s moderním designem a maximální praktičností pro každodenní používání. Nezáleží, zda si užíváte hudby nebo vedete hovory, tato HIFI sluchátka poskytují skvělý zážitek s výborným zvukem a pohodlím.

239 Kč

X4N Fonestar sluchátka 05-1-1030
do 3 dnů

Lehká kvalitní HIFI sluchátka do uší s kabelem ukončeným pozlaceným konektorem Jack 3,5mm. Na káblíku je mikrofon s tlačítkem. Sluchátka jsou určena i jako handsfree sada k mobilním telefonům iPhone, smartphonům Samsung, atd .., kde tlačítko na mikrofonu slouží k přijetí hovoru. Káblík má délku 1,2m. K sluchátkům jsou dodávány 3 páry silikonových náušníků různé velikosti.

239 Kč

Crono bluetooth bezdrátové sluchátka E6s černé, E6S
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Crono bluetooth bezdrátové sluchátka E6s černé

242 Kč

X4G Fonestar sluchátka 05-1-1031
do 3 dnů

Lehká kvalitní HIFI sluchátka do uší s kabelem ukončeným pozlaceným konektorem Jack 3,5mm. Na káblíku je mikrofon s tlačítkem. Sluchátka jsou určena i jako handsfree sada k mobilním telefonům iPhone, smartphonům Samsung, atd .., kde tlačítko na mikrofonu slouží k přijetí hovoru. Káblík má délku 1,2m. K sluchátkům jsou dodávány 3 páry silikonových náušníků různé velikosti.

245 Kč

Herní stereo sluchátka Genesis Argon 110,černo-červené, 2x jack, NSG-1437
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Herní stereo sluchátka Genesis Argon 110,černo-červené, 2x jack

248 Kč

Herní stereo sluchátka Genesis Argon 100, černo-modré, 1x jack 4-pin, NSG-1436
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Herní stereo sluchátka Genesis Argon 100, černo-modré, 1x jack 4-pin

248 Kč

Sluchátka s mik. GENIUS HS-M505X, 31710058101
skladem eshop

Sluchátka s mik. GENIUS HS-M505X

248 Kč

Sluchátka s mik. GENIUS HS-400A green, 31710169100
skladem eshop

Sluchátka s mik. GENIUS HS-400A green

248 Kč

Herní stereo sluchátka Genesis Argon 100,zelená, 1x jack 4-pin, NSG-1435
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Herní stereo sluchátka Genesis Argon 100,zelená, 1x jack 4-pin

248 Kč

Herní sluchátka C-TECH Nemesis V2 (GHS-14BK), casu, GHS-14BK
skladem eshop

Herní sluchátka C-TECH Nemesis V2 (GHS-14BK), casu

249 Kč

YHP 305BK Sluchátka s mik. do uší YENKEE
Skladem 2 ks

Sluchátka s mikrofonem Extrémně pohodlné Perfektní zvukový zážitek Velmi lehká kovová mušle Užijete si nejen dokonale vyváženého zvuku hudby, ale budete také moci volat či přijímat telefonní hovory. Vše je ovládáno uživatelsky přívětivým multifunkčním ovladačem na kabelu navrženým pro každodenní nešetrné zacházení. Prvotřídní materiály v kombinaci s ergonomickým designem zajišťují perfektní zvukové zážitky a pohodlné používání i při chůzi, běhu nebo cvičení. Materiál mušle: Slitina kovu a hliníku Frekvenční odezva: 20 Hz - 20 kHz Typ měniče: Měděný kroužek Průměr reproduktoru: 14,2 mm Membrána reproduktoru: PTD Impedance reproduktoru: 32 Jmenovitý vstup: 1 mW Max. výkon: 1,9 mW THD: 20 Hz - 5 000 Hz 5 % Citlivost: 119 dB ±3 dB Typ mikrofonu Všesměrový Citlivost mikrofonu: -42 ±3 dB Výstupní impedance mikrofonu: 2,27 Konektor: Pozlacený konektor 3,5 mm Délka kabelu: 1,2 m Vhodné pro zařízení se systémem IOS a ANDROID

