Kancelářská židle Yenkee YGC 500BK FISHBONE YGC 500BK FISHBONE
do týdne

Kancelářská židle FISHBONE svou konstrukcí, výběrem materiálů a designem podporuje správné sezení, nabízí absolutní komfort a vizuálně zpříjemňuje vaše pracovní, studijní nebo herní prostředí.

5 490 Kč

Skříň Keter Detroit Low šedá , 252264
do týdne

Bezúdržbová úložná skříň Keter Detroit Low se vyznačuje vysokou odolností vůči atmosférickým vlivům a mechanickému opotřebení, proto ji můžete využívat ve vnitřních i venkovních prostorách zcela bez omezení. Díky univerzálnímu šedo-černému provedení zapadne do téměř každého prostoru bez ohledu na jeho konceptuální styl a své uplatnění nalezne například v domácnosti, v garáži, v kůlně, ve sklepě, na balkoně, na terase, pod přístřeškem na zahradě či kdekoliv jinde, kde zrovna bude zapotřebí. Hlavní přednosti Skříň pro bezpečné skladování dílenského a zahradního nářadí V balení jsou 2 nastavitelné police pro lepší organizaci prostoru Nosnost 1 police činí až 15 kg – skvělé pro těžší předměty Univerzální provedení vhodně doplní každý interiér i exteriér Jednotný spojovací systém k vytvoření skříňové stěny Možnost uzamčení pomocí visacího zámku (není součástí balení) Povrch z PP pryskyřice nevyžaduje skoro žádnou údržbu Zvýšená odolnost vůči vandalismu a atmosférickým vlivům Zabudovaný podlahový panel spolehlivě ochrání veškerý obsah Mimořádná všestrannost Skříň Keter Detroit Low obsahuje celkem 2 přídavné police, které maximálně zpřehlední organizaci vnitřního prostoru. Každá z nich poskytuje maximální nosnost až 15 kg, což přijde vhod pro výrazně těžší předměty všeho druhu. V útrobách skříně tak pohodlně uchováte i rozličné dílenské a zahradní nářadí, které by se jinam nevešlo. Velkou výhodou produktové řady Keter Detroit je také jednotný spojovací systém, díky kterému vytvoříte kompletní skříňovou stěnu pro všestranné využití dle vašich potřeb a preferencí. Vysoká odolnost do každého prostředí Robustní konstrukce ze syntetické PP pryskyřice poskytuje této skříni zvýšenou odolnost vůči prachu, vlhkosti, vodě, rzi, hnilobě a hrubému zacházení, což zvyšuje její celkovou životnost na absolutní maximum. Zabudovaný podlahový panel zase zajistí tolik potřebnou ochranu před proniknutím deště, sněhu, bahna, prachu a dalších nečistot. Díky možnosti uzamčení ochráníte veškeré uschované cennosti před odcizením, tudíž bude vnitřní obsah v naprostém bezpečí za každé situace. Specifikace Značka: Keter Řada: Detroit Model: Low Part Number: 252264 Určení: úložná skříň Vnitřní prostor Možnost uzamčení prostoru: Ano Zámek součástí balení: Ne Maximální počet polic: 2 ks Bezpečnostní pojistka polic: SLO Nastavitelná výška polic: Ano Maximální nosnost 1 police: až 15 kg Fyzické vlastnosti Materiál: polypropylenová pryskyřice Barva: šedá a černá Čistá hmotnost: 8,93 kg Rozměry (Š x V x H): 65 x 97 x 45 cm Celková hmotnost balení: 9,63 kg Celkové rozměry balení: 80 x 20 x 46 cm Obsah balení 1x skříň Keter Detroit Low 2x přídavná police 1x příslušná dokumentace

1 969 Kč

Regál Keter Plus Shelf 120/5 , 240622
do týdne

Zorganizujte si nářadí a náčiní na zahradu v garáži, ve sklepě nebo v jakékoliv jiné místnosti, kde chcete mít větší přehled o svých věcech. Bezúdržbový Keter Plus Shelf 120/5 je z pevného a odolného materiálu a každá z jeho polic unese až 70 kg, díky kterému se hodí do různých míst ve vaší domácnosti a převážně dílny. Na poličkách najdete mnoho prostoru pro vaše nářadí, věci na zahradu nebo třeba zásoby do kuchyně, například mouky a cukru. Zvýšené nožičky usnadní úklid pod regálem.  Hlavní přednosti Vhodný převážně do dílen a garáží, ale také do přístřešku či na balkon Kovová výstuž polic pro pevnost regálu Policový spojovací systém Vyvýšené nohy pro snazší úklid V balení je i 5 polic Neblednoucí barvy Snadná údržba Odolný a pevný materiál Extrémní nosnost jednotlivých polic Neutrální černá barva vhodná do jakéhokoliv prostředí Rozšíření úložného prostoru Regál obsahuje celkem 5 polic s extrémní nosností, které unesou výrazně těžší předměty všeho druhu. Lze ho tedy využít pro skladování dílenského nářadí či zahradnických potřeb, kdy přijde vhod pro uložení náčiní, které by se jinam nevešlo. Regál rovněž můžete přimontovat na zeď pro větší stabilitu. Díky svému provedení v univerzální černé barvě vhodně doplní každý prostor. Specifikace Značka: Keter Model: Plus Shelf 120/5 Part Number: 240622 Určení: regál Ochrana vůči UV záření: Ne Maximální zatížení Nastavitelnost polic: Ne Maximální počet polic: 5 ks Nosnost 1 police: až 70 kg Fyzické vlastnosti Materiál: plast Barva: černá Čistá hmotnost: 13,8 kg Rozměry (Š x V x H): 120 x 187 x 40 cm Hmotnost balení: 14,3 kg Rozměry balení (Š x V x H): 120 x 40 x 25 cm Obsah balení 1x regál Keter Plus Shelf 120/5 s policemi a nožičkami  1x příslušná dokumentace

1 929 Kč

VILEDA Infinity Flex sušák na prádlo, 30 m
do týdne

Flexibilní sušák na prádlo Vileda Infinity Flex. Maximální komfort a praktičnost.

