Obaly na mobil
Fotografie obalů mobilních telefonů jsou pouze ilustrační. Rozměry a výřezy pro tlačítka, kameru a konektor odpovídají produktu uvedeného v NÁZVU!

Roar Colorful Jelly Case je unikátní pouzdro dostupné v široké škále barev, vyrobené z extrémně jemného matného silikonu. Díky rozšířeným okrajům poskytuje plnou ochranu telefonu i displeje. Pouzdro má hluboké zaoblené hrany - díky tomu je telefon i po pádu plně chráněn a displej není poškozen. Pouzdro je vyrobeno z matně lakovaného silikonu, mimořádně příjemného na dotek, který mu dodává originální vzhled. Má výřezy na některých tlačítkách, včetně vstupní nabíječky, čočky fotoaparátu a blesku. Pouzdra jsou k dispozici v široké škále barev. Materiál : matný TPU
169 Kč

Ochranné zadní pouzdro vyrobené z několika materiálů: polyuretan, polykarbonát a TPU. Využitím jejich vlastností pouzdro vyniká originálním designem a zároveň chrání smartphone před poškozením. Vnější část zad je pokryta dvěma druhy matného polyuretanu (PU) . Taková úprava zajišťuje bezpečný úchop a snižuje efekt odražených prstů . Oba typy povrchové úpravy jsou odděleny elegantním vodorovným pruhem. Vnitřek pouzdra vyplňuje zajímavý voštinový vzor. Je vyrobena z tvrdého PC materiálu (polykarbonát) , který poskytuje účinnou ochranu smartphonu. Bočnice jsou vyrobeny z měkkého materiálu TPU (termoplastický polyuretan) . Jeho vlastnosti jsou podobné elastické gumě, díky čemuž je umístění telefonu v pouzdře pohodlné a pouzdro perfektně pasuje k tvaru zařízení. Kryt má potřebné výřezy pro porty a ražbu pro tlačítka usnadňující snadnou práci se smartphonem. Dostupné v několika barvách.
169 Kč

Jedinečné kovové pouzdro vyrobené z TPU zaručuje plnou ochranu telefonu v různých situacích. Třpytivý povrch dodává zařízení elegantní charakter. Pouzdro s metalickým povrchem a pevnou, saténovou barvou zapadá do univerzální estetiky, která podtrhuje styl zařízení a upoutá pohledy ostatních bez ohledu na vkus. Tento kryt vám navíc pomůže postarat se o bezpečnost vašeho smartphonu a zabránit poškození při pádu z výšky nebo poškrábání v důsledku častého používání. Materiál TPU je tlustý a poměrně pružný, aby se dal pohodlně nasadit na telefon, takže zaručuje ochranu na vysoké úrovni. Vnitřní část pouzdra – vydlážděná mikrovláknem – chrání smartphone před poškrábáním . Jeho pevné okraje s výřezy pro porty zajistí, že zařízení zůstane zakryté ze všech stran. Materiál: TPU (vnější část), mikrovlákno (vnitřek) Pouzdro má plné pokrytí fotoaparátu s výřezy pro objektiv.
169 Kč

Udržujte svůj telefon v bezpečí a stylový díky tenkému pouzdru Roar Luna. Flexibilní potah v pastelové barvě a s matným povrchem zaručuje plnou ochranu zařízení proti poškrábání. Produkt podporuje bezdrátové nabíjení. Roar Luna není jen dobře prezentovaným doplňkem smartphonu, ale také komplexním krytem zařízení. Pouzdro je vyrobeno z pružného, odolného TPU , dokonale chrání telefon před poškozením nebo poškrábáním a přesné výřezy zajistí, že i fotoaparáty zůstanou neporušené. Povrch pouzdra je měkký na dotek , což se promítá do komfortu používání. Potažená tlačítka snadno reagují na stisk, aniž by byla omezena funkčnost vašeho smartphonu, a díky podpoře indukčního nabíjení můžete libovolně doplňovat energii bez použití kabelů. Stylový, matný povrch v pastelové barvě bude fungovat jako estetický doplněk k dalším doplňkům. Materiál: TPU Pouzdro podporuje bezdrátové nabíjení.
169 Kč

Jedinečné kovové pouzdro vyrobené z TPU zaručuje plnou ochranu telefonu v různých situacích. Třpytivý povrch dodává zařízení elegantní charakter. Pouzdro s metalickým povrchem a pevnou, saténovou barvou zapadá do univerzální estetiky, která podtrhuje styl zařízení a upoutá pohledy ostatních bez ohledu na vkus. Tento kryt vám navíc pomůže postarat se o bezpečnost vašeho smartphonu a zabránit poškození při pádu z výšky nebo poškrábání v důsledku častého používání. Materiál TPU je tlustý a poměrně pružný, aby se dal pohodlně nasadit na telefon, takže zaručuje ochranu na vysoké úrovni. Vnitřní část pouzdra – vydlážděná mikrovláknem – chrání smartphone před poškrábáním . Jeho pevné okraje s výřezy pro porty zajistí, že zařízení zůstane zakryté ze všech stran. Materiál: TPU (vnější část), mikrovlákno (vnitřek) Pouzdro má plné pokrytí fotoaparátu s výřezy pro objektiv.
169 Kč

