5D Tvrzená skla

Tactical Glass Shield 5D sklo pro Tecno Spark 20 Pro Black, 57983119908
do 3 dnů

Prémiové sklo Tactical Glass Shield 5D pro nejlepší ochranu displeje. Sklo chrání i zahnuté okraje displeje. Díky tomu je přilnutí k displeji telefonu perfektní a bez bublin. Tloušťka skla je 0,33mm, na displeji je tak prakticky nerozeznatelné, ale díky tvrdosti 9H dostatečně pevné a odolné, aby ochránilo displej telefonu při nechtěném pádu, nebo lehčími škrábanci. Tvrdost skla 9H označuje Mohova stupnice minerální tvrdosti. Pohybuje se od 1 do 10, kde 10 označuje tvrdost diamantu. Stupnice je reprezentována pouze čísly bez přípony "H". Přípona H znamená tvrdost graffitu. H tedy znamená, že ochranné sklo je tvrdší než tento druh grafitu. Sklo je navíc pokryto z výroby oleofobní úpravou, která zabraňuje ulpívání otisků prstů, velmi snadno se čistí a spolehlivě odpuzuje vodu. Po instalaci skla nedochází ke zhoršení dotykových vlastností displeje ani ke zkreslení barevného podání displeje. Součástí balení je alkoholový ubrousek pro vyčistění a odmaštění displeje, hadřík z mikrovlákna pro perfektní vyleštění před instalací a i následně při používání telefonu s již nalepeným sklem. NEODOLATELNĚ ODOLNÝ U nás v Tactical dbáme na to, aby věci něco vydržely a za kvalitou svých výrobků si stojíme!  Proto jsme v rámci nadstandartní péče Tactical schopni na tento produkt nabídnout DOŽIVOTNÍ ZÁRUKU. BE ECO My v Tactical máme rádi přírodu. Všechny naše produkty jsou balené do ECO krabiček z recyklovaného papíru tak, aby co nejméně zatěžovaly životní prostředí. Myslete takticky! Vlastnosti: - zahnuté okraje skla kryjí celý displej - sklo lepí pouze po okrajích - vyrobené na míru konkrétního modelu telefonu - vysoká odolnost proti poškrábání - tloušťka skla pouze 0,33mm - tvrdost skla je 9H - oleofobní úprava zabraňující zanechávání otisků prstů a pro snadné čištění - perfektní optické vlastnosti - nezkresluje obraz - neovlivňuje citlivost displeje na dotyk - vše potřebné k instalaci v balení - zakryje škrábance na displeji, telefon je pak zase jako nový - ekologické balení z recyklovaného papíru - doživotní záruka Obsah balení - tvrzené sklo Tactical - alkoholový ubrousek pro dokonalé vyčištění displeje - hadřík z mikrovlákna - samolepky pro pohodlnou instalaci skla Návod na nalepení skla Displej co nejpečlivěji očistěte přiloženým hadříkem namočeným v alkoholu. Po zaschnutí povrch displeje vyleštěte přiloženým hadříkem z mikrovlákna. Než přiložíte sklo na displej, ujistěte se, že na displeji nezůstaly žádné, byť sebemenší nečistoty, které by bránily dokonalému přilnutí skla. Věnujte pozornost i místům okolo sluchátka, kde se často drží prach a nečistoty, které by sklo znehodnotily. Sklo opatrně přiložte nad displej, tak aby se překrývaly přesně výřezy pro kameru, sluchátko nebo senzor přiblížení a aby sklo bylo na výšku i šířku perfektně vycentrované. Poté sklo přitiskněte na displej a od středu vytlačte vzduch do krajů.