1 800 Kč

Vileda Ultra Fresh Plus 120 x 38 cm
do týdne

Vileda Ultra Fresh Plus je stabilní žehlicí prkno s antibakteriální ochranou na potahu i na pěnové výplni.

1 723 Kč

Retlux RTL 203 50004531
do týdne

RETLUX RTL 203 LED stolní lampička s ambientním podvícením, hodinami, kalendářem, teploměrem, bezdrátovým nabíjením Qi a USB výstupem.

1 299 Kč

Retlux RTL 199 bílá 50003477
do týdne

RETLUX RTL 199 Atraktivní stolní lampa s funkcí bezdrátového (indukčního) dobíjení dle standardu Qi, USB výstup pro napájení prostřednitvím kabelu

1 099 Kč

Regál Keter Plus Shelf 80/5 , 241075
do týdne

Zorganizujte si nářadí a náčiní na zahradu v garáži, ve sklepě nebo v jakékoliv jiné místnosti, kde chcete mít větší přehled o svých věcech. Bezúdržbový Keter Plus Shelf 80/5 je z pevného a odolného materiálu a každá z jeho polic unese až 50 kg, díky kterému se hodí do různých míst ve vaší domácnosti a převážně dílny. Na poličkách najdete mnoho prostoru pro vaše nářadí, věci na zahradu nebo třeba zásoby do kuchyně, například mouky a cukru. Zvýšené nožičky usnadní úklid pod regálem. Hlavní přednosti Vhodný převážně do dílen a garáží, ale také do přístřešku Policový spojovací systém Nastavitelné police Vyvýšené nohy pro snazší úklid V balení je i 5 polic, které můžete ve skříni umístit tak, jak vám to bude vyhovovat Neblednoucí barvy Snadná údržba Odolný a pevný materiál Extrémní nosnost jednotlivých polic Neutrální černá barva vhodná do každého prostředí Rozšíření úložného prostoru Regál obsahuje celkem 5 polic s velkou nosností, které unesou i výrazně těžší předměty všeho druhu. Lze ho tedy využít pro skladování dílenského nářadí či zahradnických potřeb, kdy přijde vhod pro uložení náčiní, které by se jinam nevešlo. Regál rovněž můžete přimontovat na zeď pro větší stabilitu. Díky svému provedení v univerzální černé barvě vhodně doplní každý prostor. Specifikace Značka: Keter Model: Plus Shelf 80/5 Part Number: 241075 Určení: regál Ochrana vůči UV záření: Ne Maximální zatížení Nastavitelnost polic: Ano Maximální počet polic: 5 ks Nosnost 1 police: až 50 kg Nosnost regálu: 250 kg Fyzické vlastnosti Materiál: plast Barva: černá Čistá hmotnost: 8,7 kg Rozměry (Š x V x H): 80 x 187 x 40 cm Hmotnost balení: 9,2 kg Rozměry balení (Š x V x H): 79 x 39 x 22 cm Obsah balení 1x regál Keter Plus Shelf 80/5 s policemi a nožičkami  1x příslušná dokumentace

1 079 Kč

Vileda King sušák na prádlo černý, 20m
do týdne

Stylové matně černé provedení s červenými detaily od značky Vileda.

999 Kč

Gimi Nature 3 Plus stojan na odpadkové pytle
do týdne

Se symboly třídění odpadu, je vhodný pro všechny druhy pytlů s kapacitou do 130 l.

923 Kč

Gimi nature 2 plus stojan na odpadkové pytle
do týdne

Praktický a univerzální stojan na dva pytle na odpadky se symboly, které usnadňují třídění odpadu.

699 Kč

Retlux RTL 205 Stolní LED lampa 50005182
do týdne

stolní lampička • spotřeba 5 W • možnost regulace teploty světla / plynulé stmívání / ambientní bílé a RGB podvícení • akumulátor 2 000 mAh • LED technologie • náklopná hlava

699 Kč

Moon table lamp / humidifier ASTRONAUT sitting Art Deco (model 5) AFSH 599220
do týdne

The night lamp with an air humidifier function presents an extremely creative design that combines elegance and functionality. This is a unique gadget whose originality stands out from traditional devices of this type. The resin model of an astronaut "catching a star" is not only a practical addition, but also an artistic decoration of any interior. A lamp designed for multiple uses can be used as a decoration, an aroma diffuser, an air humidifier and a night lamp. This combination of functions makes it an ideal choice for people who value practical and aesthetic solutions. It introduces a pleasant atmosphere into the room and helps maintain the appropriate level of humidity, which is especially important during the heating season or in air-conditioned spaces. The included USB cable, approximately 100 cm long, allows you to easily charge the device, and the wooden frame adds a natural character to the whole. Such a lamp will be a beautiful and practical element on a desk, bedside table or in a child's room, at the same time inspiring dreams of space adventures. Specification: Dimensions: 13 x 13 x 28 cm Material: resin Weight: 390 g Features: Decoration Aroma diffuser Air humidifier Night lamp Accessories: USB charging cable (approx. 100 cm long) Wooden frame

611 Kč

Table lamp bedside GOLD MAN Art Deco seat (version 2) MLTL 599218
do týdne

A night lamp is an elegant and stylish addition to any interior, which combines the functionality of lighting with an extraordinary artistic form. It was made with attention to the smallest details, which makes it not only a source of light, but also a unique decorative element. The gold-colored lamp is available in various variants, allowing you to adjust its appearance to your personal preferences and space needs. You can choose between standing, sitting in various poses and climbing figures, which allows you to create a unique arrangement. The practical use of the lamp is also emphasized by the use of a touch switch and the possibility of charging via USB, which adds modernity and comfort of use. The material from which the lamp is made is resin, which ensures its durability and strength. The lamp emits light in three colors with the possibility of smooth brightness adjustment, and the color temperature range is from 2700 to 6500K (color: warm / cold / natural), which allows you to adjust the lighting to the current mood and activity. All variants of this lamp are available: here. Specification: Lighting type: LED Color temperature: 2700-6500K Light effect: three colors with infinite adjustment: warm, cold, natural Color: gold Material: resin Dimensions: 9-15 x 16-17 cm (depending on the pattern) Control: touch switch Charging: USB Input voltage: 5V

