Bytové doplňky

Retlux RXL 201 50002841
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RETLUX RXL 201 Vánoční řetěz 50LED, Celková délka kabelu: 10 m, Pro vnitřní i venkovní použití, studená bílá

199 Kč

Retlux RXL 206 50002846
skladem eshop

RETLUX RXL 206 Vánoční řetěz 100LED, Celková délka kabelu: 15 m, Pro vnitřní i venkovní použití, multicolour

199 Kč

Tescoma Zdravá dóza do ledničky PURITY, na parmazán   891838.00
skladem eshop

Vyrobeno ze špičkového plastového materiálu určeného pro zdravotnictví a farmacii, vynikající pro snadné servírování a hygienické uložení strouhaného parmazánu v ledničce.

199 Kč

Tescoma Šlehací metla PRESTO   420390.00
skladem eshop

Kuchyňská šlehací metla, bez které si vaše kulinářské snažení později už ani nedovedete představit.

179 Kč

Tescoma Obracečka na omelety GrandCHEF+   428304.00
skladem eshop

Vyrobeno z prvotřídní nerezavějící oceli a žáruvzdorného nylonu (210 °C). Vhodné pro všechny druhy nádobí, vynikající pro nádobí s antiadhézním povlakem, jehož povrch nepoškodí. Vhodné do myčky. 3 roky záruka.

179 Kč

Tescoma Škrabka na sklokeramické desky PRESTO   420940.00
skladem eshop

Snadno odstraní připálené nečistoty z povrchu sklokeramických a indukčních varných desek, hladkých skleněných a porcelánových ploch apod. Dodáváno s náhradní čepelí, vyrobeno z prvotřídní nerezavějící oceli a odolného plastu. 3 roky záruka.

179 Kč

Tescoma Odšťavňovač na citrusové plody PRESTO   420621.00
skladem eshop

Vynikající pro snadné odšťavňování citronů, limetek a menších pomerančů přímo v dlani. Uchopte půlku citrusového plodu a krouživým pohybem odšťavňovače nad připravenou nádobou odšťavňěte.

169 Kč

Tescoma Nůž filetovací SONIC, 18 cm   862038.00
skladem eshop

Pružná čepel z kvalitní nerezavějící oceli, ergonomická rukojeť z odolného plastu. Po použití omyjte a osušte, ukládejte mimo dosah dětí. Vhodné do myčky.

159 Kč

Tescoma Obracečka do woku GrandCHEF   428279.00
skladem eshop

Pokud si rádi připravujete smažená vajíčka nebo třeba voňavé palačinky na víkendovou snídani, určitě vám přijde vhod šikovná obracečka. Obracečka je 33 cm dlouhá a na rukojeti má očko, díky němuž ji můžete zavěsit mezi ostatní kuchyňské náčiní.

159 Kč

Tescoma Cedicí naběračka SPACE LINE   638011.00
skladem eshop

Nářadí pro nabírání pokrmů u dna i v rozích nádobí. Má speciálně tvarovanou pracovní část a snadno s ní naberete kousky masa, zeleniny či těstovin z polévek a omáček i u dna hrnců a zároveň je scedíte.

149 Kč

 Tescoma Cukřenka dávkovací CLASSIC, 250 ml   654046.00
skladem eshop

Skleněná dávkovací cukřenka v moderním tvaru s nerezovým víčkem (nerez 18/0). Ideální na moučkový cukr nebo kakao při servírování sladkých dezertů nebo vašich oblíbených kávových nápojů.

149 Kč

Tescoma Škrabka s podélnou čepelí GrandCHEF   428232.00
skladem eshop

Nezbytným pomocníkem při škrabání brambor, mrkve, okurku a další zeleniny či ovoce je praktická kovová škrabka.

139 Kč

Tescoma Naběračka na špagety PRESTO   420310.00
skladem eshop

Vyrobeno z prvotřídní nerezavějící oceli a odolného plastu. Vhodné do myčky. 3 roky záruka.

139 Kč

Tescoma Sítko celonerezové PRESTO, 6 cm   420611.00
skladem eshop

Vynikající pro cezení nápojů a pokrmů. Vyrobeno z prvotřídní nerezavějící oceli. Vhodné do myčky. 3 roky záruka.