12 Kč

Tactical Glass Shield 5D sklo pro Tecno Spark 20c Black, 57983119909
do 3 dnů

Prémiové sklo Tactical Glass Shield 5D pro nejlepší ochranu displeje. Sklo chrání i zahnuté okraje displeje. Díky tomu je přilnutí k displeji telefonu perfektní a bez bublin. Tloušťka skla je 0,33mm, na displeji je tak prakticky nerozeznatelné, ale díky tvrdosti 9H dostatečně pevné a odolné, aby ochránilo displej telefonu při nechtěném pádu, nebo lehčími škrábanci. Tvrdost skla 9H označuje Mohova stupnice minerální tvrdosti. Pohybuje se od 1 do 10, kde 10 označuje tvrdost diamantu. Stupnice je reprezentována pouze čísly bez přípony "H". Přípona H znamená tvrdost graffitu. H tedy znamená, že ochranné sklo je tvrdší než tento druh grafitu. Sklo je navíc pokryto z výroby oleofobní úpravou, která zabraňuje ulpívání otisků prstů, velmi snadno se čistí a spolehlivě odpuzuje vodu. Po instalaci skla nedochází ke zhoršení dotykových vlastností displeje ani ke zkreslení barevného podání displeje. Součástí balení je alkoholový ubrousek pro vyčistění a odmaštění displeje, hadřík z mikrovlákna pro perfektní vyleštění před instalací a i následně při používání telefonu s již nalepeným sklem. NEODOLATELNĚ ODOLNÝ U nás v Tactical dbáme na to, aby věci něco vydržely a za kvalitou svých výrobků si stojíme!  Proto jsme v rámci nadstandartní péče Tactical schopni na tento produkt nabídnout DOŽIVOTNÍ ZÁRUKU. BE ECO My v Tactical máme rádi přírodu. Všechny naše produkty jsou balené do ECO krabiček z recyklovaného papíru tak, aby co nejméně zatěžovaly životní prostředí. Myslete takticky! Vlastnosti: - zahnuté okraje skla kryjí celý displej - sklo lepí pouze po okrajích - vyrobené na míru konkrétního modelu telefonu - vysoká odolnost proti poškrábání - tloušťka skla pouze 0,33mm - tvrdost skla je 9H - oleofobní úprava zabraňující zanechávání otisků prstů a pro snadné čištění - perfektní optické vlastnosti - nezkresluje obraz - neovlivňuje citlivost displeje na dotyk - vše potřebné k instalaci v balení - zakryje škrábance na displeji, telefon je pak zase jako nový - ekologické balení z recyklovaného papíru - doživotní záruka Obsah balení - tvrzené sklo Tactical - alkoholový ubrousek pro dokonalé vyčištění displeje - hadřík z mikrovlákna - samolepky pro pohodlnou instalaci skla Návod na nalepení skla Displej co nejpečlivěji očistěte přiloženým hadříkem namočeným v alkoholu. Po zaschnutí povrch displeje vyleštěte přiloženým hadříkem z mikrovlákna. Než přiložíte sklo na displej, ujistěte se, že na displeji nezůstaly žádné, byť sebemenší nečistoty, které by bránily dokonalému přilnutí skla. Věnujte pozornost i místům okolo sluchátka, kde se často drží prach a nečistoty, které by sklo znehodnotily. Sklo opatrně přiložte nad displej, tak aby se překrývaly přesně výřezy pro kameru, sluchátko nebo senzor přiblížení a aby sklo bylo na výšku i šířku perfektně vycentrované. Poté sklo přitiskněte na displej a od středu vytlačte vzduch do krajů.

12 Kč

5D Mr. Monkey Glass - for Samsung Galaxy S22 black (Strong Lite) 450066
do týdne

Extremely easy to assemble tempered glass from Mr. Monkey Glass. The auto-stick technology and the thinnest design make the assembly easy, even for a novice user. As one of the few on the market, it prevents dust from accumulating around the frame. Glass covers the entire screen , including the curvature of the display. The glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. Thanks to the extremely low thickness (only 0.26 mm!), The glass is virtually imperceptible and pleasant to the touch, while guaranteeing 100% tactile value. Properties: Glue: On the entire surface Screen coverage: Covers the entire screen including the curvature of the display Material: 100% tempered glass Thickness: 0.26 mm Appearance: available with a black or white frame Oleophobic coating: yes Special features: Easy to install, prevents dirt around the frame, extremely thin design