520 Kč

Table lamp bedside GOLD MAN Art Deco standing (version 3) MLTL 599525
do týdne

A night lamp is an elegant and stylish addition to any interior, which combines the functionality of lighting with an extraordinary artistic form. It was made with attention to the smallest details, which makes it not only a source of light, but also a unique decorative element. The gold-colored lamp is available in various variants, allowing you to adjust its appearance to your personal preferences and space needs. You can choose between standing, sitting in various poses and climbing figures, which allows you to create a unique arrangement. The practical use of the lamp is also emphasized by the use of a touch switch and the possibility of charging via USB, which adds modernity and comfort of use. The material from which the lamp is made is resin, which ensures its durability and strength. The lamp emits light in three colors with the possibility of smooth brightness adjustment, and the color temperature range is from 2700 to 6500K (color: warm / cold / natural), which allows you to adjust the lighting to the current mood and activity. All variants of this lamp are available: here. Specification: Lighting type: LED Color temperature: 2700-6500K Light effect: three colors with infinite adjustment: warm, cold, natural Color: gold Material: resin Dimensions: 9-15 x 16-17 cm (depending on the pattern) Control: touch switch Charging: USB Input voltage: 5V

520 Kč

Table lamp bedside GOLD MAN Art Deco standing (version 1) MLTL 599526
do týdne

A night lamp is an elegant and stylish addition to any interior, which combines the functionality of lighting with an extraordinary artistic form. It was made with attention to the smallest details, which makes it not only a source of light, but also a unique decorative element. The gold-colored lamp is available in various variants, allowing you to adjust its appearance to your personal preferences and space needs. You can choose between standing, sitting in various poses and climbing figures, which allows you to create a unique arrangement. The practical use of the lamp is also emphasized by the use of a touch switch and the possibility of charging via USB, which adds modernity and comfort of use. The material from which the lamp is made is resin, which ensures its durability and strength. The lamp emits light in three colors with the possibility of smooth brightness adjustment, and the color temperature range is from 2700 to 6500K (color: warm / cold / natural), which allows you to adjust the lighting to the current mood and activity. All variants of this lamp are available: here. Specification: Lighting type: LED Color temperature: 2700-6500K Light effect: three colors with infinite adjustment: warm, cold, natural Color: gold Material: resin Dimensions: 9-15 x 16-17 cm (depending on the pattern) Control: touch switch Charging: USB Input voltage: 5V

520 Kč

Table lamp bedside GOLD MAN Art Deco seat (version 5) MLTL 599528
do týdne

A night lamp is an elegant and stylish addition to any interior, which combines the functionality of lighting with an extraordinary artistic form. It was made with attention to the smallest details, which makes it not only a source of light, but also a unique decorative element. The gold-colored lamp is available in various variants, allowing you to adjust its appearance to your personal preferences and space needs. You can choose between standing, sitting in various poses and climbing figures, which allows you to create a unique arrangement. The practical use of the lamp is also emphasized by the use of a touch switch and the possibility of charging via USB, which adds modernity and comfort of use. The material from which the lamp is made is resin, which ensures its durability and strength. The lamp emits light in three colors with the possibility of smooth brightness adjustment, and the color temperature range is from 2700 to 6500K (color: warm / cold / natural), which allows you to adjust the lighting to the current mood and activity. All variants of this lamp are available: here. Specification: Lighting type: LED Color temperature: 2700-6500K Light effect: three colors with infinite adjustment: warm, cold, natural Color: gold Material: resin Dimensions: 9-15 x 16-17 cm (depending on the pattern) Control: touch switch Charging: USB Input voltage: 5V

520 Kč

Table lamp bedside GOLD MAN Art Deco seat (version 4) MLTL 599529
do týdne

A night lamp is an elegant and stylish addition to any interior, which combines the functionality of lighting with an extraordinary artistic form. It was made with attention to the smallest details, which makes it not only a source of light, but also a unique decorative element. The gold-colored lamp is available in various variants, allowing you to adjust its appearance to your personal preferences and space needs. You can choose between standing, sitting in various poses and climbing figures, which allows you to create a unique arrangement. The practical use of the lamp is also emphasized by the use of a touch switch and the possibility of charging via USB, which adds modernity and comfort of use. The material from which the lamp is made is resin, which ensures its durability and strength. The lamp emits light in three colors with the possibility of smooth brightness adjustment, and the color temperature range is from 2700 to 6500K (color: warm / cold / natural), which allows you to adjust the lighting to the current mood and activity. All variants of this lamp are available: here. Specification: Lighting type: LED Color temperature: 2700-6500K Light effect: three colors with infinite adjustment: warm, cold, natural Color: gold Material: resin Dimensions: 9-15 x 16-17 cm (depending on the pattern) Control: touch switch Charging: USB Input voltage: 5V

520 Kč

Table lamp bedside GOLD MAN Art Deco seat (version 6) MLTL 599532
do týdne

A night lamp is an elegant and stylish addition to any interior, which combines the functionality of lighting with an extraordinary artistic form. It was made with attention to the smallest details, which makes it not only a source of light, but also a unique decorative element. The gold-colored lamp is available in various variants, allowing you to adjust its appearance to your personal preferences and space needs. You can choose between standing, sitting in various poses and climbing figures, which allows you to create a unique arrangement. The practical use of the lamp is also emphasized by the use of a touch switch and the possibility of charging via USB, which adds modernity and comfort of use. The material from which the lamp is made is resin, which ensures its durability and strength. The lamp emits light in three colors with the possibility of smooth brightness adjustment, and the color temperature range is from 2700 to 6500K (color: warm / cold / natural), which allows you to adjust the lighting to the current mood and activity. All variants of this lamp are available: here. Specification: Lighting type: LED Color temperature: 2700-6500K Light effect: three colors with infinite adjustment: warm, cold, natural Color: gold Material: resin Dimensions: 9-15 x 16-17 cm (depending on the pattern) Control: touch switch Charging: USB Input voltage: 5V