249 Kč

PAVAREAL wireless earphones TWS PA-V15 black 596261
Skladem 1 ks

Never be separated from your favorite music thanks to Pavareal wireless headphones with charging case. Handheld, easy-to-use TWS headphones fit well into your ears, so you won't feel any discomfort even after many hours of use. Use Bluetooth to listen to music or audiobooks, as well as make calls thanks to the built-in microphone. A portable case with a charging function ensures that the headphones will always be charged, and thanks to the compact design you can take them anywhere and store them safely. Specification:Bluetooth version: v5.3Range: 10 mTalk/music time: 8-10 hoursStandby time: up to 180 daysBattery capacity: 400 mAh (charging case)Material: ABS

250 Kč

PAVAREAL wireless earphones TWS PA-V15 white 596262
do týdne

Never be separated from your favorite music thanks to Pavareal wireless headphones with charging case. Handheld, easy-to-use TWS headphones fit well into your ears, so you won't feel any discomfort even after many hours of use. Use Bluetooth to listen to music or audiobooks, as well as make calls thanks to the built-in microphone. A portable case with a charging function ensures that the headphones will always be charged, and thanks to the compact design you can take them anywhere and store them safely. Specification:Bluetooth version: v5.3Range: 10 mTalk/music time: 8-10 hoursStandby time: up to 180 daysBattery capacity: 400 mAh (charging case)Material: ABS

250 Kč

Herní stereo sluchátka Genesis Argon 100,černo-červené, 1x jack 4-pin, NSG-1433
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Herní stereo sluchátka Genesis Argon 100,černo-červené, 1x jack 4-pin

253 Kč

HOCO wireless earphones bluetooth TWS EW54 black 601430
do týdne

Never be separated from your favorite music thanks to TWS wireless headphones with a charging case from Hoco. Handheld, easy-to-use TWS headphones fit well into your ears, so you won't feel any discomfort even after many hours of use. Use Bluetooth to listen to music or audiobooks, as well as make calls thanks to the built-in microphone. A portable case with a charging function ensures that the headphones will always be charged, and thanks to the compact design you can take them anywhere and store them safely. Specification:Bluetooth version: 5.3; Chip: JLAC6973Battery capacity: 300 mAh (charging case); 30 mAh (headphones)Working time: 4 hDimensions: 62 × 49 × 28 mmWeight: 43.5 g

253 Kč

HOCO wireless earphones bluetooth TWS EW54 white 601431
do týdne

Never be separated from your favorite music thanks to TWS wireless headphones with a charging case from Hoco. Handheld, easy-to-use TWS headphones fit well into your ears, so you won't feel any discomfort even after many hours of use. Use Bluetooth to listen to music or audiobooks, as well as make calls thanks to the built-in microphone. A portable case with a charging function ensures that the headphones will always be charged, and thanks to the compact design you can take them anywhere and store them safely. Specification:Bluetooth version: 5.3; Chip: JLAC6973Battery capacity: 300 mAh (charging case); 30 mAh (headphones)Working time: 4 hDimensions: 62 × 49 × 28 mmWeight: 43.5 g

253 Kč

EOL HOCO wireless earphones bluetooth TWS EW54 milky white 601432
do týdne

Never be separated from your favorite music thanks to TWS wireless headphones with a charging case from Hoco. Handheld, easy-to-use TWS headphones fit well into your ears, so you won't feel any discomfort even after many hours of use. Use Bluetooth to listen to music or audiobooks, as well as make calls thanks to the built-in microphone. A portable case with a charging function ensures that the headphones will always be charged, and thanks to the compact design you can take them anywhere and store them safely. Specification:Bluetooth version: 5.3; Chip: JLAC6973Battery capacity: 300 mAh (charging case); 30 mAh (headphones)Working time: 4 hDimensions: 62 × 49 × 28 mmWeight: 43.5 g

