Tradiční karetní hra Černý Petr baví děti již po generace. Všech 25 karet se rozdá zúčastněným hráčům tak, aby nebylo vidět, kdo Černého Petra dostal. Následně hráči odloží stejné dvojice karet na stůl (podložku) a zbývající karty si rozloží v ruce. Hráči si nabízí karty v kruhu a tvoří stejné dvojice. Prohraje ten, komu zůstane v ruce Černý Petr. Obsah balení: 25 karet v papírové krabičce
29 Kč
Univerzální 4 dílná sada trychtýřů pro přelévání kapalin. Jendotlivé kusy jsou opatřeny očkem pro možnost zavěšení a jsou rozměrově odstupňovány pro nejrůznější použití. V sadě jsou trychtýře o průměrech 52 - 118 mm s celkovou výškou 80 - 150 mm. Celkový průměr Průměr hrdla (min - max) Výška 118 mm 14,5 - 21,5 mm 150 mm 95 mm 10,5 - 18 mm 135 mm 75 mm 9 - 15 mm 100 mm 52 mm 8 - 12,5 mm 80 mm
28 Kč
Mini domino se zvířátky a geometrickými tvary. Skvělá cestovní hra pro rodiče i pro děti. Balení obsahuje: 28 kartiček (6 x 3 cm). GOKI patří mezi nejvýznamnější evropské výrobce hraček s vysokou pedagogickou a didaktickou kvalitou. Firma klade důraz na bezpečnost hraček, jejich zdravotní nezávadnost a dbá na obnovitelné zdroje. Dřevo je bráno tam, kde může dorůstat. Používané dřeviny jsou javor, buk, ořech, lípa, jasan, borovice, bříza a gumovník. Barvy a laky pocházejí od menších výrobců.
27 Kč
Mini pexeso se zvířátky a geometrickými tvary. Skvělá hra pro cvičení paměti pro rodiče i pro děti. Balení obsahuje: 32 kartiček (3,5 x 3,5 cm). GOKI patří mezi nejvýznamnější evropské výrobce hraček s vysokou pedagogickou a didaktickou kvalitou. Firma klade důraz na bezpečnost hraček, jejich zdravotní nezávadnost a dbá na obnovitelné zdroje. Dřevo je bráno tam, kde může dorůstat. Používané dřeviny jsou javor, buk, ořech, lípa, jasan, borovice, bříza a gumovník. Barvy a laky pocházejí od menších výrobců.
27 Kč
Nese, poleno, sen, nos, ten, lán, pán, nám… Ota mele maso. Alena sype sůl. Jana myje mísu. V tomto pracovním sešitě najdou rodiče prvňáčků praktická cvičení zaměřená na procvičování psaní slov a vět. Na každé z 32 linkovaných stran se dvěma pomocnými linkami jsou vždy tři cvičení k opisování a ke zdokonalení psaní všech písmenek abecedy. Počet stran: 30 Vazba: Paperback ISBN: 978-80-256-1193-7
25 Kč
Obdélníková dóza Curver Snap Box 0,25 l snadno uchová jakékoli potraviny. Jednoduché uzavírání a otevírání boxu usnadní 1 klip na víku. Uložené potraviny jsou chráněny před vnějšími nežádoucími vlivy. Dáváte dětem na svačinu něco malého, nebo vy sami nosíte k obědu do práce nějaký pamlsek? Tento praktický malý box velmi dobře poslouží. Potraviny se během cesty nevysypou díky víku. Údržba boxu je snadná. Umyjete je ručně či v myčce na nádobí. Hlavní přednosti Vhodné pro použití v lednici Průhledné víko s 1 klipem Chrání uložený obsah před vnějšími vlivy Lze mýt v myčce na nádobí Specifikace Značka: Curver Model: Snap Box Určení: box Objem: 0,25 l Tvar: obdélník Rozmezí teplot: 0 až 80 °C Barva: čirá Materiál: plast Hmotnost: 0,033 kg Rozměry (š x v x h): 12 x 4 x 8,9 cm Obsah balení 1x Dóza Curver Snap Box 0,25 l
16 Kč
Návyková zábava pro šikovné prstíky! Posunovací puzzle nebo-li přesouvačka je skvělá logická hra pro všechny bez rozdílu věku. 9 stejně velkých dílků s částmi zvířátka je třeba postupně libovolným směrem seřadit tak, aby vzniklo zvířátko jednotlivé dílky se nesmí během hry vyjmout z krabičky způsob řazení můžete libovolně měnit nebo můžete hrát na čas POZNÁMKA: Balení obsahuje 1ks hlavolamu. Obrázek je pouze ilustrativní. Motiv a barevné provedení dodáváme dle skladové zásoby.
