EMOS LED FLM A60 3,4W(40W) 470lm E27 NW, 1525733497
skladem eshop

EMOS LED FLM A60 3,4W(40W) 470lm E27 NW

64 Kč

EMOS LED FLM A60 5,9W(60W) 806lm E27 WW, 1525743204
skladem eshop

EMOS LED FLM A60 5,9W(60W) 806lm E27 WW

64 Kč

EMOS LED FLM A60 5,9W(60W) 806lm E27 NW, 1525733498
skladem eshop

EMOS LED FLM A60 5,9W(60W) 806lm E27 NW

64 Kč

EMOS LED FLM CANDLE 5,9W(60W) 806lm E14 WW, 1525731250
skladem eshop

EMOS LED FLM CANDLE 5,9W(60W) 806lm E14 WW

64 Kč

EMOS LED FLM CANDLE 5,9W(60W) 806lm E14 NW, 1525731447
skladem eshop

EMOS LED FLM CANDLE 5,9W(60W) 806lm E14 NW

64 Kč

EMOS LED FLM MINI GL 5,9W(60W) 806lm E14 WW, 1525731253
skladem eshop

EMOS LED FLM MINI GL 5,9W(60W) 806lm E14 WW

64 Kč

EMOS LED FLM MINI GL 5,9W(60W) 806lm E27 WW, 1525743211
skladem eshop

EMOS LED FLM MINI GL 5,9W(60W) 806lm E27 WW

64 Kč

EMOS LED FLM MINI GL 5,9W(60W) 806lm E27 NW, 1525743404
skladem eshop

EMOS LED FLM MINI GL 5,9W(60W) 806lm E27 NW

64 Kč

EMOS LED CLS CANDLE 6,5W(60W) 806lm E14 WW, 1525731238
skladem eshop

EMOS LED CLS CANDLE 6,5W(60W) 806lm E14 WW

59 Kč

EMOS LED CLS CANDLE 6,5W(60W) 806lm E14 NW, 1525731437
skladem eshop

EMOS LED CLS CANDLE 6,5W(60W) 806lm E14 NW

59 Kč

EMOS LED CLS CANDLE 6,5W(60W) 806lm E14 CW, 1525731111
skladem eshop

EMOS LED CLS CANDLE 6,5W(60W) 806lm E14 CW

59 Kč

Tescoma Naběračka na med WOODY 18 cm   637394.00
skladem eshop

Vynikající k nabírání medu bez nežádoucího odkapávání. Vyrobeno z kvalitního březového dřeva, nemyjte v myčce. 3 roky záruka.