Jedinečné kovové pouzdro vyrobené z TPU zaručuje plnou ochranu telefonu v různých situacích. Třpytivý povrch dodává zařízení elegantní charakter. Pouzdro s metalickým povrchem a pevnou, saténovou barvou zapadá do univerzální estetiky, která podtrhuje styl zařízení a upoutá pohledy ostatních bez ohledu na vkus. Tento kryt vám navíc pomůže postarat se o bezpečnost vašeho smartphonu a zabránit poškození při pádu z výšky nebo poškrábání v důsledku častého používání. Materiál TPU je tlustý a poměrně pružný, aby se dal pohodlně nasadit na telefon, takže zaručuje ochranu na vysoké úrovni. Vnitřní část pouzdra – vydlážděná mikrovláknem – chrání smartphone před poškrábáním . Jeho pevné okraje s výřezy pro porty zajistí, že zařízení zůstane zakryté ze všech stran. Materiál: TPU (vnější část), mikrovlákno (vnitřek) Pouzdro má plné pokrytí fotoaparátu s výřezy pro objektiv.
169 Kč

The Breezy case is a solution that combines protection, functionality, and stylish design. It has been designed to ensure optimal air circulation, reducing the risk of the phone heating up. Thanks to the perforated pattern and high-quality plastic, the case protects the phone and does not thicken it, maintaining its slimness. It was made of a single casting, guaranteeing the camera island's perfect fit and protection. The perforated, one-piece Breezy case ensures optimal air circulation around the phone. Thanks to this, it prevents the device from heating up even during intensive use. Full protection of the camera island ensures that even these sensitive elements of the phone are properly protected against scratches, dust, or accidental damage. Moreover, it allows you to maintain its original slimness and aesthetics. It was made of high-quality plastic with increased flexibility, which makes it easy to put on the phone and perfectly fit. The material – even before the casting – is dyed the proper color in the mass.
169 Kč

Classical transparent Jelly Roar case guarantees protection for the mobile phone. It fits the dedicated mobile phone perfectly and assures comfort of using. The case is made of soft and elastic TPU material, which is resistant to wraps. The holster is light and fits the hand very well. The case protects the mobile device from scratches and damage. The reinforced frame guarantees the screen protection, also during the fall. The holster has got special stamped pattern on the back side to prevent the accumulation of water vapor. The cutouts for buttons, camera, charger and loudspeaker provide comfort of using. It is decorated with producer’s logo. The product is sold in an elegant box.
169 Kč

The unique Metallic case made of TPU guarantees full phone protection in various situations. The shimmering surface gives the device an elegant character. The case with a metallic finish and a solid, satin color fits into the universal aesthetic, which highlights the style of the device and catches the others' eyes, regardless of tastes. Moreover, this cover helps you take care of the safety of your smartphone and prevent damage when dropping from a height or scratches as a result of frequent use. The TPU material is thick and quite flexible to put conveniently on the phone so that guarantees a high-level protection. The interior part of the case—tiled with microfiber—protects the smartphone against scratches. Its solid edges with cutouts for ports make you sure that the device will remain covered on all sides. Material: TPU (outer part), microfiber (interior)The case has full camera coverage with cutouts for the lens.
169 Kč

Roar Colorful Jelly Case is a unique case available in a wide range of colours, made of extremely soft touch matte silicone. Thanks to the extended edges provides full protection for your phone, and the screen. Case has a deep, rounded edges- this makes the phone even after falling down the screen is fully protected and the screen is not damaged. Case is made of matt lacquered silicone, extremely pleasant to the touch, which confers its original appearance. It has cutouts on some buttons, including input charger, camera lens and flash. Cases are available in a wide range of colours. Material: Matt TPU
169 Kč

Protective back case made of several materials: polyurethane, polycarbonate and TPU. The use of their properties makes the case stand out with its original design, while protecting the smartphone against damage. It works with magnetic car holders. The outer part of the back is covered with two types of matt polyurethane (PU). Such a finish ensures a secure grip and reduces the effect of reflected fingers. Both types of finish are separated by an elegant horizontal stripe. The inside of the case is filled with an interesting honeycomb pattern. It is made of hard PC material (polycarbonate), which provides effective protection of the smartphone. The sides are made of soft TPU material (thermoplastic polyurethane). Its properties are similar to elastic rubber, which makes placing the phone in the case comfortable, and the case perfectly fits the shape of the device. The caseworks with magnetic car holders. The cover has the necessary cutouts for the ports and embossing for buttons that facilitate easy work with the smartphone. Available in several colors.
169 Kč