14 Kč
Sháníte praktické úložné místo na vaši zahradu, do pergoly nebo na balkon? Zahradní box Prosperplast BOARDEBOX o objemu 280 l vám poskytne mnoho místa pro uschování vašich věcí. Uložíte do něj své náčiní k pěstování, dílenské nářadí, venkovní hračky pro děti nebo třeba sportovní potřeby. V horní části se nachází víko, kterým uzavřete předměty do boxu. Madla na stranách vám usnadní manipulaci. Hlavní přednosti Praktické úložné místo na zahradu, na balkon nebo do pergoly Dostatek místa pro vaše věci – objem 280 l Jednoduchá montáž bez použití nářadí Hezký design Montáž bez nářadí Montáž zahradního boxu Prosperplast je jednoduchá. Nepotřebujete k tomu totiž žádné náčiní. Postupujete podle návodu. Jednotlivé díly do sebe zasunete a zacvaknete je. Během chvilky máte sestavený box připravený k okamžitému použití. Specifikace Značka: Prosperplast Model: BOARDEBOX Určení: zahradní box Objem: 280 l Barva: antracit Materiál: plast Hmotnost: 4914 g Rozměry: 116 x 55 x 43,3 cm Obsah balení 1x zahradní box
844 Kč
The night lamp with an air humidifier function presents an extremely creative design that combines elegance and functionality. This is a unique gadget whose originality stands out from traditional devices of this type. The resin model of an astronaut "catching a star" is not only a practical addition, but also an artistic decoration of any interior. A lamp designed for multiple uses can be used as a decoration, an aroma diffuser, an air humidifier and a night lamp. This combination of functions makes it an ideal choice for people who value practical and aesthetic solutions. It introduces a pleasant atmosphere into the room and helps maintain the appropriate level of humidity, which is especially important during the heating season or in air-conditioned spaces. The included USB cable, approximately 100 cm long, allows you to easily charge the device, and the wooden frame adds a natural character to the whole. Such a lamp will be a beautiful and practical element on a desk, bedside table or in a child's room, at the same time inspiring dreams of space adventures. Specification: Dimensions: 13 x 13 x 28 cm Material: resin Weight: 390 g Features: Decoration Aroma diffuser Air humidifier Night lamp Accessories: USB charging cable (approx. 100 cm long) Wooden frame
611 Kč
A night lamp is an elegant and stylish addition to any interior, which combines the functionality of lighting with an extraordinary artistic form. It was made with attention to the smallest details, which makes it not only a source of light, but also a unique decorative element. The gold-colored lamp is available in various variants, allowing you to adjust its appearance to your personal preferences and space needs. You can choose between standing, sitting in various poses and climbing figures, which allows you to create a unique arrangement. The practical use of the lamp is also emphasized by the use of a touch switch and the possibility of charging via USB, which adds modernity and comfort of use. The material from which the lamp is made is resin, which ensures its durability and strength. The lamp emits light in three colors with the possibility of smooth brightness adjustment, and the color temperature range is from 2700 to 6500K (color: warm / cold / natural), which allows you to adjust the lighting to the current mood and activity. All variants of this lamp are available: here. Specification: Lighting type: LED Color temperature: 2700-6500K Light effect: three colors with infinite adjustment: warm, cold, natural Color: gold Material: resin Dimensions: 9-15 x 16-17 cm (depending on the pattern) Control: touch switch Charging: USB Input voltage: 5V
520 Kč
A night lamp is an elegant and stylish addition to any interior, which combines the functionality of lighting with an extraordinary artistic form. It was made with attention to the smallest details, which makes it not only a source of light, but also a unique decorative element. The gold-colored lamp is available in various variants, allowing you to adjust its appearance to your personal preferences and space needs. You can choose between standing, sitting in various poses and climbing figures, which allows you to create a unique arrangement. The practical use of the lamp is also emphasized by the use of a touch switch and the possibility of charging via USB, which adds modernity and comfort of use. The material from which the lamp is made is resin, which ensures its durability and strength. The lamp emits light in three colors with the possibility of smooth brightness adjustment, and the color temperature range is from 2700 to 6500K (color: warm / cold / natural), which allows you to adjust the lighting to the current mood and activity. All variants of this lamp are available: here. Specification: Lighting type: LED Color temperature: 2700-6500K Light effect: three colors with infinite adjustment: warm, cold, natural Color: gold Material: resin Dimensions: 9-15 x 16-17 cm (depending on the pattern) Control: touch switch Charging: USB Input voltage: 5V
520 Kč
