Obaly na mobil

Fotografie obalů mobilních telefonů jsou pouze ilustrační. Rozměry a výřezy pro tlačítka, kameru a konektor odpovídají produktu uvedeného v NÁZVU!

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Pouzdro i-jelly metal Mercury Samsung A50 GALAXY A505 zlatá 45789652
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49 Kč

Kisswill Shock TPU Kryt pro Samsung Galaxy A30s Transparent, 2449014
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Jedná se o velmi lehký kryt vyrobený z TPU materiálu, který přesně kopíruje tvar vašeho telefonu a zachovává tak snadný přístup k tlačítkům a konektorům. Díky tomu ho můžete snadno používat, nabíjet a připojovat k příslušenství přímo v krytu. Kryt je vyrobený z neklouzavého, pogumovaného materiálu a tím minimalizuje riziko nechtěného vyklouznutí z ruky. It is a very lightweight cover made of TPU material that accurately copies the shape of your mobile phone and keeps it easy to access the buttons and connectors. This makes it easy to use, recharge and connect to accessories directly in the case. This cover is made of non-slip, rubberized material and minimizes the risk of accidentally slipping out of the hand.

46 Kč

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Pouzdro je vyrobeno z pružného materiálu – silikonu. Ideálně přiléhá k telefonu, zabrání náhodnému выскальзывание. S jistotou leží v rukou díky protiskluzovou vrstvu. Má všechny potřebné výřezy na konektory a funkční tlačítka. Pouzdro dokonale амортизирует ránu při pádu telefonu, a zvýšené hlasité chrání displej před poškrábáním. Pouzdro je elegantní a příjemný na dotek. Lesklý a moderní vzhled dodává telefonu luxusní vzhled. Díky rozsáhlé škále módních a zářivých barev série pouzder JellyCase je vhodný pro jakýkoliv typ telefonu. V závislosti na nastavení monitoru, barvy zobrazeny na fotografii se může lišit od skutečného.

44 Kč

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Pouzdro je vyrobeno z pružného materiálu – silikonu. Ideálně přiléhá k telefonu, zabrání náhodnému выскальзывание. S jistotou leží v rukou díky protiskluzovou vrstvu. Má všechny potřebné výřezy na konektory a funkční tlačítka. Pouzdro dokonale амортизирует ránu při pádu telefonu, a zvýšené hlasité chrání displej před poškrábáním. Pouzdro je elegantní a příjemný na dotek. Lesklý a moderní vzhled dodává telefonu luxusní vzhled. Díky rozsáhlé škále módních a zářivých barev série pouzder JellyCase je vhodný pro jakýkoliv typ telefonu. V závislosti na nastavení monitoru, barvy zobrazeny na fotografii se může lišit od skutečného.

43 Kč

USAMS Classic Zadní Kryt pro iPhone 11 Pro Red, 2448481
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Kvalitní kryt značky USAMS přesně padne na váš telefon. Svojí průhledností nezakryje originální křivky vašeho telefonu. Kryt ochrání telefon proti prachu a nečistotám. Tento kryt je super tenký a super lehký, jakoby na telefonu nebylo nic. Materiál je silný a odolný plast. Kovové ohraničení fotoaparátu chrání čočku před poškozením. - materiál: plast, slitina hliníku - transparent design - ochranný kryt - ochrana proti zanechání otisků prstů - perfektně padne na daný typ telefonu - ochranné ohraničení fotoaparátu USAMS quality cover fits exactly on your phone. Its transparency does not obscure the original curves of your phone. The cover protects your phone against dust and dirt. This cover is super thin and super light, as if there was nothing on the phone. The material is strong and durable plastic. The camera's metal border protects the lens from damage. - material: plastic, aluminum alloy - transparent design - protective cover - fingerprint protection - fits perfectly on your phone - the protective border of the camera

36 Kč

Molan Cano Jelly TPU Kryt pro Xiaomi Mi Note 10/10 Pro Black, 2450194
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Gelové pouzdro Molan Cano je vyrobené z poměrně pružného a velmi odolného TPU materiálu. Pouzdro je přesně vyrobené pro Váš chytrý telefon a nabízí tak přesné otvory a výřezy pro kameru, reproduktory, konektory či blesk podle typu telefonu. Zvýšený okraj zajištuje lepší ochranu displeje a protiskluzový povrch bezpečnější manipulaci s telefonem. Pouzdro Molan Cano nejen chrání před škrábanci a znehodnocením, ale díky metalickému lesku a zářivým barvám je i atraktivním módním doplňkem. Jelly case made out of flexible and resitant TPU. It fits perfectly on the phone and it doesn give the device extra bulk.It´s so easy to control the device because it has precise cutouts. Raised front lip for better display protection a anti-slip coating for better manipulation. It´s not only protection against dust and scratches, thanks to different color variations it´s also fashionable

