
Designová lampa s nastavitelným ramenem. Materiály - masivní dubové dřevo a kov. Robustní kovový podstavec. Nastavitelné rameno upravíte pomocí kovových spojů. Používejte s žárovkou typu E27 MAX 40W. Nikdy nepoužívat s žárovkou s vyšším výkonem než 40W. Hrozí poškození lampy. Lze použít i LED žárovky s výkonem MAX 7W, které odpovídají klasické 40W žárovce. Width: 15,5cm Height: 52cm Voltage: 230V Power: 40W
1 299 Kč

Detailní popis produktu Typ: vnitřníVhodné do: dětský pokoj; pracovnaMateriál: plastBarva: bíláVlastnosti: stmíváníVýkon ve wattech (W): 15Zdroj světla: LED integrovanéBarva/teplota světla: neutrální bíláBarevná teplota (K): 5500Typ napájení: do sítěProvedení výrobku: bílá barvaLampa má 3 stupně jasu – požadovanou úroveň nastavíte stisknutím tlačítka: nejnižší jas – střední jas – nejjasnější – vypnuto.Po připojení lampy do síťě se rozsvítí červený indikátor (režim nabíjení). Zelený indikátor se rozsvítí, když je lampa plně nabitá. Po rozsvícení lampy červený nebo zelený indikátor zhasne.Lampa může dosáhnout maximálního jasu i po odpojení od napájení.Způsob použití:Lampu lze používat se základnou i samostatně jako baterku.Parametry produktu:Napětí: 5V/1ATeplota barev: 4500-5500KVýkon: 4WRozměry výrobku:Hmotnost (kg): 0.493Výška (cm): 36.50Šířka (cm): 12.90Hloubka (cm): 12.90Rozměry balení:Výška (cm): 35.00Šířka (cm): 13.70Hloubka (cm): 13.70EAN: 8591194112317Záruční doba: 24 měsíců
1 050 Kč

barva světla: studená bílá (7500K) – denní bílá (4500K) – teplá bílá (2900K)regulace intenzity světla – 10 stupňů intenzitylze použít s powerbankami od 5000mAh, všechny funkce podporují powerbanky od 10000mAhpři natažení na větší vzdálenost je nutno upevnit světlo svorkou na stůlkovová svorkadíky USB napájení lze světlo používat prakticky všude
838 Kč

barva světla: studená bílá (7500K) – denní bílá (4500K) – teplá bílá (2900K)regulace intenzity světla – 10 stupňů intenzitylze použít s powerbankami od 5000mAh, všechny funkce podporují powerbanky od 10000mAhdíky USB napájení lze světlo používat prakticky všudepři natažení na větší vzdálenost je nutno upevnit světlo svorkou na stůlkovová svorka
838 Kč