A night lamp is an elegant and stylish addition to any interior, which combines the functionality of lighting with an extraordinary artistic form. It was made with attention to the smallest details, which makes it not only a source of light, but also a unique decorative element. The gold-colored lamp is available in various variants, allowing you to adjust its appearance to your personal preferences and space needs. You can choose between standing, sitting in various poses and climbing figures, which allows you to create a unique arrangement. The practical use of the lamp is also emphasized by the use of a touch switch and the possibility of charging via USB, which adds modernity and comfort of use. The material from which the lamp is made is resin, which ensures its durability and strength. The lamp emits light in three colors with the possibility of smooth brightness adjustment, and the color temperature range is from 2700 to 6500K (color: warm / cold / natural), which allows you to adjust the lighting to the current mood and activity. All variants of this lamp are available: here. Specification: Lighting type: LED Color temperature: 2700-6500K Light effect: three colors with infinite adjustment: warm, cold, natural Color: gold Material: resin Dimensions: 9-15 x 16-17 cm (depending on the pattern) Control: touch switch Charging: USB Input voltage: 5V
520 Kč
A night lamp is an elegant and stylish addition to any interior, which combines the functionality of lighting with an extraordinary artistic form. It was made with attention to the smallest details, which makes it not only a source of light, but also a unique decorative element. The gold-colored lamp is available in various variants, allowing you to adjust its appearance to your personal preferences and space needs. You can choose between standing, sitting in various poses and climbing figures, which allows you to create a unique arrangement. The practical use of the lamp is also emphasized by the use of a touch switch and the possibility of charging via USB, which adds modernity and comfort of use. The material from which the lamp is made is resin, which ensures its durability and strength. The lamp emits light in three colors with the possibility of smooth brightness adjustment, and the color temperature range is from 2700 to 6500K (color: warm / cold / natural), which allows you to adjust the lighting to the current mood and activity. All variants of this lamp are available: here. Specification: Lighting type: LED Color temperature: 2700-6500K Light effect: three colors with infinite adjustment: warm, cold, natural Color: gold Material: resin Dimensions: 9-15 x 16-17 cm (depending on the pattern) Control: touch switch Charging: USB Input voltage: 5V
520 Kč
A night lamp is an elegant and stylish addition to any interior, which combines the functionality of lighting with an extraordinary artistic form. It was made with attention to the smallest details, which makes it not only a source of light, but also a unique decorative element. The gold-colored lamp is available in various variants, allowing you to adjust its appearance to your personal preferences and space needs. You can choose between standing, sitting in various poses and climbing figures, which allows you to create a unique arrangement. The practical use of the lamp is also emphasized by the use of a touch switch and the possibility of charging via USB, which adds modernity and comfort of use. The material from which the lamp is made is resin, which ensures its durability and strength. The lamp emits light in three colors with the possibility of smooth brightness adjustment, and the color temperature range is from 2700 to 6500K (color: warm / cold / natural), which allows you to adjust the lighting to the current mood and activity. All variants of this lamp are available: here. Specification: Lighting type: LED Color temperature: 2700-6500K Light effect: three colors with infinite adjustment: warm, cold, natural Color: gold Material: resin Dimensions: 9-15 x 16-17 cm (depending on the pattern) Control: touch switch Charging: USB Input voltage: 5V
520 Kč
A night lamp is an elegant and stylish addition to any interior, which combines the functionality of lighting with an extraordinary artistic form. It was made with attention to the smallest details, which makes it not only a source of light, but also a unique decorative element. The gold-colored lamp is available in various variants, allowing you to adjust its appearance to your personal preferences and space needs. You can choose between standing, sitting in various poses and climbing figures, which allows you to create a unique arrangement. The practical use of the lamp is also emphasized by the use of a touch switch and the possibility of charging via USB, which adds modernity and comfort of use. The material from which the lamp is made is resin, which ensures its durability and strength. The lamp emits light in three colors with the possibility of smooth brightness adjustment, and the color temperature range is from 2700 to 6500K (color: warm / cold / natural), which allows you to adjust the lighting to the current mood and activity. All variants of this lamp are available: here. Specification: Lighting type: LED Color temperature: 2700-6500K Light effect: three colors with infinite adjustment: warm, cold, natural Color: gold Material: resin Dimensions: 9-15 x 16-17 cm (depending on the pattern) Control: touch switch Charging: USB Input voltage: 5V
520 Kč