59 Kč

EMOS LED FLM CANDLE 1,8W(25W) 250lm E14 WW, 1525731248
skladem eshop

EMOS LED FLM CANDLE 1,8W(25W) 250lm E14 WW

56 Kč

EMOS LED FLM CANDLE 1,8W(25W) 250lm E14 NW, 1525731445
skladem eshop

EMOS LED FLM CANDLE 1,8W(25W) 250lm E14 NW

56 Kč

EMOS LED FLM MINI GL 1,8W(25W) 250lm E14 NW, 1525731448
skladem eshop

EMOS LED FLM MINI GL 1,8W(25W) 250lm E14 NW

56 Kč

EMOS LED FLM CANDLE 3,4W(40W) 470lm E14 NW, 1525731446
skladem eshop

EMOS LED FLM CANDLE 3,4W(40W) 470lm E14 NW

56 Kč

EMOS LED FLM MINI GL 3,4W(40W) 470lm E14 NW, 1525731449
skladem eshop

EMOS LED FLM MINI GL 3,4W(40W) 470lm E14 NW

56 Kč

EMOS LED FLM MINI GL 1,8W(25W) 250lm E27 WW, 1525743209
skladem eshop

EMOS LED FLM MINI GL 1,8W(25W) 250lm E27 WW

56 Kč

EMOS LED FLM MINI GL 1,8W(25W) 250lm E27 NW, 1525743402
skladem eshop

EMOS LED FLM MINI GL 1,8W(25W) 250lm E27 NW

56 Kč

EMOS LED FLM MINI GL 3,4W(40W) 470lm E27 WW, 1525743210
skladem eshop

EMOS LED FLM MINI GL 3,4W(40W) 470lm E27 WW

56 Kč

EMOS LED FLM MINI GL 3,4W(40W) 470lm E27 NW, 1525743403
skladem eshop

EMOS LED FLM MINI GL 3,4W(40W) 470lm E27 NW

56 Kč

EMOS LED CLS A60 9,5W(75W) 1055lm E27 WW, 1525733280
skladem eshop

EMOS LED CLS A60 9,5W(75W) 1055lm E27 WW

52 Kč

EMOS LED CLS A60 9,5W(75W) 1055lm E27 NW, 1525733473
skladem eshop

EMOS LED CLS A60 9,5W(75W) 1055lm E27 NW

52 Kč

EMOS LED CLS A60 9,5W(75W) 1055lm E27 CW, 1525733122
skladem eshop

EMOS LED CLS A60 9,5W(75W) 1055lm E27 CW

52 Kč

EMOS LED CLS A60 4W(40W) 470lm E27 WW, 1525733277
skladem eshop

EMOS LED CLS A60 4W(40W) 470lm E27 WW

44 Kč

EMOS LED CLS A60 4W(40W) 470lm E27 NW, 1525733470
skladem eshop

EMOS LED CLS A60 4W(40W) 470lm E27 NW

44 Kč

EMOS LED CLS A60 5,8W(50W) 645lm E27 WW, 1525733278
skladem eshop

EMOS LED CLS A60 5,8W(50W) 645lm E27 WW

44 Kč

EMOS LED CLS A60 5,8W(50W) 645lm E27 NW, 1525733471
skladem eshop

EMOS LED CLS A60 5,8W(50W) 645lm E27 NW

44 Kč

EMOS LED CLS A60 7W(60W) 806lm E27 WW, 1525733279
skladem eshop

EMOS LED CLS A60 7W(60W) 806lm E27 WW

44 Kč

EMOS LED CLS A60 7W(60W) 806lm E27 NW, 1525733472
skladem eshop

EMOS LED CLS A60 7W(60W) 806lm E27 NW

44 Kč

EMOS LED CLS A60 7W(60W) 806lm E27 CW, 1525733121
skladem eshop

EMOS LED CLS A60 7W(60W) 806lm E27 CW

44 Kč

EMOS LED CLS CANDLE 4,2W(40W) 470lm E14 WW, 1525731236
skladem eshop

EMOS LED CLS CANDLE 4,2W(40W) 470lm E14 WW

44 Kč

EMOS LED CLS CANDLE 4,2W(40W) 470lm E14 NW, 1525731435
skladem eshop

EMOS LED CLS CANDLE 4,2W(40W) 470lm E14 NW

44 Kč

EMOS LED CLS CANDLE 4,2W(40W) 470lm E14 CW, 1525731110
skladem eshop

EMOS LED CLS CANDLE 4,2W(40W) 470lm E14 CW

44 Kč

EMOS LED CLS CANDLE 2,5W(32W) 350lm E14 WW, 1525731226
skladem eshop

EMOS LED CLS CANDLE 2,5W(32W) 350lm E14 WW

36 Kč

EMOS LED CLS CANDLE 2,5W(32W) 350lm E14 NW, 1525731425
skladem eshop

EMOS LED CLS CANDLE 2,5W(32W) 350lm E14 NW

36 Kč

WSLRGBH Master Audio LED pás 13-8-1007, 5m, 12V, barevné
do 3 dnů

5m dlouhý LED pás. Barevný RGB, 300 LED diod, interiérový IP20, samolepicí.Napájecí napětí: 12V DCStřihatelný po 3 LED diodáchPracovní teplota: -30° - + 60°Šířka pásu: 10 mm