253 Kč

HOCO wireless earphones bluetooth TWS EW54 blue 601433
do týdne

Never be separated from your favorite music thanks to TWS wireless headphones with a charging case from Hoco. Handheld, easy-to-use TWS headphones fit well into your ears, so you won't feel any discomfort even after many hours of use. Use Bluetooth to listen to music or audiobooks, as well as make calls thanks to the built-in microphone. A portable case with a charging function ensures that the headphones will always be charged, and thanks to the compact design you can take them anywhere and store them safely. Specification:Bluetooth version: 5.3; Chip: JLAC6973Battery capacity: 300 mAh (charging case); 30 mAh (headphones)Working time: 4 hDimensions: 62 × 49 × 28 mmWeight: 43.5 g

253 Kč

HOCO wireless earphones bluetooth TWS EW54 purple 601434
do týdne

Never be separated from your favorite music thanks to TWS wireless headphones with a charging case from Hoco. Handheld, easy-to-use TWS headphones fit well into your ears, so you won't feel any discomfort even after many hours of use. Use Bluetooth to listen to music or audiobooks, as well as make calls thanks to the built-in microphone. A portable case with a charging function ensures that the headphones will always be charged, and thanks to the compact design you can take them anywhere and store them safely. Specification:Bluetooth version: 5.3; Chip: JLAC6973Battery capacity: 300 mAh (charging case); 30 mAh (headphones)Working time: 4 hDimensions: 62 × 49 × 28 mmWeight: 43.5 g

253 Kč

HOCO wireless bluetooth earphones TWS EW61 purple 599288
do týdne

Never be separated from your favorite music thanks to TWS headphones with a charging case from Hoco. Handheld, easy-to-use TWS headphones fit well into your ears, so you won't feel any discomfort even after many hours of use. Use Bluetooth to listen to music or audiobooks, as well as make calls thanks to the built-in microphone. A portable case with a charging function ensures that the headphones will always be charged, and thanks to the compact design you can take them anywhere and store them safely. Specification:Bluetooth version: 5.1; Chip: JLAC6973Battery capacity: 320 mAh (charging station); 40 mAh (headphones)Working time: 7 hSize: 59 × 50 × 24.2 mmWeight: 47.5 g

263 Kč

Xiaomi Mi Compact 2/3W/Bílá, 22320
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Xiaomi Mi Compact 2/3W/Bílá

263 Kč

Herní sluchátka C-TECH Astro (GHS-16), casual gaming, LED, 7 barev podsvícení, GHS-16
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Herní sluchátka C-TECH Astro (GHS-16), casual gaming, LED, 7 barev podsvícení

264 Kč

Xiaomi Redmi Buds 6 Play/ANC/BT/Bezdrát/Růžová, 57678
Skladem 2 ks

Xiaomi Redmi Buds 6 Play/ANC/BT/Bezdrát/Růžová

266 Kč

Xiaomi Redmi Buds 6 Play/ANC/BT/Bezdrát/Bílá, 57676
Skladem 4 ks

Xiaomi Redmi Buds 6 Play/ANC/BT/Bezdrát/Bílá

266 Kč

Xiaomi Redmi Buds 6 Play/ANC/BT/Bezdrát/Modrá, 59438
Skladem 2 ks

Xiaomi Redmi Buds 6 Play/ANC/BT/Bezdrát/Modrá

266 Kč

Sluchátka s mikrofonem Natec Bear 2, NSL-1178
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Sluchátka s mikrofonem Natec Bear 2

267 Kč

Genius HS-M905 BT bílé, 31710025400
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Genius HS-M905 BT bílé