139 Kč

 Tescoma Cukřenka DELÍCIA 200 ml   630330.00
skladem eshop

Cukřenka s transparentním víčkem proti zvlhnutí náplně. Vyrobeno z odolného plastu, sítko z prvotřídní nerezavějící oceli. Cukřenku lze snadno rozložit a dokonale vyčistit.

139 Kč

Tescoma Šlehací metla malá PRESTO   420389.00
skladem eshop

Kuchyňská šlehací metla, bez které si vaše kulinářské snažení později už ani nedovedete představit.

129 Kč

 Tescoma  Oboustranná vykrajovátka květy DELÍCIA, 6 velikostí   630861.00
skladem eshop

Pozvedněte pečení na vyšší úroveň. S vykrajovátky od české značky Tescoma vyrobíte ty nejlepší perníčky nebo linecké cukroví! V balení na vás čekají vykrajovátka 6 různých velikostí ve tvaru květiny.

129 Kč

Tescoma Sítko kónické GrandCHEF, 12 cm   428380.00
skladem eshop

Vyrobeno z prvotřídní nerezavějící oceli, vhodné do myčky. 3 roky záruka.

119 Kč

Tescoma  Vykrajovátka kulatá DELÍCIA, 6 ks   631360.00
skladem eshop

Oblíbené linecké cukroví slepované marmeládou, oříškovým i karamelovým krémem nebo čokoládovou polevou jednoduše vykrojíte s pomocí sady vykrajovaček klasického kulatého tvaru.

119 Kč

 Tescoma  Vykrajovátka na kroužku DELÍCIA, 6 ks   631380.00
skladem eshop

Oblíbené linecké cukroví slepované marmeládou, oříškovým i karamelovým krémem nebo čokoládovou polevou jednoduše vykrojíte s pomocí sady vykrajovaček nejoblíbenějších tvarů.

119 Kč

Retlux RXL 258 50002907
skladem eshop

RETLUX RXL 258 Nano 30LED, Celková délka kabelu: 3,3 m, Pro vnitřní použití, studená bílá

102 Kč

Retlux RXL 259 50002908
skladem eshop

RETLUX RXL 259 Nano 30LED, Celková délka kabelu: 3,3 m, Pro vnitřní použití, teplá bílá

102 Kč

Retlux RXL 260 50002909
skladem eshop

RETLUX RXL 260 Nano 30LED, Celková délka kabelu: 3,3 m, Pro vnitřní použití, multicolour

102 Kč

Retlux RXL 273 50002910
skladem eshop

vánoční nano LED řetěz • 20× nano LED • délka 2 m • 0,3m přívodní šňůra • použití v interiéru • příkon 1,2 W • studená bílá barva • napájení 2× AA baterie • krytí IP20

99 Kč

Retlux RXL 274 50002911
skladem eshop

vánoční nano LED řetěz • 20× nano LED • délka 2 m • 0,3m přívodní šňůra • použití v interiéru • příkon 1,2 W • teplá bílá barva • napájení 2× AA baterie • krytí IP20

99 Kč

Tescoma Multi vykrajovátko vánoční DELÍCIA   630899.00
skladem eshop

Pozvedněte pečení na vyšší úroveň. S vykrajovátky od české značky Tescoma vyrobíte ty nejlepší perníčky nebo linecké cukroví! V balení na vás čeká vykrajovátko se šesti tvary stromečku, anděla, sobů a oveček.

99 Kč

Tescoma Mísa plastová DELÍCIA, 22 cm, 2,5 l, žlutá   630361.12
skladem eshop

Kynuté buchty, knedlíky nebo kváskový chleba. Tato zadělávací mísa je určena hlavně k vypracování domácího kynutého nebo lineckého těsta.

99 Kč

Tescoma Škrabka se zubatou čepelí PRESTO 420110.00
skladem eshop

Vynikající pro snadné loupání ovoce a zeleniny s měkkou slupkou,zejména k loupání rajčat, broskví, kiwi, jablek, hrušek, hub apod. Vyrobeno z prvotřídní nerezavějící oceli a odolného plastu. Vhodné do myčky. 3 roky záruka

89 Kč

Tescoma Háček FANCY HOME, malý   899860.00
skladem eshop

Univerzální háček do domácnosti s oboustrannou lepicí folií pro snadné přichycení na hladké plochy a šroubkem s hmoždinkou pro upevnění do zdi. Prvotřídní nerezavějící ocel a odolný plast.