Classical transparent Jelly Roar case guarantees protection for the mobile phone. It fits the dedicated mobile phone perfectly and assures comfort of using. The case is made of soft and elastic TPU material, which is resistant to wraps. The holster is light and fits the hand very well. The case protects the mobile device from scratches and damage. The reinforced frame guarantees the screen protection, also during the fall. The holster has got special stamped pattern on the back side to prevent the accumulation of water vapor. The cutouts for buttons, camera, charger and loudspeaker provide comfort of using. It is decorated with producer’s logo. The product is sold in an elegant box.
169 Kč

The unique Metallic case made of TPU guarantees full phone protection in various situations. The shimmering surface gives the device an elegant character. The case with a metallic finish and a solid, satin color fits into the universal aesthetic, which highlights the style of the device and catches the others' eyes, regardless of tastes. Moreover, this cover helps you take care of the safety of your smartphone and prevent damage when dropping from a height or scratches as a result of frequent use. The TPU material is thick and quite flexible to put conveniently on the phone so that guarantees a high-level protection. The interior part of the case—tiled with microfiber—protects the smartphone against scratches. Its solid edges with cutouts for ports make you sure that the device will remain covered on all sides. Material: TPU (outer part), microfiber (interior)The case has full camera coverage with cutouts for the lens.
169 Kč

Roar Colorful Jelly Case is a unique case available in a wide range of colours, made of extremely soft touch matte silicone. Thanks to the extended edges provides full protection for your phone, and the screen. Case has a deep, rounded edges- this makes the phone even after falling down the screen is fully protected and the screen is not damaged. Case is made of matt lacquered silicone, extremely pleasant to the touch, which confers its original appearance. It has cutouts on some buttons, including input charger, camera lens and flash. Cases are available in a wide range of colours. Material: Matt TPU
169 Kč

Classical transparent Jelly Roar case guarantees protection for the mobile phone. It fits the dedicated mobile phone perfectly and assures comfort of using. The case is made of soft and elastic TPU material, which is resistant to wraps. The holster is light and fits the hand very well. The case protects the mobile device from scratches and damage. The reinforced frame guarantees the screen protection, also during the fall. The holster has got special stamped pattern on the back side to prevent the accumulation of water vapor. The cutouts for buttons, camera, charger and loudspeaker provide comfort of using. It is decorated with producer’s logo. The product is sold in an elegant box.
169 Kč

Roar Colorful Jelly Case is a unique case available in a wide range of colours, made of extremely soft touch matte silicone. Thanks to the extended edges provides full protection for your phone, and the screen. Case has a deep, rounded edges- this makes the phone even after falling down the screen is fully protected and the screen is not damaged. Case is made of matt lacquered silicone, extremely pleasant to the touch, which confers its original appearance. It has cutouts on some buttons, including input charger, camera lens and flash. Cases are available in a wide range of colours. Material: Matt TPU
169 Kč

Roar Colorful Jelly Case is a unique case available in a wide range of colours, made of extremely soft touch matte silicone. Thanks to the extended edges provides full protection for your phone, and the screen. Case has a deep, rounded edges- this makes the phone even after falling down the screen is fully protected and the screen is not damaged. Case is made of matt lacquered silicone, extremely pleasant to the touch, which confers its original appearance. It has cutouts on some buttons, including input charger, camera lens and flash. Cases are available in a wide range of colours. Material: Matt TPU
169 Kč

Protective back case made of several materials: polyurethane, polycarbonate and TPU. The use of their properties makes the case stand out with its original design, while protecting the smartphone against damage. It works with magnetic car holders. The outer part of the back is covered with two types of matt polyurethane (PU). Such a finish ensures a secure grip and reduces the effect of reflected fingers. Both types of finish are separated by an elegant horizontal stripe. The inside of the case is filled with an interesting honeycomb pattern. It is made of hard PC material (polycarbonate), which provides effective protection of the smartphone. The sides are made of soft TPU material (thermoplastic polyurethane). Its properties are similar to elastic rubber, which makes placing the phone in the case comfortable, and the case perfectly fits the shape of the device. The caseworks with magnetic car holders. The cover has the necessary cutouts for the ports and embossing for buttons that facilitate easy work with the smartphone. Available in several colors.
169 Kč

Protective back case made of several materials: polyurethane, polycarbonate and TPU. The use of their properties makes the case stand out with its original design, while protecting the smartphone against damage. It works with magnetic car holders. The outer part of the back is covered with two types of matt polyurethane (PU). Such a finish ensures a secure grip and reduces the effect of reflected fingers. Both types of finish are separated by an elegant horizontal stripe. The inside of the case is filled with an interesting honeycomb pattern. It is made of hard PC material (polycarbonate), which provides effective protection of the smartphone. The sides are made of soft TPU material (thermoplastic polyurethane). Its properties are similar to elastic rubber, which makes placing the phone in the case comfortable, and the case perfectly fits the shape of the device. The caseworks with magnetic car holders. The cover has the necessary cutouts for the ports and embossing for buttons that facilitate easy work with the smartphone. Available in several colors.
169 Kč