520 Kč

Table lamp bedside GOLD MAN Art Deco seat (version 7) MLTL 599534
do týdne

A night lamp is an elegant and stylish addition to any interior, which combines the functionality of lighting with an extraordinary artistic form. It was made with attention to the smallest details, which makes it not only a source of light, but also a unique decorative element. The gold-colored lamp is available in various variants, allowing you to adjust its appearance to your personal preferences and space needs. You can choose between standing, sitting in various poses and climbing figures, which allows you to create a unique arrangement. The practical use of the lamp is also emphasized by the use of a touch switch and the possibility of charging via USB, which adds modernity and comfort of use. The material from which the lamp is made is resin, which ensures its durability and strength. The lamp emits light in three colors with the possibility of smooth brightness adjustment, and the color temperature range is from 2700 to 6500K (color: warm / cold / natural), which allows you to adjust the lighting to the current mood and activity. All variants of this lamp are available: here. Specification: Lighting type: LED Color temperature: 2700-6500K Light effect: three colors with infinite adjustment: warm, cold, natural Color: gold Material: resin Dimensions: 9-15 x 16-17 cm (depending on the pattern) Control: touch switch Charging: USB Input voltage: 5V

499 Kč

Table lamp bedside GOLD MAN Art Deco standing (version 8) MLTL 599535
do týdne

A night lamp is an elegant and stylish addition to any interior, which combines the functionality of lighting with an extraordinary artistic form. It was made with attention to the smallest details, which makes it not only a source of light, but also a unique decorative element. The gold-colored lamp is available in various variants, allowing you to adjust its appearance to your personal preferences and space needs. You can choose between standing, sitting in various poses and climbing figures, which allows you to create a unique arrangement. The practical use of the lamp is also emphasized by the use of a touch switch and the possibility of charging via USB, which adds modernity and comfort of use. The material from which the lamp is made is resin, which ensures its durability and strength. The lamp emits light in three colors with the possibility of smooth brightness adjustment, and the color temperature range is from 2700 to 6500K (color: warm / cold / natural), which allows you to adjust the lighting to the current mood and activity. All variants of this lamp are available: here. Specification: Lighting type: LED Color temperature: 2700-6500K Light effect: three colors with infinite adjustment: warm, cold, natural Color: gold Material: resin Dimensions: 9-15 x 16-17 cm (depending on the pattern) Control: touch switch Charging: USB Input voltage: 5V

499 Kč

Table lamp bedside feather Art Deco red CBDPH 599216
do týdne

A bedside lamp with feathers is an extraordinary addition that will add an element of luxury and warm, soft light to every bedroom. It not only offers functionality, but is also a beautiful decorative element that will attract attention with its unique appearance. The body of the lamp is made of delicate feathers, metal and wood, which creates a unique composition of natural and durable materials. The 3500K light color provides soft, warm white lighting, perfect for creating a cozy atmosphere conducive to relaxation before bed. The lamp is designed to operate in a wide input voltage range from 110V to 240V, making it suitable for use in various parts of the world. High light efficiency of 110 lm/w and a high color rendering index (Ra) of 90 guarantee excellent light quality that faithfully reproduces colors. The dimensions of the lamp make it large enough to be a central decorative point, yet compact enough to fit on most bedside tables. Specification: Material: ball + metal + wood Color temperature (CCT): 3500K (soft, warm white light) Input voltage: 110-240V Light efficiency: 110 lm/w Color rendering index (Ra): 90 Power supply: mains Dimensions: 43 x 30 cm Light bulb included: yes, LED

499 Kč

Table lamp bedside feather Art Deco blue CBDPH 599217
do týdne

A bedside lamp with feathers is an extraordinary addition that will add an element of luxury and warm, soft light to every bedroom. It not only offers functionality, but is also a beautiful decorative element that will attract attention with its unique appearance. The body of the lamp is made of delicate feathers, metal and wood, which creates a unique composition of natural and durable materials. The 3500K light color provides soft, warm white lighting, perfect for creating a cozy atmosphere conducive to relaxation before bed. The lamp is designed to operate in a wide input voltage range from 110V to 240V, making it suitable for use in various parts of the world. High light efficiency of 110 lm/w and a high color rendering index (Ra) of 90 guarantee excellent light quality that faithfully reproduces colors. The dimensions of the lamp make it large enough to be a central decorative point, yet compact enough to fit on most bedside tables. Specification: Material: ball + metal + wood Color temperature (CCT): 3500K (soft, warm white light) Input voltage: 110-240V Light efficiency: 110 lm/w Color rendering index (Ra): 90 Power supply: mains Dimensions: 43 x 30 cm Light bulb included: yes, LED

499 Kč

Moon table lamp ASTRONAUT standing Art Deco (model 1) AMTL 598809
do týdne

The astronaut night lamp with a moon motif is an extremely eye-catching accessory that attracts attention with its original design. It fits perfectly into space trends, being not only a light source, but also a unique decorative element. The lamp is made of resin, which guarantees its durability and precise detail reproduction. Equipped with modern lighting solutions, it provides high luminous efficiency (100 lm/w) and significant luminous flux (1000 lm), which makes it both practical and energy-saving. The design of the lamp depicting an astronaut and the moon, which also serves as a lamp, is an ingenious reference to the conquest of space. The lamp is perfect for placing on a desk, shelf or bedside table, without taking up much space. Specification: Input voltage: 36V Luminous efficiency: 100 lm/w Luminous flux: 1000 lm Color rendering index (Ra): 80 Material: resin Power supply: mains Size: 34 x 14 x 10 cm Weight: approx. 1 kg Bulb: LED