79 Kč

Tescoma Naběračka na med WOODY 18 cm   637394.00
skladem eshop

Vynikající k nabírání medu bez nežádoucího odkapávání. Vyrobeno z kvalitního březového dřeva, nemyjte v myčce. 3 roky záruka.

59 Kč

Xiaomi Mi Automatic Foam Soap Dispenser White, BHR4558GL
do 3 dnů

Bezdotykový dávkovač mýdla poskytuje konzistentní a efektivní čištění rukou. Šetří čas i vodu a k tomu vypadá elegantně. Kompaktní, minimalistický design se hodí do každé moderní domácnosti. Chraňte učeněji své zdraví i zdraví svých blízkých. Nyní stačí jen natáhnout ruku abyste získali hojné a husté mýdlo. Zajistí účinnější čištění rukou i mírnou ochranu. Díky bublinkám ho budou milovat i vaše děti. Vlastnosti: Materiál: ABS Automatické napěňování: Tvorba pěny 0,25s Krémová pěna: Dokonale vyvážená pěna spoměrem vzduchu a mýdla 12:1 Motor: Miniaturní vysoce účinný motor snižuje spotřebu energie Voděodolnost: IPX4 Snímací vzdálenost: 60–90 mm Provozní vlhkost: 0 % – 85 % RH Obsah balení: Dávkovač mýdla Nádobka na mýdlo není součástí balení!

300 Kč

Aroma Diffuser Art Deco model YX100ML wood style white 600481
do týdne

A stylish and functional aromatherapy diffuser combines the advantages of an air humidifier with an elegant wooden decoration. Its appearance, resembling a wicker jug, will fit into various interiors. The diffuser is equipped with a 100 ml tank, which allows for long-term release of your favorite essential oils, creating an atmosphere of relaxation and peace in the room. Working quietly below 35 dB. The materials from which the diffuser is made are durable and aesthetic, as well as safe for health and the environment. This device is easy to use. The elegant appearance and small dimensions allow you to place the diffuser anywhere, from a desk to a bedside table, and its operating range (20-40 m) makes it ideal for both smaller and larger rooms.< /p> Specification: Water tank capacity: 100 ml Power: 8 W Operating range: 20-40 m² Frequency: 2.4MHz Noise level: < 35 dB Power supply: DC24V/0.5A Material: ABS + PP + Vine Dimensions: 125 x 195 mm Weight: 261 g

399 Kč

Colorful flame aromatherapy machine / humidifier / diffuser Art Deco model HZ005 white 600488
do týdne

A modern humidifier with a diffuser function for aromatherapy is distinguished not only by its functionality, but also by its extraordinary design. The flame imitation creates an attractive atmosphere, and at the same time the device operates quietly, ensuring comfortable use both during the day and at night. With a 0.5-1 l water tank and a rated power of 10 W, it provides long hours of air humidification without the need to frequently refill water. The delicate aromatherapy mist emerging from the diffuser is not only pleasant for the senses, but can also contribute to improved well-being and relaxation. The device is equipped with a dry burning protection function, which means that the diffuser will automatically turn off when there is no water in the tank. The ability to add essential oils allows you to use a variety of scents and achieve the desired aromatherapy effects. The diffuser is made of high-quality materials, which ensures its durability and safety of use. The compact size allows you to easily place the device anywhere in your home or office. Specification: Water tank capacity: 0.5-1 l Rated power: 10 W Features: flame atmosphere simulation silent humidification delicate aromatherapy mist protection against dry burning possibility of adding essential oils Material: ABS + PP Dimensions: 181 x 72 x 114 mm

299 Kč

Colorful flame aromatherapy machine / humidifier / diffuser Art Deco model HZ005 dark green 600489
do týdne