The unique Metallic case made of TPU guarantees full phone protection in various situations. The shimmering surface gives the device an elegant character. The case with a metallic finish and a solid, satin color fits into the universal aesthetic, which highlights the style of the device and catches the others' eyes, regardless of tastes. Moreover, this cover helps you take care of the safety of your smartphone and prevent damage when dropping from a height or scratches as a result of frequent use. The TPU material is thick and quite flexible to put conveniently on the phone so that guarantees a high-level protection. The interior part of the case—tiled with microfiber—protects the smartphone against scratches. Its solid edges with cutouts for ports make you sure that the device will remain covered on all sides. Material: TPU (outer part), microfiber (interior)The case has full camera coverage with cutouts for the lens.
169 Kč

The Breezy case is a solution that combines protection, functionality, and stylish design. It has been designed to ensure optimal air circulation, reducing the risk of the phone heating up. Thanks to the perforated pattern and high-quality plastic, the case protects the phone and does not thicken it, maintaining its slimness. It was made of a single casting, guaranteeing the camera island's perfect fit and protection. The perforated, one-piece Breezy case ensures optimal air circulation around the phone. Thanks to this, it prevents the device from heating up even during intensive use. Full protection of the camera island ensures that even these sensitive elements of the phone are properly protected against scratches, dust, or accidental damage. Moreover, it allows you to maintain its original slimness and aesthetics. It was made of high-quality plastic with increased flexibility, which makes it easy to put on the phone and perfectly fit. The material – even before the casting – is dyed the proper color in the mass.
169 Kč

The unique Metallic case made of TPU guarantees full phone protection in various situations. The shimmering surface gives the device an elegant character. The case with a metallic finish and a solid, satin color fits into the universal aesthetic, which highlights the style of the device and catches the others' eyes, regardless of tastes. Moreover, this cover helps you take care of the safety of your smartphone and prevent damage when dropping from a height or scratches as a result of frequent use. The TPU material is thick and quite flexible to put conveniently on the phone so that guarantees a high-level protection. The interior part of the case—tiled with microfiber—protects the smartphone against scratches. Its solid edges with cutouts for ports make you sure that the device will remain covered on all sides. Material: TPU (outer part), microfiber (interior)The case has full camera coverage with cutouts for the lens.
169 Kč

Protective back case made of several materials: polyurethane, polycarbonate and TPU. The use of their properties makes the case stand out with its original design, while protecting the smartphone against damage. It works with magnetic car holders. The outer part of the back is covered with two types of matt polyurethane (PU). Such a finish ensures a secure grip and reduces the effect of reflected fingers. Both types of finish are separated by an elegant horizontal stripe. The inside of the case is filled with an interesting honeycomb pattern. It is made of hard PC material (polycarbonate), which provides effective protection of the smartphone. The sides are made of soft TPU material (thermoplastic polyurethane). Its properties are similar to elastic rubber, which makes placing the phone in the case comfortable, and the case perfectly fits the shape of the device. The caseworks with magnetic car holders. The cover has the necessary cutouts for the ports and embossing for buttons that facilitate easy work with the smartphone. Available in several colors.
169 Kč

Protective back case made of several materials: polyurethane, polycarbonate and TPU. The use of their properties makes the case stand out with its original design, while protecting the smartphone against damage. It works with magnetic car holders. The outer part of the back is covered with two types of matt polyurethane (PU). Such a finish ensures a secure grip and reduces the effect of reflected fingers. Both types of finish are separated by an elegant horizontal stripe. The inside of the case is filled with an interesting honeycomb pattern. It is made of hard PC material (polycarbonate), which provides effective protection of the smartphone. The sides are made of soft TPU material (thermoplastic polyurethane). Its properties are similar to elastic rubber, which makes placing the phone in the case comfortable, and the case perfectly fits the shape of the device. The caseworks with magnetic car holders. The cover has the necessary cutouts for the ports and embossing for buttons that facilitate easy work with the smartphone. Available in several colors.
169 Kč

Protective back case made of several materials: polyurethane, polycarbonate and TPU. The use of their properties makes the case stand out with its original design, while protecting the smartphone against damage. It works with magnetic car holders. The outer part of the back is covered with two types of matt polyurethane (PU). Such a finish ensures a secure grip and reduces the effect of reflected fingers. Both types of finish are separated by an elegant horizontal stripe. The inside of the case is filled with an interesting honeycomb pattern. It is made of hard PC material (polycarbonate), which provides effective protection of the smartphone. The sides are made of soft TPU material (thermoplastic polyurethane). Its properties are similar to elastic rubber, which makes placing the phone in the case comfortable, and the case perfectly fits the shape of the device. The caseworks with magnetic car holders. The cover has the necessary cutouts for the ports and embossing for buttons that facilitate easy work with the smartphone. Available in several colors.
169 Kč