28 Kč

Pouzdro Forcell DIAMOND Samsung A307 Galaxy A30S zlatá 5715356
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Specifikace produktu: Moderní a elegantní pouzdra pro každou jedinečnou Dámu na pokoj případů. Květinový motiv zdobí светящимися krystaly dělá telefon je zvláštní a vylučuje ho na pozadí jiných. Naše pouzdro udělají to tak, že jeho Majitel bude cítit jako filmová hvězda v každé situaci. Pouzdro, kromě svého vzhledu velmi funkční a odolné vůči všichni poškození a poškrábání. Ideálně přiléhá k vybrané model a poskytuje kompletní ochranu. Konstrukce ostění je velmi lehký a tenký, že poskytuje komfort a svobodu použití. Má potřebné výřezy na nabíječku, reproduktor a fotoaparát. Dostupné ve dvou barevných variantách: zlaté a zlaté růže.

28 Kč

Pouzdro Shining Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 PRO fialová-stříbrná FV43977
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28 Kč

Pouzdro Shining Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 PRO stříbrná-růžová PT18995
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Specifikace: Pouzdro Forcell Shining- barevné silikonové pouzdro,vyrobené přesně pro Váš typ telefonu.

26 Kč

Pouzdro Forcell CARBON Case Samsung J610 GALAXY J6 Plus černá 53166
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Specifikace produktu: Back Case Carbon-je elegantní kryt, který poskytuje kompletní ochranu zařízení za všech podmínek. Jeho vzhled dělá, že se bude líbit podle chuti i ty nejnáročnější uživatele. Je vyroben z wstrząsoodpornej pevné gumy, která je vynikající přizpůsobí speciální model telefonu. Výborně se osvědčila při extrémní sporty nebo práce v náročných podmínkách. Vyztužené rohy pouzdra poskytují další tlumení nárazů při pádu, a mírně vystupující ranty chrání také displej. Komunikační témata uhlíku s szczotkowanym hliník na zádech vede k tomu, že pouzdro je jedinečný a nadčasový. Poskytuje kompletní přístup k tlačítkům, разъемам a nebrání použití fotoaparátu.

22 Kč

Pouzdro Forcell Case CARBON XIAOMI REDMI GO černá 56313
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Specifikace produktu: Back Case Carbon-je elegantní kryt, který poskytuje kompletní ochranu zařízení za všech podmínek. Jeho vzhled dělá, že se bude líbit podle chuti i ty nejnáročnější uživatele. Je vyroben z wstrząsoodpornej pevné gumy, která je vynikající přizpůsobí speciální model telefonu. Výborně se osvědčila při extrémní sporty nebo práce v náročných podmínkách. Vyztužené rohy pouzdra poskytují další tlumení nárazů při pádu, a mírně vystupující ranty chrání také displej. Komunikační témata uhlíku s szczotkowanym hliník na zádech vede k tomu, že pouzdro je jedinečný a nadčasový. Poskytuje kompletní přístup k tlačítkům, разъемам a nebrání použití fotoaparátu.

22 Kč

Pouzdro Forcell Case CARBON Samsung A307 GALAXY A30S černá 5007725
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Specifikace produktu: Back Case Carbon-je elegantní kryt, který poskytuje kompletní ochranu zařízení za všech podmínek. Jeho vzhled dělá, že se bude líbit podle chuti i ty nejnáročnější uživatele. Je vyroben z wstrząsoodpornej pevné gumy, která je vynikající přizpůsobí speciální model telefonu. Výborně se osvědčila při extrémní sporty nebo práce v náročných podmínkách. Vyztužené rohy pouzdra poskytují další tlumení nárazů při pádu, a mírně vystupující ranty chrání také displej. Komunikační témata uhlíku s szczotkowanym hliník na zádech vede k tomu, že pouzdro je jedinečný a nadčasový. Poskytuje kompletní přístup k tlačítkům, разъемам a nebrání použití fotoaparátu.