A modern humidifier with a diffuser function for aromatherapy is distinguished not only by its functionality, but also by its extraordinary design. The flame imitation creates an attractive atmosphere, and at the same time the device operates quietly, ensuring comfortable use both during the day and at night. With a 0.5-1 l water tank and a rated power of 10 W, it provides long hours of air humidification without the need to frequently refill water. The delicate aromatherapy mist emerging from the diffuser is not only pleasant for the senses, but can also contribute to improved well-being and relaxation. The device is equipped with a dry burning protection function, which means that the diffuser will automatically turn off when there is no water in the tank. The ability to add essential oils allows you to use a variety of scents and achieve the desired aromatherapy effects. The diffuser is made of high-quality materials, which ensures its durability and safety of use. The compact size allows you to easily place the device anywhere in your home or office. Specification: Water tank capacity: 0.5-1 l Rated power: 10 W Features: flame atmosphere simulation silent humidification delicate aromatherapy mist protection against dry burning possibility of adding essential oils Material: ABS + PP Dimensions: 181 x 72 x 114 mm

299 Kč

Colorful flame aromatherapy machine / humidifier / diffuser Art Deco model HZ005 gray 600490
do týdne

A modern humidifier with a diffuser function for aromatherapy is distinguished not only by its functionality, but also by its extraordinary design. The flame imitation creates an attractive atmosphere, and at the same time the device operates quietly, ensuring comfortable use both during the day and at night. With a 0.5-1 l water tank and a rated power of 10 W, it provides long hours of air humidification without the need to frequently refill water. The delicate aromatherapy mist emerging from the diffuser is not only pleasant for the senses, but can also contribute to improved well-being and relaxation. The device is equipped with a dry burning protection function, which means that the diffuser will automatically turn off when there is no water in the tank. The ability to add essential oils allows you to use a variety of scents and achieve the desired aromatherapy effects. The diffuser is made of high-quality materials, which ensures its durability and safety of use. The compact size allows you to easily place the device anywhere in your home or office. Specification: Water tank capacity: 0.5-1 l Rated power: 10 W Features: flame atmosphere simulation silent humidification delicate aromatherapy mist protection against dry burning possibility of adding essential oils Material: ABS + PP Dimensions: 181 x 72 x 114 mm

299 Kč

Aromatherapy machine / humidifier / diffuser Art Deco model SD13 white 600586
do týdne

The humidifier with the function of an aromatherapy diffuser will introduce a pleasant scent into the room, but will also ensure the appropriate level of humidity. Its modern flame-shaped design is a unique combination of functionality and aesthetics that will certainly attract attention and add character to any interior. The device is made of durable materials and is equipped with a 100 ml water container, which ensures long-lasting release of moisturizing mist. The compact size of the device makes it fit on any desk or bedside table. An additional advantage is the ease of use and power supply via USB-C, which allows you to use it almost anywhere. Specification: Capacity: 100 ml Material: ABS + PP Power mode: USB-C (USB-A - USB-C cable included) Dimensions: 152 x 152 x 77 mm Weight: 210 g

266 Kč

Decorative metal candlestick ART DECO Africa model F IALC-2 600843
do týdne

The original and charming candlestick is made of tin-plated sheet metal, a perfect combination of simplicity and artistic craftsmanship. Each model presents an intriguing silhouette that adds character and warmth to any interior. Candlesticks are characterized by a variety of forms, from people in various poses to abstract shapes, which makes them not only practical, but also decorative design elements. Straight lines and metallic shine create an aesthetic that combines modernity with elements of industrial design. Each model is not only a candlestick, but also a small sculpture that attracts the eye and becomes the focal point wherever it is located. They are perfect as a decoration for a table, windowsill or chest of drawers, both in everyday use and on special occasions. They are made of cimplated sheet metal. Their use is purely decorative, so they fit perfectly with other design elements and can add charm to any environment. Created for those who value originality and want to add an artistic element to their home, these candlesticks are not only practical, but also bring an atmosphere of uniqueness. All candlestick variants are available: here. Specification: Material: galvanized sheet metal Dimensions: Pattern A: total height 21 cm, base dimensions 10 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern B: total height 15 cm, base dimensions 7.5 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern C: total height 15 cm, base dimensions 7.5 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern D: total height 25.5 cm, base dimensions 15 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern E: total height 15 cm, base dimensions 7.5 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern F: total height 25.5 cm, base dimensions 15 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern G: total height 19 cm, base dimensions 11 cm x 11 cm