POPIS Lampička pro děti Winner Group Myška s budíkem Krásná lampička ve tvaru myšky jistě potěší každé dítě, kterému do pokojíku přinese nejen nastavitelný zdroj světla, ale také líbivý doplněk a navíc i budík. Vaše dítě si tak bezesporu oblíbí pěkný design, možnost usínat se světlem a myšce hravě odpustí ranní buzení. Krásná lampička Nejdůležitějším účelem všech lampiček je bezesporu svícení. Myška však nezůstává u jednoduchého rozsvíceno/zhasnuto, ale dává vám možnost si vybrat ze dvou barev – teplá bílá a studená bílá a těm ještě navíc upravit intenzitu. Můžete tak nastavit slabší teplé bíle světlo pro snadnější usínání dítěte nebo studené bílé pro brzké vstávání v zimě. Praktický budík Kromě svícení bude neméně podstatnou dovedností vaší myšky i ukazování aktuálního času a buzení. Na velkém přehledném displeji se snadno dozvíte vy anebo vaše dítě, kolik je právě hodin, takže nezmeškáte například společné sledování televize. Pro ranní vstávání třeba do školy pak dítěti nastavíte alarm, který bude moci jednou odložit. Perfektní konstrukce U každého výrobku pro děti je jednou z nejdůležitějších vlastností i kvalitní konstrukce. Ta musí něco vydržet a zároveň nesmí být nikterak škodlivá. O to se zde stará například netoxický materiál silikon, z něhož jsou vyrobena ouška myšky, která by se mohla stát lákavými pro některé nenechavé zoubky. Snadné ovládání Lampička je určena pro děti a tomu odpovídá i ovládání. I když se předpokládá, že nastavení hodin či budíku obstarají rodiče, zapnout si světlo či upravit jeho intenzitu jistě zvládne i vaše dítko. K nastavení slouží čtveřice tlačítek umístěna po obvodu displeje, kde lze upravit čas, budík, světlo či nastavit stopy. Hodiny, čas buzení a intenzitu světla pak upravíte pootočením ocásku na zádech myšky. Dlouhá výdrž Lampička je vybavena dobíjecí baterií, aby mohla po většinu času poskytnout praktický bezdrátový provoz. Díky tomu máte například naprostou svobodu v tom, kam myšku umístíte. Zde vám vydrží opravdu dlouho bez nutnosti ji opětovně dobít. A ani poté nestráví připojená na kabelu příliš dlouho, protože dobíjení přes moderní konektor USB-C je opravdu rychlé. Kabel je navíc součástí balení, takže nemusíte k lampičce už nic dokupovat. lampička vám dává možnost volit ze dvou barev světla – teplé bíle a studené bílé zároveň vám dává možnost upravit jeho intenzitu například, pokud chce dítě usínat za světla na velké displeji se přehledně ukazuje aktuální čas, takže je vidět, kdy je načase jít do postele na každý den snadno nastavíte i budík, aby vaše ratolest nezaspala třeba do školy kvalitní konstrukce je pevná a zároveň netoxická, díky čemuž nemusíte mít obavu z ublížení k pohodlnému ovládání poslouží čtveřice tlačítek na okraji displeje a také otočný ocásek bezdrátový provoz slibuje bezdrátová baterie s dlouhou výdrží a rychlým nabíjením
822 Kč

A night lamp is an elegant and stylish addition to any interior, which combines the functionality of lighting with an extraordinary artistic form. It was made with attention to the smallest details, which makes it not only a source of light, but also a unique decorative element. The gold-colored lamp is available in various variants, allowing you to adjust its appearance to your personal preferences and space needs. You can choose between standing, sitting in various poses and climbing figures, which allows you to create a unique arrangement. The practical use of the lamp is also emphasized by the use of a touch switch and the possibility of charging via USB, which adds modernity and comfort of use. The material from which the lamp is made is resin, which ensures its durability and strength. The lamp emits light in three colors with the possibility of smooth brightness adjustment, and the color temperature range is from 2700 to 6500K (color: warm / cold / natural), which allows you to adjust the lighting to the current mood and activity. All variants of this lamp are available: here. Specification: Lighting type: LED Color temperature: 2700-6500K Light effect: three colors with infinite adjustment: warm, cold, natural Color: gold Material: resin Dimensions: 9-15 x 16-17 cm (depending on the pattern) Control: touch switch Charging: USB Input voltage: 5V
520 Kč

A night lamp is an elegant and stylish addition to any interior, which combines the functionality of lighting with an extraordinary artistic form. It was made with attention to the smallest details, which makes it not only a source of light, but also a unique decorative element. The gold-colored lamp is available in various variants, allowing you to adjust its appearance to your personal preferences and space needs. You can choose between standing, sitting in various poses and climbing figures, which allows you to create a unique arrangement. The practical use of the lamp is also emphasized by the use of a touch switch and the possibility of charging via USB, which adds modernity and comfort of use. The material from which the lamp is made is resin, which ensures its durability and strength. The lamp emits light in three colors with the possibility of smooth brightness adjustment, and the color temperature range is from 2700 to 6500K (color: warm / cold / natural), which allows you to adjust the lighting to the current mood and activity. All variants of this lamp are available: here. Specification: Lighting type: LED Color temperature: 2700-6500K Light effect: three colors with infinite adjustment: warm, cold, natural Color: gold Material: resin Dimensions: 9-15 x 16-17 cm (depending on the pattern) Control: touch switch Charging: USB Input voltage: 5V
520 Kč