A night lamp is an elegant and stylish addition to any interior, which combines the functionality of lighting with an extraordinary artistic form. It was made with attention to the smallest details, which makes it not only a source of light, but also a unique decorative element. The gold-colored lamp is available in various variants, allowing you to adjust its appearance to your personal preferences and space needs. You can choose between standing, sitting in various poses and climbing figures, which allows you to create a unique arrangement. The practical use of the lamp is also emphasized by the use of a touch switch and the possibility of charging via USB, which adds modernity and comfort of use. The material from which the lamp is made is resin, which ensures its durability and strength. The lamp emits light in three colors with the possibility of smooth brightness adjustment, and the color temperature range is from 2700 to 6500K (color: warm / cold / natural), which allows you to adjust the lighting to the current mood and activity. All variants of this lamp are available: here. Specification: Lighting type: LED Color temperature: 2700-6500K Light effect: three colors with infinite adjustment: warm, cold, natural Color: gold Material: resin Dimensions: 9-15 x 16-17 cm (depending on the pattern) Control: touch switch Charging: USB Input voltage: 5V
520 Kč
A night lamp is an elegant and stylish addition to any interior, which combines the functionality of lighting with an extraordinary artistic form. It was made with attention to the smallest details, which makes it not only a source of light, but also a unique decorative element. The gold-colored lamp is available in various variants, allowing you to adjust its appearance to your personal preferences and space needs. You can choose between standing, sitting in various poses and climbing figures, which allows you to create a unique arrangement. The practical use of the lamp is also emphasized by the use of a touch switch and the possibility of charging via USB, which adds modernity and comfort of use. The material from which the lamp is made is resin, which ensures its durability and strength. The lamp emits light in three colors with the possibility of smooth brightness adjustment, and the color temperature range is from 2700 to 6500K (color: warm / cold / natural), which allows you to adjust the lighting to the current mood and activity. All variants of this lamp are available: here. Specification: Lighting type: LED Color temperature: 2700-6500K Light effect: three colors with infinite adjustment: warm, cold, natural Color: gold Material: resin Dimensions: 9-15 x 16-17 cm (depending on the pattern) Control: touch switch Charging: USB Input voltage: 5V
499 Kč
A night lamp is an elegant and stylish addition to any interior, which combines the functionality of lighting with an extraordinary artistic form. It was made with attention to the smallest details, which makes it not only a source of light, but also a unique decorative element. The gold-colored lamp is available in various variants, allowing you to adjust its appearance to your personal preferences and space needs. You can choose between standing, sitting in various poses and climbing figures, which allows you to create a unique arrangement. The practical use of the lamp is also emphasized by the use of a touch switch and the possibility of charging via USB, which adds modernity and comfort of use. The material from which the lamp is made is resin, which ensures its durability and strength. The lamp emits light in three colors with the possibility of smooth brightness adjustment, and the color temperature range is from 2700 to 6500K (color: warm / cold / natural), which allows you to adjust the lighting to the current mood and activity. All variants of this lamp are available: here. Specification: Lighting type: LED Color temperature: 2700-6500K Light effect: three colors with infinite adjustment: warm, cold, natural Color: gold Material: resin Dimensions: 9-15 x 16-17 cm (depending on the pattern) Control: touch switch Charging: USB Input voltage: 5V
499 Kč
A bedside lamp with feathers is an extraordinary addition that will add an element of luxury and warm, soft light to every bedroom. It not only offers functionality, but is also a beautiful decorative element that will attract attention with its unique appearance. The body of the lamp is made of delicate feathers, metal and wood, which creates a unique composition of natural and durable materials. The 3500K light color provides soft, warm white lighting, perfect for creating a cozy atmosphere conducive to relaxation before bed. The lamp is designed to operate in a wide input voltage range from 110V to 240V, making it suitable for use in various parts of the world. High light efficiency of 110 lm/w and a high color rendering index (Ra) of 90 guarantee excellent light quality that faithfully reproduces colors. The dimensions of the lamp make it large enough to be a central decorative point, yet compact enough to fit on most bedside tables. Specification: Material: ball + metal + wood Color temperature (CCT): 3500K (soft, warm white light) Input voltage: 110-240V Light efficiency: 110 lm/w Color rendering index (Ra): 90 Power supply: mains Dimensions: 43 x 30 cm Light bulb included: yes, LED
499 Kč