Pouzdra Samsung

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 SMART MAGNETO Book case for SAMSUNG A53 5G dark green 581768
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A Smart Magneto with a magnetic fastener is a classic phone case with a wallet and TV stand function. It is made of a metalized material, lined with a soft fabric that protects the screen from scratches. All-time eleganceDeep colors and a metallic gloss finish create an effect of visible elegance. The case is a perfect addition to any wardrobe. Functional and usefulThe case has many features that make every using comfortable. There is an inner pocket where you can store cash cards or documents. Setting in horizontal position allows you to conveniently browse the Internet or watch movies. The magnetic fastener prevents any opening of the case and with buttons cutouts you will not have a problem when using the phone. Strong protectionThe inner part of the TPU case is made of a soft fabric that protects the screen against scratches. Moreover, you do not have to worry that your phone will drop out, because it sticks firmly inside. Material: Plastic & TPUFastener: magnet

149 Kč

SMART CASE Book for SAMSUNG A23 5G black 582953
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Originální pouzdro s metalizovanou povrchovou úpravou. Vnější strana je zdobena třpytivým materiálem a uprostřed je měkký materiál, který chrání obrazovku telefonu před poškrábáním. Má kapsu na doklady a zapínání na magnet. Dostupné v několika různých barvách. Pouzdro má zajímavý materiál s metalizovanou strukturou, která se na denním světle leskne. Lemy na okrajích knihu zpevňují a dělají je ještě originálnějšími. Uprostřed je měkká imitace semiše, která poskytuje vynikající ochranu jemným obrazovkám a chrání před poškrábáním a drobným poškozením. Pouzdro má malou praktickou kapsu na dokumenty a funkci TV stojanu - užitečné zejména při sledování filmů nebo procházení internetu. Telefon je umístěn v silikonovém krytu, který má výřezy pro některá funkční tlačítka umožňující volné používání telefonu. Pouzdro je dostupné v několika barvách. Materiál : plast a TPU Zapínání : Magnet

149 Kč

SMART CASE Book for SAMSUNG A23 5G navy 582956
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Originální pouzdro s metalizovanou povrchovou úpravou. Vnější strana je zdobena třpytivým materiálem a uprostřed je měkký materiál, který chrání obrazovku telefonu před poškrábáním. Má kapsu na doklady a zapínání na magnet. Dostupné v několika různých barvách. Pouzdro má zajímavý materiál s metalizovanou strukturou, která se na denním světle leskne. Lemy na okrajích knihu zpevňují a dělají je ještě originálnějšími. Uprostřed je měkká imitace semiše, která poskytuje vynikající ochranu jemným obrazovkám a chrání před poškrábáním a drobným poškozením. Pouzdro má malou praktickou kapsu na dokumenty a funkci TV stojanu - užitečné zejména při sledování filmů nebo procházení internetu. Telefon je umístěn v silikonovém krytu, který má výřezy pro některá funkční tlačítka umožňující volné používání telefonu. Pouzdro je dostupné v několika barvách. Materiál : plast a TPU Zapínání : Magnet

149 Kč

SMART MAGNETO Book case for SAMSUNG A23 5G dark green 582981
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Smart Magneto s magnetickým zapínáním je klasické pouzdro na telefon s funkcí peněženky a TV stojanu. Je vyroben z metalizovaného materiálu, podšitý jemnou látkou, která chrání displej před poškrábáním. Elegance všech dob Syté barvy a kovový lesk vytvářejí efekt viditelné elegance. Pouzdro je perfektním doplňkem každého šatníku. Funkční a užitečné Pouzdro má mnoho funkcí, díky kterým je každé použití pohodlné. Uvnitř je kapsa, kam si můžete uložit platební karty nebo doklady. Nastavení v horizontální poloze umožňuje pohodlné procházení internetu nebo sledování filmů. Magnetické zapínání zabraňuje jakémukoli otevření pouzdra a s výřezy na tlačítka nebudete mít problém při používání telefonu. Silná ochrana Vnitřní část TPU pouzdra je vyrobena z měkké tkaniny, která chrání displej před poškrábáním. Navíc se nemusíte bát, že vám telefon vypadne, protože uvnitř drží pevně. Materiál: plast a TPU Zapínání: magnet