734 Kč

NEON500-BLUE IBIZA LED pás 13-8-1009
do 3 dnů

Představujeme vám flexibilní silikonový světelný pásek, který vám umožní vytvořit útulnou atmosféru ve vašem obývacím pokoji, ložnici, kuchyni nebo zvýraznit různé předměty, nábytek a okolí oken. Tento 5m dlouhý LED pás nabízí nekonečné možnosti pro kreativní osvětlení a dekoraci.Díky krytí IP65 je tento světelný pásek ideální i pro venkovní použití, a to bez obav z nepřízně počasí. Silikonové pouzdro zajišťuje rovnoměrné osvětlení LED pásku a je vysoce flexibilní, což umožňuje vytváření různých osvětlených tvarů, jako jsou loga, písmena, slova a další. V každém metru délky se nachází 120 LED diod, což zajišťuje výraznou a jasnou světelnost.Pásek lze snadno odříznout každých 2,5cm na požadovanou délku, což vám umožní přizpůsobit osvětlení podle konkrétních rozměrů vašeho prostoru. Je důležité však poznamenat, že po odříznutí pásku již není vodotěsný. Balení obsahuje 10 montážních spon pro snadnou instalaci a 12V napájecí zdroj.S napájením 12V DC 3A, rozměry pásku 5000x12x6 mm, svítivostí 22-24 lm a vlnovou délkou světla 460-465nm se jedná o všestranný a efektivní způsob, jak přidat osobitý šmrnc do vašeho prostoru. Pusťte svou kreativitu na špacír a vytvořte si vlastní dekorativní osvětlení s tímto flexibilním LED světelným páskem.

612 Kč

NEON500-CW IBIZA LED pás 13-8-1011
do 3 dnů

Představujeme vám flexibilní silikonový světelný pásek, který přináší do vašeho obývacího pokoje, ložnice, kuchyně a dalších prostor útulnou atmosféru. Tento inovativní LED pásek o délce 5 metrů vám umožní oživit své nápady a vytvořit si vlastní dekorativní osvětlení nebo neonový nápis.Díky krytí IP65 je tento světelný pásek ideální i pro venkovní použití, což vám umožňuje rozšířit kouzlo osvětlení i do okolí zahrady nebo terasy. Silikonové pouzdro zajišťuje rovnoměrné osvětlení LED pásku, a jeho vysoká flexibilita vám umožní tvořit osvětlené tvary, jako jsou loga, písmena nebo slova.V každém metru délky se nachází 120 LED diod, což poskytuje výraznou a jasnou světelnost. Pásek je možné odříznout každých 2,5 cm, což vám umožňuje přizpůsobit délku světelného pásku dle potřeby. Důležité upozornění: Po odříznutí pásku již není vodotěsný.Balení obsahuje 10 montážních spon pro jednoduchou instalaci a 12V napájecí zdroj. Pásek je napájen 12V DC 3A a jeho teplota (barva) světla je 6000 K. S touto kvalitní a všestrannou LED osvětlovací řešení můžete kreativně oživit každý kout vašeho domova nebo exteriéru.

612 Kč

NEON500-PINK IBIZA LED pás 13-8-1008
do 3 dnů

Představujeme vám inovativní flexibilní silikonový světelný pásek, který vám umožní vytvořit útulnou atmosféru ve vašem obývacím pokoji, ložnici, kuchyni a dalších prostorách. S tímto 5m dlouhým LED páskem můžete oživit své nápady a vytvořit si vlastní dekorativní osvětlení nebo dokonce vytvořit neonový nápis podle svého vkusu.Díky krytí IP65 je tento světelný pásek ideální i pro venkovní použití, umožňuje vám tedy rozšířit kouzlo osvětlení i do okolí vaší zahrady či terasy. Silikonové pouzdro zajišťuje rovnoměrné osvětlení LED pásku a vysoká flexibilita umožňuje vytvářet různé osvětlené tvary, včetně log, písmen a slov.V každém metru délky se nachází 120 LED diod, což zaručuje výraznou a jasnou světelnost. Pásek lze odříznout každých 2,5 cm, což umožňuje přizpůsobit délku světelného pásku podle konkrétních potřeb. Důležité upozornění: Po odříznutí pásku již není vodotěsný.Balení obsahuje 10 montážních spon pro jednoduchou instalaci a 12V napájecí zdroj. Světelný pásek je napájen 12V DC 3A, s vlnovou délkou světla (barva) 160-180nm a svítivostí 22-24 lm. S touto kvalitní a všestrannou LED osvětlovací řešení můžete kreativně oživit každý kout vašeho domova nebo exteriéru.