499 Kč

Moon table lamp ASTRONAUT sitting Art Deco (model 4) AMTL 598810
do týdne

The astronaut night lamp with a moon motif is an extremely eye-catching accessory that attracts attention with its original design. It fits perfectly into space trends, being not only a light source, but also a unique decorative element. The lamp is made of resin, which guarantees its durability and precise detail reproduction. Equipped with modern lighting solutions, it provides high luminous efficiency (100 lm/w) and significant luminous flux (1000 lm), which makes it both practical and energy-saving. The design of the lamp depicting an astronaut and the moon, which also serves as a lamp, is an ingenious reference to the conquest of space. The lamp is perfect for placing on a desk, shelf or bedside table, without taking up much space. Specification: Input voltage: 36V Luminous efficiency: 100 lm/w Luminous flux: 1000 lm Color rendering index (Ra): 80 Material: resin Power supply: mains Size: 35 x 14 x 10 cm Weight: approx. 1 kg Bulb: LED

499 Kč

Table lamp bedside LED 3D BEAR Art Deco standing L3GFBD 599219
do týdne

The 3D LED night lamp is a unique addition to any modern interior, which will introduce a colorful mood and original style. It is a combination of a glass teddy bear sculpture with a wooden base, which together create an impressive decorative object with functional lighting. Thanks to the use of RGBW technology (red, green, blue, white), the lamp offers as many as eight light colors to choose from, which allows you to adjust its color to the user's mood or preferences. The dimensions make the lamp ideal as a subtle light source, it does not take up much space and can be placed on any table or shelf. The lamp is made of glass and wood, which ensures its high quality and durability, and also adds natural charm. The ability to adjust the light color using a manual switch allows you to personalize the user experience and adds additional functionality to the lamp. Powered by a low power of 5W+3W and operating at 5V, it is energy-saving, and the 1.5-meter long USB cable allows for easy connection to a power source. Specification: Dimensions: 100 x 200 mm Material: glass + wood + environmentally friendly ABS + glass Color temperature: RGBW (8-color model) Power: 5W+3W Voltage: 5V Switch: direct USB connection (1.5m cable) Adjustment: manual switch (adjustable light color conversion)

499 Kč

Aromatherapy machine / humidifier / diffuser Art Deco model GH2009 brown 600574
do týdne

A modern ultrasonic humidifier with aromatherapy function is the perfect choice for use in a car, home or office. With a compact capacity of 100 ml, it is small but efficient and easy to carry, allowing you to create a pleasant atmosphere wherever you are. The device is distinguished not only by its functionality, but also by its minimalist design. Its elegant, simple shape makes it fit into any interior. The power of 5 W guarantees energy-saving humidification and safe distribution of your favorite fragrances thanks to the use of essential oils. The humidifier is made of a material that ensures its durability and safety of use. Powered by a USB cable, which makes it easy to use at home, in the office or while traveling. Specification: Capacity: 100 ml Power: 5 W Voltage: 5V Material: PP plastic Power supply: USB cable Size: 85 x 150 mm Functions: moisturizing, aromatherapy

450 Kč

Aroma Diffuser Art Deco model YX100ML wood style white 600481
do týdne

A stylish and functional aromatherapy diffuser combines the advantages of an air humidifier with an elegant wooden decoration. Its appearance, resembling a wicker jug, will fit into various interiors. The diffuser is equipped with a 100 ml tank, which allows for long-term release of your favorite essential oils, creating an atmosphere of relaxation and peace in the room. Working quietly below 35 dB. The materials from which the diffuser is made are durable and aesthetic, as well as safe for health and the environment. This device is easy to use. The elegant appearance and small dimensions allow you to place the diffuser anywhere, from a desk to a bedside table, and its operating range (20-40 m) makes it ideal for both smaller and larger rooms.< /p> Specification: Water tank capacity: 100 ml Power: 8 W Operating range: 20-40 m² Frequency: 2.4MHz Noise level: < 35 dB Power supply: DC24V/0.5A Material: ABS + PP + Vine Dimensions: 125 x 195 mm Weight: 261 g

399 Kč

Colorful flame aromatherapy machine / humidifier / diffuser Art Deco model SSP-A13 white 600581
do týdne

A humidifier with an aromatherapy diffuser function provides a sensual experience. Its unique feature, imitation of a colorful flame, creates a visual effect of a volcano, which not only adds charm, but also introduces an atmosphere of warmth and peace to any room. With a water tank capacity of 360 ml, this humidifier is ideal for use at home, providing adequate air humidity and introducing your favorite scents of essential oils, which promotes relaxation and well-being. With power ≤ 6 W this device is energy-efficient and can be easily powered via a standard USB port. The humidifier is durable and easy to maintain. Additional functions, such as night light, air purification and changing 7 LED colors, mean that the diffuser can also be used as a night lamp, introducing a calm, pleasant light into the room that can be adjusted to the user's mood.< /p> The device is relatively light and does not take up much space, which makes it convenient to carry and can be placed on a desk, bedside table or other selected place. Specification: Capacity: 360 ml Power: ≤ 6 W Voltage: 5V Material: ABS + PP Functions: aromatherapy, humidification, night light, air purification LED light: variable 7 colors Weight: 480 g Dimensions: 150 x 150 x 127 mm

399 Kč

Colorful flame aromatherapy machine / humidifier / diffuser Art Deco model SSP-A13 black 600582
do týdne