20 Kč

Pouzdro za opasek na mobilní telefon černá-červená, YT-7420
do 3 dnů

Nylonová kapsa s velkou krycí klopou přizpůsobenou pro uložení mobilního telefonu. V pase má poutka na zapínání.Technická data Materiálnylon Váha67 g

52 Kč

 UAG Urban Armor Gear case MONARCH for IPHONE 14 Plus kevlar black 585991
do týdne

Premium protection case - UAG Monarch. Perfectly protects the device from scratches and damage. Equipped with large touch buttons for easy smartphone use. Made of the highest quality materials polycarbonate and TPU, protects the phone and minimizes shocks. Lightweight construction with five layers of protection absorbs shocks and bumps, protecting the phone during a drop, and also affects comfortable use. High-quality grain leather and metal parts guarantee an attractive design and long life metal screws connect and secure all layers of the housing. Honeycomb pattern prevents the case from slipping when you hold it. Enlarged touch buttons allow free use of all phone functions. Protection twice the military standard MIL STD 810G 516.6, determining the degree of shock resistance in the event of a fall.

1 225 Kč

UAG Urban Armor Gear case MONARCH compatible with MagSafe for IPHONE 14 Plus black 585992
do týdne

Premium protection case - UAG Monarch. Perfectly protects the device from scratches and damage. Equipped with large touch buttons for easy smartphone use. Compatible with Apple MagSafe accessories. Made of the highest quality materials polycarbonate and TPU, protects the phone and minimizes shocks. Lightweight construction with five layers of protection absorbs shocks and bumps, protecting the phone during a drop, and also affects comfortable use. High-quality grain leather and metal parts guarantee an attractive design and long life metal screws connect and secure all layers of the housing. Honeycomb pattern prevents the case from slipping when you hold it. Enlarged touch buttons allow free use of all phone functions. Protection twice the military standard MIL STD 810G 516.6, determining the degree of shock resistance in the event of a fall. Compatible with Apple MagSafe accessories! There is a magnetic ring inside the case that makes it compatible with Apple MagSafe accessories without removing the case.

1 186 Kč

UAG Urban Armor Gear case CIVILIAN compatible with MagSafe for IPHONE 14 Plus black 585997
do týdne

Premium protection case – UAG Civilian. Perfectly protects the device from scratches and damage. Equipped with large touch buttons for easy smartphone use. Compatible with Apple MagSafe accessories. Made of high quality materials - polycarbonate and TPU, ensures long-term use. Composite design makes it both light and durable, thanks to that the product ensures comfortable use and effectively protects the device. Impact-resistant soft honeycomb core reduces the risk of damage. Raised edges provide additional protection for the display. Protection confirmed by certificates - the product complies with the military standard MIL STD 810G 516.6, determining the degree of shock resistance in the event of a fall. Compatible with Apple MagSafe accessories! There is a magnetic ring inside the case that makes it compatible with Apple MagSafe accessories without removing the case.

917 Kč

UAG Urban Armor Gear case METROPOLIS for IPHONE 14 Plus black kevlar 586000
do týdne

Premium protection case - UAG Metropolis. Perfectly protects the device from scratches and damage. Equipped with large touch buttons that facilitate the use of a smartphone. Water resistant. The hard coating and soft, impact-resistant interior make the product extremely durable, reducing the risk of phone damage. Extremely light design affects the comfortable use of the smartphone. Non-slip back protectors, as well as a soft, rubber coating around the display, protect the entire surface of the device from scratches and damage. Enlarged touch buttons allow free use of all phone functions. Protection confirmed by certificates - the product complies with the military standard MIL STD 810G 516.6, determining the degree of shock resistance in the event of a fall. The water resistant surface of FrogSkin Technology ™ provides protection in the event of flooding. Pocket for handy documents allows you to store payment cards and money.

913 Kč

UAG Urban Armor Gear case PATHFINDER compatible with MagSafe for IPHONE 14 Plus black 586006
do týdne

Premium protection case – UAG Pathfinder. Perfectly protects the device from scratches and damage. Equipped with large touch buttons for easy smartphone use. Made of high quality materials – polycarbonate and TPU, ensures long–term use. Composite design makes it both light and durable, thanks to that the product ensures comfortable use and effectively protects the device. A special hook allows you to attach a leash and carry the case in a comfortable way. Impact–resistant soft honeycomb core reduces the risk of damage. Enlarged touch buttons allow free use of all phone functions. Raised edges provide additional protection for the display. Protection confirmed by certificates – the product complies with the military standard MIL STD 810G 516.6, determining the degree of shock resistance in the event of a fall.