273 Kč

HOCO wireless headphones bluetooth W48 black 601447
Skladem 1 ks

HOCO W48 portable Bluetooth headphones with RGB LED backlight. They provide high-quality, clear sound with deep bass. Wireless Bluetooth transmission allows you to enjoy your favorite music in excellent quality, without the need for a cable. Foldable design makes it easy to carry and store the headphones in a backpack or bag. Comfortable earmuffs allow you to listen to music for many hours without feeling any discomfort. Adjustable - the headphones can be easily adjusted to individual needs. RGB LED backlighting uniquely emphasizes their modern appearance and makes them fit perfectly into any workstation. Built-in button allows you to control the played sound. Equipped with a TF card slot and AUX input. Specification:Speaker: 40 mmBluetooth version: V5.3Charging time: approx. 2 hUse time: 46 hStandby time: 200 hBattery capacity: 400 mAhBacklight: RGB LEDSize: 196 x 164 x 76 mmWeight: 218 g

275 Kč

HOCO wireless headphones bluetooth W48 milky white 601448
do týdne

HOCO W48 portable Bluetooth headphones with RGB LED backlight. They provide high-quality, clear sound with deep bass. Wireless Bluetooth transmission allows you to enjoy your favorite music in excellent quality, without the need for a cable. Foldable design makes it easy to carry and store the headphones in a backpack or bag. Comfortable earmuffs allow you to listen to music for many hours without feeling any discomfort. Adjustable - the headphones can be easily adjusted to individual needs. RGB LED backlighting uniquely emphasizes their modern appearance and makes them fit perfectly into any workstation. Built-in button allows you to control the played sound. Equipped with a TF card slot and AUX input. Specification:Speaker: 40 mmBluetooth version: V5.3Charging time: approx. 2 hUse time: 46 hStandby time: 200 hBattery capacity: 400 mAhBacklight: RGB LEDSize: 196 x 164 x 76 mmWeight: 218 g

275 Kč

HOCO wireless bluetooth earphones TWS EQ3 purple 593033
do týdne

Stay tuned to your favorite music with the TWS EQ3 headphones from Hoco. Handy, comfortable TWS headphones fit your ears well, so you will not feel any discomfort even after many hours of using them. The Bluetooth connectivity enables listening to music or audiobooks, as well as making calls, thanks to the built-in microphone. The portable case with a charging function ensures that the headphones will always be charged, and the compact design allows you to take them anywhere while storing safely. Specification:Bluetooth version: 5.3; Chip: JL AC6983D2Battery capacity: 300 mAh (charging case); 40 mAh (headphones)Talk/music time: 7 hStandby time: 150 hSize: 60 × 49.5 × 27 mmTotal weight: 43 g

277 Kč

Sandberg sluchátka, pro PC+smartphone, 325-29
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Sandberg sluchátka, pro PC+smartphone

279 Kč

NATEC sluchátka s mikrofonem RHEA, černé, NSL-1452
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NATEC sluchátka s mikrofonem RHEA, černé

281 Kč

HOCO wireless headphones bluetooth W51 blue 601443
do týdne

HOCO W51 portable Bluetooth headphones. They provide high-quality, clear sound with deep bass. Wireless Bluetooth transmission allows you to enjoy your favorite music in excellent quality, without the need for a cable. Foldable design makes it easy to carry and store the headphones in a backpack or bag. Comfortable earmuffs allow you to listen to music for many hours without feeling any discomfort. Adjustable - the headphones can be easily adjusted to individual needs. Built-in button allows you to control the played sound. Equipped with a TF card slot and AUX input. Specification:Speaker: 40 mmBluetooth version: V5.3 AC7006F4Charging time: approx. 2 hUse time: 46 hStandby time: 200 hBattery capacity: 400 mAhSize: 208 x 195 x 77 mmWeight: 262 g