255 Kč

5D Full Glue Tempered Glass - for Samsung Galaxy A53 5G black 448846
do týdne

Sklo pokrývá celou obrazovku a zajišťuje dokonalou přilnavost, nezanechává prostor pro hromadění nečistot nebo prachu. Sklo pokrývá celou obrazovku , včetně zakřivení displeje. Lepidlo na celém povrchu zajišťuje dokonalé přilnutí k obrazovce a nezanechává vzduchové bubliny . Oleofobní vrstva /B>průhlednost obrazovky a odolnost proti otiskům prstů a nečistotám. Vysoký faktor tvrdosti zabrání poškození a displej odolným proti poškrábání. Díky nízké tloušťce je sklo prakticky neznatelné a nezahušťuje telefon. Bezpečná instalace a používání díky zaobleným hranám. Vlastnosti : Lepidlo: Na celém povrchu Pokrytí obrazovky: pokrývá celou obrazovku včetně zakřivení displeje Materiál: hybrid tvrzeného skla a keramiky Tloušťka: 0,3 mm Vzhled: s černým rámem Oleofobní povlak: ano: plný lepicí povrch, perfektní přilnavost, snadná instalace V sadě - tvrzené sklo - vlhký hadřík - suchý hadřík

179 Kč

5D Full Glue Ceramic Glass - for Samsung Galaxy S20 black 442596
do týdne

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating  ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth

179 Kč

5D Full Glue Ceramic Glass - for Huawei P30 Pro black 442610
do týdne

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating  ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth

179 Kč

5D Full Glue Ceramic Glass - for Samsung Galaxy S20 FE black 442620
do týdne

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating  ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth

179 Kč

5D Full Glue Ceramic Glass - for Samsung Galaxy A32 5G black 442624
do týdne

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating  ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth

179 Kč

5D Full Glue Ceramic Glass - for Xiaomi Mi 11 Lite 4G / Mi 11 Lite 5G black 445063
do týdne

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating  ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth

179 Kč

5D Full Glue Ceramic Glass - for Samsung Galaxy S21 FE black 446683
do týdne

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating  ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth

179 Kč

5D Full Glue Ceramic Glass - for Xiaomi 12 / 12X / 12S black 581795
do týdne

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating  ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth

179 Kč

5D Full Glue Ceramic Glass - for Xiaomi 12 Lite black 581796
do týdne

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating  ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth

179 Kč

5D Full Glue Ceramic Glass - for Xiaomi Redmi 10C / 12C / 10 Power black 581801
do týdne

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating  ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth

179 Kč

5D Full Glue Ceramic Glass - for Samsung Galaxy A03 / A04 / A04e black 581802
do týdne

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating  ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth

179 Kč

5D Full Glue Ceramic Glass - for Samsung Galaxy A23 5G black 583842
do týdne

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating  ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth

179 Kč

5D Full Glue Tempered Glass - for Xiaomi Redmi 10C / 12C black 583017
do týdne

High quality tempered glass with full glue surface. Ultra-thin and imperceptible provides 100% transparency of the screen. High 9h-hardness factor guarantees appropriate protection. Perfectly matched high-hardened tempered glass extends the life of your device. Thanks to it, the screen is effectively protected against scratches providing at the same time comfort at work. Glass has glue on the whole surface so it perfectly adheres to the screen without leaving air bubbles. Ultra-thin formula provides the perfect transparency of the device screen, which retains the full touch features. In addition, the dedicated coating reduces the reflected effect on the finger screen. Specification:Glue: On the whole surfaceThickness: 0.3 mmMaterial: Tempered glassProtection level: Perfect thanks to the carving process* * Carving process consists in precisely molding the glass while reducing its thickness from 0.7 to 0.33mm. The glass is not only perfectly matched to the shape of the phone, but it also protects the edges and strengthens the screen.