A humidifier with an aromatherapy diffuser function provides a sensual experience. Its unique feature, imitation of a colorful flame, creates a visual effect of a volcano, which not only adds charm, but also introduces an atmosphere of warmth and peace to any room. With a water tank capacity of 360 ml, this humidifier is ideal for use at home, providing adequate air humidity and introducing your favorite scents of essential oils, which promotes relaxation and well-being. With power ≤ 6 W this device is energy-efficient and can be easily powered via a standard USB port. The humidifier is durable and easy to maintain. Additional functions, such as night light, air purification and changing 7 LED colors, mean that the diffuser can also be used as a night lamp, introducing a calm, pleasant light into the room that can be adjusted to the user's mood.< /p> The device is relatively light and does not take up much space, which makes it convenient to carry and can be placed on a desk, bedside table or other selected place. Specification: Capacity: 360 ml Power: ≤ 6 W Voltage: 5V Material: ABS + PP Functions: aromatherapy, humidification, night light, air purification LED light: variable 7 colors Weight: 480 g Dimensions: 150 x 150 x 127 mm

399 Kč

Table lamp bedside mushroom Art Deco wood color MTWTHN 599556
do týdne

The mushroom-shaped night lamp is a charming and practical decoration that will bring warmth and a cozy atmosphere to any interior. Made of solid wood, available in two colors. natural wood and walnut, is a unique decorative element and at the same time serves as functional lighting. Offered in two sizes, small and large, allows you to adjust it to the needs and size of the room. The compact dimensions of the lamp make it fit perfectly on a bedside table, chest of drawers or desk, without taking up much space. Powered by a DC charging port and equipped with a built-in 1800mAh battery, the lamp ensures long-lasting, wireless use, which increases its mobility and makes it easier to place in different parts of the house. The functionality of the lamp is distinguished by the ability to change the colors of the light, which allows you to create the right atmosphere for reading, resting or relaxing before bed. Pleasant to the eye, soft light creates a calm atmosphere, conducive to well-being and peaceful sleep. Specification: Function: light changing to three colors Colors: natural wood / walnut (depending on the variant) Power: 3 W Power: DC charging port Built-in battery: 1800 mAh Material: solid wood Dimensions: 15 x ⌀ 10 cm

399 Kč

Table lamp bedside mushroom Art Deco brown MTWTHN 599557
do týdne

The mushroom-shaped night lamp is a charming and practical decoration that will bring warmth and a cozy atmosphere to any interior. Made of solid wood, available in two colors. natural wood and walnut, is a unique decorative element and at the same time serves as functional lighting. Offered in two sizes, small and large, allows you to adjust it to the needs and size of the room. The compact dimensions of the lamp make it fit perfectly on a bedside table, chest of drawers or desk, without taking up much space. Powered by a DC charging port and equipped with a built-in 1800mAh battery, the lamp ensures long-lasting, wireless use, which increases its mobility and makes it easier to place in different parts of the house. The functionality of the lamp is distinguished by the ability to change the colors of the light, which allows you to create the right atmosphere for reading, resting or relaxing before bed. Pleasant to the eye, soft light creates a calm atmosphere, conducive to well-being and peaceful sleep. Specification: Function: light changing to three colors Colors: natural wood / walnut (depending on the variant) Power: 3 W Power: DC charging port Built-in battery: 1800 mAh Material: solid wood Dimensions: 15 x ⌀ 10 cm

399 Kč

Quickpack papír na pečení, šířka 38 cm, délka 100 m
do týdne

100 metrů dlouhý pečící papír oboustranně použitelný a nepřilnavý, pokrmy se na něj nelepí. Vhodný do všech typů trub i mikrovlnné. Odolný do 220 °C.

375 Kč

Table lamp bedside Lamb Art Deco touch style pink K-1156 600827
do týdne

A night lamp that delights with its charming appearance of a sweet animal, adding magic and warmth to any room. Made of soft silicone and ABS, the lamp is safe and pleasant to the touch, which makes it perfect even for a child's room. The lamp emits delicate light and is a nice decorative element. Thanks to the built-in 1200 mAh battery, the lamp can glow for 6 hours, and fully charging takes only 2-3 hours, which makes it very convenient to use. The lamp has a three-level warm light adjustment, which allows you to adjust the lighting intensity to your needs and mood. Control (turn on/off) is done by touch. Specification: Light color: warm with three-step adjustment Material: ABS + silicone Battery capacity: 1200 mAh Battery life: 6 h Charging time: 2-3 h Size: 143 x 109 x 84.7 mm Control: touch (turn on/off)

333 Kč

Vileda Ultra Fresh potah na žehlicí prkno 168989
do týdne

Potah na žehlicí prkno o rozměrech 30-45 cm x 110-130 cm. Speciální antibakteriální vrstva brání přežití bakterií. Snadné uchycení se systémem QuickFix a povrch ze 100% bavlny s 5 mm silnou pěnou pro dokonale hladké a hygienické žehlení.

333 Kč

Vileda Diamond Plus potah na žehlicí prkno
do týdne

Potah na žehlicí prkno o rozměrech 30-45 cm x 110-130 cm. Díky titanu je odolný vůči vysokým teplotám a vydrží déle bez stop po spálení nebo zažloutnutí. Snadné uchycení se systémem QuickFix a dvě silné pěnové vrstvy pro hladké žehlení.

331 Kč

Vileda Premium 2v1 potah na žehlící prkno 172217
do týdne

Potah na žehlicí prkno o rozměrech 30-45 cm x 110-130 cm. Potah obsahuje metalická vlákna, která odráží teplo a urychlují tak dobu žehlení. Snadné uchycení se systémem QuickFix a 3 vrstvy pro dokonale efektivní žehlení.

331 Kč

Glade Aromatherapy difuzér a náplň Cool Mist Moment of Zen, 17,4 ml
do týdne

Nechte se hýčkat uklidňující směsí podmanivé francouzské levandule a teplého australského santalového dřeva.

317 Kč

Glade Aromatherapy difuzér a náplň Cool Mist Pure Happiness, 17,4 ml
do týdne

Rozjasněte svůj den povzbuzující směsí sluncem políbeného brazilského pomeranče a sladkých severoafrických květů Neroli.