A night lamp is an elegant and stylish addition to any interior, which combines the functionality of lighting with an extraordinary artistic form. It was made with attention to the smallest details, which makes it not only a source of light, but also a unique decorative element. The gold-colored lamp is available in various variants, allowing you to adjust its appearance to your personal preferences and space needs. You can choose between standing, sitting in various poses and climbing figures, which allows you to create a unique arrangement. The practical use of the lamp is also emphasized by the use of a touch switch and the possibility of charging via USB, which adds modernity and comfort of use. The material from which the lamp is made is resin, which ensures its durability and strength. The lamp emits light in three colors with the possibility of smooth brightness adjustment, and the color temperature range is from 2700 to 6500K (color: warm / cold / natural), which allows you to adjust the lighting to the current mood and activity. All variants of this lamp are available: here. Specification: Lighting type: LED Color temperature: 2700-6500K Light effect: three colors with infinite adjustment: warm, cold, natural Color: gold Material: resin Dimensions: 9-15 x 16-17 cm (depending on the pattern) Control: touch switch Charging: USB Input voltage: 5V
520 Kč

A night lamp is an elegant and stylish addition to any interior, which combines the functionality of lighting with an extraordinary artistic form. It was made with attention to the smallest details, which makes it not only a source of light, but also a unique decorative element. The gold-colored lamp is available in various variants, allowing you to adjust its appearance to your personal preferences and space needs. You can choose between standing, sitting in various poses and climbing figures, which allows you to create a unique arrangement. The practical use of the lamp is also emphasized by the use of a touch switch and the possibility of charging via USB, which adds modernity and comfort of use. The material from which the lamp is made is resin, which ensures its durability and strength. The lamp emits light in three colors with the possibility of smooth brightness adjustment, and the color temperature range is from 2700 to 6500K (color: warm / cold / natural), which allows you to adjust the lighting to the current mood and activity. All variants of this lamp are available: here. Specification: Lighting type: LED Color temperature: 2700-6500K Light effect: three colors with infinite adjustment: warm, cold, natural Color: gold Material: resin Dimensions: 9-15 x 16-17 cm (depending on the pattern) Control: touch switch Charging: USB Input voltage: 5V
520 Kč

A night lamp is an elegant and stylish addition to any interior, which combines the functionality of lighting with an extraordinary artistic form. It was made with attention to the smallest details, which makes it not only a source of light, but also a unique decorative element. The gold-colored lamp is available in various variants, allowing you to adjust its appearance to your personal preferences and space needs. You can choose between standing, sitting in various poses and climbing figures, which allows you to create a unique arrangement. The practical use of the lamp is also emphasized by the use of a touch switch and the possibility of charging via USB, which adds modernity and comfort of use. The material from which the lamp is made is resin, which ensures its durability and strength. The lamp emits light in three colors with the possibility of smooth brightness adjustment, and the color temperature range is from 2700 to 6500K (color: warm / cold / natural), which allows you to adjust the lighting to the current mood and activity. All variants of this lamp are available: here. Specification: Lighting type: LED Color temperature: 2700-6500K Light effect: three colors with infinite adjustment: warm, cold, natural Color: gold Material: resin Dimensions: 9-15 x 16-17 cm (depending on the pattern) Control: touch switch Charging: USB Input voltage: 5V
520 Kč

A night lamp is an elegant and stylish addition to any interior, which combines the functionality of lighting with an extraordinary artistic form. It was made with attention to the smallest details, which makes it not only a source of light, but also a unique decorative element. The gold-colored lamp is available in various variants, allowing you to adjust its appearance to your personal preferences and space needs. You can choose between standing, sitting in various poses and climbing figures, which allows you to create a unique arrangement. The practical use of the lamp is also emphasized by the use of a touch switch and the possibility of charging via USB, which adds modernity and comfort of use. The material from which the lamp is made is resin, which ensures its durability and strength. The lamp emits light in three colors with the possibility of smooth brightness adjustment, and the color temperature range is from 2700 to 6500K (color: warm / cold / natural), which allows you to adjust the lighting to the current mood and activity. All variants of this lamp are available: here. Specification: Lighting type: LED Color temperature: 2700-6500K Light effect: three colors with infinite adjustment: warm, cold, natural Color: gold Material: resin Dimensions: 9-15 x 16-17 cm (depending on the pattern) Control: touch switch Charging: USB Input voltage: 5V
520 Kč