199 Kč

Decorative metal candlestick ART DECO Africa model H IALC-2 600844
do týdne

The original and charming candlestick is made of tin-plated sheet metal, a perfect combination of simplicity and artistic craftsmanship. Each model presents an intriguing silhouette that adds character and warmth to any interior. Candlesticks are characterized by a variety of forms, from people in various poses to abstract shapes, which makes them not only practical, but also decorative design elements. Straight lines and metallic shine create an aesthetic that combines modernity with elements of industrial design. Each model is not only a candlestick, but also a small sculpture that attracts the eye and becomes the focal point wherever it is located. They are perfect as a decoration for a table, windowsill or chest of drawers, both in everyday use and on special occasions. They are made of cimplated sheet metal. Their use is purely decorative, so they fit perfectly with other design elements and can add charm to any environment. Created for those who value originality and want to add an artistic element to their home, these candlesticks are not only practical, but also bring an atmosphere of uniqueness. All candlestick variants are available: here. Specification: Material: galvanized sheet metal Dimensions: Pattern A: total height 21 cm, base dimensions 10 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern B: total height 15 cm, base dimensions 7.5 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern C: total height 15 cm, base dimensions 7.5 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern D: total height 25.5 cm, base dimensions 15 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern E: total height 15 cm, base dimensions 7.5 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern F: total height 25.5 cm, base dimensions 15 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern G: total height 19 cm, base dimensions 11 cm x 11 cm

199 Kč

Decorative metal candlestick ART DECO Africa model A IALC-1 600596
do týdne

The original and charming candlestick is made of tin-plated sheet metal, a perfect combination of simplicity and artistic craftsmanship. Each model presents an intriguing silhouette that adds character and warmth to any interior. Candlesticks are characterized by a variety of forms, from people in various poses to abstract shapes, which makes them not only practical, but also decorative design elements. Straight lines and metallic shine create an aesthetic that combines modernity with elements of industrial design. Each model is not only a candlestick, but also a small sculpture that attracts the eye and becomes the focal point wherever it is located. They are perfect as a decoration for a table, windowsill or chest of drawers, both in everyday use and on special occasions. They are made of cimplated sheet metal. Their use is purely decorative, so they fit perfectly with other design elements and can add charm to any environment. Created for those who value originality and want to add an artistic element to their home, these candlesticks are not only practical, but also bring an atmosphere of uniqueness. All candlestick variants are available: here. Specification: Material: galvanized sheet metal Dimensions: Pattern A: total height 21 cm, base dimensions 10 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern B: total height 15 cm, base dimensions 7.5 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern C: total height 15 cm, base dimensions 7.5 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern D: total height 25.5 cm, base dimensions 15 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern E: total height 15 cm, base dimensions 7.5 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern F: total height 25.5 cm, base dimensions 15 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern G: total height 19 cm, base dimensions 11 cm x 11 cm

199 Kč

Decorative metal candlestick ART DECO Africa model B IALC-1 600597
do týdne

The original and charming candlestick is made of tin-plated sheet metal, a perfect combination of simplicity and artistic craftsmanship. Each model presents an intriguing silhouette that adds character and warmth to any interior. Candlesticks are characterized by a variety of forms, from people in various poses to abstract shapes, which makes them not only practical, but also decorative design elements. Straight lines and metallic shine create an aesthetic that combines modernity with elements of industrial design. Each model is not only a candlestick, but also a small sculpture that attracts the eye and becomes the focal point wherever it is located. They are perfect as a decoration for a table, windowsill or chest of drawers, both in everyday use and on special occasions. They are made of cimplated sheet metal. Their use is purely decorative, so they fit perfectly with other design elements and can add charm to any environment. Created for those who value originality and want to add an artistic element to their home, these candlesticks are not only practical, but also bring an atmosphere of uniqueness. All candlestick variants are available: here. Specification: Material: galvanized sheet metal Dimensions: Pattern A: total height 21 cm, base dimensions 10 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern B: total height 15 cm, base dimensions 7.5 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern C: total height 15 cm, base dimensions 7.5 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern D: total height 25.5 cm, base dimensions 15 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern E: total height 15 cm, base dimensions 7.5 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern F: total height 25.5 cm, base dimensions 15 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern G: total height 19 cm, base dimensions 11 cm x 11 cm