The Breezy case is a solution that combines protection, functionality, and stylish design. It has been designed to ensure optimal air circulation, reducing the risk of the phone heating up. Thanks to the perforated pattern and high-quality plastic, the case protects the phone and does not thicken it, maintaining its slimness. It was made of a single casting, guaranteeing the camera island's perfect fit and protection. The perforated, one-piece Breezy case ensures optimal air circulation around the phone. Thanks to this, it prevents the device from heating up even during intensive use. Full protection of the camera island ensures that even these sensitive elements of the phone are properly protected against scratches, dust, or accidental damage. Moreover, it allows you to maintain its original slimness and aesthetics. It was made of high-quality plastic with increased flexibility, which makes it easy to put on the phone and perfectly fit. The material – even before the casting – is dyed the proper color in the mass.
169 Kč

Protective back case made of several materials: polyurethane, polycarbonate and TPU. The use of their properties makes the case stand out with its original design, while protecting the smartphone against damage. It works with magnetic car holders. The outer part of the back is covered with two types of matt polyurethane (PU). Such a finish ensures a secure grip and reduces the effect of reflected fingers. Both types of finish are separated by an elegant horizontal stripe. The inside of the case is filled with an interesting honeycomb pattern. It is made of hard PC material (polycarbonate), which provides effective protection of the smartphone. The sides are made of soft TPU material (thermoplastic polyurethane). Its properties are similar to elastic rubber, which makes placing the phone in the case comfortable, and the case perfectly fits the shape of the device. The caseworks with magnetic car holders. The cover has the necessary cutouts for the ports and embossing for buttons that facilitate easy work with the smartphone. Available in several colors.
169 Kč

Protective back case made of several materials: polyurethane, polycarbonate and TPU. The use of their properties makes the case stand out with its original design, while protecting the smartphone against damage. It works with magnetic car holders. The outer part of the back is covered with two types of matt polyurethane (PU). Such a finish ensures a secure grip and reduces the effect of reflected fingers. Both types of finish are separated by an elegant horizontal stripe. The inside of the case is filled with an interesting honeycomb pattern. It is made of hard PC material (polycarbonate), which provides effective protection of the smartphone. The sides are made of soft TPU material (thermoplastic polyurethane). Its properties are similar to elastic rubber, which makes placing the phone in the case comfortable, and the case perfectly fits the shape of the device. The caseworks with magnetic car holders. The cover has the necessary cutouts for the ports and embossing for buttons that facilitate easy work with the smartphone. Available in several colors.
169 Kč

The Breezy case is a solution that combines protection, functionality, and stylish design. It has been designed to ensure optimal air circulation, reducing the risk of the phone heating up. Thanks to the perforated pattern and high-quality plastic, the case protects the phone and does not thicken it, maintaining its slimness. It was made of a single casting, guaranteeing the camera island's perfect fit and protection. The perforated, one-piece Breezy case ensures optimal air circulation around the phone. Thanks to this, it prevents the device from heating up even during intensive use. Full protection of the camera island ensures that even these sensitive elements of the phone are properly protected against scratches, dust, or accidental damage. Moreover, it allows you to maintain its original slimness and aesthetics. It was made of high-quality plastic with increased flexibility, which makes it easy to put on the phone and perfectly fit. The material – even before the casting – is dyed the proper color in the mass.
169 Kč

The unique Metallic case made of TPU guarantees full phone protection in various situations. The shimmering surface gives the device an elegant character. The case with a metallic finish and a solid, satin color fits into the universal aesthetic, which highlights the style of the device and catches the others' eyes, regardless of tastes. Moreover, this cover helps you take care of the safety of your smartphone and prevent damage when dropping from a height or scratches as a result of frequent use. The TPU material is thick and quite flexible to put conveniently on the phone so that guarantees a high-level protection. The interior part of the case—tiled with microfiber—protects the smartphone against scratches. Its solid edges with cutouts for ports make you sure that the device will remain covered on all sides. Material: TPU (outer part), microfiber (interior)The case has full camera coverage with cutouts for the lens.
169 Kč

The Breezy case is a solution that combines protection, functionality, and stylish design. It has been designed to ensure optimal air circulation, reducing the risk of the phone heating up. Thanks to the perforated pattern and high-quality plastic, the case protects the phone and does not thicken it, maintaining its slimness. It was made of a single casting, guaranteeing the camera island's perfect fit and protection. The perforated, one-piece Breezy case ensures optimal air circulation around the phone. Thanks to this, it prevents the device from heating up even during intensive use. Full protection of the camera island ensures that even these sensitive elements of the phone are properly protected against scratches, dust, or accidental damage. Moreover, it allows you to maintain its original slimness and aesthetics. It was made of high-quality plastic with increased flexibility, which makes it easy to put on the phone and perfectly fit. The material – even before the casting – is dyed the proper color in the mass.
169 Kč