149 Kč

SMART MAGNETO Book case for SAMSUNG XCOVER 6 Pro black 582986
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Smart Magneto s magnetickým zapínáním je klasické pouzdro na telefon s funkcí peněženky a TV stojanu. Je vyroben z metalizovaného materiálu, podšitý jemnou látkou, která chrání displej před poškrábáním. Elegance všech dob Černé matné provedení vytváří efekt viditelné elegance. Vnitřní černá TPU vložka dokonale zapadá do celého designu krytu. Pouzdro je perfektním doplňkem každého šatníku. Funkční a užitečné Pouzdro má mnoho funkcí, díky kterým je každé použití pohodlné. Uvnitř je kapsa, kam si můžete uložit platební karty nebo doklady. Nastavení v horizontální poloze umožňuje pohodlné procházení internetu nebo sledování filmů. Magnetické zapínání zabraňuje jakémukoli otevření pouzdra a s výřezy na tlačítka nebudete mít problém při používání telefonu. Silná ochrana Vnitřní část TPU pouzdra je vyrobena z měkké tkaniny, která chrání displej před poškrábáním. Navíc se nemusíte bát, že vám telefon vypadne, protože uvnitř drží pevně. Materiál: plast a TPU Zapínání: magnet

149 Kč

SMART CASE Book for SAMSUNG A14 5G gold 585780
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The original holster with the metallised finish. Outside is trimmed with glittering material and in the middle is the soft material to protect your phone screen from scratches. It has a pocket for documents and a magnet clasp. Available in several different colours. The holster has an interesting material with a metallizing structure that glistens in the daylight. Hems on the edges strengthen the book and make them even more original. In the middle is a soft imitation suede finish which provides excellent protection for delicate screens and protects against scratches and minor damage. The holster has a small, practical pocket for documents andthe TV stand function - particularly useful when watching movies or browsing the internet. The phone is placed in silicone housing, which has cutouts for some function buttons allowing free use of the phone. The holster is available in several colours. Material: Plastic and TPU Clasp: Magnet

149 Kč

SMART CASE Book for SAMSUNG A14 5G navy 585778
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The original holster with the metallised finish. Outside is trimmed with glittering material and in the middle is the soft material to protect your phone screen from scratches. It has a pocket for documents and a magnet clasp. Available in several different colours. The holster has an interesting material with a metallizing structure that glistens in the daylight. Hems on the edges strengthen the book and make them even more original. In the middle is a soft imitation suede finish which provides excellent protection for delicate screens and protects against scratches and minor damage. The holster has a small, practical pocket for documents andthe TV stand function - particularly useful when watching movies or browsing the internet. The phone is placed in silicone housing, which has cutouts for some function buttons allowing free use of the phone. The holster is available in several colours. Material: Plastic and TPU Clasp: Magnet

149 Kč

SMART CASE Book for SAMSUNG A14 5G red 585779
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The original holster with the metallised finish. Outside is trimmed with glittering material and in the middle is the soft material to protect your phone screen from scratches. It has a pocket for documents and a magnet clasp. Available in several different colours. The holster has an interesting material with a metallizing structure that glistens in the daylight. Hems on the edges strengthen the book and make them even more original. In the middle is a soft imitation suede finish which provides excellent protection for delicate screens and protects against scratches and minor damage. The holster has a small, practical pocket for documents andthe TV stand function - particularly useful when watching movies or browsing the internet. The phone is placed in silicone housing, which has cutouts for some function buttons allowing free use of the phone. The holster is available in several colours. Material: Plastic and TPU Clasp: Magnet

149 Kč

SMART CASE Book for SAMSUNG A14 4G / A14 5G black 590066
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The original holster with the metallised finish. Outside is trimmed with glittering material and in the middle is the soft material to protect your phone screen from scratches. It has a pocket for documents and a magnet clasp. Available in several different colours. The holster has an interesting material with a metallizing structure that glistens in the daylight. Hems on the edges strengthen the book and make them even more original. In the middle is a soft imitation suede finish which provides excellent protection for delicate screens and protects against scratches and minor damage. The holster has a small, practical pocket for documents andthe TV stand function - particularly useful when watching movies or browsing the internet. The phone is placed in silicone housing, which has cutouts for some function buttons allowing free use of the phone. The holster is available in several colours. Material: Plastic and TPU Clasp: Magnet

149 Kč

SMART CASE Book for SAMSUNG A14 4G / A14 5G navy 590067
do týdne

The original holster with the metallised finish. Outside is trimmed with glittering material and in the middle is the soft material to protect your phone screen from scratches. It has a pocket for documents and a magnet clasp. Available in several different colours. The holster has an interesting material with a metallizing structure that glistens in the daylight. Hems on the edges strengthen the book and make them even more original. In the middle is a soft imitation suede finish which provides excellent protection for delicate screens and protects against scratches and minor damage. The holster has a small, practical pocket for documents andthe TV stand function - particularly useful when watching movies or browsing the internet. The phone is placed in silicone housing, which has cutouts for some function buttons allowing free use of the phone. The holster is available in several colours. Material: Plastic and TPU Clasp: Magnet