910 Kč

UAG Urban Armor Gear case PATHFINDER for IPHONE 14 Plus midnight camo 586008
do týdne

Premium protection case – UAG Pathfinder. Perfectly protects the device from scratches and damage. Equipped with large touch buttons for easy smartphone use. Made of high quality materials – polycarbonate and TPU, ensures long–term use. Composite design makes it both light and durable, thanks to that the product ensures comfortable use and effectively protects the device. A special hook allows you to attach a leash and carry the case in a comfortable way. Impact–resistant soft honeycomb core reduces the risk of damage. Enlarged touch buttons allow free use of all phone functions. Raised edges provide additional protection for the display. Protection confirmed by certificates – the product complies with the military standard MIL STD 810G 516.6, determining the degree of shock resistance in the event of a fall.

906 Kč

UAG Urban Armor Gear case PATHFINDER compatible with MagSafe for IPHONE 14 Plus green 586007
do týdne

Premium protection case – UAG Pathfinder. Perfectly protects the device from scratches and damage. Equipped with large touch buttons for easy smartphone use. Made of high quality materials – polycarbonate and TPU, ensures long–term use. Composite design makes it both light and durable, thanks to that the product ensures comfortable use and effectively protects the device. A special hook allows you to attach a leash and carry the case in a comfortable way. Impact–resistant soft honeycomb core reduces the risk of damage. Enlarged touch buttons allow free use of all phone functions. Raised edges provide additional protection for the display. Protection confirmed by certificates – the product complies with the military standard MIL STD 810G 516.6, determining the degree of shock resistance in the event of a fall.

887 Kč

UAG Urban Armor Gear case PLYO compatible with MagSafe for IPHONE 14 Plus transparent 586014
do týdne

A premium class UAG Plasma case. Perfectly protects the device against scratches and harm. It has large touch buttons that enable easy use of the smartphone. The hard coating and the soft, impact-resistant interior make the product extremely durable, thus reducing the risk of damage. Very light design ensure a comfort using. Anti-slip pads, as well as a soft, rubber surround of the display, protect the entire surface against scratches and damage. The enlarged touch buttons allow you to freely use all the functions of the phone. The unique shape of the UAG Plasma case increases a durability and consistency of the entire structure, providing even better protection of the device. Protection confirmed by certificates—this product is up to the military standard MIL STD 810G 516.6, which determines the degree of resistance to impact when dropping.

787 Kč

SPIGEN case ULTRA HYBRID for IPHONE 13 matte black 446768
do týdne

Ultra durable back case - SPIGEN Ultra Hybrid. Provides perfect protection against damage and scratches. It has reinforced edges that protect the phone during a fall. The SPIGEN Ultra Hybrid case provides advanced protection against damage and scratches. Reinforced edges additionally protect the device during a fall. Transparent back helps preserve the original appearance of the device. Made of high quality materials, guarantees long-term use. Has all necessary system cutouts and provides full access to all ports and function buttons. Easy to mount - all you need to do is remove the protective film on both sides of the case and put the cap on the device. The product is available in two versions: with a black or transparent frame.

395 Kč

SPIGEN case ULTRA HYBRID for SAMSUNG S23 matte black 589979
do týdne

Ultra durable back case - SPIGEN Ultra Hybrid. Provides perfect protection against damage and scratches. It has reinforced edges that protect the phone during a fall. The SPIGEN Ultra Hybrid case provides advanced protection against damage and scratches. Reinforced edges additionally protect the device during a fall. Transparent back helps preserve the original appearance of the device. Made of high quality materials, guarantees long-term use. Has all necessary system cutouts and provides full access to all ports and function buttons. Easy to mount - all you need to do is remove the protective film on both sides of the case and put the cap on the device. The product is available in two versions: with a black or transparent frame.

389 Kč

SPIGEN A601 Universal Waterproof case 2-pack transparent 445129
do týdne

Universal waterproof case with a built-in clasp with a lock function and convenient attachment on a lanyard. Perfect for water sports. The case has been equipped with a special protection with a lock function, which prevents the case from opening spontaneously and water from getting inside the device. The built-in lanyard allows the device to be conveniently carried around the neck. The IPX8 waterproof class protects the device from getting wet, and the transparent design and touch sensitivity allow you to take photos and videos in the water. The case is compatible with the Face ID function, so you can unlock your phone as usual.