A night lamp is an elegant and stylish addition to any interior, which combines the functionality of lighting with an extraordinary artistic form. It was made with attention to the smallest details, which makes it not only a source of light, but also a unique decorative element. The gold-colored lamp is available in various variants, allowing you to adjust its appearance to your personal preferences and space needs. You can choose between standing, sitting in various poses and climbing figures, which allows you to create a unique arrangement. The practical use of the lamp is also emphasized by the use of a touch switch and the possibility of charging via USB, which adds modernity and comfort of use. The material from which the lamp is made is resin, which ensures its durability and strength. The lamp emits light in three colors with the possibility of smooth brightness adjustment, and the color temperature range is from 2700 to 6500K (color: warm / cold / natural), which allows you to adjust the lighting to the current mood and activity. All variants of this lamp are available: here. Specification: Lighting type: LED Color temperature: 2700-6500K Light effect: three colors with infinite adjustment: warm, cold, natural Color: gold Material: resin Dimensions: 9-15 x 16-17 cm (depending on the pattern) Control: touch switch Charging: USB Input voltage: 5V
520 Kč

A night lamp is an elegant and stylish addition to any interior, which combines the functionality of lighting with an extraordinary artistic form. It was made with attention to the smallest details, which makes it not only a source of light, but also a unique decorative element. The gold-colored lamp is available in various variants, allowing you to adjust its appearance to your personal preferences and space needs. You can choose between standing, sitting in various poses and climbing figures, which allows you to create a unique arrangement. The practical use of the lamp is also emphasized by the use of a touch switch and the possibility of charging via USB, which adds modernity and comfort of use. The material from which the lamp is made is resin, which ensures its durability and strength. The lamp emits light in three colors with the possibility of smooth brightness adjustment, and the color temperature range is from 2700 to 6500K (color: warm / cold / natural), which allows you to adjust the lighting to the current mood and activity. All variants of this lamp are available: here. Specification: Lighting type: LED Color temperature: 2700-6500K Light effect: three colors with infinite adjustment: warm, cold, natural Color: gold Material: resin Dimensions: 9-15 x 16-17 cm (depending on the pattern) Control: touch switch Charging: USB Input voltage: 5V
499 Kč

A night lamp is an elegant and stylish addition to any interior, which combines the functionality of lighting with an extraordinary artistic form. It was made with attention to the smallest details, which makes it not only a source of light, but also a unique decorative element. The gold-colored lamp is available in various variants, allowing you to adjust its appearance to your personal preferences and space needs. You can choose between standing, sitting in various poses and climbing figures, which allows you to create a unique arrangement. The practical use of the lamp is also emphasized by the use of a touch switch and the possibility of charging via USB, which adds modernity and comfort of use. The material from which the lamp is made is resin, which ensures its durability and strength. The lamp emits light in three colors with the possibility of smooth brightness adjustment, and the color temperature range is from 2700 to 6500K (color: warm / cold / natural), which allows you to adjust the lighting to the current mood and activity. All variants of this lamp are available: here. Specification: Lighting type: LED Color temperature: 2700-6500K Light effect: three colors with infinite adjustment: warm, cold, natural Color: gold Material: resin Dimensions: 9-15 x 16-17 cm (depending on the pattern) Control: touch switch Charging: USB Input voltage: 5V
499 Kč

A bedside lamp with feathers is an extraordinary addition that will add an element of luxury and warm, soft light to every bedroom. It not only offers functionality, but is also a beautiful decorative element that will attract attention with its unique appearance. The body of the lamp is made of delicate feathers, metal and wood, which creates a unique composition of natural and durable materials. The 3500K light color provides soft, warm white lighting, perfect for creating a cozy atmosphere conducive to relaxation before bed. The lamp is designed to operate in a wide input voltage range from 110V to 240V, making it suitable for use in various parts of the world. High light efficiency of 110 lm/w and a high color rendering index (Ra) of 90 guarantee excellent light quality that faithfully reproduces colors. The dimensions of the lamp make it large enough to be a central decorative point, yet compact enough to fit on most bedside tables. Specification: Material: ball + metal + wood Color temperature (CCT): 3500K (soft, warm white light) Input voltage: 110-240V Light efficiency: 110 lm/w Color rendering index (Ra): 90 Power supply: mains Dimensions: 43 x 30 cm Light bulb included: yes, LED
499 Kč