612 Kč

NEON500-WW IBIZA LED pás 13-8-1010
do 3 dnů

Představujeme vám inovativní flexibilní silikonový světelný pásek, který je ideální pro vytvoření útulné atmosféry ve vašem obývacím pokoji, ložnici, kuchyni a dalších prostorách. Tento 5m dlouhý LED pásek vám umožní oživit své nápady a vytvořit si vlastní dekorativní osvětlení nebo dokonce vytvořit neonový nápis podle vašeho vkusu.Díky krytí IP65 je tento světelný pásek perfektní i pro venkovní použití, umožňuje vám tedy rozšířit kouzlo osvětlení i do okolí vaší zahrady nebo terasy. Silikonové pouzdro zajišťuje rovnoměrné osvětlení LED pásku, a vysoká flexibilita umožňuje vytvářet různé osvětlené tvary, včetně log, písmen a slov.V každém metru délky se nachází 120 LED diod, což zaručuje výraznou a jasnou světelnost. Pásek lze odříznout každých 2,5 cm, což umožňuje přizpůsobit délku světelného pásku dle konkrétních potřeb. Důležité upozornění: Po odříznutí pásku již není vodotěsný.Balení obsahuje 10 montážních spon pro jednoduchou instalaci a 12V napájecí zdroj. Světelný pásek je napájen 12V DC 3A, s teplotou (barvou) světla 2700 K a svítivostí 22-24 lm. S touto kvalitní a všestrannou LED osvětlovací řešení můžete kreativně oživit každý kout vašeho domova nebo exteriéru.

612 Kč

BL25ESL Ibiza Light Žárovka 13-3-1071
do 3 dnů

Velmi výkonná žárovka na černé světlo, která vytváří zvláštní efekt na bílém oblečení a bílých předmětech. Žárovka 3U 25W E27 - 220-240V s nízkou spotřebou energie 90mA. Pasuje do standardních objímek E27 a je schválena VDE.

200 Kč

Herní židle Yenkee YGC 200BK FORSAGE YGC 200BK FORSAGE
do týdne

YENKEE YGC 200BK FORSAGE Herní židle / křeslo FORSAGE, Maximální komfort a variabilní nastavení, Odolná PU kůže a polstrování z tvarované pěny, Pevný kovový rám a stabilní pětiramenná základna

6 799 Kč

do týdne

YENKEE YGC 300RGB STARDUST Herní židle / křeslo, RGB podsvícení s dálkovým ovladačem, Odolná PU kůže a polstrování z tvarované pěny, Pevný kovový rám a stabilní pětiramenná základna

5 990 Kč

Kancelářská židle Yenkee YGC 500GY  FISHBONE YGC 500GY FISHBONE
do týdne

Kancelářská židle FISHBONE svou konstrukcí, výběrem materiálů a designem podporuje správné sezení, nabízí absolutní komfort a vizuálně zpříjemňuje vaše pracovní, studijní nebo herní prostředí.

5 499 Kč

Kancelářská židle Yenkee YGC 500BK FISHBONE YGC 500BK FISHBONE
do týdne

Kancelářská židle FISHBONE svou konstrukcí, výběrem materiálů a designem podporuje správné sezení, nabízí absolutní komfort a vizuálně zpříjemňuje vaše pracovní, studijní nebo herní prostředí.

5 490 Kč

Retlux RTL 203 50004531
do týdne

RETLUX RTL 203 LED stolní lampička s ambientním podvícením, hodinami, kalendářem, teploměrem, bezdrátovým nabíjením Qi a USB výstupem.

1 299 Kč

Retlux RTL 199 bílá 50003477
do týdne

RETLUX RTL 199 Atraktivní stolní lampa s funkcí bezdrátového (indukčního) dobíjení dle standardu Qi, USB výstup pro napájení prostřednitvím kabelu

1 099 Kč

Retlux RTL 205 Stolní LED lampa 50005182
do týdne

stolní lampička • spotřeba 5 W • možnost regulace teploty světla / plynulé stmívání / ambientní bílé a RGB podvícení • akumulátor 2 000 mAh • LED technologie • náklopná hlava

699 Kč

Moon table lamp / humidifier ASTRONAUT sitting Art Deco (model 5) AFSH 599220
do týdne