354 Kč

SPIGEN case RUGGED ARMOR for SAMSUNG S22 matte black 449951
do týdne

The original Rugged Armor case with matte finish. Provides advanced smartphone protection against damage and scratches. The product has convex edges for additional screen protection. The Rugged Armor case is very thin, so it does not thicken the phone, maintaining its original shape and design perfectly. The product was made of a high quality TPU material, which is resistant to scratches and abrasion. Precise cutouts and touch buttons provide quick access to all phone functions and do not interfere while working with the device. Lightweight housing ensures easy application and is pocket friendly. The characteristic appearance of the carbon fiber and matte finish give the case a timeless look and make it an elegant addition to the phone.

328 Kč

SPIGEN case LIQUID AIR for SAMSUNG S23 matte black 590212
do týdne

Liquid Air Armor bears everything you need in a case! It is packed with protection to fight off shock in every impact. Liquid Air Armor comes with built-in Air Cushion Technology on all corners with strategically raised edges to leave the screen and camera untouched. Spigen Liquid Air Armor is built with a premium matte shell with the latest geometric pattern to give grip, stay fingerprint-free while leaving others envious of your new form-fitted, sleek look!

321 Kč

SPIGEN case LIQUID AIR for SAMSUNG S23 Ultra matte black 590219
do týdne

Liquid Air Armor bears everything you need in a case! It is packed with protection to fight off shock in every impact. Liquid Air Armor comes with built-in Air Cushion Technology on all corners with strategically raised edges to leave the screen and camera untouched. Spigen Liquid Air Armor is built with a premium matte shell with the latest geometric pattern to give grip, stay fingerprint-free while leaving others envious of your new form-fitted, sleek look!

321 Kč

SPIGEN case LIQUID CRYSTAL for IPHONE 12 / 12 Pro transparent 442771
do týdne

High quality, branded case. The case is very thin, thanks to which it does not thicken the phone, keeping its original shape and design perfectly. The TPU material from which Spigen Liquid Crystal was made provides exceptional durability and scratch resistance. The product has all the necessary holes for system inputs, thanks to which communication modules work without any problems. All Spigen products are manufactured from great quality materials and they are tested to check how is their durability and how they adapt to dedicate a phone model.

301 Kč

MEZZO Book case for XIAOMI Redmi 9AT / Redmi 9A dreamcatcher purple 581296
do týdne

MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.

269 Kč

TENDER Book Case for IPHONE 12 / 12 Pro brown 584042
do týdne

TENDER holster. Made of soft, pleasant to the touch material. Equipped with three pockets for banknotes and documents. Fastened with a magnet. The TENDER holster provides full protection of the device, securing not only its back, but also the screen. Built-in magnet clasp prevents accidental opening of the case, keeping your phone safe. Three internal pockets, visible after opening the flap, allow for safe storage of documents and banknotes. The perforation on the bend makes the holster fold to the TV stand position. It is a comfortable stand that facilitates watching movies. Installation of the case is extremely simple: the flexible insert allows you to easily place your phone in it. Material: eco leather

269 Kč

MEZZO Book case for XIAOMI Redmi 9C / 9C NFC mandala rose gold 445794
do týdne

MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.

269 Kč

MEZZO Book case for XIAOMI Redmi 9C / 9C NFC dreamcatcher green 581291
do týdne

MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.

269 Kč

Forcell TENDER Book Case for SAMSUNG Galaxy A32 LTE ( 4G ) černá 104829
do týdne

Pouzdro Forcell TENDER. Vyrobeno z měkkého, na dotek příjemného materiálu. Vybaveno třemi kapsami na bankovky a doklady. Upevnění na magnet. Pouzdro Forcell TENDER poskytuje plnou ochranu zařízení, zajišťuje nejen jeho záda, ale i obrazovku. Vestavěná spona na magnet zabraňuje náhodnému otevření pouzdra a udržuje váš telefon v bezpečí. Tři vnitřní kapsy, viditelné po otevření klopy, umožňují bezpečné uložení dokumentů a bankovek. Díky perforaci na ohybu se pouzdro složí do polohy TV stojanu. Jedná se o pohodlný stojan, který usnadňuje sledování filmů. Instalace pouzdra je extrémně jednoduchá: flexibilní vložka umožňuje snadné umístění telefonu. Speciální podšívka uvnitř vložky zabraňuje poškrábání zařízení. Materiál: eko kůže