199 Kč

Decorative metal candlestick ART DECO Africa model C IALC-1 600598
do týdne

The original and charming candlestick is made of tin-plated sheet metal, a perfect combination of simplicity and artistic craftsmanship. Each model presents an intriguing silhouette that adds character and warmth to any interior. Candlesticks are characterized by a variety of forms, from people in various poses to abstract shapes, which makes them not only practical, but also decorative design elements. Straight lines and metallic shine create an aesthetic that combines modernity with elements of industrial design. Each model is not only a candlestick, but also a small sculpture that attracts the eye and becomes the focal point wherever it is located. They are perfect as a decoration for a table, windowsill or chest of drawers, both in everyday use and on special occasions. They are made of cimplated sheet metal. Their use is purely decorative, so they fit perfectly with other design elements and can add charm to any environment. Created for those who value originality and want to add an artistic element to their home, these candlesticks are not only practical, but also bring an atmosphere of uniqueness. All candlestick variants are available: here. Specification: Material: galvanized sheet metal Dimensions: Pattern A: total height 21 cm, base dimensions 10 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern B: total height 15 cm, base dimensions 7.5 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern C: total height 15 cm, base dimensions 7.5 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern D: total height 25.5 cm, base dimensions 15 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern E: total height 15 cm, base dimensions 7.5 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern F: total height 25.5 cm, base dimensions 15 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern G: total height 19 cm, base dimensions 11 cm x 11 cm

199 Kč

Decorative metal candlestick ART DECO Africa model E IALC-1 600600
do týdne

The original and charming candlestick is made of tin-plated sheet metal, a perfect combination of simplicity and artistic craftsmanship. Each model presents an intriguing silhouette that adds character and warmth to any interior. Candlesticks are characterized by a variety of forms, from people in various poses to abstract shapes, which makes them not only practical, but also decorative design elements. Straight lines and metallic shine create an aesthetic that combines modernity with elements of industrial design. Each model is not only a candlestick, but also a small sculpture that attracts the eye and becomes the focal point wherever it is located. They are perfect as a decoration for a table, windowsill or chest of drawers, both in everyday use and on special occasions. They are made of cimplated sheet metal. Their use is purely decorative, so they fit perfectly with other design elements and can add charm to any environment. Created for those who value originality and want to add an artistic element to their home, these candlesticks are not only practical, but also bring an atmosphere of uniqueness. All candlestick variants are available: here. Specification: Material: galvanized sheet metal Dimensions: Pattern A: total height 21 cm, base dimensions 10 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern B: total height 15 cm, base dimensions 7.5 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern C: total height 15 cm, base dimensions 7.5 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern D: total height 25.5 cm, base dimensions 15 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern E: total height 15 cm, base dimensions 7.5 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern F: total height 25.5 cm, base dimensions 15 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern G: total height 19 cm, base dimensions 11 cm x 11 cm

199 Kč

Decorative metal candlestick ART DECO Africa model G IALC-3 600601
do týdne

The original and charming candlestick is made of tin-plated sheet metal, a perfect combination of simplicity and artistic craftsmanship. Each model presents an intriguing silhouette that adds character and warmth to any interior. Candlesticks are characterized by a variety of forms, from people in various poses to abstract shapes, which makes them not only practical, but also decorative design elements. Straight lines and metallic shine create an aesthetic that combines modernity with elements of industrial design. Each model is not only a candlestick, but also a small sculpture that attracts the eye and becomes the focal point wherever it is located. They are perfect as a decoration for a table, windowsill or chest of drawers, both in everyday use and on special occasions. They are made of cimplated sheet metal. Their use is purely decorative, so they fit perfectly with other design elements and can add charm to any environment. Created for those who value originality and want to add an artistic element to their home, these candlesticks are not only practical, but also bring an atmosphere of uniqueness. All candlestick variants are available: here. Specification: Material: galvanized sheet metal Dimensions: Pattern A: total height 21 cm, base dimensions 10 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern B: total height 15 cm, base dimensions 7.5 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern C: total height 15 cm, base dimensions 7.5 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern D: total height 25.5 cm, base dimensions 15 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern E: total height 15 cm, base dimensions 7.5 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern F: total height 25.5 cm, base dimensions 15 cm x 7.5 cm Pattern G: total height 19 cm, base dimensions 11 cm x 11 cm

177 Kč