The night lamp with an air humidifier function presents an extremely creative design that combines elegance and functionality. This is a unique gadget whose originality stands out from traditional devices of this type. The resin model of an astronaut "catching a star" is not only a practical addition, but also an artistic decoration of any interior. A lamp designed for multiple uses can be used as a decoration, an aroma diffuser, an air humidifier and a night lamp. This combination of functions makes it an ideal choice for people who value practical and aesthetic solutions. It introduces a pleasant atmosphere into the room and helps maintain the appropriate level of humidity, which is especially important during the heating season or in air-conditioned spaces. The included USB cable, approximately 100 cm long, allows you to easily charge the device, and the wooden frame adds a natural character to the whole. Such a lamp will be a beautiful and practical element on a desk, bedside table or in a child's room, at the same time inspiring dreams of space adventures. Specification: Dimensions: 13 x 13 x 28 cm Material: resin Weight: 390 g Features: Decoration Aroma diffuser Air humidifier Night lamp Accessories: USB charging cable (approx. 100 cm long) Wooden frame

611 Kč

Table lamp bedside GOLD MAN Art Deco seat (version 2) MLTL 599218
do týdne

A night lamp is an elegant and stylish addition to any interior, which combines the functionality of lighting with an extraordinary artistic form. It was made with attention to the smallest details, which makes it not only a source of light, but also a unique decorative element. The gold-colored lamp is available in various variants, allowing you to adjust its appearance to your personal preferences and space needs. You can choose between standing, sitting in various poses and climbing figures, which allows you to create a unique arrangement. The practical use of the lamp is also emphasized by the use of a touch switch and the possibility of charging via USB, which adds modernity and comfort of use. The material from which the lamp is made is resin, which ensures its durability and strength. The lamp emits light in three colors with the possibility of smooth brightness adjustment, and the color temperature range is from 2700 to 6500K (color: warm / cold / natural), which allows you to adjust the lighting to the current mood and activity. All variants of this lamp are available: here. Specification: Lighting type: LED Color temperature: 2700-6500K Light effect: three colors with infinite adjustment: warm, cold, natural Color: gold Material: resin Dimensions: 9-15 x 16-17 cm (depending on the pattern) Control: touch switch Charging: USB Input voltage: 5V

520 Kč

Table lamp bedside GOLD MAN Art Deco standing (version 3) MLTL 599525
do týdne

A night lamp is an elegant and stylish addition to any interior, which combines the functionality of lighting with an extraordinary artistic form. It was made with attention to the smallest details, which makes it not only a source of light, but also a unique decorative element. The gold-colored lamp is available in various variants, allowing you to adjust its appearance to your personal preferences and space needs. You can choose between standing, sitting in various poses and climbing figures, which allows you to create a unique arrangement. The practical use of the lamp is also emphasized by the use of a touch switch and the possibility of charging via USB, which adds modernity and comfort of use. The material from which the lamp is made is resin, which ensures its durability and strength. The lamp emits light in three colors with the possibility of smooth brightness adjustment, and the color temperature range is from 2700 to 6500K (color: warm / cold / natural), which allows you to adjust the lighting to the current mood and activity. All variants of this lamp are available: here. Specification: Lighting type: LED Color temperature: 2700-6500K Light effect: three colors with infinite adjustment: warm, cold, natural Color: gold Material: resin Dimensions: 9-15 x 16-17 cm (depending on the pattern) Control: touch switch Charging: USB Input voltage: 5V

520 Kč

Table lamp bedside GOLD MAN Art Deco standing (version 1) MLTL 599526
do týdne

A night lamp is an elegant and stylish addition to any interior, which combines the functionality of lighting with an extraordinary artistic form. It was made with attention to the smallest details, which makes it not only a source of light, but also a unique decorative element. The gold-colored lamp is available in various variants, allowing you to adjust its appearance to your personal preferences and space needs. You can choose between standing, sitting in various poses and climbing figures, which allows you to create a unique arrangement. The practical use of the lamp is also emphasized by the use of a touch switch and the possibility of charging via USB, which adds modernity and comfort of use. The material from which the lamp is made is resin, which ensures its durability and strength. The lamp emits light in three colors with the possibility of smooth brightness adjustment, and the color temperature range is from 2700 to 6500K (color: warm / cold / natural), which allows you to adjust the lighting to the current mood and activity. All variants of this lamp are available: here. Specification: Lighting type: LED Color temperature: 2700-6500K Light effect: three colors with infinite adjustment: warm, cold, natural Color: gold Material: resin Dimensions: 9-15 x 16-17 cm (depending on the pattern) Control: touch switch Charging: USB Input voltage: 5V