269 Kč

Forcell TENDER Book Case for SAMSUNG Galaxy A32 LTE ( 4G ) hnědá 104830
do týdne

Pouzdro Forcell TENDER. Vyrobeno z měkkého, na dotek příjemného materiálu. Vybaveno třemi kapsami na bankovky a doklady. Upevnění na magnet. Pouzdro Forcell TENDER poskytuje plnou ochranu zařízení, zajišťuje nejen jeho záda, ale i obrazovku. Vestavěná spona na magnet zabraňuje náhodnému otevření pouzdra a udržuje váš telefon v bezpečí. Tři vnitřní kapsy, viditelné po otevření klopy, umožňují bezpečné uložení dokumentů a bankovek. Díky perforaci na ohybu se pouzdro složí do polohy TV stojanu. Jedná se o pohodlný stojan, který usnadňuje sledování filmů. Instalace pouzdra je extrémně jednoduchá: flexibilní vložka umožňuje snadné umístění telefonu. Speciální podšívka uvnitř vložky zabraňuje poškrábání zařízení. Materiál: eko kůže

269 Kč

Forcell TENDER Book Case for SAMSUNG Galaxy A32 LTE ( 4G ) zelená 104831
do týdne

Pouzdro Forcell TENDER. Vyrobeno z měkkého, na dotek příjemného materiálu. Vybaveno třemi kapsami na bankovky a doklady. Upevnění na magnet. Pouzdro Forcell TENDER poskytuje plnou ochranu zařízení, zajišťuje nejen jeho záda, ale i obrazovku. Vestavěná spona na magnet zabraňuje náhodnému otevření pouzdra a udržuje váš telefon v bezpečí. Tři vnitřní kapsy, viditelné po otevření klopy, umožňují bezpečné uložení dokumentů a bankovek. Díky perforaci na ohybu se pouzdro složí do polohy TV stojanu. Jedná se o pohodlný stojan, který usnadňuje sledování filmů. Instalace pouzdra je extrémně jednoduchá: flexibilní vložka umožňuje snadné umístění telefonu. Speciální podšívka uvnitř vložky zabraňuje poškrábání zařízení. Materiál: eko kůže

269 Kč

MEZZO Book case for XIAOMI Redmi 10 / 10 2022 dreamcatcher purple 585370
do týdne

MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.

269 Kč

Forcell TENDER Book Case for SAMSUNG Galaxy A33 5G hnědá 105471
do týdne

Pouzdro Forcell TENDER. Vyrobeno z měkkého, na dotek příjemného materiálu. Vybaveno třemi kapsami na bankovky a doklady. Upevnění na magnet. Pouzdro Forcell TENDER poskytuje plnou ochranu zařízení, zajišťuje nejen jeho záda, ale i obrazovku. Vestavěná spona na magnet zabraňuje náhodnému otevření pouzdra a udržuje váš telefon v bezpečí. Tři vnitřní kapsy, viditelné po otevření klopy, umožňují bezpečné uložení dokumentů a bankovek. Díky perforaci na ohybu se pouzdro složí do polohy TV stojanu. Jedná se o pohodlný stojan, který usnadňuje sledování filmů. Instalace pouzdra je extrémně jednoduchá: flexibilní vložka umožňuje snadné umístění telefonu. Speciální podšívka uvnitř vložky zabraňuje poškrábání zařízení. Materiál: eko kůže

269 Kč

Forcell TENDER Book Case for SAMSUNG Galaxy A33 5G černá 105472
do týdne

Pouzdro Forcell TENDER. Vyrobeno z měkkého, na dotek příjemného materiálu. Vybaveno třemi kapsami na bankovky a doklady. Upevnění na magnet. Pouzdro Forcell TENDER poskytuje plnou ochranu zařízení, zajišťuje nejen jeho záda, ale i obrazovku. Vestavěná spona na magnet zabraňuje náhodnému otevření pouzdra a udržuje váš telefon v bezpečí. Tři vnitřní kapsy, viditelné po otevření klopy, umožňují bezpečné uložení dokumentů a bankovek. Díky perforaci na ohybu se pouzdro složí do polohy TV stojanu. Jedná se o pohodlný stojan, který usnadňuje sledování filmů. Instalace pouzdra je extrémně jednoduchá: flexibilní vložka umožňuje snadné umístění telefonu. Speciální podšívka uvnitř vložky zabraňuje poškrábání zařízení. Materiál: eko kůže

269 Kč

MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A33 5G tree green 450527
do týdne

MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.