149 Kč

SMART CASE Book for SAMSUNG A14 4G / A14 5G gold 590069
do týdne

The original holster with the metallised finish. Outside is trimmed with glittering material and in the middle is the soft material to protect your phone screen from scratches. It has a pocket for documents and a magnet clasp. Available in several different colours. The holster has an interesting material with a metallizing structure that glistens in the daylight. Hems on the edges strengthen the book and make them even more original. In the middle is a soft imitation suede finish which provides excellent protection for delicate screens and protects against scratches and minor damage. The holster has a small, practical pocket for documents andthe TV stand function - particularly useful when watching movies or browsing the internet. The phone is placed in silicone housing, which has cutouts for some function buttons allowing free use of the phone. The holster is available in several colours. Material: Plastic and TPU Clasp: Magnet

149 Kč

SMART CASE Book for SAMSUNG A34 5G black 586166
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The original holster with the metallised finish. Outside is trimmed with glittering material and in the middle is the soft material to protect your phone screen from scratches. It has a pocket for documents and a magnet clasp. Available in several different colours. The holster has an interesting material with a metallizing structure that glistens in the daylight. Hems on the edges strengthen the book and make them even more original. In the middle is a soft imitation suede finish which provides excellent protection for delicate screens and protects against scratches and minor damage. The holster has a small, practical pocket for documents andthe TV stand function - particularly useful when watching movies or browsing the internet. The phone is placed in silicone housing, which has cutouts for some function buttons allowing free use of the phone. The holster is available in several colours. Material: Plastic and TPU Clasp: Magnet

149 Kč

CARBON Case for SAMSUNG Galaxy A34 5G black, 586577
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The Carbon case is an elegant and stylish case, which provides full protection even in difficult conditions. Its look makes that the most demanding users will like it. The holster is made of durable and resistant to shock rubber, which fits the dedicated mobile phone very well. It works during practicing extreme sports and in other difficult conditions. The reinforced sides guarantee additional amortization during the fall and lightly sticking out edges protect also the screen. The carbon and brushed aluminium motive, placed on the back of the case, makes it unique and causes that it stands out among other holsters. The holster provides full access to the buttons, slots and does not disturb during using the camera.

149 Kč

CARBON case for SAMSUNG A54 5G black 586578
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The Carbon case is an elegant and stylish case, which provides full protection even in difficult conditions. Its look makes that the most demanding users will like it. The holster is made of durable and resistant to shock rubber, which fits the dedicated mobile phone very well. It works during practicing extreme sports and in other difficult conditions. The reinforced sides guarantee additional amortization during the fall and lightly sticking out edges protect also the screen. The carbon and brushed aluminium motive, placed on the back of the case, makes it unique and causes that it stands out among other holsters. The holster provides full access to the buttons, slots and does not disturb during using the camera.

149 Kč

SMART CASE Book for SAMSUNG A13 5G / A04S gold 447610
do týdne

The original holster with the metallised finish. Outside is trimmed with glittering material and in the middle is the soft material to protect your phone screen from scratches. It has a pocket for documents and a magnet clasp. Available in several different colours. The holster has an interesting material with a metallizing structure that glistens in the daylight. Hems on the edges strengthen the book and make them even more original. In the middle is a soft imitation suede finish which provides excellent protection for delicate screens and protects against scratches and minor damage. The holster has a small, practical pocket for documents andthe TV stand function - particularly useful when watching movies or browsing the internet. The phone is placed in silicone housing, which has cutouts for some function buttons allowing free use of the phone. The holster is available in several colours. Material: Plastic and TPU Clasp: Magnet

149 Kč

SILICONE case for SAMSUNG A05S peach 598452
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Minimalist, elegant design as the perfect complement to your smartphone. High-quality silicone and inner microfiber liner ensure reliable protection of the device against scratches. The Soft-Touch coating makes the case extremely pleasant to touch and fits perfectly in hand. Matt, rubber construction protects against accidental slipping of the phone and guarantees a secure grip. The case has precise function cutouts for the charger socket and camera. Button covers made from flexible plastic maximize the comfort of use. Forcell Silicone is compatible with wireless chargers, and you do not need to remove the cover while charging.