317 Kč

Colorful flame aromatherapy machine / humidifier / diffuser Art Deco model YMX 130 white 600483
do týdne

The air humidifier with a diffuser function for aromatherapy is a device that combines practicality with an attractive appearance, reminiscent of a burning flame. Its unique design makes it not only a device that improves air quality and mood, but also an interesting addition to any room. This device is energy-saving – its power supply is via the USB-C connector, with a nominal power of 5W. The humidifier has a water container with a capacity of 130 ml, which with a spraying efficiency of 15-20 ml/h allows the air humidity to be maintained at the appropriate level for a long time. The diffuser is equipped with an automatic shut-off function when the water tank is empty, which ensures safety and saves energy. The product is durable and, thanks to its compact dimensions, it easily finds a place on a desk, shelf or bedside table. Specification: Water tank capacity: 130 ml Nominal power: ≤4.5W Spraying efficiency: 15-20 ml/h Functions: automatic timer shutdown, protection against running without water Material: ABS + PP Weight: 182 g Dimensions: 135 x 135 x 78 mm Power supply: DC5.0V/1.0A (USB-A - USB-C cable) Operating current: ≤850 mA

299 Kč

Colorful flame aromatherapy machine / humidifier / diffuser Art Deco model HZ005 white 600488
do týdne

A modern humidifier with a diffuser function for aromatherapy is distinguished not only by its functionality, but also by its extraordinary design. The flame imitation creates an attractive atmosphere, and at the same time the device operates quietly, ensuring comfortable use both during the day and at night. With a 0.5-1 l water tank and a rated power of 10 W, it provides long hours of air humidification without the need to frequently refill water. The delicate aromatherapy mist emerging from the diffuser is not only pleasant for the senses, but can also contribute to improved well-being and relaxation. The device is equipped with a dry burning protection function, which means that the diffuser will automatically turn off when there is no water in the tank. The ability to add essential oils allows you to use a variety of scents and achieve the desired aromatherapy effects. The diffuser is made of high-quality materials, which ensures its durability and safety of use. The compact size allows you to easily place the device anywhere in your home or office. Specification: Water tank capacity: 0.5-1 l Rated power: 10 W Features: flame atmosphere simulation silent humidification delicate aromatherapy mist protection against dry burning possibility of adding essential oils Material: ABS + PP Dimensions: 181 x 72 x 114 mm

299 Kč

Colorful flame aromatherapy machine / humidifier / diffuser Art Deco model HZ005 dark green 600489
do týdne

A modern humidifier with a diffuser function for aromatherapy is distinguished not only by its functionality, but also by its extraordinary design. The flame imitation creates an attractive atmosphere, and at the same time the device operates quietly, ensuring comfortable use both during the day and at night. With a 0.5-1 l water tank and a rated power of 10 W, it provides long hours of air humidification without the need to frequently refill water. The delicate aromatherapy mist emerging from the diffuser is not only pleasant for the senses, but can also contribute to improved well-being and relaxation. The device is equipped with a dry burning protection function, which means that the diffuser will automatically turn off when there is no water in the tank. The ability to add essential oils allows you to use a variety of scents and achieve the desired aromatherapy effects. The diffuser is made of high-quality materials, which ensures its durability and safety of use. The compact size allows you to easily place the device anywhere in your home or office. Specification: Water tank capacity: 0.5-1 l Rated power: 10 W Features: flame atmosphere simulation silent humidification delicate aromatherapy mist protection against dry burning possibility of adding essential oils Material: ABS + PP Dimensions: 181 x 72 x 114 mm

299 Kč

Colorful flame aromatherapy machine / humidifier / diffuser Art Deco model HZ005 gray 600490
do týdne

A modern humidifier with a diffuser function for aromatherapy is distinguished not only by its functionality, but also by its extraordinary design. The flame imitation creates an attractive atmosphere, and at the same time the device operates quietly, ensuring comfortable use both during the day and at night. With a 0.5-1 l water tank and a rated power of 10 W, it provides long hours of air humidification without the need to frequently refill water. The delicate aromatherapy mist emerging from the diffuser is not only pleasant for the senses, but can also contribute to improved well-being and relaxation. The device is equipped with a dry burning protection function, which means that the diffuser will automatically turn off when there is no water in the tank. The ability to add essential oils allows you to use a variety of scents and achieve the desired aromatherapy effects. The diffuser is made of high-quality materials, which ensures its durability and safety of use. The compact size allows you to easily place the device anywhere in your home or office. Specification: Water tank capacity: 0.5-1 l Rated power: 10 W Features: flame atmosphere simulation silent humidification delicate aromatherapy mist protection against dry burning possibility of adding essential oils Material: ABS + PP Dimensions: 181 x 72 x 114 mm

299 Kč

Table lamp bedside Rabbit Art Deco touch style 600602
do týdne

A night lamp that delights with its charming appearance of a sweet animal, adding magic and warmth to any room. Made of soft silicone and ABS, the lamp is safe and pleasant to the touch, which makes it perfect even for a child's room. The lamp emits delicate light and is a nice decorative element. Thanks to the built-in 1200 mAh battery, the lamp can glow for 6 hours, and fully charging takes only 2-3 hours, which makes it very convenient to use. The lamp has a three-level warm light adjustment, which allows you to adjust the lighting intensity to your needs and mood. Control (turn on/off) is done by touch. Specification: Light color: warm with three-step adjustment Material: ABS + silicone Battery capacity: 1200 mAh Battery life: 6 h Charging time: 2-3 h Size: 143 x 109 x 84.7 mm Control: touch (turn on/off)

299 Kč

Aromatherapy machine / humidifier / diffuser Art Deco model SD13 white 600586
do týdne

The humidifier with the function of an aromatherapy diffuser will introduce a pleasant scent into the room, but will also ensure the appropriate level of humidity. Its modern flame-shaped design is a unique combination of functionality and aesthetics that will certainly attract attention and add character to any interior. The device is made of durable materials and is equipped with a 100 ml water container, which ensures long-lasting release of moisturizing mist. The compact size of the device makes it fit on any desk or bedside table. An additional advantage is the ease of use and power supply via USB-C, which allows you to use it almost anywhere. Specification: Capacity: 100 ml Material: ABS + PP Power mode: USB-C (USB-A - USB-C cable included) Dimensions: 152 x 152 x 77 mm Weight: 210 g

266 Kč

Glade Aromatherapy svíčka vonná Pure Happiness, 260 g
do týdne

Vonná svíčka se směsí dvou prémiových esenciálních olejů z brazilských pomerančů a sladkých severoafrických květů Neroli.