520 Kč

Table lamp bedside GOLD MAN Art Deco seat (version 5) MLTL 599528
do týdne

A night lamp is an elegant and stylish addition to any interior, which combines the functionality of lighting with an extraordinary artistic form. It was made with attention to the smallest details, which makes it not only a source of light, but also a unique decorative element. The gold-colored lamp is available in various variants, allowing you to adjust its appearance to your personal preferences and space needs. You can choose between standing, sitting in various poses and climbing figures, which allows you to create a unique arrangement. The practical use of the lamp is also emphasized by the use of a touch switch and the possibility of charging via USB, which adds modernity and comfort of use. The material from which the lamp is made is resin, which ensures its durability and strength. The lamp emits light in three colors with the possibility of smooth brightness adjustment, and the color temperature range is from 2700 to 6500K (color: warm / cold / natural), which allows you to adjust the lighting to the current mood and activity. All variants of this lamp are available: here. Specification: Lighting type: LED Color temperature: 2700-6500K Light effect: three colors with infinite adjustment: warm, cold, natural Color: gold Material: resin Dimensions: 9-15 x 16-17 cm (depending on the pattern) Control: touch switch Charging: USB Input voltage: 5V

520 Kč

Table lamp bedside GOLD MAN Art Deco seat (version 4) MLTL 599529
do týdne

A night lamp is an elegant and stylish addition to any interior, which combines the functionality of lighting with an extraordinary artistic form. It was made with attention to the smallest details, which makes it not only a source of light, but also a unique decorative element. The gold-colored lamp is available in various variants, allowing you to adjust its appearance to your personal preferences and space needs. You can choose between standing, sitting in various poses and climbing figures, which allows you to create a unique arrangement. The practical use of the lamp is also emphasized by the use of a touch switch and the possibility of charging via USB, which adds modernity and comfort of use. The material from which the lamp is made is resin, which ensures its durability and strength. The lamp emits light in three colors with the possibility of smooth brightness adjustment, and the color temperature range is from 2700 to 6500K (color: warm / cold / natural), which allows you to adjust the lighting to the current mood and activity. All variants of this lamp are available: here. Specification: Lighting type: LED Color temperature: 2700-6500K Light effect: three colors with infinite adjustment: warm, cold, natural Color: gold Material: resin Dimensions: 9-15 x 16-17 cm (depending on the pattern) Control: touch switch Charging: USB Input voltage: 5V

520 Kč

Table lamp bedside GOLD MAN Art Deco seat (version 6) MLTL 599532
do týdne

A night lamp is an elegant and stylish addition to any interior, which combines the functionality of lighting with an extraordinary artistic form. It was made with attention to the smallest details, which makes it not only a source of light, but also a unique decorative element. The gold-colored lamp is available in various variants, allowing you to adjust its appearance to your personal preferences and space needs. You can choose between standing, sitting in various poses and climbing figures, which allows you to create a unique arrangement. The practical use of the lamp is also emphasized by the use of a touch switch and the possibility of charging via USB, which adds modernity and comfort of use. The material from which the lamp is made is resin, which ensures its durability and strength. The lamp emits light in three colors with the possibility of smooth brightness adjustment, and the color temperature range is from 2700 to 6500K (color: warm / cold / natural), which allows you to adjust the lighting to the current mood and activity. All variants of this lamp are available: here. Specification: Lighting type: LED Color temperature: 2700-6500K Light effect: three colors with infinite adjustment: warm, cold, natural Color: gold Material: resin Dimensions: 9-15 x 16-17 cm (depending on the pattern) Control: touch switch Charging: USB Input voltage: 5V