283 Kč

HOCO wireless headphones bluetooth W51 milky white 601442
do týdne

HOCO W51 portable Bluetooth headphones. They provide high-quality, clear sound with deep bass. Wireless Bluetooth transmission allows you to enjoy your favorite music in excellent quality, without the need for a cable. Foldable design makes it easy to carry and store the headphones in a backpack or bag. Comfortable earmuffs allow you to listen to music for many hours without feeling any discomfort. Adjustable - the headphones can be easily adjusted to individual needs. Built-in button allows you to control the played sound. Equipped with a TF card slot and AUX input. Specification:Speaker: 40 mmBluetooth version: V5.3 AC7006F4Charging time: approx. 2 hUse time: 46 hStandby time: 200 hBattery capacity: 400 mAhSize: 208 x 195 x 77 mmWeight: 262 g

283 Kč

HOCO wireless bluetooth earphones TWS EQ2 purple 592842
Skladem 2 ks

Stay tuned to your favorite music with the TWS EQ2 headphones from Hoco. Handy, comfortable TWS headphones fit your ears well, so you will not feel any discomfort even after many hours of using them. The Bluetooth connectivity enables listening to music or audiobooks, as well as making calls, thanks to the built-in microphone. The portable case with a charging function ensures that the headphones will always be charged, and the compact design allows you to take them anywhere while storing safely. Specification:Bluetooth version: 5.3; Chip: JL AC6983D2Battery capacity: 320 mAh (charging case); 40 mAh (headphones)Talk/music time: 7 hStandby time: 180 hSize: 58 × 49 × 25 mmTotal weight: 50 g

288 Kč

HOCO wireless bluetooth earphones TWS EQ3 white 593031
do týdne

Stay tuned to your favorite music with the TWS EQ3 headphones from Hoco. Handy, comfortable TWS headphones fit your ears well, so you will not feel any discomfort even after many hours of using them. The Bluetooth connectivity enables listening to music or audiobooks, as well as making calls, thanks to the built-in microphone. The portable case with a charging function ensures that the headphones will always be charged, and the compact design allows you to take them anywhere while storing safely. Specification:Bluetooth version: 5.3; Chip: JL AC6983D2Battery capacity: 300 mAh (charging case); 40 mAh (headphones)Talk/music time: 7 hStandby time: 150 hSize: 60 × 49.5 × 27 mmTotal weight: 43 g

299 Kč

HOCO wireless bluetooth earphones TWS EQ3 white 593032
do týdne

Stay tuned to your favorite music with the TWS EQ3 headphones from Hoco. Handy, comfortable TWS headphones fit your ears well, so you will not feel any discomfort even after many hours of using them. The Bluetooth connectivity enables listening to music or audiobooks, as well as making calls, thanks to the built-in microphone. The portable case with a charging function ensures that the headphones will always be charged, and the compact design allows you to take them anywhere while storing safely. Specification:Bluetooth version: 5.3; Chip: JL AC6983D2Battery capacity: 300 mAh (charging case); 40 mAh (headphones)Talk/music time: 7 hStandby time: 150 hSize: 60 × 49.5 × 27 mmTotal weight: 43 g

299 Kč

HOCO bluetooth / wireless speaker + flashlight Bora sports HC11 red 592859
Skladem 2 ks

Portable wireless speaker. It allows you to connect a smartphone or any audio device equipped with the Bluetooth function. It has a built-in flashlight. Listen to music wherever you are! All you need is a portable speaker and any audio device with Bluetooth technology. A capacious battery (1200 mAh) allows you to play music for a long time, up to several hours. The compact size makes the speaker convenient to transport. It has a built-in flashlight and a strap. Specification:Bluetooth version: 5.0 chip: JL AC6925FCapacity: 1200 mAhCharging time: 2 hWorking time: 2 hSpeaker: 2× 45 mmPower: 2× 5 WSize: 400 × 67 × 67 mmWeight: 418 gSupport: Bluetooth, FM, TF card, USB flash, AUX and others

299 Kč

HOCO bluetooth / wireless speaker + flashlight Bora sports HC11 green 592860
Skladem 2 ks