269 Kč

MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A33 5G mandala green 450529
do týdne

MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.

269 Kč

RAZOR Book for SAMSUNG A13 4G blue 583238
do týdne

A luxury Razor Book is a guarantee of phone security in a prestigious style. Reinforced rims, soft inner material, and a magnetic clasp protect the device against scratches and knocks. Safety all overThe unique Razor case will be a perfect addition to your smartphone in any situation. Reinforced rims, extra camera protection, and magnetic clasp ensure that the device remains safe and will not fall out of its holder regardless of the circumstances. Functional interiorThe cover is designed for convenient storage not only of a smartphone but also of frequently used documents. The inner pocket can accommodate a credit card, ID, or a small piece of paper, e.g. a shopping list, so you do not have to take your entire wallet everywhere. Exclusive lookThe carbon, dark-colored cover refers to the design of sports cars and gives the device an elegant character. The inner material is so soft that it additionally protects the display against damage, while the honeycomb pattern on a rubber part supporting the phone highlights the aesthetics of the entire case. Material: PU leather (outer side), microfiber (inner side with a pocket), TPU (inner side supporting the phone)

269 Kč

MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A13 4G tree green 450531
do týdne

MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.

269 Kč

MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A13 4G mandala rose gold 450534
do týdne

MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.

269 Kč

MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A13 4G dreamcatcher purple 581300
do týdne

MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.

269 Kč

MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A53 5G dreamcatcher purple 581298
do týdne

MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.

269 Kč

MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A53 5G tree green 450523
do týdne

MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.

269 Kč

MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A53 5G mandala green 450525
do týdne

MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.

269 Kč

MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A53 5G mandala rose gold 450526
do týdne

MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.

269 Kč

MEZZO Book case for XIAOMI Redmi Note 11 / 11S dreamcatcher green 581823
do týdne

MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.

269 Kč

TENDER Book Case for XIAOMI Redmi Note 12 Pro 5G brown 591307
do týdne

TENDER holster. Made of soft, pleasant to the touch material. Equipped with three pockets for banknotes and documents. Fastened with a magnet. The TENDER holster provides full protection of the device, securing not only its back, but also the screen. Built-in magnet clasp prevents accidental opening of the case, keeping your phone safe. Three internal pockets, visible after opening the flap, allow for safe storage of documents and banknotes. The perforation on the bend makes the holster fold to the TV stand position. It is a comfortable stand that facilitates watching movies. Installation of the case is extremely simple: the flexible insert allows you to easily place your phone in it. Material: eco leather

269 Kč

TENDER Book Case for XIAOMI Redmi Note 11 Pro / 11 Pro 5G green 499172
do týdne

Pouzdro Forcell TENDER. Vyrobeno z měkkého, na dotek příjemného materiálu. Vybaveno třemi kapsami na bankovky a doklady. Upevnění na magnet. Pouzdro Forcell TENDER poskytuje plnou ochranu zařízení, zajišťuje nejen jeho záda, ale i obrazovku. Vestavěná spona na magnet zabraňuje náhodnému otevření pouzdra a udržuje váš telefon v bezpečí. Tři vnitřní kapsy, viditelné po otevření klopy, umožňují bezpečné uložení dokumentů a bankovek. Díky perforaci na ohybu se pouzdro složí do polohy TV stojanu. Jedná se o pohodlný stojan, který usnadňuje sledování filmů. Instalace pouzdra je extrémně jednoduchá: flexibilní vložka umožňuje snadné umístění telefonu. Materiál: eko kůže

269 Kč

MEZZO Book case for XIAOMI Redmi 10C dreamcatcher purple 581565
do týdne

Pouzdro MEZZO se vzorem lisované mandaly nebo lapače snů. Můžete v něm uchovávat karty a bankovky; má speciální kapsy na doklady. Díky připojenému provázku vám umožní mít zařízení stále nablízku. Upevnění na magnet. Vzor pouzdra MEZZO na rozdíl od většiny pouzder tohoto typu není nalakovaný ani potištěný, ale nalisovaný na materiál lisem, díky čemuž je odolný, neotírá se a povrch pouzdra se vyznačuje měkký, nerovný povrch, který je cítit pod prsty. Pouzdro má dvě kapsy na doklady, do kterých můžete uschovat karty i bankovky. Šňůra připevněná k pouzdru zaručuje bezpečné uchopení pouzdra a umožňuje vám jej mít vždy blízko u sebe. Povrchová úprava z ekokůže dodává pouzdru elegantní vzhled a flexibilní vložka z TPU usnadňuje instalaci zařízení do pouzdra. Magnetický uzávěr zajišťuje pevné uchopení a zabraňuje náhodnému otevření peněženky.