Roar Colorful Jelly Case is a unique case available in a wide range of colours, made of extremely soft touch matte silicone. Thanks to the extended edges provides full protection for your phone, and the screen. Case has a deep, rounded edges- this makes the phone even after falling down the screen is fully protected and the screen is not damaged. Case is made of matt lacquered silicone, extremely pleasant to the touch, which confers its original appearance. It has cutouts on some buttons, including input charger, camera lens and flash. Cases are available in a wide range of colours. Material: Matt TPU
169 Kč

Roar Colorful Jelly Case is a unique case available in a wide range of colours, made of extremely soft touch matte silicone. Thanks to the extended edges provides full protection for your phone, and the screen. Case has a deep, rounded edges- this makes the phone even after falling down the screen is fully protected and the screen is not damaged. Case is made of matt lacquered silicone, extremely pleasant to the touch, which confers its original appearance. It has cutouts on some buttons, including input charger, camera lens and flash. Cases are available in a wide range of colours. Material: Matt TPU
169 Kč

Roar Colorful Jelly Case is a unique case available in a wide range of colours, made of extremely soft touch matte silicone. Thanks to the extended edges provides full protection for your phone, and the screen. Case has a deep, rounded edges- this makes the phone even after falling down the screen is fully protected and the screen is not damaged. Case is made of matt lacquered silicone, extremely pleasant to the touch, which confers its original appearance. It has cutouts on some buttons, including input charger, camera lens and flash. Cases are available in a wide range of colours. Material: Matt TPU
169 Kč

Roar Colorful Jelly Case is a unique case available in a wide range of colours, made of extremely soft touch matte silicone. Thanks to the extended edges provides full protection for your phone, and the screen. Case has a deep, rounded edges- this makes the phone even after falling down the screen is fully protected and the screen is not damaged. Case is made of matt lacquered silicone, extremely pleasant to the touch, which confers its original appearance. It has cutouts on some buttons, including input charger, camera lens and flash. Cases are available in a wide range of colours. Material: Matt TPU
169 Kč

Roar Colorful Jelly Case is a unique case available in a wide range of colours, made of extremely soft touch matte silicone. Thanks to the extended edges provides full protection for your phone, and the screen. Case has a deep, rounded edges- this makes the phone even after falling down the screen is fully protected and the screen is not damaged. Case is made of matt lacquered silicone, extremely pleasant to the touch, which confers its original appearance. It has cutouts on some buttons, including input charger, camera lens and flash. Cases are available in a wide range of colours. Material: Matt TPU
169 Kč

Roar Colorful Jelly Case is a unique case available in a wide range of colours, made of extremely soft touch matte silicone. Thanks to the extended edges provides full protection for your phone, and the screen. Case has a deep, rounded edges- this makes the phone even after falling down the screen is fully protected and the screen is not damaged. Case is made of matt lacquered silicone, extremely pleasant to the touch, which confers its original appearance. It has cutouts on some buttons, including input charger, camera lens and flash. Cases are available in a wide range of colours. Material: Matt TPU
169 Kč

Funkční zadní pouzdro s výsuvným kroužkem. Chrání jemný kryt zařízení před poškrábáním a poškozením. Vybaveno kroužkem, který usnadňuje sledování filmů ve vodorovné poloze. Vhodné pro magnetické držáky. Vyrobeno z příjemného na dotek, silikonového materiálu; usnadňuje montáž a demontáž pouzdra a dokonale tlumí nárazy při pádu zařízení. Integrované kryty tlačítek z pružného materiálu maximalizují komfort práce se smartphonem. Stabilní úchop! Matná textura pouzdra vykazuje protiskluzové vlastnosti, pouzdro tak padne pevně do ruky a snižuje riziko vyklouznutí telefonu z podlahy. Navíc se snadno čistí a časem nevybledne. Výsuvný kroužek na zadní straně zajišťuje bezpečné uchopení zařízení v jakékoli situaci a umožňuje nastavit telefon do vodorovné polohy pro snazší sledování filmů a fotografií. Prsten lze libovolně otáčet, kompatibilní s magnetickými držáky. Baleno v sáčcích Forcell. Materiál: plast
159 Kč

Minimalist, elegant design as the perfect complement to your smartphone. High-quality silicone and inner microfiber liner ensure reliable protection of the device against scratches. The Soft-Touch coating makes the case extremely pleasant to touch and fits perfectly in hand. Matt, rubber construction protects against accidental slipping of the phone and guarantees a secure grip. The case has precise function cutouts for the charger socket and camera. Button covers made from flexible plastic maximize the comfort of use. Forcell Silicone is compatible with wireless chargers, and you do not need to remove the cover while charging.
159 Kč