Portable wireless speaker. It allows you to connect a smartphone or any audio device equipped with the Bluetooth function. It has a built-in flashlight. Listen to music wherever you are! All you need is a portable speaker and any audio device with Bluetooth technology. A capacious battery (1200 mAh) allows you to play music for a long time, up to several hours. The compact size makes the speaker convenient to transport. It has a built-in flashlight and a strap. Specification:Bluetooth version: 5.0 chip: JL AC6925FCapacity: 1200 mAhCharging time: 2 hWorking time: 2 hSpeaker: 2× 45 mmPower: 2× 5 WSize: 400 × 67 × 67 mmWeight: 418 gSupport: Bluetooth, FM, TF card, USB flash, AUX and others

299 Kč

HOCO bluetooth / wireless speaker + flashlight Bora sports HC1 blue 592861
Skladem 3 ks

Portable wireless speaker. It allows you to connect a smartphone or any audio device equipped with the Bluetooth function. It has a built-in flashlight. Listen to music wherever you are! All you need is a portable speaker and any audio device with Bluetooth technology. A capacious battery (1200 mAh) allows you to play music for a long time, up to several hours. The compact size makes the speaker convenient to transport. It has a built-in flashlight and a strap. Specification:Bluetooth version: 5.0 chip: JL AC6925FCapacity: 1200 mAhCharging time: 2 hWorking time: 2 hSpeaker: 2× 45 mmPower: 2× 5 WSize: 400 × 67 × 67 mmWeight: 418 gSupport: Bluetooth, FM, TF card, USB flash, AUX and others

299 Kč

HOCO bluetooth / wireless speaker Gold Brick Sports BS51 grey 583397
Skladem 1 ks

Wireless HOCO speaker. Available in an extremely compact size for easy storage and transport. Perfect for outdoor meetings and when traveling. Available in several colors. The small size makes the product perfect for trips as a portable music station. The built-in 1200 mAh battery allows for 4 hours of continuous music playback. Universal: the accessory is compatible with all devices with Bluetooth technology. The built-in strap allows you to easily carry the product in your hand. Specification:Size: 108 * 90 * 45 mmWeight: 274 gBluetooth version: 5.2. Chip Zhongke Lanxun AB5365CBattery capacity: 1200 mAhCharging time: 2 hoursWorking time: 4 hoursSpeaker: 52 mmPower: 5WSupport: Bluetooth, FM, TF card, USB flash drive

299 Kč

HOCO wireless speaker bluetooth BS51 army green 583395
Skladem 2 ks

Wireless HOCO speaker. Available in an extremely compact size for easy storage and transport. Perfect for outdoor meetings and when traveling. Available in several colors. The small size makes the product perfect for trips as a portable music station. The built-in 1200 mAh battery allows for 4 hours of continuous music playback. Universal: the accessory is compatible with all devices with Bluetooth technology. The built-in strap allows you to easily carry the product in your hand. Specification:Size: 108 * 90 * 45 mmWeight: 274 gBluetooth version: 5.2. Chip Zhongke Lanxun AB5365CBattery capacity: 1200 mAhCharging time: 2 hoursWorking time: 4 hoursSpeaker: 52 mmPower: 5WSupport: Bluetooth, FM, TF card, USB flash drive

299 Kč

HOCO wireless speaker bluetooth BS51 blue 583396
Skladem 4 ks

Wireless HOCO speaker. Available in an extremely compact size for easy storage and transport. Perfect for outdoor meetings and when traveling. Available in several colors. The small size makes the product perfect for trips as a portable music station. The built-in 1200 mAh battery allows for 4 hours of continuous music playback. Universal: the accessory is compatible with all devices with Bluetooth technology. The built-in strap allows you to easily carry the product in your hand. Specification:Size: 108 * 90 * 45 mmWeight: 274 gBluetooth version: 5.2. Chip Zhongke Lanxun AB5365CBattery capacity: 1200 mAhCharging time: 2 hoursWorking time: 4 hoursSpeaker: 52 mmPower: 5WSupport: Bluetooth, FM, TF card, USB flash drive

299 Kč