129 Kč

MATT case for SAMSUNG A53 5G blue 583657
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Matt Case made of flexible, durable TPU (solid cast without padding) adapts to the phone's shape and protects the device from scratches and dirt. The soft, pleasant-to-touch, non-slip surface with a matte finish makes the case a stylish accessory and a good protection against unsightly scratches and prints. Precise cutouts for all ports and camera lenses do not hinder smartphone use, and the cover itself does not limit inductive chargers working. Available in several colors.

121 Kč

Case SILICONE 2mm for SAMSUNG A16 5G / A16 4G sand pink 296405
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Silicone 2mm is a trendy case with camera protection. It is made of durable silicone with an optimal thickness of 2mm - for even better protection of the phone. The material used does not slip in the hand, which reduces the risk of dropping the phone. Optimal thicknessThe thickness of 2 mm provides protection against drops, while the soft microfiber lining placed inside helps avoid scratches on the phone case. Protects the screen and cameraCareful finishing and the materials used - durable silicone - are its additional advantages. The raised edge around the screen and the protection of the camera island provide protection from various types of damage. Does not slip in the handThe case is made of a pleasant-to-touch material that reduces slipping in the hand - the grip is firm, which reduces the risk of dropping the phone, and consequently the risk of various types of damage. Specification:Material: silicone + microfiber liningThickness: 2 mmWireless charging supportAvailable in various colors

119 Kč

Case SILICONE 2mm for SAMSUNG A16 5G / A16 4G lemon 296406
do týdne

Silicone 2mm is a trendy case with camera protection. It is made of durable silicone with an optimal thickness of 2mm - for even better protection of the phone. The material used does not slip in the hand, which reduces the risk of dropping the phone. Optimal thicknessThe thickness of 2 mm provides protection against drops, while the soft microfiber lining placed inside helps avoid scratches on the phone case. Protects the screen and cameraCareful finishing and the materials used - durable silicone - are its additional advantages. The raised edge around the screen and the protection of the camera island provide protection from various types of damage. Does not slip in the handThe case is made of a pleasant-to-touch material that reduces slipping in the hand - the grip is firm, which reduces the risk of dropping the phone, and consequently the risk of various types of damage. Specification:Material: silicone + microfiber liningThickness: 2 mmWireless charging supportAvailable in various colors

119 Kč

Pouzdro OMBRE TPU Case Samsung J600 Galaxy J6 2018 růžová 50814
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Specifikace produktu: Ombre TPU-je to průhledné, silikonové pouzdro s rozmanitými koloryzacją ve stylu омбре, který propůjčuje originální a jediná svého druhu vzhled. Pouzdro je neuvěřitelně tenký a lehký. Je vyrobena z silikonu vysoké kvality, která zaručuje vynikající ochranu proti pády, poškrábáním nebo nečistotami. Pouzdro Ombre-to je případ pro Ty ,kteří se nudí obyčejný vzhled telefonu, tak jako se vyznačuje variabilitou v závislosti na úhlu sklonu a pádu světla.

99 Kč

Pouzdro Flipbook "Levander" Samsung J4 Plus (2018) barevná 859119408909
info v obchodě

Pouzdro přizpůsobené vašemu telefonu zajistí rychlé a snadné používání.

290 Kč

Pouzdro Flipbook Samsung Galaxy A20e "Lavender" 67863
info v obchodě

Pouzdro s motivem "Eiffel Sunshine", přizpůsobené vašemu telefonu zajistí rychlé a snadné používání.

290 Kč

Pouzdro Evolution Teddy Samsung A10 šedá 613858
info v obchodě

Pouzdro přizpůsobené vašemu telefonu zajistí rychlé a snadné používání.

290 Kč

Pouzdro Flipbook Samsung Galaxy J3 (2016) "Color Tree" , 8591194075575
info v obchodě

Pouzdro přizpůsobené vašemu telefonu zajistí rychlé a snadné používání.

290 Kč

Pouzdro Azzaro T TPU 1,2mm slim case Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus transparentí 6870
info v obchodě

Silikonové pouzdro vyrobené přesně pro Váš typ telefonu zajišťuje skvělou ochranu.

229 Kč

Pouzdro Azzaro T TPU 1,2mm slim case Samsung S10 PLUS transparentní 2045477
info v obchodě

Silikonové pouzdro vyrobené přesně pro Váš typ telefonu zajišťuje skvělou ochranu.

229 Kč

Pouzdro Flipbook Samsung galaxy J6(2018) "Heart"
info v obchodě

Pouzdro s motivem "Eiffel Sunshine", přizpůsobené vašemu telefonu zajistí rychlé a snadné používání.

175 Kč

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