179 Kč

5D Full Glue Tempered Glass - for Samsung Galaxy A52 5G / A52 LTE (4G) / A52s 5G black 442648
do týdne

High quality tempered glass with full glue surface. Ultra-thin and imperceptible provides 100% transparency of the screen. High 9h-hardness factor guarantees appropriate protection. Perfectly matched high-hardened tempered glass extends the life of your device. Thanks to it, the screen is effectively protected against scratches providing at the same time comfort at work. Glass has glue on the whole surface so it perfectly adheres to the screen without leaving air bubbles. Ultra-thin formula provides the perfect transparency of the device screen, which retains the full touch features. In addition, the dedicated coating reduces the reflected effect on the finger screen. Specification:Glue: On the whole surfaceThickness: 0.3 mmMaterial: Tempered glassProtection level: Perfect thanks to the carving process* * Carving process consists in precisely molding the glass while reducing its thickness from 0.7 to 0.33mm. The glass is not only perfectly matched to the shape of the phone, but it also protects the edges and strengthens the screen.

179 Kč

5D Full Glue Tempered Glass - for Xiaomi Redmi Note 12 Pro / 12 Pro + / 12 Explorer black 586249
do týdne

High quality tempered glass with full glue surface. Ultra-thin and imperceptible provides 100% transparency of the screen. High 9h-hardness factor guarantees appropriate protection. Perfectly matched high-hardened tempered glass extends the life of your device. Thanks to it, the screen is effectively protected against scratches providing at the same time comfort at work. Glass has glue on the whole surface so it perfectly adheres to the screen without leaving air bubbles. Ultra-thin formula provides the perfect transparency of the device screen, which retains the full touch features. In addition, the dedicated coating reduces the reflected effect on the finger screen. Specification:Glue: On the whole surfaceThickness: 0.3 mmMaterial: Tempered glassProtection level: Perfect thanks to the carving process* * Carving process consists in precisely molding the glass while reducing its thickness from 0.7 to 0.33mm. The glass is not only perfectly matched to the shape of the phone, but it also protects the edges and strengthens the screen.

179 Kč

5D Full Glue Tempered Glass - for Samsung Galaxy A24 5G / A25 5G black, 598187
do týdne

High quality tempered glass with full glue surface. Ultra-thin and imperceptible provides 100% transparency of the screen. High 9h-hardness factor guarantees appropriate protection. Perfectly matched high-hardened tempered glass extends the life of your device. Thanks to it, the screen is effectively protected against scratches providing at the same time comfort at work. Glass has glue on the whole surface so it perfectly adheres to the screen without leaving air bubbles. Ultra-thin formula provides the perfect transparency of the device screen, which retains the full touch features. In addition, the dedicated coating reduces the reflected effect on the finger screen. Specification:Glue: On the whole surfaceThickness: 0.3 mmMaterial: Tempered glassProtection level: Perfect thanks to the carving process* * Carving process consists in precisely molding the glass while reducing its thickness from 0.7 to 0.33mm. The glass is not only perfectly matched to the shape of the phone, but it also protects the edges and strengthens the screen.

179 Kč

5D Full Glue Tempered Glass - for Samsung Galaxy A40 black 438184
do týdne

High quality tempered glass with full glue surface. Ultra-thin and imperceptible provides 100% transparency of the screen. High 9h-hardness factor guarantees appropriate protection. Perfectly matched high-hardened tempered glass extends the life of your device. Thanks to it, the screen is effectively protected against scratches providing at the same time comfort at work. Glass has glue on the whole surface so it perfectly adheres to the screen without leaving air bubbles. Ultra-thin formula provides the perfect transparency of the device screen, which retains the full touch features. In addition, the dedicated coating reduces the reflected effect on the finger screen. Specification:Glue: On the whole surfaceThickness: 0.3 mmMaterial: Tempered glassProtection level: Perfect thanks to the carving process* * Carving process consists in precisely molding the glass while reducing its thickness from 0.7 to 0.33mm. The glass is not only perfectly matched to the shape of the phone, but it also protects the edges and strengthens the screen.