520 Kč

Table lamp bedside GOLD MAN Art Deco seat (version 7) MLTL 599534
do týdne

A night lamp is an elegant and stylish addition to any interior, which combines the functionality of lighting with an extraordinary artistic form. It was made with attention to the smallest details, which makes it not only a source of light, but also a unique decorative element. The gold-colored lamp is available in various variants, allowing you to adjust its appearance to your personal preferences and space needs. You can choose between standing, sitting in various poses and climbing figures, which allows you to create a unique arrangement. The practical use of the lamp is also emphasized by the use of a touch switch and the possibility of charging via USB, which adds modernity and comfort of use. The material from which the lamp is made is resin, which ensures its durability and strength. The lamp emits light in three colors with the possibility of smooth brightness adjustment, and the color temperature range is from 2700 to 6500K (color: warm / cold / natural), which allows you to adjust the lighting to the current mood and activity. All variants of this lamp are available: here. Specification: Lighting type: LED Color temperature: 2700-6500K Light effect: three colors with infinite adjustment: warm, cold, natural Color: gold Material: resin Dimensions: 9-15 x 16-17 cm (depending on the pattern) Control: touch switch Charging: USB Input voltage: 5V

499 Kč

Table lamp bedside GOLD MAN Art Deco standing (version 8) MLTL 599535
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A night lamp is an elegant and stylish addition to any interior, which combines the functionality of lighting with an extraordinary artistic form. It was made with attention to the smallest details, which makes it not only a source of light, but also a unique decorative element. The gold-colored lamp is available in various variants, allowing you to adjust its appearance to your personal preferences and space needs. You can choose between standing, sitting in various poses and climbing figures, which allows you to create a unique arrangement. The practical use of the lamp is also emphasized by the use of a touch switch and the possibility of charging via USB, which adds modernity and comfort of use. The material from which the lamp is made is resin, which ensures its durability and strength. The lamp emits light in three colors with the possibility of smooth brightness adjustment, and the color temperature range is from 2700 to 6500K (color: warm / cold / natural), which allows you to adjust the lighting to the current mood and activity. All variants of this lamp are available: here. Specification: Lighting type: LED Color temperature: 2700-6500K Light effect: three colors with infinite adjustment: warm, cold, natural Color: gold Material: resin Dimensions: 9-15 x 16-17 cm (depending on the pattern) Control: touch switch Charging: USB Input voltage: 5V

499 Kč

Table lamp bedside feather Art Deco red CBDPH 599216
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A bedside lamp with feathers is an extraordinary addition that will add an element of luxury and warm, soft light to every bedroom. It not only offers functionality, but is also a beautiful decorative element that will attract attention with its unique appearance. The body of the lamp is made of delicate feathers, metal and wood, which creates a unique composition of natural and durable materials. The 3500K light color provides soft, warm white lighting, perfect for creating a cozy atmosphere conducive to relaxation before bed. The lamp is designed to operate in a wide input voltage range from 110V to 240V, making it suitable for use in various parts of the world. High light efficiency of 110 lm/w and a high color rendering index (Ra) of 90 guarantee excellent light quality that faithfully reproduces colors. The dimensions of the lamp make it large enough to be a central decorative point, yet compact enough to fit on most bedside tables. Specification: Material: ball + metal + wood Color temperature (CCT): 3500K (soft, warm white light) Input voltage: 110-240V Light efficiency: 110 lm/w Color rendering index (Ra): 90 Power supply: mains Dimensions: 43 x 30 cm Light bulb included: yes, LED

499 Kč

Table lamp bedside feather Art Deco blue CBDPH 599217
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A bedside lamp with feathers is an extraordinary addition that will add an element of luxury and warm, soft light to every bedroom. It not only offers functionality, but is also a beautiful decorative element that will attract attention with its unique appearance. The body of the lamp is made of delicate feathers, metal and wood, which creates a unique composition of natural and durable materials. The 3500K light color provides soft, warm white lighting, perfect for creating a cozy atmosphere conducive to relaxation before bed. The lamp is designed to operate in a wide input voltage range from 110V to 240V, making it suitable for use in various parts of the world. High light efficiency of 110 lm/w and a high color rendering index (Ra) of 90 guarantee excellent light quality that faithfully reproduces colors. The dimensions of the lamp make it large enough to be a central decorative point, yet compact enough to fit on most bedside tables. Specification: Material: ball + metal + wood Color temperature (CCT): 3500K (soft, warm white light) Input voltage: 110-240V Light efficiency: 110 lm/w Color rendering index (Ra): 90 Power supply: mains Dimensions: 43 x 30 cm Light bulb included: yes, LED

499 Kč