264 Kč

Glade svíčka vonná Warm Apple Pie, 2× 112 g
do týdne

Objevte krásnou vánoční vůni červeného jablka a skořice, která přinese relaxační a klidnou atmosféru do každého domova. Obsahuje esenciální oleje, které vytvoří v každé domácnosti jedinečnou atmosféru odpočinku a uvolnění.

236 Kč

Glade svíčka vonná Berry Festive Kiss, 2× 112 g
do týdne

Aromatická svíčka Glade s vůní lesních plodů a čerstvých fíků. Obsahuje esenciální oleje, které vytvoří v každé domácnosti jedinečnou atmosféru odpočinku a uvolnění.

236 Kč

Table lamp bedside Twirl star Art Deco (version 3) EID 599550
do týdne

A night lamp is an elegant and atmospheric addition to your home interior, which will diversify the atmosphere of any room in a unique way. Its unique design is inspired by Middle Eastern themes and refers to the magic of the EID holiday. The lamp is available in several variants. Each of these forms has its own character and can introduce various aesthetics to the space. Additionally, the ability to choose between colorful and warm light allows you to adapt the lamp to the user's individual needs and create the desired atmosphere. The base of the lamp is made of metal, which ensures the stability and durability of the product. Low voltage, at 36V, guarantees safety in use and makes the lamp an ideal solution for the bedroom, living room or child's room. Specification: Light colors: colorful / warm Material: base: metal, lampshade: glass / rattan / plastic (depending on the variant) Voltage: ≤36V

233 Kč

Table lamp bedside Twirl Art Deco (version 1) EID 599551
do týdne

A night lamp is an elegant and atmospheric addition to your home interior, which will diversify the atmosphere of any room in a unique way. Its unique design is inspired by Middle Eastern themes and refers to the magic of the EID holiday. The lamp is available in several variants. Each of these forms has its own character and can introduce various aesthetics to the space. Additionally, the ability to choose between colorful and warm light allows you to adapt the lamp to the user's individual needs and create the desired atmosphere. The base of the lamp is made of metal, which ensures the stability and durability of the product. Low voltage, at 36V, guarantees safety in use and makes the lamp an ideal solution for the bedroom, living room or child's room. Specification: Light colors: colorful / warm Material: base: metal, lampshade: glass / rattan / plastic (depending on the variant) Voltage: ≤36V

233 Kč

Glade svíčka vonná Maxi I Love You, 224 g
do týdne

Vonná svíčka Glade I Love You se svěží vůní. Obsahuje esenciální oleje.

230 Kč

Glade svíčka vonná Maxi Romantic Vanilla Blossom, 224 g
do týdne

Aromatická vonná svíčka s jemnou vůní vanilky. Obsahuje esenciální oleje, které vytvoří v každé domácnosti jedinečnou atmosféru odpočinku a uvolnění.

230 Kč

Glade svíčka vonná Maxi Luscious Cherry & Peony, 224 g
do týdne

Vonná svíčka Glade Luscious Cherry & Peony s vůní třešní a pivoňky. Obsahuje esenciální oleje, které vytvoří v každé domácnosti jedinečnou atmosféru odpočinku a uvolnění.

230 Kč

Glade svíčka vonná Maxi Warm Apple Pie, 204 g
do týdne

Objevte krásnou vánoční vůni červeného jablka a skořice, která přinese relaxační a klidnou atmosféru do každého domova. Obsahuje esenciální oleje, které vytvoří v každé domácnosti jedinečnou atmosféru odpočinku a uvolnění.

229 Kč

Glade svíčka vonná Maxi Berry Festive Kiss, 204 g
do týdne

Aromatická svíčka Glade s vůní lesních plodů a čerstvých fíků. Obsahuje esenciální oleje, které vytvoří v každé domácnosti jedinečnou atmosféru odpočinku a uvolnění.

229 Kč

Glade svíčka vonná Maxi Pumpkin Spice Latte, 204 g
do týdne

Aromatická svíčka Glade s vůní čerstvě uvařeného dýňového latté. Obsahuje esenciální oleje, které vytvoří v každé domácnosti jedinečnou atmosféru odpočinku a uvolnění.

229 Kč

Glade svíčka vonná Maxi Vanilla Cream Cookies, 204 g
do týdne

Aromatická svíčka Glade svíčka s vůní vanilky a máslových sušenek. Obsahuje esenciální oleje, které vytvoří v každé domácnosti jedinečnou atmosféru odpočinku a uvolnění.

229 Kč

Glade svíčka vonná Maxi Romantic Vanilla Blossom, 204 g
do týdne

Aromatická svíčka Glade Decor s vůní vanilkových květů. Obsahuje esenciální oleje, které vytvoří v každé domácnosti jedinečnou atmosféru odpočinku a uvolnění.

229 Kč

Glade svíčka vonná Maxi I Love You, 204 g
do týdne

Vonná svíčka Glade I Love You se svěží vůní. Obsahuje esenciální oleje.

229 Kč

Glade svíčka vonná Maxi Luscious Cherry & Peony, 204 g
do týdne

Vonná svíčka Glade Luscious Cherry & Peony s vůní třešní a pivoňky. Obsahuje esenciální oleje, které vytvoří v každé domácnosti jedinečnou atmosféru odpočinku a uvolnění.

229 Kč