Minimalist, elegant design as the perfect complement to your smartphone. High-quality silicone and inner microfiber liner ensure reliable protection of the device against scratches. The Soft-Touch coating makes the case extremely pleasant to touch and fits perfectly in hand. Matt, rubber construction protects against accidental slipping of the phone and guarantees a secure grip. The case has precise function cutouts for the charger socket and camera. Button covers made from flexible plastic maximize the comfort of use. Forcell Silicone is compatible with wireless chargers, and you do not need to remove the cover while charging.
159 Kč

Minimalist, elegant design as the perfect complement to your smartphone. High-quality silicone and inner microfiber liner ensure reliable protection of the device against scratches. The Soft-Touch coating makes the case extremely pleasant to touch and fits perfectly in hand. Matt, rubber construction protects against accidental slipping of the phone and guarantees a secure grip. The case has precise function cutouts for the charger socket and camera. Button covers made from flexible plastic maximize the comfort of use. Forcell Silicone is compatible with wireless chargers, and you do not need to remove the cover while charging.
159 Kč

Matte back case with ring. It protects the delicate casing of the device from scratches and damage. Equipped with a special ring that makes it easy to watch movies in a horizontal position. Compatible with magnetic car holders. Made of one casting, it has an inner lining. Made of the highest quality TPU; the flexible material facilitates the assembly / disassembly of the case and absorbs shocks during a fall. Integrated button covers made of flexible material maximize the comfort of working with the smartphone. Matte texture shows anti-slip properties, so the case lies securely in the hand and reduces the risk of the phone slipping out of the hand. Moreover, it is easy to clean; just a little water is enough to remove any debris. Retractable ring on the back ensures a secure grip of the device in any situation and allows you to set the phone in a horizontal position, which makes it easier to watch movies and photos. The ring can be rotated 360 degrees, compatible with magnetic holders. Material: TPU
159 Kč

Matte back case with ring. It protects the delicate casing of the device from scratches and damage. Equipped with a special ring that makes it easy to watch movies in a horizontal position. Compatible with magnetic car holders. Made of one casting, it has an inner lining. Made of the highest quality TPU; the flexible material facilitates the assembly / disassembly of the case and absorbs shocks during a fall. Integrated button covers made of flexible material maximize the comfort of working with the smartphone. Matte texture shows anti-slip properties, so the case lies securely in the hand and reduces the risk of the phone slipping out of the hand. Moreover, it is easy to clean; just a little water is enough to remove any debris. Retractable ring on the back ensures a secure grip of the device in any situation and allows you to set the phone in a horizontal position, which makes it easier to watch movies and photos. The ring can be rotated 360 degrees, compatible with magnetic holders. Material: TPU
159 Kč

Matte back case with ring. It protects the delicate casing of the device from scratches and damage. Equipped with a special ring that makes it easy to watch movies in a horizontal position. Compatible with magnetic car holders. Made of one casting, it has an inner lining. Made of the highest quality TPU; the flexible material facilitates the assembly / disassembly of the case and absorbs shocks during a fall. Integrated button covers made of flexible material maximize the comfort of working with the smartphone. Matte texture shows anti-slip properties, so the case lies securely in the hand and reduces the risk of the phone slipping out of the hand. Moreover, it is easy to clean; just a little water is enough to remove any debris. Retractable ring on the back ensures a secure grip of the device in any situation and allows you to set the phone in a horizontal position, which makes it easier to watch movies and photos. The ring can be rotated 360 degrees, compatible with magnetic holders. Material: TPU
159 Kč

Matte back case with ring. It protects the delicate casing of the device from scratches and damage. Equipped with a special ring that makes it easy to watch movies in a horizontal position. Compatible with magnetic car holders. Made of one casting, it has an inner lining. Made of the highest quality TPU; the flexible material facilitates the assembly / disassembly of the case and absorbs shocks during a fall. Integrated button covers made of flexible material maximize the comfort of working with the smartphone. Matte texture shows anti-slip properties, so the case lies securely in the hand and reduces the risk of the phone slipping out of the hand. Moreover, it is easy to clean; just a little water is enough to remove any debris. Retractable ring on the back ensures a secure grip of the device in any situation and allows you to set the phone in a horizontal position, which makes it easier to watch movies and photos. The ring can be rotated 360 degrees, compatible with magnetic holders. Material: TPU
159 Kč

Functional back case with a retractable ring. It protects the delicate casing of the device from scratches and damage. Equipped with a ring that makes it easy to watch movies in a horizontal position. Suitable for magnetic holders. Made of pleasant to the touch, silicone material; facilitates assembly and disassembly of the case and perfectly absorbs shocks when the device falls. Integrated button covers made of flexible material maximize the comfort of working with the smartphone. Stable grip! The matte texture of the case shows anti-slip properties, so the case lies firmly in your hand and reduces the risk of the phone slipping out on the floor. What’s more, it is easy to clean and does not fade over time. Retractable ring on the back ensures a secure grip of the device in any situation and allows you to set the phone in a horizontal position to make it easier to watch movies and photos. The ring can be freely rotated, compatible with magnetic holders. Specification:Material: plastic
159 Kč