269 Kč

MEZZO Book case for XIAOMI Redmi 10C mandala rose gold 581568
do týdne

Pouzdro MEZZO s lisovaným vzorem mandaly nebo stromu. Můžete v něm uchovávat karty a bankovky; má speciální kapsy na doklady. Díky připojenému provázku vám umožní mít zařízení stále nablízku. Upevnění na magnet. Vzor pouzdra MEZZO na rozdíl od většiny pouzder tohoto typu není nalakovaný ani potištěný, ale nalisovaný na materiál lisem, díky čemuž je odolný, neotírá se a povrch pouzdra se vyznačuje měkký, nerovný povrch, který je cítit pod prsty. Pouzdro má dvě kapsy na doklady, do kterých můžete uložit karty i bankovky. Šňůra připevněná k pouzdru zaručuje bezpečné uchopení pouzdra a umožňuje vám jej mít vždy blízko u sebe. Povrchová úprava z ekokůže dodává pouzdru elegantní vzhled a flexibilní vložka z TPU usnadňuje instalaci zařízení do pouzdra. Magnetický uzávěr zajišťuje pevné uchopení a zabraňuje náhodnému otevření peněženky.

269 Kč

TENDER Book Case for XIAOMI Redmi 10C black 581570
do týdne

TENDER pouzdro. Vyrobeno z měkkého, na dotek příjemného materiálu. Vybaveno třemi kapsami na bankovky a doklady. Upevnění na magnet. Pouzdro TENDER poskytuje plnou ochranu zařízení, zajišťuje nejen jeho záda, ale i obrazovku. Vestavěná spona na magnet zabraňuje náhodnému otevření pouzdra a udržuje váš telefon v bezpečí. Tři vnitřní kapsy, viditelné po otevření klopy, umožňují bezpečné uložení dokumentů a bankovek. Díky perforaci na ohybu se pouzdro složí do polohy TV stojanu. Jedná se o pohodlný stojan, který usnadňuje sledování filmů. Instalace pouzdra je extrémně jednoduchá: flexibilní vložka umožňuje snadné umístění telefonu. Materiál: eko kůže

269 Kč

TENDER Book Case for XIAOMI Redmi 10C green 581571
do týdne

TENDER pouzdro. Vyrobeno z měkkého, na dotek příjemného materiálu. Vybaveno třemi kapsami na bankovky a doklady. Upevnění na magnet. Pouzdro TENDER poskytuje plnou ochranu zařízení, zajišťuje nejen jeho záda, ale i obrazovku. Vestavěná spona na magnet zabraňuje náhodnému otevření pouzdra a udržuje váš telefon v bezpečí. Tři vnitřní kapsy, viditelné po otevření klopy, umožňují bezpečné uložení dokumentů a bankovek. Díky perforaci na ohybu se pouzdro složí do polohy TV stojanu. Jedná se o pohodlný stojan, který usnadňuje sledování filmů. Instalace pouzdra je extrémně jednoduchá: flexibilní vložka umožňuje snadné umístění telefonu. Materiál: eko kůže

269 Kč

RAZOR Book for Xiaomi Redmi 10C black 581573
do týdne

A luxury Razor Book is a guarantee of phone security in a prestigious style. Reinforced rims, soft inner material, and a magnetic clasp protect the device against scratches and knocks. Safety all overThe unique Razor case will be a perfect addition to your smartphone in any situation. Reinforced rims, extra camera protection, and magnetic clasp ensure that the device remains safe and will not fall out of its holder regardless of the circumstances. Functional interiorThe cover is designed for convenient storage not only of a smartphone but also of frequently used documents. The inner pocket can accommodate a credit card, ID, or a small piece of paper, e.g. a shopping list, so you do not have to take your entire wallet everywhere. Exclusive lookThe carbon, dark-colored cover refers to the design of sports cars and gives the device an elegant character. The inner material is so soft that it additionally protects the display against damage, while the honeycomb pattern on a rubber part supporting the phone highlights the aesthetics of the entire case. Material: PU leather (outer side), microfiber (inner side with a pocket), TPU (inner side supporting the phone)

269 Kč

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