A bedside lamp with feathers is an extraordinary addition that will add an element of luxury and warm, soft light to every bedroom. It not only offers functionality, but is also a beautiful decorative element that will attract attention with its unique appearance. The body of the lamp is made of delicate feathers, metal and wood, which creates a unique composition of natural and durable materials. The 3500K light color provides soft, warm white lighting, perfect for creating a cozy atmosphere conducive to relaxation before bed. The lamp is designed to operate in a wide input voltage range from 110V to 240V, making it suitable for use in various parts of the world. High light efficiency of 110 lm/w and a high color rendering index (Ra) of 90 guarantee excellent light quality that faithfully reproduces colors. The dimensions of the lamp make it large enough to be a central decorative point, yet compact enough to fit on most bedside tables. Specification: Material: ball + metal + wood Color temperature (CCT): 3500K (soft, warm white light) Input voltage: 110-240V Light efficiency: 110 lm/w Color rendering index (Ra): 90 Power supply: mains Dimensions: 43 x 30 cm Light bulb included: yes, LED
499 Kč

The mushroom-shaped night lamp is a charming and practical decoration that will bring warmth and a cozy atmosphere to any interior. Made of solid wood, available in two colors. natural wood and walnut, is a unique decorative element and at the same time serves as functional lighting. Offered in two sizes, small and large, allows you to adjust it to the needs and size of the room. The compact dimensions of the lamp make it fit perfectly on a bedside table, chest of drawers or desk, without taking up much space. Powered by a DC charging port and equipped with a built-in 1800mAh battery, the lamp ensures long-lasting, wireless use, which increases its mobility and makes it easier to place in different parts of the house. The functionality of the lamp is distinguished by the ability to change the colors of the light, which allows you to create the right atmosphere for reading, resting or relaxing before bed. Pleasant to the eye, soft light creates a calm atmosphere, conducive to well-being and peaceful sleep. Specification: Function: light changing to three colors Colors: natural wood / walnut (depending on the variant) Power: 3 W Power: DC charging port Built-in battery: 1800 mAh Material: solid wood Dimensions: 15 x ⌀ 10 cm
399 Kč

The mushroom-shaped night lamp is a charming and practical decoration that will bring warmth and a cozy atmosphere to any interior. Made of solid wood, available in two colors. natural wood and walnut, is a unique decorative element and at the same time serves as functional lighting. Offered in two sizes, small and large, allows you to adjust it to the needs and size of the room. The compact dimensions of the lamp make it fit perfectly on a bedside table, chest of drawers or desk, without taking up much space. Powered by a DC charging port and equipped with a built-in 1800mAh battery, the lamp ensures long-lasting, wireless use, which increases its mobility and makes it easier to place in different parts of the house. The functionality of the lamp is distinguished by the ability to change the colors of the light, which allows you to create the right atmosphere for reading, resting or relaxing before bed. Pleasant to the eye, soft light creates a calm atmosphere, conducive to well-being and peaceful sleep. Specification: Function: light changing to three colors Colors: natural wood / walnut (depending on the variant) Power: 3 W Power: DC charging port Built-in battery: 1800 mAh Material: solid wood Dimensions: 15 x ⌀ 10 cm
399 Kč

A night lamp is an elegant and atmospheric addition to your home interior, which will diversify the atmosphere of any room in a unique way. Its unique design is inspired by Middle Eastern themes and refers to the magic of the EID holiday. The lamp is available in several variants. Each of these forms has its own character and can introduce various aesthetics to the space. Additionally, the ability to choose between colorful and warm light allows you to adapt the lamp to the user's individual needs and create the desired atmosphere. The base of the lamp is made of metal, which ensures the stability and durability of the product. Low voltage, at 36V, guarantees safety in use and makes the lamp an ideal solution for the bedroom, living room or child's room. Specification: Light colors: colorful / warm Material: base: metal, lampshade: glass / rattan / plastic (depending on the variant) Voltage: ≤36V
233 Kč

A night lamp is an elegant and atmospheric addition to your home interior, which will diversify the atmosphere of any room in a unique way. Its unique design is inspired by Middle Eastern themes and refers to the magic of the EID holiday. The lamp is available in several variants. Each of these forms has its own character and can introduce various aesthetics to the space. Additionally, the ability to choose between colorful and warm light allows you to adapt the lamp to the user's individual needs and create the desired atmosphere. The base of the lamp is made of metal, which ensures the stability and durability of the product. Low voltage, at 36V, guarantees safety in use and makes the lamp an ideal solution for the bedroom, living room or child's room. Specification: Light colors: colorful / warm Material: base: metal, lampshade: glass / rattan / plastic (depending on the variant) Voltage: ≤36V
233 Kč