The Candy Case combines aesthetics with practicality, offering not only functionality but also an attractive design. Made of flexible, pleasant-to-touch material, Candy Case ensures perfect fit to the phone, protection, and comfort during use. The soft lining protects the device against scratches and abrasions from the inside, and the raised edge around the camera island provides additional protection for the lens. Pastel colors give a unique style and allow you to personalize the device while maintaining a professional look.
155 Kč

The Candy Case combines aesthetics with practicality, offering not only functionality but also an attractive design. Made of flexible, pleasant-to-touch material, Candy Case ensures perfect fit to the phone, protection, and comfort during use. The soft lining protects the device against scratches and abrasions from the inside, and the raised edge around the camera island provides additional protection for the lens. Pastel colors give a unique style and allow you to personalize the device while maintaining a professional look.
155 Kč

Forcell Soft is a classic case made of soft silicone. Fits the phone well and slightly rounded phone edges protect them from damage. The case is very pleasant to touch and has a delicate matte texture, thanks to which it is an elegant finish of the phone. It has functional cutouts on the charger socket, the camera or speakers and built-in overlays for buttons.
150 Kč

Forcell Soft is a classic case made of soft silicone. Fits the phone well and slightly rounded phone edges protect them from damage. The case is very pleasant to touch and has a delicate matte texture, thanks to which it is an elegant finish of the phone. It has functional cutouts on the charger socket, the camera or speakers and built-in overlays for buttons.
150 Kč

Forcell Soft is a classic case made of soft silicone. Fits the phone well and slightly rounded phone edges protect them from damage. The case is very pleasant to touch and has a delicate matte texture, thanks to which it is an elegant finish of the phone. It has functional cutouts on the charger socket, the camera or speakers and built-in overlays for buttons.
150 Kč

Forcell Soft is a classic case made of soft silicone. Fits the phone well and slightly rounded phone edges protect them from damage. The case is very pleasant to touch and has a delicate matte texture, thanks to which it is an elegant finish of the phone. It has functional cutouts on the charger socket, the camera or speakers and built-in overlays for buttons.
150 Kč

Forcell Soft is a classic case made of soft silicone. Fits the phone well and slightly rounded phone edges protect them from damage. The case is very pleasant to touch and has a delicate matte texture, thanks to which it is an elegant finish of the phone. It has functional cutouts on the charger socket, the camera or speakers and built-in overlays for buttons.
150 Kč

Forcell Soft is a classic case made of soft silicone. Fits the phone well and slightly rounded phone edges protect them from damage. The case is very pleasant to touch and has a delicate matte texture, thanks to which it is an elegant finish of the phone. It has functional cutouts on the charger socket, the camera or speakers and built-in overlays for buttons.
150 Kč

Forcell Soft is a classic case made of soft silicone. Fits the phone well and slightly rounded phone edges protect them from damage. The case is very pleasant to touch and has a delicate matte texture, thanks to which it is an elegant finish of the phone. It has functional cutouts on the charger socket, the camera or speakers and built-in overlays for buttons.
150 Kč

Forcell Soft is a classic case made of soft silicone. Fits the phone well and slightly rounded phone edges protect them from damage. The case is very pleasant to touch and has a delicate matte texture, thanks to which it is an elegant finish of the phone. It has functional cutouts on the charger socket, the camera or speakers and built-in overlays for buttons.
150 Kč

Forcell Soft is a classic case made of soft silicone. Fits the phone well and slightly rounded phone edges protect them from damage. The case is very pleasant to touch and has a delicate matte texture, thanks to which it is an elegant finish of the phone. It has functional cutouts on the charger socket, the camera or speakers and built-in overlays for buttons.
150 Kč

Forcell Soft is a classic case made of soft silicone. Fits the phone well and slightly rounded phone edges protect them from damage. The case is very pleasant to touch and has a delicate matte texture, thanks to which it is an elegant finish of the phone. It has functional cutouts on the charger socket, the camera or speakers and built-in overlays for buttons.
150 Kč

Forcell Soft is a classic case made of soft silicone. Fits the phone well and slightly rounded phone edges protect them from damage. The case is very pleasant to touch and has a delicate matte texture, thanks to which it is an elegant finish of the phone. It has functional cutouts on the charger socket, the camera or speakers and built-in overlays for buttons.
150 Kč

Forcell Soft is a classic case made of soft silicone. Fits the phone well and slightly rounded phone edges protect them from damage. The case is very pleasant to touch and has a delicate matte texture, thanks to which it is an elegant finish of the phone. It has functional cutouts on the charger socket, the camera or speakers and built-in overlays for buttons.
150 Kč