179 Kč

5D ochranné tvrzené sklo 9H Blue Star - Samsung A33 5G Full Face (full glue with frame/small size) - černá 106173
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Tvrzené sklo Blue Star 5D Full Glue je dokonalou ochranou displeje vašeho mobilního telefonu od horního okraje až po spodní. 5D technologie má za následek pokrytí celé obrazovky včetně zaoblení displeje. Velmi dobře přiléhá, takže není místo pro nečistoty a prach. Díky extrémně nízké tloušťce 0,3 mm je zcela nedetekovatelný a neviditelný. Poskytuje 100% hodnotu dotyku a svobodu použití. Sklo chrání displej před prasknutím, poškrábáním a poškozením. Oleofobní vrstva zajišťuje čistotu obrazovky a odolnost vůči otiskům prstů a nečistotám. Sklo obsahovalo prvky nutné pro vlastní montáž se speciálními nálepkami pro usnadnění správného umístění skla. Po aplikaci sklo dobře přilne k obrazovce, nezanechává žádné vzduchové bubliny a nelepivé složení usnadňuje zobrazení skla bez zanechání stop. Hrany skla jsou zaoblené - bezpečnost zaručena. Vlastnosti : Lepidlo : Celoplošně Tloušťka : 0,3 mm Materiál : Tvrzené sklo Úroveň ochrany : Vysoký Vzhled : Barevné prvky kompatibilní s modelem telefonu Sada obsahuje : - fólii - hadřík na odstranění prachu otření obrazovky odmaštění, - čisticí hadřík na odstranění vzduchové bubliny - sada samolepek pro přesné umístění skla na obrazovce

177 Kč

5D ochranné tvrzené sklo 9H Blue Star  - SAMSUNG A05s Full Face (full glue with frame/small size) - black Tempered Glass Blue Star, 603836
do týdne

Tempered glass Blue Star 5D Full Glue is a perfect protection of your mobile phone screen from the upper edge to bottom. 5D technology results in covering the whole screen, including the display rounding. It adjoins very well so there is not place for dirt and dust. Thanks to the extremely low thickness of 0.3 mm is completely undetectable and invisible. Provides 100% the value of touch and freedom of use. Glass protects the screen against cracks, scratches and damage. Oleophobic coating provides clarity of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. Glass included elements necessary for self-assembly with special stickers to facilitate proper placement of glass. After application, the glass adheres well to the screen, leaving no air bubbles and non-adhesive formulation facilitates image of glass without leaving a trace. The edges of the glass are rounded - safety guaranteed. Properties: Glue: On the whole surface Thickness: 0.3 mm Material: Tempered glass Protection level: High Appearance: Color elements compatible with the phone model The set includes: - film - cloth to remove dust wipe the screen degreasing, - cleaning cloth to remove air bubbles - set of stickers to enable precise positioning of the glass on the screen

177 Kč

5D ochranné tvrzené sklo 9H Blue Star  - SAMSUNG Galaxy S21 Full Face (full glue/small size) - black Tempered Glass Blue Star, 442430
do týdne

Tempered glass Blue Star 5D Full Glue is a perfect protection of your mobile phone screen from the upper edge to bottom. 5D technology results in covering the whole screen, including the display rounding. It adjoins very well so there is not place for dirt and dust. Thanks to the extremely low thickness of 0.3 mm is completely undetectable and invisible. Provides 100% the value of touch and freedom of use. Glass protects the screen against cracks, scratches and damage. Oleophobic coating provides clarity of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. Glass included elements necessary for self-assembly with special stickers to facilitate proper placement of glass. After application, the glass adheres well to the screen, leaving no air bubbles and non-adhesive formulation facilitates image of glass without leaving a trace. The edges of the glass are rounded - safety guaranteed. Properties: Glue: On the whole surface Thickness: 0.3 mm Material: Tempered glass Protection level: High Appearance: Color elements compatible with the phone model The set includes: - film - cloth to remove dust wipe the screen degreasing, - cleaning cloth to remove air bubbles - set of stickers to enable precise positioning of the glass on the screen

177 Kč
