Držáky na mobily

Motorbike holder with baffle. Fastened with a zipper. It ensures the safety of using the smartphone while riding a motorcycle or scooter. Mounted to the motorcycle frame. The product is compatible with 4.8-5.5″ mobile devices. Waterproof – allows you to use your smartphone in difficult conditions, protecting the device from moisture and flooding. Fastened with a zipper facilitates quick installation of the device in the holder. Damage resistant material reduces the risk of damage and scratches. Equipped with a baffle to protect against the sun for good visibility of the smartphone screen. Available in three sizes: 4.8-5.5″, 5.5-6.3″, 6.4-8.0″. Specification:Material: aluminum + iron + rubber + ABS + PVC + EVACompatibility: with 4.8-5.5″ mobile devices
199 Kč

Motorbike holder with baffle. Fastened with a zipper. It ensures the safety of using the smartphone while riding a motorcycle or scooter. Mounted to the motorcycle frame. The product is compatible with 5.5-6.3″ mobile devices. Waterproof – allows you to use your smartphone in difficult conditions, protecting the device from moisture and flooding. Fastened with a zipper facilitates quick installation of the device in the holder. Damage resistant material reduces the risk of damage and scratches. Equipped with a baffle to protect against the sun for good visibility of the smartphone screen. Available in three sizes: 4.8-5.5″, 5.5-6.3″, 6.4-8.0″. Specification:Material: aluminum + iron + rubber + ABS + PVC + EVACompatibility: with 5.5-6.3″ mobile devices
199 Kč

Podložka s držákem na telefon, vybavená nabíjecím USB kabelem s konektorem pro iPhone 5 a vyšší a zároveň s konektorem microUSB pro telefony Samsung, HTC, Huawei, Lenovo a dalších. Unikátní systém „magnetic quick connection“ umožňuje rychlé sejmutí telefonu z nabíječky. Když potřebujete vzít telefon do ruky, netáhnete za sebou celý kabel, protože magnetická spojka se lehce sama odpojí. Díky celé řadě otvorů je možné opěrky pro telefon umístit do prakticky libovolné pozice a tím uchytit váš mobilní telefon. Podložku lze použít jak ve voze, tak i v domácnosti, nebo v kanceláři. Technická data rozměry podložky 17,5 x 12,5 cm délka kabelu 1 m opěrky telefonu 2 ks, volitelné umístění barva černá vhodné pro telefony o tloušťce max. 10 mm délka napájecího kabelu 100 cm
262 Kč